
Russian Foundation for Basic Research supports the organisation of Fifth All-Russia conference «Fuel cells and Power Plants Based on Them» (with international participation) |

Russian Scientific Foundation supports the organisation of Second School for Young Scientists "Modern Aspects of Highly-efficient Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Power Plants Based on Them" |

Electrochemical Instruments - manufacture and installation of devices for electrochemical measurements. Potentiostats, galvanostats to measure ekectrochemical impedance, electrochemical cells. 8(495)-720-31-57, sales@potentiostat.ru, www.potentiostat.ru |

Sigm Plus Ingeneering supplies highly-precise measurement equipment and flow and pressure controllers manufactured by
Bronkhorst (The Netherlands), company is excluive supplier in Russia.
Address: 117342, Moscow, Vvedenskogo str. 3, b.5.
Òåë: +7 (499) 578-04-40, +7 (495) 333-33-25

"IlPa Tech".
Adress: 220089, Belarus, Minsk, Umanskaya 54
Tel.: +7(906)516-30-65, +375 (17) 328-18-02, +375 (29) 626-19-06, e-mail: info@ilpa-tech.ru |

"Spectroscopic Systems" JSC.
Tel/Fax: +7(495)926-38-48. e-mail: spectro-systems@mail.ru. Address: 119991, Moscow, Leninskiy ave., 31 (building of the N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry)