Review articles:
- M.R. Trunin. Conductivity anisotropy and pseudogap
in the microwave response of high-Tc superconductors.
Physics-Uspekhi 48 (10), 979 (2005)
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- M.R.Trunin and A.A.Golubov. In-plane microwave response of high-Tc single crystals. in:
Spectroscopy of High-Tc Superconductors.
A Theoretical View. eds. N.M.Plakida, chapter 3,
159-233 (Taylor & Francis, London and New York, 2003)
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- M.R.Trunin. Microwave response of high-Tc superconducting
crystals: Results, problems, and prospects for investigations.
Pis'ma v ZhETF 72, 583 (2000)
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- M.R.Trunin. Temperature dependence of microwave
surface impedance in high-Tc single crystals:
Experimental and theoretical aspects. Journal of
Superconductivity 11, 381 (1998)
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- M.R.Trunin. Surface impedance of HTSC single
crystals in the microwave band . Physics-Uspekhi
41, 843 (1998)
- M.R.Trunin and G.I.Leviev. Nonlinear microwave
response of a YBaCuO. J. Phys. III France 2,
355 (1992)
- V.F.Gantmakher, G.I.Leviev, M.R.Trunin. Nonlinear
effects in bismuth under cyclotron-resonance conditions.
Sov. Phys. JETP 55, 931 (1982)
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- V.F.Gantmakher, G.I.Leviev, M.R.Trunin. Trajectory
effects in the nonlinear microwave response of tin in
a weak magnetic field. JETP Lett. 36, 479
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- V.F.Gantmakher, G.I.Leviev, M.R.Trunin. Nonlinear
resonances on skipping electron trajectories near the
surface of a metal. Sov. Phys. JETP 58, 863
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- G.I.Leviev and M.R.Trunin. Resonant interaction
of electromagnetic waves in bismuth. Sov. J. Low
Temp. Phys. 9, 1166 (1983)
- M.R.Trunin. Nonlinear cyclotron resonances of holes
in bismuth. Sov. Phys. Solid State 27, 1285
- M.R.Trunin. Cyclotron wave spectrum in bismuth
and observation of the spectral boundaries in a nonlinear
microwave experiment. Sov. Phys. JETP 61,
1087 (1985)
- G.I.Leviev and M.R.Trunin. Line shape and mechanisms
of nonlinear cyclotron resonance in bismuth. Sov.
Phys. JETP 63, 392 (1986)
- M.R.Trunin and V.S.Edel'man. High-frequency waves
in bismuth in the cyclotron-resonance region. Sov.
Phys. JETP 65, 560 (1987)
- G.I.Leviev, V.G.Pogosov, M.R.Trunin. Microwave
response of the superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x
ceramics. In Novel Superconductivity; Ed. S.A.Wolf
and V.Z.Kresin, N.Y.: Plenum Press, 905 (1987)
- O.V.Abramov, G.I.Leviev, V.G.Pogosov, M.R.Trunin.
Microwave response of a YBa2Cu3O7-x
superconducting ceramic. JETP Lett. 46, 546
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- S.F.Kondakov, A.M.Podurets, V.M.Prokopenko, N.S.Sidorov,
M.R.Trunin, R.F.Trunin. Structural transition of
YBa2Cu3O6.9 due to
a shock compression up to 270 kbar. JETP Lett. 48,
208 (1988)
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- V.F.Gantmakher, V.I.Kulakov, G.I.Leviev, R.K.Nikolaev,
A.V.Polisskii, N.S.Sidorov, M.R.Trunin. Microwave
resistance of ceramic YBaCuO. Sov. Phys. JETP 68,
833 (1989))
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- G.I.Leviev, A.V.Rylyakov, M.R.Trunin. Relaxation
time of order parameter in YBaCuO single crystal.
JETP Lett. 50, 88 (1989)
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- I.P.Dudoladov, A.M.Podurets, V.M.Prokopenko, N.S.Sidorov,
M.R.Trunin, R.F.Trunin. Shock compression of YBa2Cu3O6.9.
Physica C 162-164, 937 (1989)
- G.I.Leviev, A.V.Rylyakov, M.R.Trunin. Measurement
of the superconducting order-parameter relaxation time
in monocrystalline YBaCuO. Physica C 162-164,
1595 (1989)
- V.F.Gantmakher, V.I.Kulakov, G.I.Leviev, R.K.Nikolaev,
A.V.Polisskii, N.S.Sidorov, M.R.Trunin. High-frequency
resistance of the YBa2Cu3O6.9
ceramics. Physica C, 162-164, 1539 (1989)
- G.I.Leviev, M.R.Trunin. Nonlinear microwave effects
in YBaCuO samples. Sverkhprovodimost': Fiz., Khim.,
Tekh. 3, 2215 (1990)
- G.I.Leviev, R.S.Papikyan, M.R.Trunin. Nonlinear
microwave response of YBaCuO in a critical state.
Sov. Phys. JETP 72, 201 (1991)
- M.Hein, H.Piel, M.Strupp, M.R.Trunin, A.M.Portis.
Granular behavior of electrophoretic YBa2Cu3O7-x
coatings. J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 104, 529 (1992)
- I.E.Batov and M.R.Trunin. High-frequency size effects
in thin metallic films. JETP Lett. 58, 40
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- A.A.Golubov, M.R.Trunin, S.V.Shulga, D.Wehler, J.Dreibholz,
G.Muller, H.Piel. Microwave conductivity of YBa2Cu3O6.9
single crystals near Tc. Physica C 213,
139 (1993)
- I.E.Batov and M.R.Trunin. Size-dependent microwave
absorption in thin HTS-films. In Applied Superconductivity;
Ed. H.C.Freyhardt, Oberursel (Germany) 2, 1073
- E.S.Bakhanova, V.M.Genkin, G.I.Leviev, M.R.Trunin.
Nonlinear microwave response of epitaxial YBaCuO
film. In Applied Superconductivity; Ed. H.C. Freyhardt,
Oberursel (Germany) 2, 1294 (1993)
- I.Ciccarello, C.Fazio, M.Guccione, M.Li Vigni, M.R.Trunin.
Nonlinear magnetization of YBa2Cu3O7
single crystals near Tc. Phys. Rev. B
49, 6280 (1994)
- A.Agliolo Gallitto, I.Ciccarello, M.Guccione, M.Li
Vigni, M.R.Trunin. Microwave magnetic field effects
in YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals.
Nuovo Cimento D 16 , 1889 (1994)
- A.Agliolo Gallitto, I.Ciccarello, M.Guccione, M.Li
Vigni, M.R.Trunin. Nonlinear magnetization of YBa2Cu3O7
single crystals. Physica C 235-240, 2023
- A.A.Golubov, M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhukov. Temperature
dependence of the magnetic field penetration depth in
YBCO: comparison with microwave experiments. Inst.
Phys. Conf. Ser. 148, 1111 (1995)
- M.R.Trunin and A.A.Zhukov. Edge barrier manifestation
in the nonlinear microwave response of thin YBaCuO films.
JETP Lett. 62, 42 (1995)
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- A.A.Golubov, M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhukov, O.V.Dolgov, S.V.Shulga.
Effect of impurity scattering on the magnetic field
penetration depth in YBa2Cu3O7-
: comparison
with experiments. JETP Lett. 62, 496 (1995) PDF (317.4 kB)
- M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhukov, G.E.Tsydynzhapov, A.T.Sokolov,
L.A.Klinkova, N.V.Barkovskii. Linear low-temperature
dependence of the surface impedance of a Ba0.6K0.4BiO3
single crystal. JETP Lett. 64, 832 (1996)
- A.A.Golubov, M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhukov, O.V.Dolgov, S.V.Shulga.
Temperature dependence of the magnetic field penetration
depth in YBa2Cu3O7-
: effect
of impurity scattering. Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys.
22, 379 (1996)
- M.R.Trunin and A.A.Zhukov. On the edge barrier
to penetration of magnetic field into thin YBaCuO films.
Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 22, 1195 (1996)
- A.A.Golubov, M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhukov, O.V.Dolgov, S.V.Shulga.
Comparative description of the microwave surface
impedance of Nb, BaKBiO, and YBaCuO. J. Phys. I
France 6, 2275 (1996)
- M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhukov, A.T.Sokolov. Microwave
impedance of Ba0.6K0.4BiO3
crystals: comparison with Nb. JETP 84, 383
- M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhukov, G.A.Emel'chenko, I.G.Naumenko.
Characteristic features of the temperature dependence
of the surface impedance of YBa2Cu3O6.95
single crystals. JETP Lett. 65, 938 (1997)
- A.A.Zhukov, M.R.Trunin, A.T.Sokolov, N.N.Kolesnikov.
Temperature dependence of the surface impedance of
and YBa2Cu3O6.95
single crystals measured in the microwave band.
JETP 85, 1211 (1997)
- M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhukov, A.T.Sokolov. Temperature
dependence of microwave surface impedance in YBaCuO,
TlBaCaCuO, and BaKBiO single crystals: Features and
common properties. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 59,
2125 (1998)
- M.R.Trunin. Temperature dependence of microwave
surface impedance in high-Tc single crystals.
Physica B 284-288, 921 (2000)
- H.J.Fink and M.R.Trunin. Microwave conductivity
of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8
single crystals. Physica B 284-288, 923 (2000)
- Yu.A.Nefyodov, A.A.Golubov, M.R.Trunin, M.T.Beal-Monod.
Multicomponent order parameter and penetration depth
of YBCO single crystals. Physica B 284-288,
919 (2000)
- D.V.Shovkun, M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhukov, Yu.A.Nefyodov,
N.Bontemps, H.Enriquez, A.Buzdin, M.Daumens, T.Tamegai.
c-axis penetration depth in BiSrCaCuO single
crystals measured by ac-susceptibility and cavity perturbation
technique. JETP Lett. 71, 92 (2000)
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- M.R.Trunin, Yu.A.Nefyodov, H.J.Fink. Phenomenological
description of the microwave surface impedance and complex
conductivity of high-Tc single crystals.
JETP 91, 801 (2000)
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- H.J.Fink and M.R.Trunin. Microwave conductivity
of anisotropic microwave resistance of YBaCuO and the
modified two-fluid model. Phys. Rev. B 62,
3046 (2000)
- M.R.Trunin, Yu.A.Nefyodov, D.V.Shovkun, A.A.Zhukov,
N.Bontemps, H.Enriquez, A.Buzdin, M.Daumens, T.Tamegai.
Triple approach to determination of the c-axes
penetration depth in BSCCO crystals. J. Supercond.
14, 187 (2001)
- H.Enriquez, N.Bontemps, A.A.Zhukov, D.V.Shovkun, M.R.Trunin,
A.Buzdin, M.Daumens, T.Tamegai. Penetration of Josephson
vortices and measurement of the c-axis penetration depth
in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+
: interplay
of Josephson coupling, surface barrier and defects.
Phys. Rev. B 63, 144525 (2001)
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- Yu.A.Nefyodov, M.R.Trunin, A.F.Shevchun, D.V.Shovkun,
N.N.Kolesnikov, M.P.Kulakov, A.Agliolo Gallitto, S.Fricano.
Characteristic features
of the temperature dependence of the surface impedance
in polycrystalline MgB2 samples. Europhys.
Lett. 58,
422 (2002)
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- C.Kusko, Z.Zhai, N.Hakim, R.S.Markiewicz, S.Sridhar,
D.Colson, V.Viallet-Guillen, A.Forget, Yu.A.Nefyodov,
M.R.Trunin, N.N.Kolesnikov, A.Maignan, A.Daignere, A.
Erb. Anomalous microwave conductivity due to collective
transport in the pseudogap state of cuprate superconductors.
Phys. Rev. B 65,
132501, (2002)
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- Yu.A.Nefyodov, M.R.Trunin. Microwave surface impedance anisotropy of YBaCuO single
crystals with different oxygen content. Physica
C, 388-389,
469 (2003)
- Yu.A.Nefyodov, M.R.Trunin, A.A.Zhohov, I.G.Naumenko,
G.A.Emel'chenko, D.Yu.Vodolazov, I.L.Maksimov.
Surface impedance anisotropy YBa2Cu3O6.95 single
crystals: electrodynamic basis of the measurements.
Phys. Rev. B 67,
144504, (2003)
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- E. Gaganidze, R. Heidinger, J. Halbritter, A. Shevchun,
M. Trunin, and H. Schneidewind. Nonlinear surface
impedance Z(T,f,Hrf) of Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O thin films.
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 13(2), 2821 (2003)
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- M.R.Trunin, Yu.A.Nefyodov. Microwave conductivity anisotropy of the superconducting
and normal state of YBa2Cu3O7-x : 3D-2D
crossover. JETP Lett. 77,
592 (2003)
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- E.Gaganidze, R.Heidinger, J.Halbritter, A.Shevchun,
M.Trunin, H.Schneidewind.
Nonlinear surface impedance of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 thin films as a function of temperature, frequency,
and magnetic field. J. Appl. Phys. 93, 4049 (2003)
- M.R. Trunin, Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun.
Superfluid density in the underdoped YBa2Cu3O7-x: Evidence for d-density wave order of pseudogap.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 067006 (2004)
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- M.R. Trunin, Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun.
Pseudogap in the microwave response of YBa2Cu3O7-x.
Supercond.Sci. Technol.17, 1082 (2004)
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- V.N. Egorov, V.L. Masalov, Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun,
and M.R.Trunin. Measuring microwave properties of
laminated dielectric substrates, Rev. Sci. Instrum.
75 (11), 4423 (2004)
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- V.N. Egorov, V.L. Masalov, Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun,
M.R. Trunin, V.E. Zhitomirsky, and M. McLean. Dielectric
Constant, Loss Tangent and Surface Resistance of PCB
Materials at K-band Frequencies. IEEE MTT 53
(2), 627 (2005)
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- Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.M. Shuvaev, M.R. Trunin. Microwave
response of V3Si
single crystals: Evidence for two-gap superconductivity.
Europhys. Lett. 72 (4), 638 (2005)
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- G.E. Tsydynzhapov, A.F. Shevchun, M.R. Trunin, V.N.
Zverev, D.V. Shovkun, N.V. Barkovskii, L.A. Klinkova.
Observation of a Transition from BCS to HTSC-like
Superconductivity in KxBa1-xBiO3.
JETP Letters 83 (9), 405409 (2006)
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- A. F. Shevchun and M. R. Trunin. A Method for Measuring
the Surface Impedance of Superconductors in the Temperature
Range 0.4120 K. Instruments and Experimental
Techniques 49 (5), 669675 (2006)
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- Yu.A. Nefyodov, A.F. Shevchun, A.M. Shuvaev, M.R. Trunin
Microwave surface impedance and complex conductivity
of high-Tc single crystals: Current state and unsolved
problems. J. Supercond. and Novel Magnetism,19, 579 (2006) PDF (728
- Lavrov A.N., Kozeeva L.P., Trunin M.R., Zverev V.N.
Competition and coexistence of antiferromagnetism
and superconductivity in RBa2Cu3O6+x (R=Lu, Y) single
crystals. Phys. Rev. B79, 214523 (2009)
(804 kB)
- Lavrov A.N., Kozeeva L.P, Trunin M.R., Zverev V.N.
Magnetic-field induced superconductor antiferromagnet
transition in lightly doped RBa2Cu3O6+x (R = Y, Lu)
crystals. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
22, 63-66 (2009)
- Golubov A.A., Dolgov O.V., Boris A.V., Charnukha A., Sun D.L., Lin C.T., Shevchun A.F., Korobenko A.V., Trunin M.R., Zverev V.N.
Normal state resistivity of Ba1-xKxFe2As2: evidence for multiband strong-coupling behavior.
Pis'ma JETP 94, 357-361 (2011) PDF (200 kB)
- Трунин М.Р., Лебедев В.В.
Развитие научных исследований на факультете общей и прикладной физики МФТИ в Долгопрудном
Труды МФТИ 3(4), 74-80 (2011)
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- Дём В.Е., Шевчун А.Ф., Трунин М.Р.
Измерение поверхностного импеданса сверхпроводящих монокристаллов на модах «шепчущей галереи»
Труды МФТИ 3(3), 42-44 (2011)
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- Perunov N.V., A.F. Shevchun, N.D. Kusch, and M.R.Trunin
Surface Impedance of k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN2]Br
crystals. JETP Letters, 96 (3), pp.184-187, (2012)
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- O.V. Dolgov, A.A. Golubov, Y.A. Nefyodov, A.M. Shuvaev, and M.R. Trunin
Microwave Conductivity in Two-Band Superconductors V3+x Si1−x.
J. Supercond. Nov. Magn.
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- S.V. Bakurskiy, Ya.V. Fominov, A.F. Shevchun, Y.Asano, Y.Tanaka, M.Yu. Kupriyanov,
A.A. Golubov, M.R. Trunin, H. Kashiwaya, S. Kashiwaya, and Y. Maeno
Local impedance on a rough surface of a chiral p-wave superconductor. Phys. Rev. B 98 (2018)
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