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Cписок научных трудов А.М. Бобкова

  1. Yu.S. Barash, А.М. Bobkov
    "S-N-D corner junctions in magnetic field", JETP Letters, 73, No.8, pp.420-424 (2001).
  2. Yu.S. Barash, A.M. Bobkov, M. Fogelstrom
    "Josephson current between chiral superconductors", Physical Review B, 64, 214503 (2001).
  3. А.М .Bobkov
    "Conductance of SIN and SIS junctions with chiral superconductors", JETP Letters, 75, No.8, pp.383-386 (2002).
  4. A.M. Bobkov, L.-Y. Zhu, S.-W. Tsai, T.S. Nunner, Yu.S. Barash, and P. J. Hirschfeld
    "Electronic structure of d-wave superconducting quantum wires", Phys. Rev. B, 70, 144502 (2004).
  5. A.M. Bobkov
    “Zero-energy Andreev surface bound states in the lattice model”, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 80, 684 (2004).
  6. A.M. Bobkov
    "Discrete-lattice Model Approach to the Tunneling between d-wave Superconductors: Interference of Tunnel Bonds", Письма в ЖЭТФ, 83, 128 (2006).
  7. Bobkova I.V. and Bobkov A.M.
    “Nonequilibrium transport in superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor diffusive junctions: interplay between proximity effect and ferromagnetism”, Phys. Rev. B 74, 220504(R) (2006).
  8. I.V. Bobkova and A.M. Bobkov
    “Influence of spin filtering and spin mixing on the subgap structure of I-V characteristics in a superconducting quantum point contact”, Phys.Rev. B, 76, 094517 (2007).
  9. A.M. Bobkov and I.V. Bobkova
    “Influence of the atomic scale inhomogeneity of the pair interaction on the local pair formation and density of states in high-Tc superconductors”, Phys.Rev. B, 78, 024507 (2008).
  10. A.M. Bobkov and I.V. Bobkova
    "Proximity-driven source of highly spin-polarized ac current on the basis of voltage-biased SFS Josephson junction", Письма в ЖЭТФ, 88, 927 (2008).
  11. A.M. Bobkov, I.V. Bobkova
    "Order parameter sign-reversal near s+--superconductor surface " Письма в ЖЭТФ 91, 451 (2010).
  12. I.V. Bobkova and A.M. Bobkov
    “Triplet contribution to the Josephson current in the nonequilibrium superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junction”, Phys. Rev. B 82, 024515 (2010).
  13. И.В. Бобкова и А.М. Бобков
    “Вклад триплетной части токонесущей плотности состояний в джозефсоновский ток в неравновесном контакте сверхпроводник/ферромагнетик/сверхпроводник”, ФТТ 52, 2084 (2010).
  14. А.М. Бобков и И.В. Бобкова
    “Изменение симметрии параметра порядка у поверхности сверхпроводника с s+--спариванием”, ФТТ 52, 2088 (2010).
  15. A.M. Bobkov and I.V. Bobkova
    “Influence of spin-dependent quasiparticle distribution on the Josephson current through a ferromagnetic weak link”, Phys. Rev. B 84, 054533 (2011).
  16. A.M. Bobkov and I.V. Bobkova
    “Time-reversal symmetry breaking state near the surface of an s+/- superconductor”, Phys. Rev. B 84, 134527 (2011).
  17. I.V. Bobkova and A.M. Bobkov
    “Recovering the superconducting state via spin accumulation above the pair breaking magnetic field of superconducting/ferromagnet multilayers”, Phys. Rev. B 84, 140508(R) (2011).
  18. I.V. Bobkova and A.M. Bobkov
    “Long-range proximity effect for opposite-spin pairs in superconductor-ferromagnet heterostructures under nonequilibrium quasiparticle distribution”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 197002 (2012).
  19. I.V. Bobkova and A.M. Bobkov
    "In-plane Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov instability in a superconductor–normal metal bilayer system under nonequilibrium quasiparticle distribution", Phys. Rev. B 88, 174502 (2013).
  20. T.E. Golikova, M.J. Wolf, D. Beckmann, I.E. Batov, I.V. Bobkova, A.M. Bobkov, and V.V. Ryazanov
    "Nonlocal supercurrent in mesoscopic multiterminal SNS Josephson junction in the low-temperature limit", Phys. Rev. B 89, 104507 (2014).
  21. A.M.Bobkov and I.V.Bobkova
    "Enhancing of the in-plane FFLO-state critical temperature in heterostructures by the orbital effect of the magnetic field", Pis’ma v ZhETF, 99, 382 (2014) [JETP Lett. 99, 333 (2014)].
  22. I.V. Bobkova and A.M. Bobkov
    "Bistable state in superconductor/ferromagnet heterostructures", Phys. Rev. B 89, 224501 (2014).
  23. S.V. Egorov, A.M. Bobkov, I.V. Bobkova, L.S. Uspenskaya
    "Anomalously high velocity of the domain walls driven by the electric current in bilayer permalloy-niobium structures", Pis’ma v ZhETF, 101, 34 (2015) [JETP Lett. 101, 32 (2015)].
  24. I.V. Bobkova, A.M. Bobkov
    "Long-range spin imbalance in mesoscopic superconductors under Zeeman splitting", Pis’ma v ZhETF, 101, 124 (2015) [JETP Lett. 101, 118 (2015)].
  25. I.V. Bobkova, A.M. Bobkov
    "Recovering of superconductivity in S/F bilayers under spin-dependent nonequilibrium quasiparticle distribution", Pis’ma v ZhETF, 101, 442 (2015) [JETP Lett. 101, 407 (2015)].
  26. I.V. Bobkova, A.M. Bobkov
    "Injection of nonequilibrium quasiparticles into Zeeman-split superconductors: A way to create long-range spin imbalance", Phys. Rev. B 93, 024513 (2016).
  27. I.V. Bobkova, A.M. Bobkov, Alexander A. Zyuzin, and Mohammad Alidoust
    "Magnetoelectrics in disordered topological insulator Josephson junctions", Phys. Rev. B 94, 134506 (2016).
  28. I.V. Bobkova, A.M. Bobkov
    "Quasiclassical theory of magnetoelectric effects in superconducting heterostructures in the presence of spin-orbit coupling", Phys. Rev. B 95, 184518 (2017).
  29. I.V. Bobkova, A.M. Bobkov, and M.A. Silaev
    “Gauge theory of the long-range proximity effect and spontaneous currents in superconducting heterostructures with strong ferromagnets”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 094506 (2017).
  30. I.V. Bobkova and A.M. Bobkov
    “Thermospin effects in superconducting heterostructures”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 104515 (2017).
  31. I.V. Bobkova and A.M. Bobkov
    "Electrically controllable spin filtering based on superconducting helical states", Phys. Rev. B 96, 224505 (2017).
  32. I.V. Bobkova, A.M. Bobkov, and M.A. Silaev
    “Spin torques and magnetic texture dynamics driven by the supercurrent in superconductor/ferromagnet structures”, Phys. Rev. B 98, 014521 (2018).
  33. D.S. Rabinovich, I.V. Bobkova, A.M. Bobkov, and M.A. Silaev
    “Chirality selective spin interactions mediated by the moving superconducting condensate”, Phys. Rev. B 98, 184511 (2018).
  34. Bobkova I.V., Bobkov A.M.
    “Reconstruction of the DOS at the End of a S/F Bilayer” JETP Lett. 109, 57 (2019).

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