Decree of the Board
of the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society
"on Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad"
MoscowJune 1, 2005.
Having heard the report of Dr. M. G. Gavrilov, Chairman of the International
Astronomy Olympiad, "on Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad"
the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Board states the following:
1. To approve and ratify founding of the Asian-Pacific
Astronomy Olympiad (Russian spelling: Азиатско-Тихоокеанская астрономическая олимпиада) that was done on April 25, 2005 by the Chairman of the International
Astronomy Olympiad Dr. M.G.Gavrilov.
2. To ratify status of the Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad as a "daughter"
("affiliated") olympiad in system of the International
Astronomy Olympiad for the countries and parts of countries of Asia and Pacific regions.
3. To state that the Statutes/Regulations
of IAO with additions done by the Founding Chairman are used for APAO.
4. To appoint Dr. M. G. Gavrilov to the post of Founding Chairman
of the Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad.
5. To provide information about the International Astronomy Olympiad
according to the channels of Euro-Asian Astronomical Society.
6. To approve the first steps and promote holding of the
First Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad in Siberia
in December 2005.
Co-chairman of the EAAS
Prof. V. N. Obridko