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Zorina Leokadiya

Publications | CV

senior research scientist, PhD

About me:

L. Zorina graduated from the Geological Department of the Moscow State University in 1994, Sub-faculty of Crystallography and Crystallochemistry. Since 1994 up to now she is working in the Laboratory of Structure Studies of the Institute of Solid State Physics , Russian Academy of Sciences, in Chernogolovka (Moscow District , Russia) under supervision by Prof. Shibaeva R.

In 2002 for the research "The structure of low-dimensional organic conductors based on radical cation salts with photochromic and magnetic anions" she was awarded by Struchkov Prize, presented by Struchkov Prize Society, which was founded in 1997 for supporting young crystallographers in all independent States of the former Soviet Union. In 2003 she have received PhD degree for the work on this topic.

Scientific interests:

Scientific interests of L.V. Zorina are connected with X-ray single crystal structural study of low-dimensional organic conductors based on radical cation salts. These molecular crystals are characterized by different electroconducting properties from dielectric to metallic and superconducting ones depending on the packing mode of radical cation layers. The recent considerably interesting tendency in this field is coupling the conducting organic matrix with anions showing magnetic or optic properties. A detailed comparative crystallochemical analysis of such materials coupled with calculation of their electronic band structures should allow to conceive a scenario for the rational search of novel hybrid functional materials.


Institute of Solid State Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432, Moscow district, Russia

Fax: +7(496) 522 8160

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