Invited lecturers (School of Young Scientists):
D. Lee, Texas A&M University, USA
R. Hemley, Carnegie, USA
G. Volovik, Chernogolovka, Russia
V. Nesvizhevsky, Grenoble, France
M. Strzhemechny, Kharkov, Ukraine
V. Tsymbalenko, Moscow, Russia
Invited speakers:
Y. Freiman, Kharkov, Ukraine
O. Petrov, Moscow, Russia
P. Toennies, Gottingen, Germany
I. Todoshchenko, Helsinki, Finland
Yu. Lozovik, Troitsk, Russia
Invited persons:
P. Leiderer, Konstanz, Germany
A. Jezowski, Wroclaw, Poland
Accepted reports (oral and poster):
Abdurakhimov L.V., Brazhnikov M.Yu., Filatov S., Remizov I., Levchenko A.A., "Classical capillary turbulence on the surface of quantum liquid He-II", ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka
Aldiarov A., "Influence of water and ethanol cryocondensate film's thickness on structural-phase transitions in the range of temperatures 12-160 K", Almaty, Kazakhstan
Aldiarov A.,"Oscillation spectroscopy of nanosized structures of indium in cryomatrixes of cryocondensed gases. Methods, installation, results", Almaty, Kazakhstan
Antipov S.N, Vasiliev M.M., Petrov O.F. and Fortov V.E., "Dense Dusty Plasma Structures in Cryogenic DC Glow Discharges", Moscow, Russia
Antsygina T., "Two-Dimensional Hard Core Bosons at Zero Temperature: Superfluid Density and Spin Wave Dispersion", Kharkov, Ukraine
Aryutkina M., "Dynamical transitions in cryovacuum condensates of ethanol close to glass-transition temperature", Almaty, Kazakhstan
Atrazhev V., Bonifaci N., Li Zhilling, Denat A., and K. von Haeften, "Atomic and molecular spectra emitted by normal liquid 4He excited by corona discharge", Moscow, Russia
Bagatskiy M. I., "Low temperature heat capacity of fullerit C_60 Doped with CD_4", Kharkov, Ukraine
Belov A., "D2 dissosiation in Xe matrix under electron beam irradiation", Kharkov, Ukraine
Benderskii V.A., "Regular-chaotic transitions in quantum dynamics of nanosystems", ICP RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia
Boltnev R., "Oxygen-helium condensates as an optimal medium for very cold neutron reflectors", Chernogolovka, Russia
Boltnev R., Krushinskaya et al, "Ions in Impurity-Helium Condensates", Chernogolovka, Russia
Bondybey V., "Matrix Isolation - almost 100 years old, but still hale and hearty", University of Munich
Burmistrov S., "Oscillation Spectra of a Crystal 4He Facet and Its Destruction with Generating Crystallization Waves", Moscow, Russia
Chikina I., Dashkovski V., Nazin S., Shikin V., "Dynamical phenomena with the participation of charged clusters in cryogenic matter", Chernogolovka, Russia
Chishko K., "Two Dimensional Hard Core Bosons in the Random Phase Approximation", Kharkov, Ukraine
Danchuk V., "Orientational order parameterin CO2 - Kr solution", Kharkov, Ukraine
Degtyareva O., C.L. Guillaume, J.E. Proctor, E. Gregoryanz "Open questions of metallisation and superconductivity of silane", Edinburgh, UK
Degtyareva V., "Low Melting Point in Compressed Alkali Metals: Electronic Origin", Chernogolovka, Russia
Dmitriev Yu.A., "Hindered rotation of impurity molecules in ordered and disordered matrices", Ioffe institute RAS, St. Peterburg
Drobyshev A. S., "Structural-phase transitions in thin films of glassforming condensates", Almaty, Kazakhstan
Dugaev A.M., Lebedeva E.V., Grigor'ev P., "Charged impurity clusters in liquid helium", Chernogolovka, Russia
Efimov V.B , Ganshin A., Kolmakov G.V., McClintock P.V.E., "Decay of second sound turbulence in He-II", Chernogolovka, Russia
Efimov V.B., Garg Deepack, McClintock P.V.E., "Experimental study of quantum turbulence in liquid helium", Lancaster Univ., UK
Eloranta J., "Self-assembly processes in bulk superfluid helium", USA
Erenburg A.I., Leont'eva A.V., Marinin G.A., Prokhorov A. Yu., "The Low Frequency Internal Friction (LFIF) and Phase Transition of Solid Oxygen", Haifa
Feodosyev S., "Quasi-particles spectra in graphite compounds with metallic intercalated layers", Kharkov, Ukraine
Filatov S., Abdurakhimov L.V., Brazhnikov M.Yu., Remizov I., Levchenko A.A., "Capillary turbulence..." (poster), Chernogolovka, Russia
Freiman Y. A., "Lattice distortion of hcp solid helium", Kharkov, Ukraine
Golov A., Zmeev D., "The Amount of Non-classical Rotational Inertia in Solid 4He as a Function of the Crystal Quality", Manchester, UK
Goncharov A., "Melting Behavior of Hydrogen at Megabar Pressures", Washington, USA
Gorbenko Ie., "Ab initio calculation of three-body interaction in cryocrystals under pressure", Lugansk, Ukraine
Gordon E., "Structure and properties of metallic nanowires produced in Qanized Vortices of Superfluid Helium", Chernogolovka, Russia
Gregoryanz E., "On quantum effects in dense lithium", Edinburgh, UK
Gurin A., "Of geometry analysis Bernal's model cryocrystals", Kharkov, Ukraine
Hemley Russell, "Recent studies at high pressures" (tentative), Carnegie, USA
Ikegami H., "Wigner crystals Confined in Micrometer-wide Channels", RIKEN, Japan
Iosilevskiy I., "New data on shock compression of liquid nytrogen in 1-3 megabar range", Moscow, Russia
A.N.Izotov, V.B.Efimov, "Infrared light interaction with impurity gels in superfluid helium", Chernogolovka, Russia
Jezowski A., "Magnetic Field Effect on Thermal Conductivity of Solid Oxygen" (to be confirmed), Wroclaw, Poland
Jochemsen Reyer, "3He crystal growth: magnetic field effects" (to be confirmed), Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium, The Netherlands
Kalinin I., "Observation of the nonequilibrium superfluid phase into solid helium within Aerogel", Obninsk, Russia
Karabulin A., "High Efficient Field-induced Electron Emission from the Bundles of Nanowires Grown in Superfluid Helium", Moscow, Russia
Kashtanov P., "Equation of state for compressed inert gases", Moscow, Russia
Khmelenko V.V., "Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Hydrogen and Deuterium Atoms in Krypton Helium Condensates", Texas A&M University, USA
Khrapak A., Schmidt W.F., "Negative Ions in Liquid Helium", Moscow, Russia
Khyzhniy I., "Low-Temperature Post-Desorption from Solid Nitrogen", Kharkov, Ukraine
Kiryukhin V., "X-ray studies of impurity-helium condensates", Piscataway, USA
Kisel V., "Classical Deformation Explains the Properties of Solid/Fluid He", Chernogolovka, Russia
Kokshenev V., "Ergodic Instability in Amorphous Solids", UFMG, Brazil
Kolmakov G.V., Mezhov-Deglin L.P., Efimov V.B., Nesvizhevsky V.V., "Nanocluster Condensates in He-II as a Tool for Production of Ultra-Cold Neutrons: Experiment and Numerical Simulation", Pittsburg, USA
Kondaurova L., "Numerical Simulation of vortex tangle without mutual friction in superfluid helium", Novosibirsk, Russia
Konstantynov V., "Heat Transfer in Solid N-alkanes", Kharkov, Ukraine
Korolyuk O., "Thermal conductivity of molecular crystals of monoatomic alcohols: from methanol to butanol", Kharkov, Ukraine
Krainyukova N. V., "On the role of distortion in the hcp vs fcc competition in rare gas solids", Kharkov, Ukraine
Kravchenko K., "The phonon spectrum of graphite and stability conditions in quasi-two-dimensional structures", Kharkov, Ukraine
Krivchikov A., "Metastable defect structure in orientational ordered crystal of ethanol", Kharkov, Ukraine
Kurnossov V., "Infrared spectrometry of structural-phase transitions in two-layer (crystal- amorphous) films of ethanol cryocondensates", Almaty, Kazakhstan
Lebedev V., "Probing the phonon spectra of condensed 4He with atomic impurities", Fribourg, Switzerland
Lee D.M., "50 Years of Matrix Isolation of Atomic Free Radicals ", Texas A&M University, USA
Legchenkova I., "Dynamics of dopant particles in octahedral voids of fullerite C60", Kharkov, Ukraine
Leiderer P., "Properties of 2-D colloidal systems", Konstanz Univ., Germany
Lozovik Yu., "Quantum crystals and formation of supersolid from excitations in solid matter", ISAN, Troitsk, Russia
Lykah V., "The Free Energy, Pressure Change, and Twin Boundaries in Solid Helium at the bcc-hcp Phase Transition", Kharkov, Ukraine
Manzhelii V.G., (to be confirmed) Kharkov, Ukraine
Mezhov-Deglin L.P., Efimov V.B., Kolmakov G.V., Lokhov A.V., Nesvizhevsky V.V., "Neutron studies of properties on nanoclusters impurity-helium condensates (quantum gels) in superfluid helium", ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka
Mikhin N., "The Effect of 3He Impurities on New Phase Nucleation under bcc-hcp Phase Transition in Helium Solid", Kharkov, Ukraine
Misochko E.Ya., Akimov A.V., "High resolution EPR spectroscopy of high-spin pyridylnitrene molecules in solid argon", IPCP RAS, Chernogolovka
Nasyedkin K., "Conductivity and critical field of the 2D electron crystal at the dynamic phase transition", Kharkov, Ukraine
Nechay A., "Polarization bremsstrahlung from xenon atoms and clusters", Kharkov, Ukraine
Nemirovskii S., "Response of vortex tangle on rotation and torsional oscillations. Probable application for vortex fluid state in solid 4He", Novosibirsk, Russia
Nesvizhevsky V.V. "Experiments with ultracold neutrons", ILL, Grenoble, France
Ogurzov A., "Thermal inactivation of excitonically-induced defect formation in solid Xe and Kr", National Technical University, Kharkov, Ukraine
Petrov O.F., Fortov V.E., "Dust Liquids and Crystals at Cryogenic Dusty Plasma", Moscow, Russia
Ponyatovsky E. G., "Clusters in water" (to be confirmed), ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka
Poltavsky I., "Condensed Phases of Hard Core Bosons on a Square Lattice", Kharkov, Ukraine
Popov E., "Laser Ablation of Boron in Bulk Superfluid Helium", Northridge, USA
Popov S.N., "Quantum effects in radial thermal expansion of single-walled carbon nanotube bundles doped with helium", Kharkov, Ukraine
Prokhorov A.Yu., Sukharevsky B.Ya., Vasyukov V.N., Leont'eva A.V., "Cellular nanostructure of methane hydrate", Donetsk, Ukraine
Pursky O., "Thermal expansion effect on phonon localization in simple molecular crystals", Cherkassy, Ukraine
Filatov S., Abdurakhimov L.V., Brazhnikov M.Yu., Remizov I., Levchenko A.A., "Capillary turbulence..." (poster), Chernogolovka, Russia
Revyakin V., "The isochoric thermal conductivity of solid isobutane", Kharkov, Ukraine
Rubanskii V., "Investigation of thermodynamic properties of deformed 4He in the Supersolid Region", Kharkov, Ukraine
Rubets S., "Concentration Dependence of Fluctuation Effects in Solid 3He-4He Mixtures", Kharkov, Ukraine
Sagan V., "Thermal conductivity of solid cyclohexane", Kharkov, Ukraine
Salamatov E., "Simulation of longwave phonon scattering at geometrical imperfections in nanowires by the FDTD method", Izhevsk, Russia
Savchenko E., "Radiation effects in atomic and molecular cryocrystals probed by optical and current spectroscopy", Kharkov, Ukraine
Shikin V.B., Nazin S., "Critical types of electron mobility in cryogenic matter", Chernogolovka, Russia
Slipko V.A., "Propagation of Strongly Nonlinear Second Sound Waves in Anisotropic Phonon Systems", Kharkov, Ukraine
Smirnov B., "Kinetic Model for Metal Atoms Coalescence in Superfluid Helium", Moscow, Russia
Solodovnik A., "Behavior of structural characteristics of CO2 solids doped atom impurities", Kharkov, Ukraine
Stachowiak P., "Investigation of conversion of molecular spins in CD4 crystals" (to be confirmed), Wroclaw, Poland
Strzhemechny M.A., "Novel Mechanism of the Negative Expansion of Fullerite C60 Doped with Chemically Neutral Species", Kharkov, Ukraine
Sumarokov V. V., "Low temperature specific heat capacity of fullerit C_60", Kharkov, Ukraine
Surin L., "Rotational spectroscopy of small helium clusters", Troitsk, Russia
Syrkin E., "Similarity of the Boson peak in disordered systems to the acoustic van Hove singularities in regular crystals", Kharkov, Ukraine
Syvokon V., "A possible crystal-glass transition in a 2D surface electron system", Kharkov, Ukraine
Todoshchenko I, "Nuclear spin ordering on the surface of a 3He crystal: magnetic steps", Helsinki, Finland
Toennies P, "The results of a Quantum Theorem of Corresponding States Study (QTCS) of small quantum fluid clusters", Germany, Gottingen
Tsymbalenko V.L., "A Mystery of Giant Growth Rate for the 4He Crystal Facets", Kurchatov Institute, Moscow
Uyutnov S., "Charged Centers and Their Relaxation in Pre-Irradiated by an Electron Beam Solid Kr", Kharkov, Ukraine
Vakula V., "Charged molecular centers in pure Kr and mixed Kr-Ar clusters", Kharkov, Ukraine
Vasiliev S., "Magnetic resonance studies of atomic hydrogen stabilized in solid H2 at temperatures below 1K", Turku Univ., Finland
Vekhov Ye., "Vacancy Destabilization of hcp Solid Helium", Kharkov, Ukraine
Volovik G., "Topological media: quantum liquids, topological insulators and quantum vacuum", ITP RAS, Chernogolovka
Vorob'ev V., "Cell model of hydrogen liquid at megabar pressures", Moscow, Russia
Yakub E., "Fluid-Fluid Phase Transition in Strongly Compressed Polymerizing Nitrogen", Odessa, Ukraine
Yakub L., "Phase transition line of solid molecular nitrogen into CG-polymeric phase", Odessa, Ukraine
Zavyalov V.V., "Surface Electrons' Current along a He-film Covered Metal Rod", Kapitza Institute RAS, Moscow