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Events of ISSP life

  • 24 March 2004 Volker Leu, a representative from European head-quaters of Keithley Instruments visited ISSP and made a presentation about the products and services of this company.

  • 19 March 2004 Samsung Electronics held an official presentation at ISSP RAS. The presentation has been organized by RAS (V. A. Uradovskih) and made by representatives from Moscow Research Center of Samsung Electronics (U. J. Sam, K. C. Han, M. Yu. Silin).

  • 17 May 2002 Physics section of Russian Academy of Scienses announced Prof Vitalii V. Kveder a new ISSP director.

  • 22 April 2002 The majority of ISSP scientific staff voted for Prof Vitalii V. Kveder to become a new ISSP director.

  • January 2002 Prof Yurii A. Ossipyan has resigned from the post of the ISSP director. The elections of a new director are due during next several months.

  • January 2002 During 3-6 June 2002 ISSP will host 39th seminar "ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF STRENGTH" and 10th Moscow seminar "DEFORMATION PHYSICS AND FRACTURE OF SOLIDS" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Prof G.V.Kurdyumov. Further information can be found at and

  • January 2002 Information on the 3rd Chernogolovka Workshop on Low Temperature Physics in Microgravity Environment, CWS-2002, is now available at the official web-site of the meeting at

  • October 2001 The Institute has bought a practically new electron microscope JEM-100C. The system is already installed at the ISSP and is being operated by one of the institute groups.

  • October 2001 First Announcement of the 3rd International Chernogolovka Workshop on Low Temperature Physics in Microgravity Environment, CWS-2002
    Host: Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia
    Date: A week before LT23 (tentative)
    Chairs: Academician Yurii A. Ossipyan; Deputy Chair Prof. Leonid P. Mezhov-Deglin
    Scope: The main purpose of the Workshop is to provide a forum for presenting and discussing the results of recent low temperature investigations in the microgravity environment, as well as future studies in fundamental physics that can be carried out ongroung and onboard the International Space Station, taking into account the advantage of long duration experimantation in reduced gravity.

  • September 2001 The final version of PLDS-3 Programme is available at the conference web-site .

  • May 2001 First Announcement of the 3rd International Conference on Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures organized by ISSP. See details on PLDS-3 web-site .

  • March 2001 new design of the Institute Internet site

  • 15 February 2001 - 70th anniversary of the Director of ISSP Prof. Yuri A. Ossipyan - Our sincere congratulations

  • January 2001 - 25th anniversary of LNEP , one of the leading laboratories of the ISSP.

  • January 2001 - Two students of MSU, Dmitrii Krizhanovskii and Sergei Tovstonog, obtained their dimploma with highest grades for their work at ISSP