In the last (1995/96) year, as in the past years, there was few- level astronomical olympiad in Russia. A local tours took place in about 35 regions of the country. About 60 winners held their competi- tion in May, 11-14, in Kaluga (about 200 km from Moscow). All partici- pants were divided into three age groups: 8-9, 10 and 11 year of edu- cation. Every participant was offered some exercises in accordance with his age, which were checked and graded by jury the next day. Win- ners were congratulated and rewarded by not-too-expensive prizes in a ceremonial close of the Olympiads. Some examples of exercises are gi- ven below. For participants of 8-9 year of education: Theoretical exam: 6. Estimate the difference between linear velocities of two ast- ronauts on the Moon if one of them sees the Earth in zenith and the other one is located in the opposite point of the Moon' globe. Practical exam: You are given a print of the comet Huakutake when it was observed near the North Celestial pole (photo by D.Chichmar'). This image was obtained by not-guided camera. The enlarged print was taken from the 24x36 film frame. You also have in Your possession a stellar map of the polar region, a ruler, a pencil and a protractor. Try to find the answers to the next questions: 1. What was (approximately) the exposure of the film? 2. Put the position of the comet on Your map. Identify the most bright stars seen on the print. 3. Calculate the angular size of the print and the visible length of comet' tail. 4. Find the focal length of the camera which was used to make this shot. For participants of 11 year of education: Theoretical exam: 4. A satellite is observed in the optical telescope near the ho- rizon. At what direction the optical lazer beam must be targeted if the atmospheric refraction can't be ignored, to hit the satellite (lower, higher or just as You see a satellite)? 6. The period of radio pulses of some pulsar mass of which is equal to two solar masses is found to be P = 1 sec. Precise measure- ments gave evidence of small variations of P - even if the motion of the observer around the Sun was taken into account: it appears that the value of P changes periodically with period of one year and the amplitude 10-8 sec. What mass may have a satellite circling the pulsar which causes this period variation? Full list of the problems is available in Russian. Astronomical Lectures of professional scientists are also organi- zed for the participants. The excursions to local sightseeings and so- me entertainments are also included in the program. We try to use the Olympiads not only to reveal the most bright teenagers and to support the interest to astronomy among schoolchild- ren. The other goal is to help teachers accompanying schoolchildren in their professional qualification and to unite their efforts to change the situation with the astronomical education in schools to the best. As the bright result, the Association of teachers of astronomy has been organized the last year. The main problem which we meet every year is to find financial support to organize the Olympiads. It always appears that not all re- gions of Russian Federatiom can send their representatives to Olympiad due to financial problems.The III Autumn Astronomical School in SAO RAS was or- ganized for the winners of this Olympiad (25 partici- pants were invited) and their teachers of astronomy which accompany them. The School lasted ten days on Octoser 31 - November 9, 1996. The program included the First (Experimental) International Olympiad of Euro-Asian Astronomical Society, the acquaintance with the professional research programs, amateur ob- servations, lectures, excursions to the largest in Euroasia 6-meter reflector, site-seeing excursions and recreations. The final competition of the All-Russian Olympiad 1996/97 took place near Moscow in town of Troitsk this spring (on April, 7-12). Prof. A.V.Zasov and Dr. M.G.Gavrilov, Chairman and Scientific director of the Olympiad comission. The exchange of experiences and making contacts with those involving in similar activities is highly desirable.