V.S. Khrapai, K.E. Nagaev
Spin-orbit coupling and resonances in the conductance of quantum wires
Phys. Rev., B 98, Iss. 12., P. 121401 (2018)
S.V. Bakurskiy, Ya.V. Fominov, A.F. Shevchun, Y.Asano, Y.Tanaka, M.Yu. Kupriyanov, A.A. Golubov, M.R. Trunin,
H. Kashiwaya, S. Kashiwaya, and Y. Maeno
Local impedance on a rough surface of a chiral p-wave superconductor
Phys. Rev., B 98, 134508 (2018)
PDF (806 kB)
Piatrusha S.U., Ginzburg L.V., Tikhonov E.S., Shovkun D.V., Koblmüller G., Bubis A.V., Grebenko A.K.,
Nasibulin A.G., Khrapai V.S.
Noise insights into electronic transport JETP Letters, V.108, Iss. 1, p.71-72 (2018)
PDF (76 kB)
Tatiana G. Prokhorova, Eduard B. Yagubskii, Leokadiya V. Zorina, Sergey V. Simonov, Vladimir N. Zverev,
Rimma P. Shibaeva and Lev I. Buravov
Specific Structural Disorder in an Anion Layer and Its Influence on Conducting Properties of New Crystals of the (BEDT-TTF)4A+[M3+(ox)3]G Family, Where G Is 2-Halopyridine; MIs Cr, Ga; A+ Is [K0.8(H3O)0.2]+
Crystals, 8 (2), 92 (2018)
PDF (8.39 MB)
A. V. Frolov, A. P. Orlov, P. D. Grigoriev, V. N. Zverev, A. A. Sinchenkoa, and P. Monceau
Magnetoresistance of a Two-Dimensional TbTe3 Conductor in the Sliding Charge-Density Wave Regime
JETP Letters, 2018, Vol. 107, No. 8, pp. 488-492
PDF (1.22 MB)

V.S. Khrapai, K.E. Nagaev Current noise generated by spin imbalance in presence of spin relaxation
JETP Letters, Vol. 105, Iss. 1, p.18-20 (2017)
PDF (158 kB)
S.U. Piatrusha, V.S. Khrapai, Z.D. Kvon, N.N. Mikhailov, S.A. Dvoretsky, and E.S. Tikhonov
Edge states in lateral p-n junctions in inverted-band HgTe quantum wells
Phys. Rev., B 96, 245417 (2017) PDF
M.V. Kartsovnik, V.N. Zverev, W. Biberacher, S.V.Simonov, I.Sheikin, N.D. Kushch, and E.B. Yagubskii Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations and electronic correlations in the layered organic metal k-(BETS)2Mn[N(CN)2]3
Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 291-296 (2017) PDF (553 kB)
Yuri Shvachko, Denis Starichenko, Aleksander Korolyov, Alexander Kotov, Lev Buravov , Vladimir Zverev , Sergey Simonov, Leokadiya Zorina, Eduard Yagubskii
The Highly Conducting Spin-Crossover Compound Combining Fe(III) Cation Complex With TCNQ in a Fractional Reduction State. Synthesis, Structure
Magnetochemistry, Vol. 9, p. 3 (2017)
PDF (8.85 MB)
Natalia D. Kushch, Oleg M. Vyaselev, Vladimir N. Zverev, Werner Biberacher, Lev I. Buravov,
Eduard B. Yagubskii, Eberhardt Herdtweck, Enric Canadell, Mark V. Kartsovnik
New radical cation salt k-(BETS)2Co0.13Mn0.87[N(CN)2]3
with two magnetic metals: synthesis, structure, conductivity and magnetic peculiarities
Synthetic Metals, Vol. 227, p. 60 (2017)
PDF (1.67 MB)

E.S. Tikhonov, D.V . Shovkun, D. Ercolani etc. Noise thermometry applied to thermoelectric measurements in InAs nanowires
Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 31, Iss. 10, 104001 (2016) PDF (1.517 mB)
E.S. Tikhonov, D.V. Shovkun, D. Ercolani etc. Local noise in a diffusive conductor Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, 30621 (2016) PDF (932 kB)
E.S. Tikhonov, D.V. Shovkun, M. Snelder, M.P. Stehno, Y. Huang, M.S. Golden, A.A. Golubov, A. Brinkman, and V.S. Khrapai
Andreev Reflection in an s-Type Superconductor Proximized 3D Topological Insulator Phys. Rev. Lett., 117, 147001 (2016) PDF
N.A. Abdullaev, O.Z.Alekperov, Kh.V. Aligulieva, V.N. Zverev, A.M. Kerimova, N.T. Mamedov Weak antilocalization in thin films of the Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 solid solution Physics of the Solid State, Vol. 58, No. 9, pp. 1870-875 (2016) PDF (392 kB)
A.A. Sinchenko, P.D. Grigoriev, P. Monceau, P. Lejay, V.N. Zverev Slow oscillations of in-plane magnetoresistance in strongly anisotropic quasi-two-dimensional rare-earth Tritellurides Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 185, 657-664 (2016) PDF (494 kB)
P.D. Grigoriev, A.A. Sinchenko, P. Lejay, A. Hadj-Azzem, J. Balay, O. Leynaud, V.N. Zverev, and P. Monceau Bilayer splitting versus Fermi-surface warping as an origin of slow oscillations of in-plane magnetoresistance in rare-earth tritellurides Eur. Phys. J. B., 89 (6), 151-161 (2016) PDF (602 kB)
Yuri N. Shvachko, Denis V. Starichenko, Aleksander V. Korolyov, Eduard B. Yagubskii, Alexander I. Kotov, Lev I. Buravov, Konstantin A. Lyssenko, Vladimir N. Zverev, Olga G. Shakirova, Ludmila G. Lavrenova The conducting spin-crossover compound combining Fe(II) SCO cation complex with TCNQ in a fractional reduction state
Inorganic Chemistry, 55(17), 9121-9130 (2016) PDF (3.12 MB)
Dmitri V. Konarev, Salavat S. Khasanov, Manabu Ishikawa, Evgeniya I. Yudanova, Artem F. Shevchun, Maksim S. Mikhailov, Pavel A. Stuzhin, Akihiro Otsuka, Hideki Yamochi, Gunzi Saito, and Rimma N. Lyubovskaya
Metallic conductivity versus charge disproportionation in C60 complexes with noninteger average charges on fullerene
Chemistry Select, 2, 323 –330 (2016)

N.A. Abdullaev, O.Z. Alekperov, Kh.V. Aligulieva, V.N. Zverev, A.M. Kerimova, N.T. Mamedov Metallic conductivity and weak antilocalization in Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thin films Physica Status Solidi C, 12(6), 822-825 (2015) PDF (934 kB)
Prokhorova T.G., L.I. Buravov, E.B. Yagubskii, L.V. Zorina, S.V. Simonov, V.N. Zverev, R.P. Shibaeva, and E. Canadell Effect of the halopyridine guest molecules (G) on the structure and (super)conducting properties of the (BEDT-TTF)4A[M(C2O4)3]G family salts
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 (33), 5611-5620 (2015)
PDF (935 kB)
Dolgov O.V., A.A. Golubov, Y.A. Nefyodov, A.M. Shuvaev, and M.R. Trunin Microwave Conductivity in Two-Band Superconductors V3+xSi1-x J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 28, 331-377 (2015) PDF (445 kB)
E. S. Tikhonov, D.V. Shovkun, V. S. Khrapai, Z.D. Kvon, N.N. Mikhailov, S.A. Dvoretsky Shot noise of the edge transport in the inverted band HgTe
quantum wells. In memory of V.F. Gantmakher
JETP letters, Vol. 101, Iss. 10, 787 – 792 (2015) PDF (329.2 kB)

E.S. Tikhonov, M.Yu. Melnikov, D.V. Shovkun, L. Sorba, G. Biasiol, and V.S. Khrapai Nonlinear transport and noise thermometry in quasiclassical ballistic
point contacts Phys. Rev. B 90, 161405(R) (2014)
PDF (320 kB)
M.G. Prokudina, S.Ludwig, V. Pellegrini, L. Sorba, G. Biasiol, and V.S. Khrapai Tunable Nonequilibrium Luttinger Liquid Based on Counterpropagating Edge
Channels Phys. Rev. Letters 112, 216402 (2014)
PDF (610 kB)
Vinnikov L.Ya., Yukina A.G., Zverev V.N.,Shovkun A.D., Kulakov A.B. Vortex structure and anisotropy of electric resistance in Bi2(Sr1-xLax)2CuOy single crystals JETP, 119(3), 514-520 (2014)
PDF (1.5 kB)
Tatiana G. Prokhorova, Lev I. Buravov, Eduard B. Yagubskii, Leokadiya V. Zorina, Sergey V. Simonov, Rimma P. Shibaeva, and Vladimir N. Zverev
Metallic Bi- and Monolayered Radical Cation Salts Based on Bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene (BEDT-TTF) with the Tris(oxalato)gallate Anion
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014 (24), 3933–3940 (2014) PDF (2 MB)
M.V. Kartsovnik, V.N. Zverev, D. Andres, W. Biberacher, T. Helm, P.D. Grigoriev, R. Ramazashvili, N.D. Kushch, and H. Müller
Magnetic quantum oscillations in the charge-density-wave state of the organic metals α-(BEDT-TTF)2MHg(SCN)4 with M = K and Tl
Low Temperature Physics, 40 (4), 484-491 (2014) PDF (1.7 MB)
D.V. Konarev, S.S. Khasanov, A. Otsuka, M. Maesato, M. Uruichi, K. Yakushi, A.F. Shevchun, H. Yamochi, G. Saito, R.N. Lyubovskaya Metallic and Mott Insulating Spin-frustrated Antiferromagnetic States in Ionic Fullerene Complexes with a Two-dimensional Hexagonal C60 - Packing Motif
Chem. Eur. J., 20 (24), 7268-7277 (2014)

Gantmakher V.F.
An absence of the Anderson transition in high-resistance alloys with a high electron density
Low Temperature Physics 39(1), 2-6 (2013)
PDF (359 kB)
Dorozhkin S.I., Kapustin A.A., Murzin S.S.
Observation of crossover from weak localization to antilocalization in the temperature dependence of the resistance of a two-dimensional system with spin-orbit interaction
JETP Letters 97 (3), 149-154 (2013)
PDF (246 kB)
Abdullaev N.A., Abdullaev N.M., Bulanchuk P.O. et al.
The mechanism of charge transfer in Bi2(Te0.9Se0.1)3 solid solution thin films
Semiconductors 47(5), 602-605 (2013)
PDF (200 kB)
T.G. Prokhorova, L.V. Zorina, S.V. Simonov, V.N. Zverev, E. Canadell, R.P. Shibaeva, E.B. Yagubski
The first molecular superconductor based on BEDT-TTF radical cation salt with paramagnetic tris(oxalato)ruthenate anion
CrystEngCom. 15, 7048-7055(2013) PDF (1.02 МB)
E.S. Tikhonov, V.S. Khrapai, D.V. Shovkun D., D. Schuh
Finite-size effect in shot noise in hopping conduction
JETP Letters 98(2),121-126 (2013)
PDF (301 kB)
Vanovsky V.V., Khrapai V.S., Shashkin A.A., et al.
Spin transition in the fractional quantum Hall regime: Effect of the extent of the wave function
Phys. Rev. B 87(8),081306 (2013) PDF (215 kB)
Dremov V.V., Jum'h I.Y., Maharramov H.A., Muller P.H.
A method for manufacturing a probe for a combined scanning tunneling and atomic-force microscope on the basis of a quartz tuning fork with a supersharp metal tip
Instrunments and Experimental Techniques 56(5), 584-588 (2013)
PDF (1.61 MB)
Perunov N.V., A.F. Shevchun, N.D. Kusch, and M.R.Trunin Surface Impedance of k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br crystals
JETP Letters, 96 (3), pp.184-187, (2012)
PDF (441 kB)
Leokadiya V. Zorina, Salavat S. Khasanov, Sergey V. Simonov, Rimma P. Shibaeva, Pavlo O. Bulanchuk, Vladimir N. Zverev, Enric Canadell, Tatiana G. Prokhorova, Eduard B. Yagubskii
Structural phase transition in the β’’-(BEDT-TTF)4H3O[Fe(C2O4)3] Solvent crystals
CrystEngCom, 14 (2), 460 - 465 (2012)
PDF (766 kB)
Stolyarov V.S., Zverev V.N., Postnova E.Y., Strukov G.V., Strukova G.K., Rusanov A.Yu., Shmitko I.M.
Superconductivity of nanostructured Pb7Bi3 films doped by Ce
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12(6), 4991-3 (2012) PDF (1.03 MB)
Strukov G.V., Stolyarov V.S., Strukova G.K, Zverev V.N.
The superconducting properties of nanostructured Pb7Bi3 films obtained by pulse electroplating
Physica C, 483 162–164 (2012)
PDF (540 kB)

Gantmakher V.F.
Localized superconductive pairs
Low temperature physics 37(1), 59-68 (2011)
PDF (292 kB)
Zverev V.N., Korobenko A.V.., Sun G.L., Sun D.L., Lin C.T., and Boris A.V. Anomalies in Transport and Superconducting Properties of Ba(1-x)KxFe2As2 Single Crystals
Jap. Appl. Phys. 50, 05FD02 (2011) PDF ( 294 kB)
Prokhorova T.G., Buravov L.I., Yagubskii E.B., Zorina L.V., Khasanov S.S., Simonov S.V., Shibaeva R.P., Korobenko A.V. , Zverev V.N.
Effect of electrocrystallization medium on quality, structural features, and conducting properties of single crystals of the (BEDT-TTF)4AI[FeIII(C2O4)3]×G family
CrystEngCom 13, 537-545 (2011) PDF ( 478 kB)
Golubov A.A., Dolgov O.V., Boris A.V., Charnukha A., Sun D.L., Lin C.T.,
Shevchun A.F., Korobenko A.V., Trunin M.R., Zverev V.N.
Normal state resistivity of Ba1-xKxFe2As2:
evidence for multiband strong-coupling behavior
Pis'ma JETP 94, 357-361 (2011)
PDF (200 kB)
Zorina L.V., Khasanov S.S., Simonov S.V., Shibaeva R.P., Zverev V.N., Canadell E., Prokhorova T.G., Yagubskii E.B.
Coexistence of two donor packing motifs in the stable molecular metal α-‘pseudo-κ’-(BEDT-TTF)4(H3O)[Fe(C2O4)3]×C6H4Br2
CrystEngCom 13, 2430-2438 (2011) PDF ( 619 kB)
Nadir A. Abdullayev, Nadir M. Abdullayev, Xayala V. Aliguliyeva, Samir Sh. Gahramanov, Taira G. Kerimova, Konul M. Mustafayeva, Sergey A. Nemov, and Vladimir N. Zverev
Metal–Insulator Transition Induced by Temperature in Bi2Te3-xClx Layered Compound
Jap.J.Appl.Phys., vol. 50, 05FD04 (2011)
PDF (234 kB)
V.F. Gantmakher
Mooij Rule and Weak Localization
JETP Letters 94 (8), 626 (2011)
PDF (166 kB)
Review articles:
Gantmakher V.F., Dolgopolov V.T.
Superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition
Physics-Uspekhi 53(1), 1-49 (2010)
PDF (1,14 MB)
Murzin S.S.
On the phase boundaries of the integer quantum
Hall effect. Part II
JETP Letters, 91(3), 155-157 (2010)
(202 kB)
Khrapai V.S., Shovkun D.V.
Shot noise measurements in a wide-channel transistor near pinch-off
Pis'ma ZhETF 92, 507 (2010) PDF (280 kB)
Zverev V.N., Kartsovnik M.V., Biberacher W., Khasanov S.S., Shibaeva R.P., Ouahab L., Toupet L., Kushch N.D., Yagubskii E.B., Canadell E.
Temperature-Pressure Phase Diagram and Electronic Properties of the New Organic Metal k-(BETS)2 Mn[N(CN)2]3
Phys.Rev. B 82, 155123 (2010)
PDF (771 kB)
Zverev V., Korobenko A., Prokhorova T., Zorina L., Khasanov S., Simonov S., Putrya A., Mironov V., Canadell E., Shibaeva R., and Yagubskii E.
Magnetotransport properties of a new hybrid metal a-(BEDT-TTF)2[Mn2Cl5(H2O)5]
Physica B 405, S247–S249 (2010) PDF ( 408 kB)
Korzov V.P., Nikulov A.V., Zverev V.N.
The second critical field of multilayered conductors with nano-layers of superconducting Nb-Ti alloys
Functional materials, 17(1), 5 (2010) PDF ( 994 kB)
Korzov V.P., Karpov M.I., Zverev V.N., Nikulov A.V.
Degradation of the second critical magnetic field in multilayered
composites with nanosize niobium layers and superconducting Nb-Ti alloy
Izvestija RAN, physics, 74, Ѓ11, p. 1570–1575 (2010)
Lavrov A.N., Kozeeva L.P., Trunin M.R.,
Zverev V.N.
Competition and coexistence of antiferromagnetism
and superconductivity in RBa2Cu3O6+x (R=Lu, Y) single
Phys. Rev. B79, 214523 (2009)
( 804 kB)
Lavrov A.N., Kozeeva L.P, Trunin M.R.,
Zverev V.N.
Magnetic-field induced superconductor antiferromagnet
transition in lightly doped RBa2Cu3O6+x (R = Y, Lu)
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
22, 63-66 (2009)
Murzin S.S.
On the Phase Boundaries of the Integer Quantum Hall
Pis'ma JETF 89, 298 (2009)
(147 kB)
Gerasimenko Ya.A. , Prudkoglyad V.A.,
Kornilov A.V. , Pudalov V. M., Lebedev P.N., Zverev
V. N, Klehe A.-K., Ardavan A., Qualls J. S.
Anisotropy of the Spin Density Wave Onset in (TMTSF)2PF6
in Magnetic Field
Phys. Rev. B 80, 184417 (2009) PDF ( 424 kB)
Zverev V.N., Korobenko A.V., Sun G.L.,
Sun D.L., Lin C.T., and Boris A.V.
Transport properties and the anisotropy of Ba1-xKxFe2As2
single crystals in normal and superconducting states
JETP Letters 90(2), 130-133 (2009)
( 240 kB)
Karpov M.I., Korzhov V.P., Vnukov V.I.,
Zverev V.N., Zheltyakova I.S.
Superconducting properties and microstructure of
composite tape with nanodimensional layers of Nb-30
wt%Zr alloy
Physika i chimija obrabotki materialov 2, p.
5-9 (2009)
Vinnikov L. Ya, Boinagrov D. E., Zverev
V. N., Veshchunov I. S., and Karpinski J.
Anisotropy of the Vortex Structure and Resistivity
in the Basal Plane of YBa2Cu4O8 Single Crystals JETP 109(2), 280285 (2009) PDF ( 898 kB)
Zorina L.V., Prokhorova T.G., Khasanov
S.S., Simonov S.V., Zverev V.N., Korobenko A.V., Putrya
A.V., Mironov V.S., Canadell E., Shibaeva R.P., Yagubskii
A new hybrid molecular metal assembling a BEDT-TTF
conducting network and the magnetic chain anion [Mn2Cl5(H2O)5]-?:
CrysEngComm. 11, 2102-2109 (2009) PDF (1.38 MB)
Review articles:
V.F. Gantmakher, V.T. Dolgopolov
Quantum phase transitions of "localized - delocalized
electrons" type
Physics - Uspekhi 51, 3-22 (2008)
(431 kB)
L.V. Zorina, S.V. Simonov, S.S. Khasanov,
R.P. Shibaeva, A.I.Manakov, V. N. Zverev, T.G. Prokhorova,
Structure and magnenotransport properties of new
molecular metal beta''-(BEDT-TTF)4H3O[Fe(C2O4)3]C6H4Cl2
JETP 133(2), 403-411 (2008) PDF (374 kB)
L.I. Buravov, V.N. Zverev, A.V. Kazakova,
N.D. Kushch, A.I. Manakov, E.B. Yagubskii
Measurement of the solidification temperature of
silicon-organic liquid GKZ-136 by two methods
Zhournal Tekhnicheskoj Fiziki 1, 169-170 (2008)
V. Zverev, A. Manakov, S. Khasanov, R. Shibaeva, N. Kushch,
A. Kazakova, and E. Yagubskii
Comparative study of magnetotransport properties and
structural features of the organic superconductors -(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]X,
where X=Cl, Br
Solid State Sciences, 10, 1749-1751 (2008)
PDF (190 kB)
S. S. Murzin
Resistivity peak values at transition between fractional
quantum Hall states
JETP Letters 88, 374 (2008)
(194 kB)
S. S. Murzin
Resistance of two-dimensional systems in magnetic
field at filling factor v =1/2 JETP Letters
88, 745 (2008)
(137 kB)
S.S. Murzin, S.I. Dorozhkin, G.E. Tsydynzhapov
and V.N. Zverev
Fractional quantum Hall effect at suppressed energy
JETP Letters 86(2), 148-152 (2007)
(456 kB)
Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun, A.M. Shuvaev,
M.R. Trunin
Microwave surface impedance and complex conductivity
of high-Tc single crystals: Current state and unsolved
J. Supercond. and Novel Magnetism 19, 579 (2006)
E.B. Yagubskii, N.D. Kushch, A.V. Kazakova,
L.I. Buravov, V.N. Zverev, A.I. Manakov, S.S. Khasanov,
R.P. Shibaeva
Ambient pressure superconductivity in k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl
J. Low Temp. Phys. 142(3-4), 237-242 (2006)
(239 kB)
G.E. Tsydynzhapov, A.F. Shevchun, M.R.
Trunin, V.N. Zverev, D.V. Shovkun, N.V. Barkovskii,
L.A. Klinkova
Observation of a Transition from BCS to HTSC-like
Superconductivity in KxBa1-xBiO3
JETP Letters 83, No. 9, pp. 405409 (2006)
PDF (214 kB)
V.F. Gantmakher
Experimental Implementations of the Superconductor-Insulator
in the issue: Theory of Quantum Transport in Metallic
and Hybrid Nanostructures (eds.: A. Glatz et al.) pp.
83-89, Springer (2006)
PDF (319 kB)
A. F. Shevchun and M. R. Trunin
A Method for Measuring the Surface Impedance of Superconductors
in the Temperature Range 0.4120 K
Instruments and Experimental Techniques 49, No.
5, pp. 669675 (2006)
PDF (218 kB)
V.N. Zverev, A.I. Manakov, S.S. Khasanov,
R.P. Shibaeva, N.D. Kushch, A.V. Kazakova, L.I. Buravov,
E.B. Yagubskii
Transport properties and structural features of the
ambient pressure superconductor k'-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl
Phys. Rev. B 74 (10), 104504 (2006)
(1,01 mB)
V.F. Gantmakher
Electrons and Disorder in Solids
Oxford University Press 2005
Review articles:
M.R. Trunin
Conductivity anisotropy and pseudogap in the microwave
response of high-Tc superconductors
Physics-Uspekhi 48 (10), 979 (2005)
PDF (933 kB)
V.F. Gantmakher and V.N. Zverev
Magnetoimpurity resonances as indicators of an inverse
photoelectron distribution function in semiconductors
Physics-Uspekhi 48, 187-191 (2005)
(595 kB)
V.F. Gantmakher
Noninteracting electrons in one-dimensional systems
Journal of Low temperature Physics 31, 331-337
(696 kB)
V.N. Egorov, V.L. Masalov, Yu.A. Nefyodov,
A.F. Shevchun, M.R. Trunin, V.E. Zhitomirsky, and M.
Dielectric Constant, Loss Tangent and Surface Resistance
of PCB Materials at K-band Frequencies
IEEE MTT 53(2), 627 (2005)
(800 kB)
S.S. Murzin, M. Weiss, D.A. Knyazev, A.G.
M. Jansen, and K. Eberl
Spin-splitting in the quantum Hall effect of disordered
GaAs layers with strong overlap of the spin subbands
Phys. Rev. B 71, 155328 (2005)
(70 kB)
E.B. Yagubskii, N.D. Kushch, A.V. Kazakova,
L.I. Buravov, V.N. Zverev, A.I. Manakov, S.S. Khasanov,
R.P. Shibaeva
Superconductivity at normal pressure in k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl
JETP Letters 82(2), 93-95 (2005)
(229 kB)
V.A. Gasparov, G.E. Tsydynzhapov, I.E. Batov
and Qi Li
Temperature and Frequency Dependence of Complex Conductance
of Ultrathin YBa2Cu3O7-x
Films: Observation of Vortex-Antivortex Pair Unbinding
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 139, 49,
(316 kB)
Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.M. Shuvaev, M.R. Trunin
Microwave response of V3Si single crystals:
Evidence for two-gap superconductivity
Europhys. Lett. 72(4), 638 (2005)
PDF (231 kB)
Yu. Bomze, G. Gershon, D. Shovkun, L.S.
Levitov, and M. Reznikov
Measurement of Counting Statistics of Electron Transport
in a Tunnel Junction
Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 176601 (2005)
(292 kB)
S.S. Murzin, S.I. Dorozhkin, D.K. Maude,
and A.G. M. Jansen
Scaling flow diagram in the fractional quantum Hall
regime of
GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures
Phys. Rev. B 72, 195317 (2005)
PDF (105 kB)
V.F. Gantmakher
Traits of the insulator formed under the superconductor-
insulator transition
Physica C 404, 176 (2004) PDF (393 kB)
M.R. Trunin, Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun
Superfluid density in the underdoped YBa2Cu3O7-x:
Evidence for d-density wave order of pseudogap
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 067006 (2004)
PDF (91) kB)
M.R. Trunin, Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun
Pseudogap in the microwave response of YBa2Cu3O7-x
Superconductor Science and Technology 17, 1082 (2004) PDF (321 kB)
V.N.Egorov, V.L.Masalov, Yu.A.Nefyodov, A.F.Shevchun,
and M.R.Trunin
Measuring microwave properties of laminated dielectric
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75(11), 4423 (2004) PDF (1.1 MB)
S.S. Murzin, A.G.M. Jansen, and I. Claus
Topological oscillations of the magnetoconductance
in disordered GaAs layers
Phys. Rev. Lett., 92, 016802 (2004)
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A.V. Bazhenov, S.K. Brantov, A.A. Kolchin,
N.N. Kuznetsov, V.N. Zverev
A resistive composite material based on siliconized
carbon fibres
Composites Science and Technology, 64, 1203-1207 (2004)
V.N. Zverev, M. Muhammad, S. Rahman, P. Debray,
M. Saglam, J. Sigmund, and H.L. Hartnagel
Magneto-transport properties of two-dimensional electron
gas in AlSb/InAs quantum well structures designed for
device applications
Journal of Applied Physics, 96(11), 6353 (2004) PDF (77 kB)
V.F.Gantmakher. Electrony
v neuporjadochennykh sredakh. Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2003
(147 pp., in Russian)
M.R.Trunin and A.A.Golubov. In-plane
microwave response of high-Tc single crystals.
in: Spectroscopy of High-Tc Superconductors.
A Theoretical View, eds. N.M.Plakida, chapter 3,
p.159-233 (Taylor&Francis, London and New York,
V.F.Gantmakher, S.N.Ermolov, G.E.Tsydynzhapov
and A.A.Zhukov. Suppression of 2D superconductivity
by the magnetic field: quantum corrections
vs superconductor-insulator transition. JETP Letters 77, pp. 498-502 (2003) PDF (154 kB)
A.J.Purnell, A.A.Zhukov, T.Nurgaliev, G.Lamura,
Y.Bugoslavsky, Z.Lockman, J.L.MacManus-Driscoll, H.Y.Zhai,
H.M.Christen, M.P.Paranthaman, D.H.Lowndes, M.H.Jo, M.G.Blamire,
Ling Hao, J.C.Gallop and L.F.Cohen. The microwave surface
impedance of MgB2 thin films. Supercond.
Sci. Technol. 16, 1 (2003).
A.A. Zhukov, Ch.Weichsel, S.Beyer, S.Schnull,
Ch.Heyn, and W.Hansen. Transport properties of a two-dimensional
electron gas in the vicinity of quantum dots in the limit
of strong disorder. Phys.Rev.B 67, 125310 (2003).
Yu.A.Nefyodov, M.R.Trunin. Microwave
surface impedance anisotropy of YBaCuO single crystals
with different oxygen content. Physica C 388-389,
469 (2003).
Yu.A.Nefyodov, M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhohov, I.G.Naumenko,
G.A.Emel'chenko, D.Yu.Vodolazov, I.L.Maksimov. Surface
impedance anisotropy YBa2Cu3O6.95
single crystals: electrodynamic basis of the measurements.
Phys. Rev. B 67, 144504, (2003)
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M.R.Trunin, Yu.A.Nefyodov. Microwave
conductivity anisotropy of the superconducting and
normal state of YBa2Cu3O7-x
: 3D-2D crossover. JETP Lett. 77, 592 (2003).
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E.Gaganidze, R.Heidinger, J.Halbritter,
A.Shevchun, M.Trunin, H.Schneidewind. Nonlinear surface
impedance of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8
thin films as a function of temperature, frequency, and
magnetic field.
J. Appl. Phys.93, 4049 (2003)
S.S. Murzin, M. Weiss, A.G.M. Jansen. Universal
scaling flow diagram for magnetoconductance in disordered
GaAs layers.
in "New Directions in Mesoscopic Physics
(Towards Nanoscience)", NATO Science Series II. Mathematics,
Physics and Chemistry, v.125, pp.291-302, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2003.
G.K.Strukova, I.I.Zver’kova, L.A.Dorosinskii,
D.V.Shovkun, V.N.Zverev, U.Topal. Synthesis of Ruthenium-based
layered cuprates in ammonium nitrate melt and their characterization.
Physica C, 387(3-4), 359-364 (2003).
V.N.Zverev, D.V.Shovkun. Pseudogap behavior
of the normal state out-of-plane resistance in underdoped
YBa2Cu3O7-x single crystals.
Physica C, 391, pp.315-318 (2003).
E. Gaganidze, R. Heidinger, J. Halbritter,
A. Shevchun, M. Trunin, and H. Schneidewind. Nonlinear
surface impedance Z(T,f,Hrf) of Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O thin films.
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 13(2), 2821 (2003) PDF (542 kB)
Review articles:
V.F Gantmakher. Chemical localization.
Physics-Uspekhi 45(11), 1165 (2002) PDF (335 kB)
Yu.A.Nefyodov, M.R.Trunin, A.F.Shevchun,
D.V.Shovkun, N.N.Kolesnikov, M.P.Kulakov, A.Agliolo Gallitto,
and S.Fricano. Characteristic features of the temperature
dependence of the surface impedance in polycrystalline
MgB2 samples. Europhysics
Letters, v.58(3), 422 (2002) PDF (466 kB)
C.Kusko, Z.Zhai, N.Hakim, R.S.Markiewicz,
S. Sridhar, D.Colson, V.Viallet-Guillen, A.Forget, Yu.A.Nefyodov,
M.R.Trunin, N.N.Kolesnikov, A.Maignan, A.Daignere, A.Erb.
Anomalous microwave conductivity due to collective
transport in the pseudogap state of cuprate superconductors.
Phys. Rev. B 65, 132501 (2002)
PDF (291 kB)
S.S.Murzin, M.Weiss, A.G.M.Jansen, and K.Eberl.
Universal flow diagram for the magnetoconductance in
disordered GaAs layers. Phys. Rev. B 66, 233314 (2002) PDF (228 kB)
J. Sigmund, M. Saglam, H. L. Hartnagel,
V. N. Zverev, O. E. Raichev, P. Debray, G. Miehe, H. Fuess.
Structural and transport characterization of AlSb/InAs
quantum-well structures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy
with two growth interruptions. J.Vac.Sci.Technol.
B20(3), 1174 (2002) PDF (282 kB)
P.Debray, V.N. Zverev, V.Gurevich, R.Klesse
and R.S.Newrock. Coulomb drag between ballistic one-dimensional
electron systems. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 17, R21-R34
(2002) PDF (442 kB)
A.A.Zhukov, A.Purnell, Y.Miyoshi, Y.Bugoslavsky,
Z.Lockman, A.Berenov, H.Y.Zhai, H.M.Christen, M.P.Paranthaman,
D.H.Lowndes, M.H.Jo, M.G.Blamire, Ling Hao, J.Gallop,
J.L. MacManus-Driscoll,
L.F.Cohen. Microwave surface resistance of MgB2,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 2347 (2002)

S.S. Murzin, M. Weiss, A.G.M. Jansen, and
K.Erberl. Hopping conductivity in heavily
doped n-type GaAs layers in the quantum Hall effect regime.
Phys. Rev. B 64, 233309 (2001) PDF (200 kB)
V.F. Gantmakher, M.V. Golubkov. Width of
the zero-field superconducting resistive transition in
the vicinity of the localization threshold. JETP Lett.
73, 131 (2001)
(94 kB)
M.R.Trunin, Yu.A.Nefyodov, D.V.Shovkun,
A.A.Zhukov, N.Bontemps, H.Enriquez, A.Buzdin, M.Daumens,
T.Tamegai. Triple approach to determination of the
c-axes penetration depth in BSCCO crystals.
J. Supercond. 14, 187 (2001).
G.K.Strukova, D.V.Shovkun, V.N.Zverev, I.E.Batov,
S.A.Zver'kov and S.S.Khasanov. On the superconducting
and magnetic properties of HoNbO3-d and EuNbO3-d.
Physica C 351, 363 (2001).
H.Enriquez, N.Bontemps, A.A.Zhukov, D.V.Shovkun,
M.R.Trunin, A.Buzdin, M.Daumens, T.Tamegai. Penetration
of Josephson vortices and measurement of the c-axis
penetration depth in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d:
interplay of Josephson coupling, surface barrier and defects.
Phys. Rev. B 63, 144525 (2001) PDF (168 kB)
A.A.Zhukov, L.F.Cohen, K. Yates, G.K.Perkins,
Y.Bugoslavsky, M.Polichetti, A.Berenov, J.L.Macmanus-Driscoll,
A.D.Caplin, L. Hao, J. Gallop. Microwave surface resistance
in MgB2. Supercond. Sci. Technol. 14, L13
P.Debray, V.Zverev, O.Raichev, R.Klesse,
P.Vasilopoulos, and R.S.Newrock. Experimental studies
of Coulomb drag between ballistic quantum wires. J.Phys.:
Condens. Matter, 13, 3389-3402 (2001) PDF (174 kB)

Review articles:
S.S.Murzin. Electron transport in the
extreme quantum limit in applied magnetic field. Physics-Uspekhi
43, 349 (2000)
M.R.Trunin. Microwave response of high-Tc
superconducting crystals: Results, problems, and prospects
for investigations. JETP Lett. 72, 583 (2000)
PDF (4.41 MB)
M.V.Golubkov, G.E.Tsydynzhapov. Electron
subsystem superheating as a cause of nonlinear current–voltage
characteristics of amorphous InOx films.
JETP Lett. 71, 516 (2000) PDF (78 kB).
V.F.Gantmakher, M.V.Golubkov, V.T.Dolgopolov,
G.E.Tsydynzhapov, and A.A. Shashkin. Scaling analysis
of the magnetic-field-tuned quantum transition in superconducting
In-O films. JETP Lett. 71, 160 (2000).
PDF (68 kB)
V.F.Gantmakher, M.V.Golubkov, V.T.Dolgopolov,
G.E.Tsydynzhapov, and A.A. Shashkin. Observation of
the parallel-magnetic-field-induced superconductor-insulator
transition in thin amorphous InO films. JETP Lett.
71, 473 (2000).
(73 kB)
V.F.Gantmakher, G.A.Emel'chenko, I.G.Naumenko,
and G.E.Tsydynzhapov. Temperature dependence of upper
critical field as an indicator of bose superconductivity
in NdCeCuO. JETP Lett. 72, 21 (2000).
(99 kB)
V.F.Gantmakher, M.V.Golubkov, V.T.Dolgopolov,
G.E.Tsydynzhapov, and A.A.Shashkin. Superconductor-insulator
transition in amorphous In-O films. Physica B 284,
246 (2000) PDF (90 kB)
S.S.Murzin, A.G.M.Jansen and E.G.Haanappel.
Quasi-one-dimensional transport in the extreme quantum
limit of heavily doped n-InSb. Phys. Rev. B 62, 16645
(2000) PDF (115 kB)
M.R.Trunin. Temperature dependence of
microwave surface impedance in high-Tc single
crystals. Physica B 284-288, 921 (2000).
H.J.Fink and M.R.Trunin. Microwave conductivity
of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8
single crystals. Physica B 284-288, 923 (2000).
Yu.A.Nefyodov, A.A.Golubov, M.R.Trunin,
M.T.Beal-Monod. Multicomponent order parameter and
penetration depth of YBCO single crystals. Physica
B 284-288, 919 (2000).
D.V.Shovkun, M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhukov, Yu.A.Nefyodov,
N.Bontemps, H.Enriquez, A.Buzdin, M.Daumens, T.Tamegai.
c-axis penetration depth in BiSrCaCuO
single crystals measured by ac-susceptibility and cavity
perturbation technique. JETP Lett. 71, 92 (2000)
PDF (106 kB)
M.R.Trunin, Yu.A.Nefyodov, H.J.Fink. Phenomenological
description of the microwave surface impedance and complex
conductivity of high-Tc single crystals.
JETP 91, 801 (2000) PDF (265 kB)
H.J.Fink and M.R.Trunin. Microwave conductivity
of anisotropic microwave resistance of YBaCuO and the
modified two-fluid model. Phys. Rev. B 62, 3046 (2000)
PDF (111 kB)
V.N. Zverev and D.V. Shovkun. Anisotropy
of normal resistivity in oxygen-deficient YBa2Cu3O7 - x
single crystals. JETP Lett. 72, 73 (2000).
(69 kB)
V.F.Gantmakher, G.E.Tsydynzhapov, L.P.Kozeeva,
and A.N.Lavrov. Resistive transition and upper critical
field in underdoped YBaCuO crystals. JETP 88, 148
(1999) PDF (187 kB)
V.F.Gantmakher, M.V.Golubkov, V.T.Dolgopolov,
G.E.Tsydynzhapov, and A.A. Shashkin. Magnetic field
induced superconductor-insulator transition in In-Ox
films - a 3D scenario? Ann.Phys.(Leipzig) 8, SI-73
PDF (283 kB)
S.S.Murzin, I.Claus, A.G.M.Jansen N.T.Moshegov,
A.L.Toropov, K.Eberl. Quantum Hall effect induced by
electron-electron interaction in disordered GaAs layers
with a three-dimensional spectrum. Phys. Rev. B 59,
7330 (1999)
PDF (156 kB)
V.N.Zverev, O.E.Raichev, P.Debray, M.Rahman.
Spin splitting of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a small
quantum dot. Physica E 4, 25 (1999) PDF (104 kB)
Review articles:
M.R.Trunin Microwave frequency surface
impedance of high-Tc single crystals. Phisics
- Uspechi 41, 843 (1998).
M.R.Trunin. Temperature dependence of
microwave surface impedance in high-Tc single
crystals: Experimental and theoretical aspects. Journal
of Superconductivity 11, 381 (1998).
V.F.Gantmakher and M.V.Feigelman. Mesoscopic
unification. Phisics - Uspechi 41, 105 (1998)
PDF (187 kB)
V.F.Gantmakher. Superconductor - insulator
transitions and insulators with localized pairs. Physics
- Uspechi 41, 214 (1998) PDF (197 kB)
A.N.Lavrov and V.F.Gantmakher. Low-temperature
resistivity of underdoped cuprates. Phisics - Uspechi
41, 223 (1998) PDF (283 kB)
V.F.Gantmakher, M.V.Golubkov, V.T.Dolgopolov,
G.E.Tsydynzhapov, and A.A.Shashkin. Destruction of
localized electron pairs above the magnetic-field-driven
superconductor-insulator transition in amorphous InO films.
JETP Lett. 68, 363 (1998).
PDF (123 kB)
V.Gantmakher. Transport properties of
normal and quasinormal states of poor superconductors.
International Journal of Modern Physics B 12, 3151 (1998)
PDF (396 kB)
S.S.Murzin, S.I.Dorozhkin, G.Landwehr and
A.C.Gossard. Effect of hole-hole scattering on the
conductivity of the two-component 2D hole gas in GaAs/(AlGa)As
heterostructures. JETP Lett. 67, 113 (1998)
PDF (94 kB)
S.S.Murzin. Quantum corrections to the
conductance of n-GaAs films in a strong magnetic field.
JETP Lett. 67, 216 (1998)
(171 kB)
S.S.Murzin, A.G.M.Jansen, and P.v.d.Linden.
Quantization of the Hall Conductance in a three-dimensional
layer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2681 (1998) PDF (92 kB)
S.S.Murzin, I.Claus, and A.G.M.Jansen.
Quantized Hall effect in disordered GaAs layers with 3D
spectrum in tilted magnetic fields. JETP Lett. 68,
327 (1998)
(76 kB)
M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhukov, A.T.Sokolov. Temperature
dependence of microwave surface impedance in YBaCuO, TlBaCaCuO,
and BaKBiO single crystals: Features and common properties.
J. Phys. Chem. Solids 59, 2125 (1998)
V.N.Zverev, D.V.Shovkun, and I.G.Naumenko.
Anisotropy of the superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O7 - x
single crystals with reduced oxygen content. JETP
Lett. 68, 332 (1998)
(86 kB)