Laboratory of Internal Boundaries in Metals

Лаборатория Поверхностей Раздела в Металлах

Staff – Сотрудники

Books – Монографии

Papers – Статьи

Projects – Проекты

History – История

Applications – Прикладные работы

Conferences – Конференции

Most important results – Важнейшие результаты

Papers - 2004 - Статьи

148. B. Straumal. G. Lopez, W. Gust, E. Mittemeijer
Deformation of nanocrystalline materials and grain boundary phase transitions In: Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation. Fundamentals – Processing – Applications, M.J. Zehetbauer and R.Z. Valiev. (eds.) J.Wiley VCH Weinheim (Germany), 2004, pp. 642–647 PDF

149. B.B. Straumal, B. Baretzky
Grain boundary phase transitions and their influence on properties of polycrystals PDF
Interf. Sci. 12 (2004) 147–155

150. B. B. Straumal, V. N. Semenov, O. A. Kogtenkova, T. Watanabe
Pokrovsky-Talapov critical behavior and rough-to-rough ridges of the S3 coincidence tilt boundary in Mo PDF
Phys. Rev. Lett. 192 (2004) 196101-1–196101-4

151. B.B. Straumal
Grain boundary phase transitions. Influence on diffusion, plasticity and charge transfer PDF
Arch. Metal. 49 No 2 (2004) 323–337

152. B.B. Straumal, A.S. Khruzhcheva, G. A. Lopez
“Wetting by solid state” grain boundary phase transition in Zn–Al alloys
Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 6 (2004) 13–22 PDF

153. B.B. Straumal, B. Baretzky, A.A. Mazilkin, F. Phillipp, O.A. Kogtenkova, M.N. Volkov, R.Z. Valiev
Formation of nanograined structure and decomposition of supersaturated solid solution during high pressure torsion of Al–Zn and Al–Mg
Acta Mater. 52 (2004) 4469–4478 PDF

154. B. Straumal, Ya. Kucherinenko, B. Baretzky
3-dimensional Wulff diagrams for S3 grain boundaries in Cu PDF
Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 6 (2004) 23–31

155. G.A. Lopez, E.J. Mittemeijer, B.B. Straumal
Grain boundary wetting by a solid phase; microstructural development in a Zn–5 wt.% Al alloy PDF
Acta Mater. 52 (2004) 4537–4545

156. B. Straumal, S. Polyakov, E. Bischoff, E. Mittemeijer
Grain boundary faceting close to the S3 coincidence misorientation in copper PDF
Zt. Metallkd. 95 (2004) 939–944

157. Б.Б. Страумал
Фазовые переходы смачивания на границах зерен PDF
Наука производству 80 (2004) 38–45
B. Straumal
Grain boundary wetting phase transitions (in Russian)
Science and Technology 80 (2004) 38–45