Papers -
2003 - Ñòàòüè
1. B. Straumal, B. Baretzky
Influence of the grain boundary phase transitions on the diffusion-related
properties PDF
Def. Diff. Forum 216-217 (2003) 53–64
2. B. B. Straumal PDF
The influence of the grain boundary phase transitions on the properties of nanostructured materials. In: " Nanostructures:
Synthesis, Functional Properties and Applications" eds. Thomas Tsakalakos, Ilya A. Ovid’ko and Asuri K. Vasudevan, NATO Science Series, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht etc., vol. II-128
(2003) 295–312
3. B. B. Straumal, S. A. Polyakov, E. Bischoff, E. J. Mittemeijer,
W. Gust PDF
Grain boundary faceting phase transition and thermal grooving in Cu
Def. Diff. Forum 216-217 (2003) 93–100
4. B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, A. Asrian, M. Friesel
Diffusion degradation of carbon coatings on various metallic substrates
Def. Diff. Forum 216-217 (2003) 323–330 PDF
5. B.B. Straumal, G. Lopez, E. J. Mittemeijer, W. Gust, A.P. Zhilyaev
Grain boundary phase transitions in the Al–Mg system and their influence on
the high-strain rate superplaticity PDF
Def. Diff. Forum 216-217 (2003) 307–312
6. Ñ.
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Èññëåäîâàíèå äâèæåíèÿ èíäèâèäóàëüíûõ òðîéíûõ ñòûêîâ â
ÔÒÒ 45, âûï.8 (2003) 1402–1405 PDF
S.G. Protasova, V. G. Sursaeva,
L. S. Shvindlerman
Study of the motion of individual triple junction in aluminium
Physics Solid State 45 (8) (2003) 1471–1474.
7. D. A. Molodov, L. S. Shvindlerman, G. Gottstein
Impact of grain boundary character on grain boundary kinetics
Zt. Metallkd.
94 (2003) 1117–1126 PDF
8. V. G. Sursaeva
Mechanical properties of grain boundaries and triple junctions in metals
Mater. Sci. Forum 426-432 (2003) 4411–4416 PDF