1. N. Vershinin, B. Straumal, W. Gust
Vacuum arc deposition of Mo films PDF
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 14, No. 6 (1996) 3252–3255
2. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, V. G. Sursaeva, W. Gust
Vacuum arc deposition of Mo coatings
Materials, Functionality and Design, L. A. J. L. Sarton and H. B. Zeedijk (eds.), Netherlands Society for Materials Science, Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands, 3 (1997) 19–22 PDF
3. B. B. Straumal, V. G. Glebovsky, N. F. Vershinin, V. G. Sursaeva, W. Gust
Mo coatings produced with the aid of the vacuum arc deposition PDF
Plansee Sem. Proc. 14 (1997) 830–843
4. Б. Б. Страумал, Н. Ф. Вершинин, В. Густ
Нанесение покрытий на проволоку с помощью магнетронного распыления
Материаловедение 1, № 4 (1997) 42–45 PDF
B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, W. Gust
The magnetron sputter deposition of coatings on wires
Materials Sciences Transactions 1, No. 4 (1997 ) 42–45 (in Russian)
5. B. B. Straumal, W. Gust, N. F. Vershinin, V. G. Glebovsky, H. Brongersma, R. Faulkner
Morphology of Mo particles and their incorporation into the growing film during vacuum arc deposition PDF
Nuclear Instr. & Methods in Physics Res. B, 122, No. 3 (1997) 594–597
6. N. F. Vershinin, V. G. Glebovsky, B. B. Straumal, W. Gust, H. Brongersma
Vacuum arc deposition as a complementary technology to laser processing PDF
Appl. Surf. Sci., 109/110 (1997) 437–441
7. B. B. Straumal, W. Gust, N. F. Vershinin, T. Watanabe, Y. Igarashi, X. Zhao
Stable and metastable phases in the vacuum arc deposited Co thin films
Thin Solid Films 319 (1998) 124–127 PDF
8. B. B. Straumal, W. Gust, N. F. Vershinin, M. Friesel, M. Willander
Vacuum arc deposition of Ni–Ti gradient coatings PDF
Surf. Coat. Techn. 100–101 (1998) 316–319
9. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, R. Dimitriou, W. Gust, T. Watanabe, Y. Igarashi, X. Zhao
The grain boundary structure of vacuum arc deposited Co thin films
Mater. Sci. Forum 294/296 (1999) 787–790 PDF
10. N. Vershinin, B. Straumal, V. Sursaeva, S. Protasova, R. Dimitriou, M. Benmalek, S. Tishin
Sputter cleaning of aliminium-based 5182 alloy strips PDF
In: Light Alloys and Composites, J. Dutkiewicz, S. Pietrowski (eds.) S. A. Lodart, Lodz, Poland (1999) 391–397, ISBN 83-87202-32-0
11. B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, K. Filonov, I. Wiener, E. Rabkin
Vacuum arc deposition of decorative coatings on architectural glass
In:"Glass Processing", J. Vitkala (ed.) Tamglas Ltd. Oy, Tampere, Finland (1999) 316–319, ISBN 952-91-0885-0 PDF
12. N. Vershinin, B. Straumal, K. Filonov, W. Gust
Pre-treatment of large area glass sheets PDF
In:"Glass Processing", J. Vitkala (ed.) Tamglas Ltd. Oy, Tampere, Finland (1999) 320–323, ISBN 952-91-0885-0
13. N. Vershinin, B. Straumal, K. Filonov, R. Dimitriou, W. Gust, M. Benmalek
Hall current accelerator for the pre-treatment of large area glass sheets
Thin Solid Films 351, No. 1–2 (1999) 190–193 PDF
14. B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, K. Filonov, R. Dimitriou, W. Gust
Masked deposition of decorative coatings on large area glass and plastic sheets PDF
Thin Solid Films 351, No. 1–2 (1999) 204–208
15. N. F. Vershinin, B. B. Straumal, A. V. Kasakevich, W. Gust
Herstellung von Glasbeschichtungen mittels Vakuumlichtbogenabscheidung (Manufacturing of coatings on glass by the vacuum arc deposition. In German) PDF
In: "Zukunft Glas. Von der Tradition zum High-Tech-Produkt". Hrsg. G. Mьller, OTTI (Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Institut e. V.), Regensburg, Germany, 1999, S. 162–165
16. Н. Ф. Вершинин, Б. Б. Страумал, А. В. Казакевич
Коррозионная стойкость покрытий из оксида и нитрида титана на силикатном стекле, полученных методом вакуумно-дугового напыления. PDF Труды постоянно действующего научно-технического семинара "Электровакуумная техника и технология" за 1997/98 гг., ред. А. В. Горин, изд-во МВТУ, Москва, 1999, 43–47
N. F. Vershinin, B. B. Straumal, A. V. Kasakevich Corrosion resistance of the vacuum arc deposited titanium nitride and titanium oxide coatings on silicate glass (In Russian)
In: Electorovacuum technology, A.V. Gorin (ed.), Moscow Bauman Technical University Publishers, Moscow, 1999, pp. 43–47
17. B. Straumal
Vacuum arc deposition of nanostructured coatings PDF
In: Anales Jornadas SAM'98 – Iberomet V, R. Romero, M. L. Castro (eds.), Argentine Materials Society, Rosario de Santa Fe, Argentina, 1999, pp. 971–974
18. N. Vershinin, R. Dimitriou, M. Benmalek, B. Straumal, W. Gust, J. Vivas, J. Shulga
Pre-treatment of large area strips with the aid of a high power Hall current accelerator PDF
Surf. Coat. Techn. 125 No. 1-3 (2000) 35–39
19. B. Straumal, W. Gust, N. Vershinin, R. Dimitriou, E. Rabkin
Vacuum arc deposition of Ti coatings PDF
Surf. Coat. Techn. 125 No. 1-3 (2000) 157–160
20. A. Sanchez Bolinches, C. Ferrer Gimйnez, M. Friesel, B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, F. Rustichelli
Deposicion fisica en vacio con arco eletrico (DFVAE) de los recumbrimientos decorativos sobre las superficiaes planas y tridimensiobnales de vidrio y de acero (Vacuum arc deposition of decorative coatings on flat and three-dimensional glass and steel substrates) PDF
In: Ciencia y Technologнa de los Materiales, J. M. Gilemeny and F. Vivas (eds.), Universidad de Barcelona, Spain, 2000, pp. 279–286 (in Spanish)
21. N. Vershinin, K. Filonov, B. Straumal, W. Gust, R. Dimitriou, A. Kovalev, J. Camacho
Corrosion resistance of the vacuum arc deposited Ti, TiN, TiO2 coatings on large area glass substrates PDF
Surf. Coat. Techn. 125 No. 1-3 (2000) 223–228
22. M. A. Vasylyev, V. E. Panarin, A. A. Deina, B. B. Straumal, F. O. Muktepavela PDF
Increase of the corrosion resistance after low energy plasma treatment
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 50, Suppl. 3 (2000) 457–460
23. N. Vershinin, K. Filonov, B. Straumal, W. Gust, I. Wiener, E. Rabkin, A. Kazakevich
Corrosion behaviour of the protective and decorative TiN coatings on large area steel strips PDF
Surf. Coat. Techn. 125 No. 1-3 (2000) 229–232
24. N. Vershinin, B. Straumal, C. Ferrer Gimйnez, A. Sбnchez Bolinches, A. Cantarero
Limpieza del vidrio por erosiуn iуnica, previa a la deposiciуn del recubrimiento decorativo. (Ionic sputtering of glass before deposition of decorative coatings) PDF
Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerбm. Vidrio 39, No. 5 (2000) 625–628 (in Spanish)
25. J. A. Vivas Hohl, J. L. Garcia, N. Vershinin, B. Straumal
Functional gradient Materials (FGM) -New trends in Vacuum Arc Deposition Plasma Technology PDF
In: Tribological Applications, A. Rodrigo (ed.), CNEA Publishers, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2000) 9–19
26. O. V. Gribkova, A. V. Kazakevich, B. B. Straumal
Protective and decorative copper and nickel coatings "velour", "velvet", "sateen" PDF
In: EUROCORR 2000 Past success – future challenges, D. Harrop (ed.) , The Institute of Materials, London, 2000, pp. 371–375
27. A. Kazakevich, O. Gribkova, B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, B. Baretzky, W. Gust, A. Sanchez Bolinches
Vacuum arc deposition and corrosion behaviour of patterned and coloured TiN/TiO2 coatings on glass PDF
In: EUROCORR 2000 Past success – future challenges, D. Harrop (ed.) , The Institute of Materials, London, 2000, pp. 376–394
28. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, S. A. Tishin, S. G. Khajutin, W. Gust
Ionic treatment of the large-area substrates by Hall current accelerator
Uzbek Journal of Physics 2, No. 1 (2000) 95–99 PDF
29. B. Straumal, O. Gribkova, A. Kazakevich, N. Vershinin, B. Baretzky, W. Gust
Protective properties of the vacuum arc deposited decorative TiN and TiO2 coatings on stainless steel PDF
In: EUROCORR 2000 Past success – future challenges, D. Harrop (ed.) , The Institute of Materials, London, 2000, pp. 384–393
30. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, O. V. Gribkova, A. V. Kazakevich, A. Cantarero, J. Camacho, A. Sanchez
Vacuum arc deposition of decorative and protective coatings on the large-area glass and steel substrates PDF
Uzbek Journal of Physics 2, No. 1 (2000) 100–106
31. J. A. Vivas Hohl, N. Vershinin, B. Straumal, A. Sanchez Bolinches
Acelerador de corriente de Hall para limpieza por erosiуn iуnica de las superficies de los substratos (Hall current accelerator for the ionic etching of the substrates) PDF
Anales Jornadas SAM’2000 R. Romero, M. L. Castro (eds.), Argentine Materials Society, Neuquen, Argentina (2000) pp. 879-884 (in Spanish)
32. B.B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, M. Friesel, T. V. Ischenko, S. A. Polyakov, W. Gust
Ionic nitriding of austenitic and ferritic steel with the aid of a high aperture Hall current accelerator PDF
Def. Diff. Forum 194-199 (2001) 1457–1462
33. A. Cantarero, C. Ferrer, A. Sanchez, B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, E. Rabkin PDF
Recubrimientos decorativos de Ti, TiN y TiO2 sobre vidrio, depositados en vacъo mediante pulverizaciуn por arco elйctrico. (Vacuum arc deposited Ti, TiN and TiO2 decorative coatings on glass)
Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerбm. Vidrio 40, No. 2 (2001) 138–142 (in Spanish)
34. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, A. Cantarero Saez, M. Friesel, P. Zieba, W. Gust
Vacuum arc deposition of protective layers on glass and polymer substrates PDF
Thin Solid Films 383, No 1-2 (2001) 224–226
35. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, S. A. Polyakov, P. V. Orlova, M. Friesel, W. Gust PDF
Ion cleaning and nitriding using a high aperture Hall current accelerator
In: Progress in plasma processing of materials 2001, ed. P. Fauchais, Begell House, New York (2001) pp. 573–578.
36. B. B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, E. Rabkin, R. Kroeger, R. Dimitriou, W. Gust
Vacuum arc deposited nanostructured Ti-coatings PDF
In: Progress in plasma processing of materials 2001, ed. P. Fauchais, Begell House, New York (2001) pp. 559–564.
37. P. Fogarassy, F. Rotaru, N. Markocsan, B.B. Straumal
Finite element analysis of the bondcoat influence on residual stress during the plasma thermal spraying of partially stabilised zirconia PDF
In: Pulverizarea termică, D. Bцhme et al. (eds.) ISIM, Timişoara, Romania (2000) 83–92
38. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, S. A. Polyakov, M. Friesel, P. Fogarassy
Preparation of large area substrates using high aperture Hall current accelerator. In: Pulverizarea termică, D. Bцhme et al. (eds.) PDF
ISIM, Timişoara, Romania (2000) 193–199
39. B.B. Straumal, N.F. Vershinin, A.A. Asrian, E. Rabkin, R. Kroeger
Nanostructured vacuum arc deposited titanium coatings PDF
Mater. Phys. Mech. 5, No. 1 (2002) 39–42
40. B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, S. Polyakov
Ionic implantation and cleaning using the novel Hall current accelerator
In: Advanced coatings technologies, D.G. Teer, F. Rustichelli (eds.) University of Ancona, Italy, 2002, pp. 25–44 PDF
41. O. Sheveiko, A. Kazakevich, B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, D. Startsev
Modification of metal surface by electroplating and vacuum arc deposition PDF
In: “Frontiers in Corrosion. Science and Technology” Ed. M. Morcillo. ICC, Granada, Spain, 2002, pp. 5513–5520
42. B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, O. Gribkova, A. Kazakevich
Vacuum arc deposited decorative and protective TiN and TiO2 coatings on stainless steel PDF
In: Advanced coatings technologies, D.G. Teer, F. Rustichelli (eds.)
University of Ancona, Italy, 2002, pp. 71–87
43. B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, A. Asrian, M. Friesel
Diffusion degradation of carbon coatings on various metallic substrates
Def. Diff. Forum 216-217 (2003) 323–330 PDF
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