Name Kudrenko Elena
Date of birth December 10, 1980
Place of birth Bataisk, Russian
September 1988 – June 1998
Secondary School in Borisoglebsk, Russia
September 1998 – July 2003
Graduated in Mathematics and Physics from Pedagogical University in Borisoglebsk
Teacher (Mathematic and Physics) at the Pedagogical University, Borisoglebsk, Russia
September 2003 – November 2003
Engineer at the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia
November 2003- till now
Postgraduate student at the Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia
Research interests : complex oxides, nanostructured materials, phase transformations, X-ray diffraction analysis and transmission electron microscopy
Languages: Russian (mother language) English
Adress: Institute of Solid State Physics, Chernogolovka, Moscow distr., 142432 RUSSIA
Telephone: +7 (495) 52 2 53 72
Fax: +7 (496) 524 97 01
Scientific publications:
1 . Particularity of the phase transition in the single crystal of Eu2(MoO4)3 at the thermal pressure processing,
I.M.Shmyt’ko, Å.À. Kudrenko, V.V.Sinitsyn, B.S.Red’kin, E.G. Ponjatovsky, Technical Physics Letters, vol.85, issue 7, p.460
2. Phase States Cycling Sequence in Complex Oxides Received by Decomposition of the Melt-Solution of the Simple Oxides (Nitrates) in NH4NO3.
Elena Kudrenko, Ivan Shmytko, Galina Strukova, XX Cpngress of the International Union of Crystallography 23-31 august 2005( p. 405)
3. Structure infection and anomalous phase sequence in complex oxides.
I.M.Shmyt’ko, G.K.Strukova, E.A.Kudrenko,
“Crystallography” journal in press
4. Evolution of spectral characteristics at annealing of amorphous of Eu2(MoO4)3
A.P. Kiselev , S.Z. Shmurak, I.M. Shmytko, E.A. Kudrenko and others., “Physics of the Solid State” in press