Публикации Афониковой Н.С.
- Degtyareva V.F., Afonikova N.S. "Structurally Complex Frank–Kasper Phases and Quasicrystal Approximants: Electronic Origin of Stability" Crystals 7 (2017) 359 (pdf)
- Valentina F. Degtyareva and Nataliya S. Afonikova "Complex structures in the Au – Cd alloy system: Hume-Rothery mechanism as origin" Solid State Sciences 49 (2015) 61-67
- Valentina F. Degtyareva and Nataliya S. Afonikova "Simple metal and binary alloy phases based on the hcp structure: Electronic origin of distortions and superlattices"
Solid State Sciences, 37 (2014) 47-54
- B.B. Straumal, A.S. Gornakova, A.N. Nekrasov, S.I. Prokofjev, N.S. Afonikova, M.F. Bulatov, K.I. Kolesnikova "Continuous and discontinuous αTi layers between grains of β(Ti,Co) phase" Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 23(5) (2014) 1580-1584
- Valentina F. Degtyareva and Nataliya S. Afonikova "Simple metal binary phases based on the body centered cubic structure: electronic origin of distortions and superlattices" Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 74 (2013) 18-24
- А.С. Горнакова, В.Н. Семенов, Н.С. Афоникова, А.В. Тимонина, Б.Б. Страумал "Зернограничный фазовый переход смачивания в сплавах титан - хром" Вестник ТГУ. Серия: Естественные и технические науки, 18(4) (2013) 1833-1834
- V.F. Degtyareva, N.S. Afonikova "Simple metal binary phases based on the body centered cubic structure: Electronic origin of distortions and superlattices" J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 74 (2013) 18-24