Antonov Vladimir Evgenievich

Position: Chief Researcher


About: Dr. Antonov was born in Ryazan in 1950; graduated in Solid State Physics from the Faculty of General and Applied Physics of Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology in 1973; got a PhD degree in 1977 and the degree of Doctor of Sciences from the Institute of Solid State Physics RAS in 1985. The title of the Dr. Sci. thesis was “The properties of high-pressure phases in the metal-hydrogen systems”.



1973 – 1975 Probational Researcher, ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka

1975 – 1977 Post-Grad. Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

1977 – 1982 Junior Researcher, ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka

1982 – 1986 Senior Researcher, ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka

1986 – 2003 Leading Researcher, ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka

2003 – 2019 Head of the Laboratory of High-Pressure Physics, ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka

2020 – present Chief Researcher, ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka


Areas of expertise: hydrogen in solids, synthesis of high-pressure phases, crystal structure, magnetic structure, lattice dynamics and physical properties of high-pressure phases, solid state amorphization

Number of papers in refereed journals: 189, of which 168 have been devoted to the metal-hydrogen systems

Research activities:

Since the middle of the 1970s, Dr. Antonov has been mainly dealing with the development of techniques for compressing gaseous hydrogen to high pressures, synthesis and investigation of new hydrides. By the present time, the operating range of his high-pressure chambers has been extended over the interval 1000 atm to 90,000 atm and 100 K to 1300 K. The technique made it possible to synthesize many new hydrides (in particular, hydrides of Fe, Co, Mo, Rh, Tc, Re and Au have been synthesized for the first time), to determine their composition, crystal and magnetic structure, magnetic and superconducting properties and to constructT-P phase diagrams of most studied Me-H systems.

Studies on the hydrides of 3d-metals and alloys revealed strong and diverse effects of hydrogen on the magnetic ordering, such as the transformation of antiferromagnets to ferromagnets, the increase or decrease in the Curie temperature of ferromagnets by hundreds kelvins, etc. Basing on the results of those experiments and on theab initio calculations by A.C. Switendick, the rigidd-band model was proposed that gives a semi-quantitative description of the whole variety of the observed concentration dependences of the magnetic properties ofd-metal hydrides.

Further studies on the superconducting properties of high-pressure hydrides of 4d- and 5d-metals and their alloys led to the discovery of new superconducting hydrides and showed that with proper corrections for the hydrogen-induced changes in the phonon spectra the rigidd-band model could be used to explain the observed superconducting phenomena.

In the past years, most interesting results were obtained in neutron scattering experiments carried out in co-operation with the Institute Laue-Langevin (France), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Russia), Institute of Atomic Energy (Russia) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA). In particular:

•  The crystal structure and composition of iron hydride were determined by neutron diffraction and its lattice dynamics was studied by inelastic neutron scattering (INS). Iron hydride is believed to be the main constituent of the solid core of the Earth.

•  Hydrogen ina-Mn was shown to form an unusual sublattice occupying positions arranged in dumb-bells. A giant effect of hydrogen tunneling within the dumb-bells was observed by INS at temperatures as high as 140 K. This is one of few quantum effects occurring at temperatures exceeding the liquid nitrogen temperature.

•  Hydrofullerite C60H24 synthesized under a high hydrogen pressure was found to be a ferromagnet at room temperature. This is the first example of a ferromagnet composed only of carbon and hydrogen and also the first example of an organic ferromagnet with the Curie temperature exceeding 16 K.

•   New C-H compounds were synthesised from carbon nanotubes, nanofibres and graphite exposed to high hydrogen pressures. All these hydrocarbons have compositions close to CH and are stable at temperatures up to 720-770 K if heated in vacuum. The hydride of graphite is identified as the graphane II phase of multilayer graphane and consists of 2D-graphane sheets in the chair conformation stacked along the hexagonal c axis in the -ABAB- sequence (space group P63mc; the unit cell parameters are a = 2.53 Å and c = 9.54 Å and therefore exceed the corresponding parameters of graphite by 2.4 % č 42 %).

•   An INS investigation of the hydride and deuteride of graphite yielded their phonon density of states, which was further used to calculate the specific heat at temperatures up to 1000 K; the accuracy of the calculation was verified experimentally at temperatures of 120–673 K. A study by synchrotron X-ray diffraction in diamond anvils gave the equation of state V(P) for the graphane II phase and demonstrated its stability at H2 pressures up to 53 GPa and temperatures up to 1500 K. The high chemical, pressure and thermal stability of graphite hydride make it an important part of the C-H2 system.

Phones: office: 8-496-522-4027 (from Moscow), 2-84-08 (local)
    home: 2-72-31 (local)