Laboratory of Internal Boundaries in Metals

Лаборатория Поверхностей Раздела в Металлах

Staff – Сотрудники

Books – Монографии

Papers – Статьи

Projects – Проекты

History – История

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Papers - 1997 - Статьи

70. B. Straumal, V. Semenov, V. Glebovsky, W. Gust
Grain boundary wetting phase transitions in the Mo–Ni system PDF
Defect Diff. Forum 143–147 (1997) 1517–1522

71. B. B. Straumal, W. Gust, N. F. Vershinin, V. G. Glebovsky, H. Brongersma, R. Faulkner
Morphology of Mo particles and their incorporation into the growing film during vacuum arc deposition PDF
Nuclear Instr. & Methods in Physics Res. B, 122, No. 3 (1997) 594–597

72. N. F. Vershinin, V. G. Glebovsky, B. B. Straumal, W. Gust, H. Brongersma
Vacuum arc deposition as a complementary technology to laser processing PDF
Appl. Surf. Sci., 109/110 (1997) 437–441

73. B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, V. Semenov, V. Sursaeva, W. Gust
Vacuum arc deposited Mo layers: grain size and roughness PDF
Defect Diff. Forum 143–147 (1997) 1637–1644

74. L.-S. Chang, B. B. Straumal, E. Rabkin, W. Gust, F. Sommer
The solidus line of the Cu–Bi phase diagram PDF
Journal of Phase Equlibria 18, No 2 (1997) 128–135

75. V. Sursaeva, B. Straumal, L. Shvindlerman, W. Gust, A. Tuflin
Mechanism of diffusion-induced recrystallization PDF
Defect Diff. Forum 143–147 (1997) 1589–1594

76. B. Straumal, E. Rabkin, W. Lojkowski, W. Gust, L. S. Shvindlerman
Pressure influence on the grain boundary wetting phase transition in Fe–Si alloys PDF
Acta mater. 45, No 5 (1997) 1931–1940

77. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, V. G. Sursaeva, W. Gust
Vacuum arc deposition of Mo coatings
Materials, Functionality and Design, L. A. J. L. Sarton and H. B. Zeedijk (eds.), Netherlands Society for Materials Science, Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands, 3 (1997) 19–22 PDF

78. W. Lojkowski, E. Rabkin, B. Straumal, W. Gust
Effect of temperature and pressure on grain boundary segregation and wetting PDF
Defect Diff. Forum 143–147 (1997) 1407–1412

79. B. B. Straumal, V. G. Glebovsky, N. F. Vershinin, V. G. Sursaeva, W. Gust
Mo coatings produced with the aid of the vacuum arc deposition PDF
Plansee Sem. Proc. 14 (1997) 830–843

80. Б. Б. Страумал, Н. Ф. Вершинин, В. Густ
Нанесение покрытий на проволоку с помощью магнетронного распыления
Материаловедение 1, № 4 (1997) 42–45 PDF
B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, W. Gust
The magnetron sputter deposition of coatings on wires
Materials Sciences Transactions 1, No. 4 (1997 ) 42–45 (in Russian)

81. L.-S. Chang, E. Rabkin, B. Straumal, P. Lejcek, S. Hofmann, W. Gust
Temperature dependence of the grain boundary segregation of Bi in Cu polycrystals PDF
Scripta mater. 37, No. 6 (1997) 729–735

82. L.-S. Chang, E. Rabkin, B. B. Straumal, S. Hoffmann, B. Baretzky, W. Gust
The relationship between the grain boundary segregation and solidus line in the Cu–Bi system PDF
Surface and Grain Boundary Segregation, J.Giber, K.H.Mueller (eds.), Technical University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary (1997) 97–100

83. D. Weygand, Y. Brechet, E. Rabkin, B. Straumal, W. Gust
Solute drag and wetting of a grain boundary PDF
Phil. Mag. Letters, 76, No. 3 (1997) 133–138