
The laboratory of electronic kinetics (LEK) was created in 1974 by Vsevolod Gantmakher, he was the head of laboratory up to 2000. During 2000 – 2014 the laboratory was directed by Mikhail Trunin, nowadays the head of LEK is Vadim Khrapai.
We study fundamental problems of low-temperature electronic transport including non-equilibrium electronic noise. It specifically includes:
- transport in low-dimensional 1D and 2D systems, topological insulators, normal and superconducting materials
- electron kinetics in high-temperature and organic superconductors
Wide spectrum of transport phenomena is studied: diffusive conductance, non-local transport, hopping conductance, Andreev reflection, etc. We are mostly interested in low-dimensional systems (nanowires and heterostructures, including topological insulators), high-temperature superconductor or organic superconductor high-quality monocrystals. The major experimental methods in our laboratory are shot noise measurements and noise thermometry along with standard resistance measurements at low temperatures and in high magnetic field, microwave impedance measurements, nonlinear microwave response measurements and dynamic magnetic susceptibility measurements.