Acting Statutes/Regulations
on the International Astronomy Olympiad
The first edition (ver. 1.0.) of
the Statutes/Regulations ratified by
the IV General Meeting of the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society
on November 29, 1997, Moscow.
The originals of the first edition of the
were written partly in English and partly in Russian.
The second edition (ver. 2.0.) of
the Statutes/Regulations
ratified by
the V General Meeting of the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society
on JENAM-2000 (May 27 - June 4, 2000, Moscow):
Joint Congress of the European Astronomical Society
and the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society.
On the congress JENAM-2000 the Statutes/Regulations
were ratified
with a remark "corrections to make English more literary are possible".
Please, send your
corrections and recommendations.
The edition 2.1. of
the Statutes/Regulations has been approved by
the General Meeting of the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society
on August 9, 2001, St.Petersburg.
The edition 2.1. made mostly taking
into account corrections made
by Holger Nielsen (Denmark) and moving some points from the
Supplementary Instructions to the main text of the
The edition 2.2. of
the Statutes/Regulations ratified by
the VI General Meeting of the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society
on May 30, 2002, Moscow.
The edition 2.2. concretizes some points which
were indistinct in the edition 2.1.
and gives more soft explanation about the "General Rehearsal of IAO".
According to resolution of the VIII EAAS Congress (June 1-6, 2005)
the current edition (ver. 2.3.) of the Statutes/Regulations has been adopted
(with a few remarks and additions) by the EAAS Board on June 5, 2005.
The edition 2.3. in general postulates finish of the
"initial period of the IAO",
defines rules more unique for all countries and concretizes some points
which were indistinct in the edition 2.2.
Some points from the Supplementary Instructions
have been moved to the main text of the Statutes/Regulations.
The next edition (ver. 2.4.) of
the Statutes/Regulations to be ratified by
the IX or X General Meeting of the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society
in 2007-2008.
The edition 2.4. of the Acting Statutes/Regulations
should devide the document into two ones:
the Statutes itself and the Regulations.