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Ogranizing committee


S.I. Bredikhin - DrS, ISSP RAS, head of the laboratory

V.V. Ivanov - corr. member of RAS, DrS, MIPT, director of SEPM, chief researcher

Deputy chairman

D.A. Agarkov - PhD, MIPT, head of the laboratory, ISSP RAS, senior reseacher

Members of the Organising Committee

E.A. Agarkova – ISSP RAS, junior reseacher

I.N. Burmistrov – PhD, ISSP RAS, senior reseacher

A.A. Efimov – PhD, MIPT, senior reseacher

I.A. Karpova – ISSP RAS, engineer

O.A. Kogtenkova – PhD, ISSP RAS, senior reseacher

G.M. Korableva – ISSP RAS, junior reseacher

A.V. Samoilov – PhD, ISSP RAS, reseacher

M.N. Urazov – MIPT, engineer

Yu.S. Fedotov – PhD, ISSP RAS, reseacher

E.S. Khromova – ICP RAS, head of the department

Bredikhin S.I. • Tel: +7(496) 5228379 • Fax: +7(496) 5228160 • email: FuelCell2024@issp.ac.ru