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1st Information letter

Dear colleagues!

6th All-Russian conference “Fuel cells and Power Plants based on them” with international participation and 3d School for young scientists "Modern aspects of high efficient fuel cells and power sources based on them" will be lead from 23th to 27th of June by the Institute of Solide State Physics Russian Academy of Science (ISSP RAS) http://www.issp.ac.ru/fuelcell2019/en/.

All-Russian conferences “Fuel cells and Power Plants based on them” take on the role of the place to discuss current state and perspectives of researches in the actual solid state physics and physical chemistry fields – physics of ion conductors and materials with mixed ionic-electronic conductivity. On the conference a wide range of the fundamental problems will be discussed including: the mechanism of charge transfer and redox processes at the SOFC electrodes; obtaining and studying the properties of the new materials with mixed ionic-electronic conductivity; structure and characteristics of composite elecrodes; interconnectors materials and protective coatings; impedance spectroscopy; membrane-electrode assembling construction; fuel cells fabrication technology and its characteristics; thin-film technology; development of the construction and technology of fuel cell stack manufacturing. The attention will be focused on the issues connected with solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), and also on development of the fuel cells power source. Such industrials companies as AVL List GmbH (Austria), PJSC “Gazprom”, OAK, PJSC “Kamaz”, GC Rosatom and etc. are assumed to be participants of the conference. The whole section will be dedicated to electrochemical systems of generation and conversion of energy on the base of fuel cells for Russia Federation Arctic region.

The following questions will be discussed:
  • Anion conductors. Fabrication of gas-tight anion conductors. Thin-film technologies.
  • Cathod materials for SOFC. Synthesis and properties. New materials with mixed anion-electronic conductivity. Investigations of O2-anions self-diffusion in materials with anion-electronic conductivity.
  • Anode materials for SOFC. Structure and properties of composite anodes. Sulfur-tolerant anodes.
  • Mechanisms of charge transfer and redox proccesses on the SOFC's electrodes. Studying of degradation mechanism and methods for improving operation time.
  • Membrane-electrode assemblies. Multilayered electrodes' deposition routes. Paste preparation.
  • SOFC design. Cell fabrication technologies and their performance.
  • High temperature glues and sealants.
  • Protective coatings. Deposition regimes optimization. Long-term stability tests.
  • Construction modeling and fabrication of current collectors.
  • Stack construction modeling including gas distribution, heat transfer and elastic stresses. Modeling of electrochemical processes.
  • SOFC based power sources.
  • Solid polimer electrolytes and membranes. New materials with high protonic conductivity.
  • Charge transport processes in protonic-exchange membranes, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen crossover.
  • Highly efficient catalysts for hydogen-air fuel cells. CO-tolerant catalysts, alcohol oxidation catalysts.
  • Investigation techniques for the materials, separate fuel cells components and stacks. Impedance speactroscopy.
  • Power sources based on fuel cells with protonic exhange memebrane.
  • Fuel processors for synthesis gas production. Alcohol and hydrocarbons production.
  • Hydrogen production routes and materials for hydrogen storage.
  • Alcaline fuel cells and power sources based on them.
  • Hybrid power sources.
  • Economical estimations of effectiveness of application of power sources based on fuel cells and their price.
Organizing committee of the 6th All-Russia conference “Fuel cells and Power Plants based on them” with international participation inform, that on-line registration is open on the on-line registration. Please, mark if you need a hotel and select required dates.

Organizing committee remind to students, graduates and young scientists who wish to take part in the School operation about the nessecity of pre-registration.

Postal address: Institute of Solid State Physics, 142432, Moscow region, Russia, Chernogolovka, Academician Ossipyan str., 2
Телефон: +7 (496) 522-83-79
Fax: +7 (496) 522-81-60
e-mail: FuelCell2019@issp.ac.ru

29th of March 2019
o Registration form and hotel request

26th of April 2019
o Abtract submission
o Preferential payment of registration fee

24th of May 2019
o Preliminar program of the Conference
o Payment of the regular organisation fee

20th of June 2019
o Payment of the late organisation fee

Bredikhin S.I. • Tel: +7(496) 5221629 • Fax: +7(496) 5228160 • email: FuelCell2019@issp.ac.ru