www.issp.ac.ru RUS
  • Name: ZORINA Leokadiya Veniaminovna

    Date and place of birth: April 14, 1971 , Chernogolovka, Moscow district, Russia

    Education: 1988-1994 – student, Geological Department of the Moscow State University , Sub-faculty of Crystallography and Crystallochemistry.

    2003 - Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (PhD), Institute of Solid State Physics , Russian Academy of Sciences , Chernogolovka. Thesis title: “The structure of low-dimensional organic conductors based on radical cation salts with photochromic and magnetic anions”. Thesis advisor: Prof. Shibaeva R.P.

    Positions held: 1996-2003 – junior research scientist, ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka

    2003 up to now - research scientist, ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka

    Awards: 2002 - Struchkov Prize (Struchkov Prize Society was founded in 1997 for supporting young crystallographers in all independent States of the former Soviet Union)

    Scientific interests: Crystallography. X-ray diffraction. Structural analysis. Low-dimensional organic conductors and superconductors. Structure-properties correlations. Multifunctional molecular materials.

    Position: research scientist, PhD

    Professional carrier: L.V. Zorina graduated from the Geological Department of the Moscow State University in 1994, Sub-faculty of Crystallography and Crystallochemistry. Since 1994 up to now she is working in the Laboratory of Structure Studies of the Institute of Solid State Physics , Russian Academy of Sciences, in Chernogolovka ( Moscow District , Russia ) under supervision by Prof. Shibaeva R.P.

    In 2002 for the research “The structure of low-dimensional organic conductors based on radical cation salts with photochromic and magnetic anions” she was awarded by Struchkov Prize, presented by Struchkov Prize Society, which was founded in 1997 for supporting young crystallographers in all independent States of the former Soviet Union . In 2003 she have received PhD degree for the work on this topic.

    Research interests: Scientific interests of L.V. Zorina are connected with X-ray single crystal structural study of low-dimensional organic conductors based on radical cation salts. These molecular crystals are characterized by different electroconducting properties from dielectric to metallic and superconducting ones depending on the packing mode of radical cation layers. The recent considerably interesting tendency in this field is coupling the conducting organic matrix with anions showing magnetic or optic properties. A detailed comparative crystallochemical analysis of such materials coupled with calculation of their electronic band structures should allow to conceive a scenario for the rational search of novel hybrid functional materials.



    Institute of Solid State Physics, RAS
    143432, Chernogolovka, Moscow district, Russia



    335 (GLK)




    7-096-524-9701 (from abroad)
    8-2-524-9701 (from Moscow and Moscow district)
    8-096-524-9701 (from other Russia regions and former USSR countries)







    work phone: 7-096-522-5326, 8-2522-5326 (from Moscow ), 2-53-26 (local)


    List of publications 2000-2004


    1. "Halides of BET-TTF: novel hydrated molecular metals"

    E. Laukhina, E. Ribera, J. Vidal-Gancedo, S. Khasanov, L. Zorina, R. Shibaeva, E. Canadell,

    V. Laukhin, M. Honold, M.-S. Nam , J. Singleton, J. Veciana, C. Rovira

    Adv. Mater. 12 (2000) 54-58.

    2. "A new organic conductor and a novel structural phase transition in the BEDT-TTF trihalide


    E. Laukhina, J. Vidal-Gancedo, S. Khasanov, V. Tkacheva, L. Zorina, R. Shibaeva,

    J. Singleton, R. Wojciechowski, J. Ulanski, V. Laukhin, J. Veciana, C. Rovira

    Adv. Mater. 12 (2000) 1205-1210.


    3. "A new stable organic metal based on the BEDO-TTF donor and the doubly charged

    nitroprusside anion, (BEDO-TTF) 4 [Fe(CN) 5 NO]"

    L.V. Zorina, S.S. Khasanov, R.P. Shibaeva, M. Gener, R. Rousseau, E. Canadell, L.A. Kushch,

    E.B. Yagubskii, O.O. Drozdova, K. Yakushi

    J. Mater. Chem. 10 (2000) 2017-2023.

    4. "First-order phase transition in the organic metal k -(BETS) 2 C(CN) 3 "

    B.Zh. Narymbetov, E. Canadell , T. Togonidze, S.S. Khasanov, L.V. Zorina, R.P. Shibaeva,

    H. Kobayashi

    J. Mater. Chem. 11 (2001) 332-336.

    5. " Crystal structure of radical cation salt (BEDT-TTF) 4 (GaCl 4 ) 2 ? C 6 H 5 CH 3 "

    L.V. Zorina, S.S. Khasanov, B.Zh. Narymbetov, R.P. Shibaeva, A.I. Kotov, E.B. Yagubskii

    Cryst. Reports 46 (2) (2001) 219-224.


    6. "Structure of organic metals based on BEDT-TTF with photochromic nitroprusside anion,

    (BEDT-TTF) 4 M[Fe(CN) 5 NO] 2 where M = Na + , K + , NH 4 + , Tl + , Rb + , Cs + "

    S.S. Khasanov, L.V. Zorina, R.P. Shibaeva

    Russian J. Coord. Chem. 27 (4) (2001) 259-269.


    7. "Comparative study of BEDT-TTF and Ni(dddt) 2 electroconducting salts with the HXO 4

    (X = Se,S) anions"

    A.I. Kotov, L.I. Buravov, E.B. Yagubskii, S.S. Khasanov, L.V. Zorina, R.P. Shibaeva,

    E. Canadell

    Synth. Met. 124 (2001) 357-362.

    8. "New transparent metal-like bilayer composite films with highly conducting layers of

    q -(BET-TTF) 2 Br ? 3H 2 O nanocrystals"

    M. Mas-Torrent, E. Laukhina, C. Rovira, J. Veciana, V. Tkacheva, L. Zorina, S. Khasanov

    Adv. Funct. Mater. 11 (4) (2001) 299-303.


    9. "New flexible low-density metallic materials containing the (BEDT-TTF) 2 (I x Br 1-x ) 3

    molecular metals as active components"

    E. Laukhina, V. Tkacheva, I. Chuev, E. Yagubskii, J. Vidal-Gancedo, M. Mas-Torrent,

    C. Rovira, J. Veciana, S. Khasanov, L. Zorina, R. Shibaeva, R. Wojciechowski, J. Ulanski

    J. Phys. Chem. 105 (2001) 11089-11097.


    10. "Interesting transport and magnetic properties in a new family of molecular materials based on

    the organic donor BET-TTF and the perrhenate anion"

    S.S. Khasanov, A. Perez-Benitez, B.Zh. Narymbetov, L. Zorina, R.P. Shibaeva, J. Singleton,

    A.-K. Klehe, V.N. Laukhin, J. Vidal-Gancedo, J. Veciana, E. Canadell, C. Rovira

    J. Mater. Chem. 12 (2002) 432-441.

    11. " Crystal and electronic structures of the radical cation salt based on EDT-TTF and the

    photochromic nitroprusside anion, (EDT-TTF) 3 [Fe(CN) 5 NO]"

    L.V. Zorina, M. Gener, S.S. Khasanov, R.P. Shibaeva, E. Canadell , L.A. Kushch,

    E.B. Yagubskii

    Synth. Met. 128 (2002) 325-332.


    12. "Radical cation salts of TTT and TSeT with photochromic anion [FeNO(CN) 5 ] 2- "

    I.Yu. Shevyakova, L.I. Buravov, L.A. Kushch, E.B. Yagubskii, S.S.Khasanov, L.V. Zorina,

    R.P. Shibaeva, N.V. Drichko, I. Oleinischak

    Koordinatsionnaya khimiya (in russian) 28 (7) (2002) 1-10.


    13. "New molecular conductors based on ETEDT-TTF trihalides: from single crystals to

    conducting layers of nanocrystals"

    M. Mas-Torrent, E. Ribera, V. Tkacheva, I. Mata, E. Molins, J. Vidal-Gancedo, S. Khasanov,

    L. Zorina, R. Shibaeva, R. Wojciechowski, J. Ulanski, K. Wurst, J. Veciana, V. Laukhin,

    E. Canadell, E. Laukhina, C. Rovira

    Chem. Mater. 14 (2002) 3295-3304.

    14. "The first mixed valence radical cation salts of BEDT-TTF with the photochromic metal

    mononitrosyl complexes [RuNOX 5 ] 2- (X = Br, Cl) as counterions"

    I.Yu. Shevyakova, L.V. Zorina, S.S. Khasanov, L.I. Buravov, V.A. Tkacheva, R.P. Shibaeva,

    E.B. Yagubskii, E. Canadell

    J. Solid State Chem. 168 (2) (2002) 514-523.


    15. "Molecular conductors based on radical cation hydrated halides: new crystal phase of the

    (BEDT-TTF) 3 Br 2 ? 2H 2 O organic metal"

    S.S. Khasanov, L.V. Zorina, R.P. Shibaeva, S.I. Pesotskii, M.V. Kartsovnik, L.F. Veiros,

    E. Canadell

    Synth. Met. 131 (2002) 41-48.


    16. "Structure-properties relationships in organic molecular conductors based on radical

    cation salts with octahedral metal complexes as counterions"

    R.P. Shibaeva, E.B. Yagubskii, E. Canadell, S.S. Khasanov, L.V. Zorina, L.A. Kushch,

    T.G. Prokhorova, I.Yu. Shevyakova, L.I. Buravov, V.A. Tkacheva, M. Gener

    Synth. Met. 133 (2003) 373-375.


    17. “ ̀ olecular metals based on BEDT-TTF radical cation salts with magnetic metal oxalates

    as counterions: b ? -(BEDT-TTF) 4 A[M(C 2 O 4 ) 3 ] ? C 3 H 7 NO (A = NH 4 + , K + ; M = Cr III , Fe III )”

    T.G. Prokhorova, S.S. Khasanov, L.V. Zorina, L.I. Buravov, V.A. Tkacheva, A.A. Baskakov, R.B. Morgunov, M. Gener, E. Canadell, R.P. Shibaeva, E.B. Yagubskii

    Adv. Funct. Mater. 13 (2003) 403-411.


    18. “The structure of low-dimensional organic conductors based on radical cation salts with photochromic and magnetic anions”

    L.V. Zorina

    PhD thesis, Institute of Solid State Physics , Russian Academy of Sciences , Chernogolovka MD, Russia (2003).


    19. "Exploitation of the photochromic nitroprusside anion [FeNO(CN) 5 ] 2- as counterion for constructing molecular conductors: The first radical cation salts based on BDH-TTP and the amide functionalized derivatives of EDT-TTF"

    R. Shibaeva, S. Khasanov, L. Zorina, S. Simonov, I. Shevyakova, L. Kushch, L. Buravov, E. Yagubskii, S. Baudron, C. Meziere, P. Batail, E. Canadell, J. Yamada

    J. Phys. IV France 114 (2004) 481-485.


    20. "New organic metals based on BDH-TTP radical cation salts with the photochromic nitroprusside anion [FeNO(CN) 5 ] 2- "

    I. Shevyakova, L. Buravov, V. Tkacheva, L. Zorina, S. Khasanov, S. Simonov, J. Yamada, E. Canadell, R. Shibaeva, E. Yagubskii

    Adv. Funct. Mater. 14 (7) (2004) 660-668.


    21. “ Crystal structure of the new radical cation salt (DOET) 4 [Fe(CN) 5 NO] 1.25 (C 6 H 5 Cl) 0.75 ”

    L.V. Zorina, S.S. Khasanov, R.P. Shibaeva, I.Yu. Shevyakova, A.I. Kotov, E.B. Yagubskii

    Cryst. Reports 49 (6) (2004) 1010-1017 (transl. Kristallografiya 49 (6) (2004) 1107-1114).



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