The Supplementary Instructions N 8
Supplementary Instructions N 8 in Russian (not ready now)
Design of Diploma
The design of IAO-Diploma has academic (conservative) style.
The Diploma of the International Astronomy Olympiad
has to be organized and designed with the necessary details:
- Table consists of three rows.
- The first row consists of three cells.
- First cell – words “ÀÑÒÐÎÍÎÌÈ×ÅÑÊÎÅ ÎÁÙÅÑÒÂΔ written in two lines.
- Second cell – logo of EAAS - Galaxy, negative image.
- Third cell – words “EURO–ASIAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY” written in two lines.
- The second row consists of one cell, two lines.
- First line – words “Ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ àñòðîíîìè÷åñêàÿ îëèìïèàäà”.
- Second line – words “International Astronomy Olympiad”.
- Note: there is no number of the IAO here, it should be written in the body text.
- The third row consists of one cell, three lines.
- First line – word “Äèïëîì” (that means “Diploma” in Russian).
- Second line – roman symbols I, II or III according to the degree
of Diploma or nothing for Diploma of participation.
- First line – word “ñòåïåíè” (that means “degree” in Russian)
for I-II-III Diploma or “ó÷àñòíèêà” (that means “of participation”
in Russian) for Diploma of participation.
- Design of the words in the third row of the head see below.
- Colours of the text in the first and the third rows
(and the background in the second row) correspond to degree of Diploma:
I – blue (blue), II – red (crimson), III – green (green), participation – crimson (crimson).
- There should be a text in English with the name of the awarded student,
his or her team, explanation of awarding including the degree of Diploma and
the Number of the International Astronomy Olympiad like:
Adam Kohl
won the III-rd prize
in the X-th International Astronomy Olympiad
- Two signatures with the explanation of the statute of every person should be below.
- First signature is the signature of the Jury Chairman.
- Second signature is the signature of the Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the IAO.
In the case the Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the IAO is also the Jury Chairman,
the second signature is the signature of the Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee.
- Town-host of the current IAO and the date of closing ceremony should be written below the signatures.
- Table consists of two rows.
- The first row consists of three cells.
- First cell – logo of IAO – Bear with 7 stars of Big Dipper.
- Second cell is empty or filled by some information about organizing institutions.
- Third cell – the main part of logo of the current IAO or some picture connected with the IAO host.
- The second row consists of one line – place of the Olympiad written in Russian and English and year between.
- Colours of the text in the second line correspond to degree of Diploma.
The Diploma may have background correspond or/and some frame
around the main part that explained above.
The whole example of the Diploma is below.
Those who are interested to get further information about the
IAO-type events are welcome to
contact the Olympic Coordinating Council in English or Russian.
Also the Olympic Coordinating
Council will be glad to
receive your proposals.
Dr. Michael G. Gavrilov,
Founding Chairman of the International Astronomy Olympiad,
ISSP of Russ. Acad. Sci., Institute street 2, 142432 Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia.
URL: http://www.issp.ac.ru/iao/
e-mail: gavrilov@issp.ac.ru
fax: + 7 - (496-52)-28-160