The following documents should be sent as pre-application:
- Pre-application form
(Excel file with explanations how to fill; please, save the table in format not later Excel-1997-2003.)
You may fill this form or send the analogous information to organizers in arbitrary form.
The following documents should be prepared and sent for application:
- Application form
(Excel file with explanations how to fill; please, save the table in format not later Excel-1997-2003).
- Personal data
(Excel file with explanations how to fill; please, save the table in format not later Excel-1997-2003).
and passport scan with obligatory photo and signature
(please, save 300dpi resolution image in format *.jpg only, and not *.pdf, not *.bmp, not *.tif, etc.).
(For Russians see Russian version).
- Rules and Regulations for a participant of the Olympiad (similar to
those of the International Astronomy Olympiad)
that have to be translated into native languages of participants (if using Word, please,
save the translation in format not later Word-1997-2003), pay attention for changes
or additions and paragraphs from other documents coming during
last years (red and violet text):
(Now these "Rules and Regulations" are ready for translation.
All paragraphs of the text, including the technical ones, are the subject for translation.
Blue highlighted are quotes, that have to be transferred
to the translated text unchanged.)
- Team leaders have to inform all members of their teams with these rules and ensure in their
correct understanding.
Arrival and departure information should be sent in October or beginning of November:
Updated 08.08.2016.
The official APAO e-mail is a p a o [a] l i s t . r u .
The official Local XII APAO e-mail is i n f o [a] a p a o 2 0 1 6 . o r g .
Please, send the application documents to both of these addresses.