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Ремонт в комнате 224 ГЛК
Ремонт в комнате 224 ГЛК

List of LMET selected publications


  1. G.M.Korableva, D.A.Agarkov, S.D.Badmaev, D.S.Katrich, A.V.Samoilov, P.V.Snytnikov, I.I.Tartakovskii, S.I.Bredikhin Pt/CeO2-ZrO2 catalyst for dimethyl ether and dimethoxymethane partial oxidation to syngas: in-situ Raman spectroscopy structural studies Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics on review 2025

  2. PDFE.V. Tsipis, A.V. Samoilov, D.V. Matveev, Yu.S. Fedotov, M.S. Dyakina, D.V. Zhigacheva, D.A. Agarkov, S.I. Bredikhin, V.V. Kharton Performance of industrial-scale solid oxide electrolysis cells: an assessment of leakage effects International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Vol. 97, pp. 614-621, doi 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.11.480 2025

  3. PDFD.A. Agarkov, M.A. Borik, A.S. Chislov, B.E. Komarov, G.M. Korableva, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, E.E. Lomonova, V.A. Myzina, A.A. Reu, N.Yu. Tabachkova, M. Tapero, D.M. Zakharov Growth and properties of compositionally complex zirconia Zr0.818(Y1/5Gd1/5Ho1/5Er1/5Yb1/5)0.182O1.909 single crystals Journal of Alloys and Compounds 179048, doi 10.1016/j.jallcom.2025.179048 2025

  4. PDFG.M. Korableva, D.A. Agarkov, D.S. Katrich, A.V. Samoilov, S.I. Bredikhin The investigation of the influence of the addition of cerium dioxide to the anode composition on the internal carbon dioxide conversion of methane on second-generation SOFCs Fuel 385, 134104, doi 10.1016/j.fuel.2024.134104 2025

  5. PDFAlexei I. Ivanov, Sergey S. Nikitin, Mariya S. Dyakina, Ekaterina V. Tsipis, Mikhail V. Patrakeev, Dmitrii A. Agarkov, Irina I. Zverkova, Andrey O. Zhigachev, Victor V. Kedrov, Vladislav V. Kharton Oxygen Nonstoichiometry, Electrical Conductivity, Chemical Expansion and Electrode Properties of Perovskite-Type SrFe0.9V0.1O3-d Materials 18(3), 493, doi 10.3390/ma18030493 2025

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  1. PDFA.U. Sharafutdinov, D.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, D.S. Katrich, G.M. Korableva, A.V. Samoilov, I.I. Tartakovskii, S.I. Bredikhin Reduction kinetics of supporting anode composite substrates under operating conditions of medium-temperature solid oxide fuel cells Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry vol. 28, pp. 1987-1996, doi 10.1007/s10008-023-05458-1 2024

  2. PDFDmitrii Agarkov, Mikhail Borik, Galina Korableva, Alexey Kulebyakin, Boris Komarov, Irina Kuritsyna, Elena Lomonova, Filipp Milovich, Valentina Myzina, Vladimir Pankratov, Nataliya Tabachkova, Denis Zakharov Effect of ceria on the properties of yttria-stabilized zirconia-based electrolytic membranes Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry vol. 28, pp. 1901-1908, doi 10.1007/s10008-023-05546-2 2024

  3. PDFE.V. Tsipis, D.V. Matveev, A.U. Sharafutdinov, D.V. Yalovenko, A.V. Samoilov, Yu.S. Fedotov, M.S. Dyakina, D.V. Zhigacheva, D.A. Agarkov, S.I. Bredikhin, V.V. Kharton Performance of SOFCs using model waste gases: a case study Fuel vol. 358, 130129, doi 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.130129 2024

  4. PDFDmitrii Agarkov, Mikhail Borik, Artem Chislov, Boris Komarov, Alexey Kulebyakin, Irina Kuritsyna, Elena Lomonova, Filipp Milovich, Valentina Myzina, Nataliya Tabachkova Solid electrolytes based on zirconium dioxide partially stabilized with oxides of yttrium, gadolinium and samarium Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry vol. 28, pp. 1977-1985, doi 10.1007/s10008-023-05695-4 2024

  5. PDFAndrey O. Zhigachev, Anastasia R. Iskanderova, Darya V. Zhigacheva, Ekaterina A. Agarkova, Natalia V. Demeneva, Sergey I. Bredikhin The effect of CaO/MgO content on properties of barium aluminosilicate sealants for solid oxide fuel cells Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 628, 122842 2024

  6. PDFE. A. Agarkova, I. N. Burmistrov, D. V. Yalovenko, O. Yu. Zadorozhnaya, Yu. K. Nepochatov, S. V. Rabotkin, A. A. Solovyev, and S. I. Bredikhin Application of yttria stabilized zirconia (8YSZ)and NiO precursors for fabrication of composite material for anode-supported SOFCs Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 157–161 2024

  7. PDFA. O. Zhigachev, S. I. Bredikhin, E. A. Agarkova, and D. V. Matveev Calcium-Borosilicate glass-ceramics as a sealant for solid oxide fuel cells Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 216–222 2024

  8. PDFD.A. Agarkov, E.A. Agarkova, M.A. Borik, E.M. Buzaeva, G.M. Korableva, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, V.M. Kyashkin, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, P.A. Ryabochkina, N.Yu. Tabachkova, and M.K. Tapero Comparative analysis of the structure and electrical properties of single crystal and ceramic (ZrO2)0.90(Sc2O3)0.09(Yb2O3)0.01 solid electrolyte Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry vol. 28, pp. 1963-1970, doi 10.1007/s10008-024-05826-5 2024

  9. PDFE.V. Tsipis, A.U. Sharafutdinov, D.V. Matveev, M.S. Dyakina, D.V. Zhigacheva, D.V. Yalovenko, A.P. Paduchev, S.I. Bredikhin, V.V. Kharton Utilization of coal mine gas in solid oxide fuel cells: A performance evaluation Journal of Power Sources doi 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233834 2024

  10. PDFS.S. Nikitin, M.S. Dyakina, E.V. Tsipis, M.V. Patrakeev Oxygen nonstoichiometry, electrical conductivity, and electrochemical activity of La0.45Ce0.05Sr0.5FeO3?? Journal of Power Sources 597 (2024) 234115 2024

  11. PDFS.S. Nikitin, A.D. Koryakov, E.A. Antipinskaya, A.A. Markov, M.V. Patrakeev The effect of temperature and oxygen partial pressure on the concentration of iron and manganese ions in La1/3Sr2/3Fe1-xMnxO3-? Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 26, 1125 2024

  12. A.I. Ivanov, S.S. Nikitin, M.S. Dyakina, E.V. Tsipis, M.V. Patrakeev, D.A. Agarkov, I.I. Zverkova, V.V. Kedrov, V.V. Kharton Nonstoichiometry, Chemical Expansion and Electrode Properties of V-Substituted SrFeO3-в Journal of Power Sources on review 2024

  13. PDFД.А. Агарков, С.И. Бредихин Исследования и разработки ИФТТ РАН в области твердооксидных электролизных элементов –генераторов водорода с рекордной эффективностью Neftegaz.ru №9, с. 40-45 2024

  14. PDFD.A. Agarkov, M.A. Borik, D.S. Katrich, N.A. Larina, A.V. Kulebyakin, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, P.A. Popov, P.A. Ryabochkina, N.Yu. Tabachkova, T.V. Volkova Thermal Conductivity of Y2O3-Stabilized ZrO2 Cubic Single Crystals: Effects of Defect Structure Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry vol. 28, pp. 1997-2000, doi 10.1007/s10008-022-05308-6 2024

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  1. PDFD.A. Agarkov, S.I. Bredikhin, S.V. Kiseleva, D.V. Matveev, A.V. Samoilov, A.B. Tarasenko, Yu.S. Fedotov, E.V. Tsipis Solid oxide fuel cells’ prospects for landfill gas utilization in Russia Thermal Engineering vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 73-79, doi 10.1134/S0040601523010019 2023

    PDFАгарков Д.А., Бредихин С.И., Киселева С.В., Матвеев Д.В., Самойлов А.В., Тарасенко А.Б., Федотов Ю.С., Ципис Е.В. Перспективы применения твердооксидных топливных элементов для утилизации свалочного газа полигонов твердых коммунальных отходов России Теплоэнергетика № 1, с. 87-94, doi 10.56304/S0040363623010010 2023

  2. PDFE.V. Tsipis, D.V. Zhigacheva, A.O. Zhigachev, O.F. Shakhlevich, S.I. Bredikhin, V.V. Kharton Electrochemical behavior of perovskite-type Ce1?xCaxVO3 under reducing conditions Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 2023
  3. A.D. Koryakov, S.S. Nikitin, O.V. Merkulov, A.A. Markov, E.V. Shalaeva, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev Defect equilibrium and charge transport in R0.25Sr0.75FeO3-? (R = La, Nd, Y, Ho): The effect of cation type Journal of Alloys and Compounds (937) 168428 2023

  4. PDFDmitrii Agarkov, Mikhail Borik, Galina Korableva, Alexey Kulebyakin, Irina Kuritsyna, Nataliya Larina, Elena Lomonova, Filipp Milovich, Valentina Myzina, Polina Ryabochkina, Nataliya Tabachkova, Tatyana Volkova, Denis Zakharov Stability of structural and transport characteristics of (ZrO2)0.99-х(Sc2O3)х(R2O3)0.01 (R – Yb, Y, Tb, Gd) electrolytic membranes to high temperature exposure Membranes 13(3), 312, doi 10.3390/membranes13030312 2023

  5. PDFE.V. Tsipis, D.A. Agarkov, Yu.A. Borisov, S.V. Kiseleva, A.B. Tarasenko, S.I. Bredikhin, V.V. Kharton Waste gas utilization potential for solid oxide fuel cells: a brief review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 188, 113880, doi 10.1016/j.rser.2023.113880 2023

  6. PDFDmitrii Agarkov, Mikhail Borik, Boris Komarov, Galina Korableva, Alexey Kulebyakin, Irina Kuritsyna, Elena Lomonova, Filipp Milovich, Valentina Myzina, Nataliya Tabachkova Long-term conductivity stability of electrolytic membranes of scandia stabilized zirconia co-doped with ytterbia Membranes 13(6), 586, doi 10.3390/membranes13060586 2023

  7. PDFDmitrii Agarkov, Mikhail Borik, Ekaterina Buzaeva, Galina Korableva, Alexey Kulebyakin, Irina Kuritsyna, Nataliya Larina, Vladimir Kyashkin, Elena Lomonova, Filipp Milovich, Valentina Myzina, Polina Ryabochkina, Nataliya Tabachkova and Denis Zakharov Structure and physical properties of ceramic materials based on ZrO2-Sc2O3 for SOFC electrolytic membranes obtained from powders of melted solid solutions with a similar composition Membranes 13(8), 717, doi 10.3390/membranes13080717 2023

  8. PDFI.S. Erilin, M.N. Levin, I.N. Burmistrov, D.V. Yalovenko, E.A. Smolyanskiy, A.A. Solovyev, S.I. Bredikhin Fabrication of metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells by combining aerosol deposition and magnetron sputtering techniques Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry doi 10.1007/s10008-023-05779-1 2023

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  1. PDFE.A. Agarkova, O.Yu. Zadorozhnaya, I.N. Burmistrov, D.A. Agarkov, A.A. Solovyev, A.V. Shipilova, M.N. Levin, Yu.K. Nepochatov, S.I. Bredikhin Tape Casting of Bilayered Anode Supports and Electrochemical Performance of SOFCs Based on Them Russian Journal of Electrochemistry vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 114-121, doi 10.1134/S1023193522020033 2022

    PDFЕ.А. Агаркова, О.Ю. Задорожная, И.Н. Бурмистров, Д.А. Агарков, А.А. Соловьев, А.В. Шипилова, М.Н. Левин, Ю.К. Непочатов, С.И. Бредихин Изготовление и электрохимические характеристики ТОТЭ на основе несущих двухслойных анодных подложек, полученных методом литья на движущуюся ленту Электрохимия Том 58, № 2, с. 76-84, doi 10.31857/S0424857022020037 2022

  2. PDFE.E. Lomonova, D.A. Agarkov, M.A. Borik, G.M. Korableva, A.V. Kulebyakin, M.N. Mayakova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, N.Yu. Tabachkova, E.I. Chernov Structure and transport characteristics of single-crystal and ceramic ZrO2–Y2O3 solid electrolytes Russian Journal of Electrochemistry vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 105-113, doi 10.1134/S1023193522020069 2022

    PDFЕ.Е. Ломонова, Д.А. Агарков, М.А. Борик, Г.М. Кораблёва, А.В. Кулебякин, И.Е. Курицына, М.Н. Маякова, Ф.О. Милович, В.А. Мызина, Н.Ю. Tабачкова, Е.И. Чернов Cтруктура и транспортные характеристики монокристаллических и керамических твердых электролитов ZrO2-Y2O3 Электрохимия Т. 58, № 2, с. 66-75, doi 10.31857/S0424857022020074 2022

  3. PDFI.S. Erilin, I.N. Burmistrov, D.A. Agarkov, E.A. Agarkova, D.V. Yalovenko, A.A. Solovyev, S.V. Rabotkin, V.E. Pukha, N.V. Lyskov, and S.I. Bredikhin Aerosol deposition of anode functional layer for metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells Materials Letters vol. 306, p. 130924, doi 10.1016/j.matlet.2021.130924 2022

  4. PDFE.A. Agarkova, D.V. Matveev, Yu.S. Fedotov, A.I. Ivanov, D.A. Agarkov, S.I. Bredikhin Processing of manganite-based contact layers for stacking of planar solid oxide fuel cells Materials Letters vol. 309, 131462, doi 10.1016/j.matlet.2021.131462 2022

  5. PDFG. Jagannath, Anuraag Gaddam, S. Venugopal Rao, D.A. Agarkov, G.M. Korableva, Manasi Ghosh, Krishna Kishor Dey, Jose M. F. Ferreira and Amarnath R. Allu Tunable Femtosecond Nonlinear Absorption and Optical Limiting Thresholds of La2O3-B2O3 Glasses by Controlling the Borate Structural Units Scripta Materialia vol. 211, 114530, doi 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2022.114530 2022

  6. PDFA.A. Solovyev, S.V. Rabotkin, A.V Shipilova, D.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, A.N. Shmakov Influence of deposition modes and thermal annealing on residual stresses in magnetron sputtered YSZ membranes Membranes vol. 12, p. 346, doi 10.3390/membranes12030346 2022

  7. PDFMohamed M. Elnaggar, Lyubov A. Frolova, Alexandra M. Gordeeva, Marina I. Ustinova, Hannah Laurenzen, Alexander V. Akkuratov, Sergey L. Nikitenko, Elena A. Solov’eva, Sergey Yu. Luchkin, Yury S. Fedotov, Sergey A. Tsarev, Nadezhda N. Dremova, Keith J. Stevenson, Sergey I. Bredikhin, Selina Olthof, Sergey M. Aldoshin, Pavel A. Troshin Improving stability of perovskite solar cells using fullerene-polymer composite electron transport layer Synthetic Metals Vol. 286, 117028 2022

  8. PDFA.A. Solovyev, S.V. Rabotkin, A.V. Shipilova, D.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, A.N. Shmakov Residual Stresses in CexGd1–xO2–y Films Produced by Magnetron Sputtering Journal of Surface Investigation: X-Ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 16, pp. 943-950, doi 10.1134/S1027451022060246 2022

    PDFА.А. Соловьев, С.В. Работкин, А.В. Шипилова, Д.А. Агарков, И.Н. Бурмистров, А.Н. Шмаков Исследование остаточных напряжений в пленках CeхGd1-хO2-y, полученных методом магнетронного распыления Поверхность. Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования №11, с. 20-28, doi 10.31857/S1028096022110243 2022

  9. PDFА.О.Жигачев, Е.А.Агаркова, С.И.Бредихин Cтеклокерамические герметики на основе силиката бария-кальция для ТОТЭ Международный журнал прикладных наук и технологий Integral 5, № 14 2022

  10. PDFDmitrii A. Agarkov, Mikhail A. Borik, Galina M. Korableva, Aleksej V. Kulebyakin, Elena E. Lomonova, Filipp O. Milovich, Valentina A. Myzina, Pavel A. Popov, Nataliya Yu. Tabachkova Thermal conductivity of single crystals zirconia stabilized by scandium, yttrium, gadolinium, and ytterbium oxides Modern Electronic Materials vol 8(1), pp. 1-6, doi 10.3897/j.moem.8.1.85242 2022

    PDFД.А. Агарков, М.А. Борик, Г.М. Кораблева, А.В. Кулебякин, Е.Е. Ломонова, Ф.О. Милович, В.А. Мызина, П.А. Попов, Н.Ю. Табачкова Теплопроводность монокристаллов твердых растворов на основе диоксида циркония, стабилизированных оксидами скандия, иттрия, гадолиния и иттербия Известия высших учебных заведений. Материалы электронной техники Том 25, № 2, с. 115-124, doi 10.17073/1609-3577-2022-2-115-124 2022

  11. PDFAndrey O. Zhigachev, Ekaterina A. Agarkova, Danila V. Matveev and Sergey I. Bredikhin CaO-SiO2-B2O3 Glass as a Sealant for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Ceramics vol. 5, pp. 642-654, doi 10.3390/ceramics5040047 2022

  12. PDFM.A. Borik, A.S. Chislov, G.M. Korableva, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, N. A. Larina, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, P.A. Ryabochkina, N. Yu. Tabachkova Structure and transport characteristics of single crystals of zirconia stabilized by scandia and co-doped with terbium oxide Solid State Ionics 375, 115836 2022

  13. PDFIlia A. Leonidov, Alexey A. Markov, Mikhail A. Zavyalov, Oleg V. Merkulov, Elisaveta V. Shalaeva, Sergey S. Nikitin, Ekaterina V. Tsipis, Mikhail V. Patrakeev Structural Features and Defect Equilibrium in Cubic PrBa1?xSrxFe2O6?? Materials Vol.15, I.13, 10.3390/ma15134390 2022

  14. A.D. Koryakov, O.V. Merkulov, I.A. Leonidov, A.A. Markov, O.N. Leonidova, M.V. Patrakeev Evaluation of electrode-oriented properties of BaFe1?xCexO3?? Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 64 2022

  15. A.A. Markov, S.S. Nikitin, O.V. Merkulov, M.V. Patrakeev Exploring the defect equilibrium and charge transport in electrode material La0.5Sr0.5Fe0.9Mo0.1O3?? Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Vol. 24. – P. 21892–21903 2022

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  1. PDFE.A.Agarkova, I.N.Burmistrov, D.A.Agarkov, O.Yu.Zadorozhnaya, A.V.Shipilova, A.A.Solovyev, Yu.K.Nepochatov, S.I.Bredikhin Bilayered anode supports for planar solid oxide fuel cells: fabrication and electrochemical performance Materials Letters vol. 283, pp. 128752, doi: 10.1016/j.matlet.2020.128752 2021

  2. PDFP. Ramesh, Jagannath Gangareddy, K.N. Sathish, A.G. Pramod, Vinod Hegde, U. Mahaboob Pasha, Sultan Khan, K. Annapurna, M.I. Sayyed, Abdullah M.S. Alhuthali, D.A. Agarkov and M.K. Kokila Effect of Heavy Metal Oxides on Photoluminescence and Spectroscopic Attributes of Eu3+ Activated Borate Glasses Optical Materials vol. 114, 110933, doi 10.1016/j.optmat.2021.110933 2021

  3. PDFMikhail Borik, Galina Korableva, Alexey Kulebyakin,Irina Kuritsyna,Nataliya Larina, Elena Lomonova, Filipp Milovich, Valentina Myzina, Polina Ryabochkina, Nataliya Sidorova, Nataliya Tabachkova, Tatyana Volkova Phase Stability and Transport Properties of (ZrO2)0.91?x(Sc2O3)0.09(Yb2O3)x Crystals (x = 0–0.01) Crystals 11,83, https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst11020083 2021

  4. PDFI.S. Erilin, I.N. Burmistrov, D.A. Agarkov, V.E. Pukha, D.V. Yalovenko, N.V. Lyskov, M.N. Levin, and S.I. Bredikhin Aerosol Deposition of Thin-film Single- and Bi-layered Solid Electrolytes for Intermediate Temperature Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells ECS Transactions vol. 103, iss. 1, pp. 1695-1703, doi 10.1149/10301.1695ecst 2021

  5. PDFA.V. Samoilov, D.A. Agarkov, Yu.S. Fedotov, S.I. Bredikhin Internal Conversion in the Membrane-supported SOFC ECS Transactions vol. 103, iss, 1, pp. 211-219, doi 10.1149/10301.0211ecst 2021

  6. PDFG.M. Korableva, D.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, E.E. Lomonova, A.A. Maksimov, A.V. Samoilov, A.A. Solovyev, I.I. Tartakovskii, V.V. Kharton, and S.I. Bredikhin Application of High-temperature Raman Spectroscopy (RS) for Studies of Electrochemical Processes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) and Functional Properties of their Components ECS Transactions vol. 103, iss. 1, pp. 1301-1317, doi 10.1149/10301.1301ecst 2021

  7. PDFD.V. Matveev, Yu.S. Fedotov, A.I. Ivanov, E.A. Agarkova, S.I. Bredikhin Optimization of Contact Cathode Composition Based on ECS Transactions vol. 103, iss. 1, pp. 1453-1460, doi 10.1149/10301.1453ecst 2021

  8. PDFA.A. Solovyev, I.N. Burmistrov, S.V. Rabotkin, D.V. Yalovenko, V.A. Semenov, S.I. Bredikhin Electrochemical Characterization of Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with PVD-Deposited Electrolyte ECS Transactions vol. 103, iss. 1, pp. 105-112, doi 10.1149/10301.0105ecst 2021

  9. PDFSergei Galyshev, Evgeniya Postnova, Olga Shakhlevich, Dmitrii Agarkov, Ekaterina Agarkova, Alexey Nekrasov, Rais Mozhchil Heat treatment effect on the phase composition of the silica electrochemical coating and the carbon fiber strength Materials vol. 14, p. 5209, doi 10.3390/ma14185209 2021

  10. PDFS. Kiseleva, A. Tarasenko, V. Shakun and D. Agarkov Hydrogen energy in Russia - industrial waste gases utilization potential Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol. 1960, p. 012010, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1960/1/012010 2021

  11. PDFШайхатдинов Ф.А., Бобровский В.А., Шафиев Д.Р., Агарков Д.А., Бредихин С.И., Аверина Ю.М., Чичиров А.А. Мировой опыт применения водородных топливных элементов в автомобильном транспорте Химическая промышленность сегодня №1, с. 16-21 2021

  12. PDFE.A.Agarkova, O.Yu.Zadorozhnaya, I.N.Burmistrov, D.V.Yalovenko, D.A.Agarkov, S.V.Rabotkin, A.A.Solovyev, Yu.K.Nepochatov, M.N. Levin, S.I.Bredikhin Relationships between mechanical stability the anode supports and electrochemical performance of intermediate-temperature SOFCs Materials Letters vol. 303, p. 130516, doi 10.1016/j.matlet.2021.130516 2021

  13. PDFД.А. Агарков, С.И. Бредихин Твердооксидные топливные элементы (ТОТЭ) и энергоустановки на их основе Энергоэксперт №3, с. 6-8 2021

  14. A.O. Zhigachev, V.V. Rodaev, D.V. Zhigacheva, N.V. Lyskov, M.A. Shchukina Doping of scandia-stabilized zirconia electrolytes for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell: A review Ceram. Int. In Press. Doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.08.285 2021

  15. V.V. Rodaev, A.O. Zhigachev, A.I. Tyurin, S.S. Razlivalova, V.V. Korenkov, Y.I. Golovin An engineering zirconia ceramic made of baddeleyite MDPI Materials V. 14, № 16. P. 4676 2021

  16. PDFБорик М.А., Кораблёва Г.М., Кулебякин А.В., Курицына И.Е., Ломонова Е.Е., Милович Ф.О., Мызина В.А., Табачкова Н.Ю. Фазовый состав, структура и транспортные характеристики кристаллов твердых растворов ZrO2-Sc2O3 дополнительно легированных Yb2O3 Физика твердого тела Т. 63, В. 11. – С.1780-1786 doi 10.21883/FTT.2021.11.51576.01 2021

  17. PDFE. V. Tsipis, E. N. Naumovich, M. V. Patrakeev, A. A. Yaremchenko, A. V. Kovalevsky, J. C. Waerenborgh & V. V. Kharton Ionic transport in (La,Sr)CoO3-? ceramics Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 25, p.2777–2791 2021

  18. S.S. Nikitin, O.V. Merkulov, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev High-temperature charge transport in Nd0.25Sr0.75FeO3-delta: the influence of various factors Dalton Transactions Vol. 50, Iss. 33. – P. 11429–11439 2021

  19. O.V. Merkulov, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev High-temperature transport properties of LaSr3Fe3?xMoxO10?? Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Vol. 149. – P. 109820 2021

  20. A.A. Markov, S.S. Nikitin, B.V. Politov, E.V. Shalaeva, A.P. Tyutyunnik, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev The Impact of Cerium Content on Oxygen Stoichiometry, Defect Equilibrium, and Thermodynamic Quantities of Sr1?xCexFeO3?? Journal of Alloys and Compounds (875) 160051 2021

  21. S.S. Nikitin, O.V. Merkulov, A.D. Bamburov, M.V. Patrakeev Electrochemical Determination of SrFe12O19Impurity in Perovskite Ferrites Journal of Alloys and Compounds (873) 159677 2021

  22. S.S. Nikitin, A.A. Markov, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev Impact of Cerium Content on Ion and Electron Transport in Sr1–xCexFeO3–? The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (125) 17546-17555 2021

  23. S.S. Nikitin, A.A. Markov, O.V. Merkulov, A.V. Chukin, M.V. Patrakeev Impact of Oxygen Content on Preferred Localization of p- and n-type Carriers in La0.5Sr0.5Fe1?xMnxO3?? Dalton Transactions (50) 17967-17980 2021

  24. S.S. Nikitin, E.N. Naumovich, O.V. Merkulov, I.A. Leonidov, M.V. Patrakeev Defect Chemistry and Charge Transport in LaSr3Fe3?xMoxO10?? Acta Materialia (203) 116489 2021

... top


  1. PDFE.E. Lomonova, D.A. Agarkov, M.A. Borik, G.M. Eliseeva, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, Ph.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, V.V. Osiko, A.S. Chislov, N.Yu. Tabachkova ZrO2-Sc2O3 solid electrolytes doped with Yb2O3 or Y2O3 Russian Journal of Electrochemistry vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 118-123, doi: 10.1134/S1023193520020081 2020

    PDFЕ.Е. Ломонова, Д.А. Агарков, М.А. Борик, Г.М. Елисеева, А.В. Кулебякин, И.Е. Курицына, Ф.О. Милович, В.А. Мызина, В.В. Осико, А.С. Числов, Н.Ю. Табачкова Твердые электролиты ZrO2-Sc2O3, легированные оксидами Yb2O3 и Y2O3 Электрохимия Т. 56, №2, с. 127-132, doi: 10.31857/S0424857020020085 2020

  2. PDFE.A. Agarkova, D.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, O.Yu. Zadorozhnaya, D.V. Yalovenko, Yu.K. Nepochatov, S.I. Bredikhin Three-layered membranes for planar solid oxide fuel cells of the electrolyte-supported design: characteristics and applications Russian Journal of Electrochemistry vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 132-138, doi: 10.1134/S1023193520020020 2020

    PDFЕ.А. Агаркова, Д.А. Агарков, И.Н. Бурмистров, О.Ю. Задорожная, Д.В. Яловенко, Ю.К. Непочатов, С.И. Бредихин Трехслойные мембраны для планарных твердооксидных топливных элементов электролит-поддерживающей конструкции: характеристики и применение Электрохимия Т. 56, №2, с. 141-148, doi: 10.31857/S0424857020020024 2020

  3. PDFO.Yu. Zadorozhnaya, E.A. Agarkova, O.V. Tiunova, Yu.K. Nepochatov Layered solid-electrolyte membranes based on zirconia: production technology Russian Journal of Electrochemistry vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 124-131, doi: 10.1134/S1023193520020123 2020

    PDFО.Ю. Задорожная, Е.А. Агаркова, О.В. Тиунова, Ю.К. Непочатов Слоистые твердоэлектролитные мембраны на основе диоксида циркония: особенности технологии изготовления Электрохимия Т. 56, №3, с. 133-140, doi: 10.31857/S0424857020020139 2020

  4. PDFG.M. Eliseeva, I.N. Burmistrov, D.A. Agarkov, A.A. Gamova, I.V. Ionov, M.N. Levin, A.A. Solovyev, I.I. Tartakovskii, V.V. Kharton, S.I. Bredikhin In-situ Raman spectroscopy studies of oxygen spillover at solid oxide fuel cell anodes Chemical Problems no. 1(18), pp. 9-19, doi 10.32737/2221-8688-2020-1-9-19 2020

  5. PDFD.A. Agarkov, M.A. Borik, S.I. Bredikhin, I.N. Burmistrov, G.M. Eliseeva, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, N.Yu. Tabachkova Phase composition, structure and properties of scandia stabilized zirconia solid solution crystals co-doped with yttria or ytterbia grown by directional melt crystallization Solid State Ionics vol. 346, 115218, doi 10.1016/j.ssi.2019.115218 2020

  6. PDFD.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, G.M. Eliseeva, I.V. Ionov, S.V. Rabotkin, V.A. Semenov, A.A. Solovyev, I.I. Tartakovskii, S.I. Bredikhin Comparison of In-situ Raman Studies of SOFC with Thick Single-crystal and Thin-film Magnetron Sputtered Membranes Solid State Ionics vol. 344, 115091, doi 10.1016/j.ssi.2019.115091 2020

  7. PDFA.A. Solovyev, S.V. Rabotkin, K.А. Kuterbekov, T.A. Koketay, S.А. Nurkenov, S. Opakhai, A.V. Shipilova, I.V. Ionov, G.M. Eliseeva Comparison of Sputter-deposited Single and Multilayer Electrolytes based on Gadolinia-doped Ceria and Yttria-stabilized Zirconia for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 15, 231 – 240, doi: 10.20964/2020.01.43 2020

  8. PDFD. Agarkov, M. Borik, T. Volkova, G. Eliseeva, A. Kulebyakin, N. Larina, E. Lomonova, V. Myzina, N. Yu. Tabachkova Phase Composition and Local Structure of Scandia and Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Solid Solution Journal of Luminescence vol. 222, 117170, doi: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2020.117170 2020

  9. PDFDmitrii Agarkov, Mikhail Borik, Galina Eliseeva, Alexey Kulebyakin, Elena Lomonova, Filipp Milovich, Valentina Myzina, Yuriy Parkhomenko, Elena Skryleva and Nataliya Tabachkova Skull Melting Growth and Characterization of (ZrO2)0.89(Sc2O3)0.1(CeO2)0.01 Crystals Crystals 10(1), 49, doi: 10.3390/cryst10010049 2020

  10. PDFI.S. Erilin, D.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, V.E. Pukha, D.V. Yalovenko, N.V. Lyskov, M.N. Levin, S.I. Bredikhin Aerosol deposition of thin-film solid electrolyte membranes for anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells Materials Letters vol. 266, p. 127439, doi 10.1016/j.matlet.2020.127439 2020

  11. PDFM.K. Kokila, P. Ramesh, Vinod Hegde, A.G. Pramod, B. Eraiah, D.A. Agarkov, G.M. Eliseeva, M.K. Pandey, K. Annapurna, G. Jagannath Compositional Dependence of Red Photoluminescence of Eu3+ Ions in Lead and Bismuth Containing Borate Glasses Solid State Sciences vol. 107, 106360, doi 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2020.106360 2020

  12. Колотыгин В.А., Вискуп А.П., Пивак Е.В., Хартон В.В. Смешанная ионно-электронная проводимость перовскитоподобных твердых растворов Ba1–XSrXFe1–YTiYO3–d и BaTi0.5Fe0.5–ZCeZO3–d Электрохимия Т. 56, № 2, С. 119-126 2020

  13. Иванов А.И., Зверькова И.И., Ципис Е.В., Бредихин С.И., Хартон В.В. Стабильность и функциональные свойства флюоритоподобных Ce0.6–XLa0.4PrXO2–d как компонентов электродов твердооксидных топливных элементов Электрохимия Т. 56, № 2, С. 149-157 2020

  14. Колотыгин В.А., Иванов А.И., Матвеев Д.В., Бредихин С.И., Хартон В.В. Электрохимическое поведение анодов твердооксидных топливных элементов на основе (Fe,Ni)OX в метан-содержащих атмосферах Электрохимия Т. 56, № 2, С. 158-166 2020

  15. PDFE.V. Tsipis, I.N. Burmistrov, D.A. Agarkov, D.V. Matveev, V.V. Kharton, S.I. Bredikhin Formation and Electrochemical Activity of Nanostructured Anodes of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells in Hydrogen-Containing Atmospheres Nanotechnologies in Russia vol. 15, no. 3-6, pp. 356-362, doi 10.1134/S1995078020030143 2020

    PDFЕ.В. Ципис, И.Н. Бурмистров, Д.А. Агарков, Д.В. Матвеев, В.В. Хартон, С.И. Бредихин Формирование и электрохимическая активность наноструктурированных анодов твердооксидных топливных элементов в водород-содержащих атмосферах Российские нанотехнологии том. 15, №3, с. 368-375, doi 10.1134/S1992722320030140 2020

  16. PDFM.K. Kokila, P. Ramesh, Vinod Hegde, A.G. Pramod, B. Eraiah, R.S. Venugopal, S. Shisina, D. Subrata, D.A. Agarkov, G.M. Eliseeva, G. Jagannath Effect of Eu3+ in Tuning the Ultrafast Third-Order Optical Nonlinearity in Heavy Metal Borate Glasses Optical Materials vol. 108, 110051, doi 10.1016/j.optmat.2020.110051 2020

  17. PDFD.A. Agarkov, M.A. Borik, G.M. Korableva, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, P.A. Popov, P.A. Ryabochkina, N.Yu. Tabachkova Effect of heat treatment on the thermal conductivity of single crystals of ZrO2-based solid solutions stabilized with scandium and yttrium oxides Physics of Solid State vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 2357-2364, doi 10.1134/S1063783420120021 2020

    PDFД.А. Агарков, М.А. Борик, Г.М. Кораблева, А.В. Кулебякин, И.Е. Курицына, Е.Е. Ломонова, Ф.О. Милович, В.А. Мызина, П.А. Попов, П.А. Рябочкина, Н.Ю. Табачкова Влияние термообработки на теплопроводность монокристаллов твердых растворов на основе ZrO2, стабилизированных оксидами скандия и иттрия Физика твердого тела Том 62, Вып. 12, c. 2093-2100, doi 10.21883/FTT.2020.12.50213.160 2020

  18. O.V. Pikalov, D.V. Matveev, M.N. Levin, N.V. Demeneva Features of oxidation of ferritic chromium steels as materials for current collectors of solid oxide fuel cells Chernye Metally No. 10, pp. 10-15 2020

    О.В. Пикалов, Д.В. Матвеев, М.Н. Левин, Н.В. Деменева Особенности окисления ферритных хромистых сталей, рассматриваемых в качестве материалов для токовых коллекторов твердооксидных топливных элементов Черные металлы № 10, с. 10-15 2020

  19. .I. Tyurin, V.V. Rodaev, S.S. Razlivalova, V.V. Korenkov, A.O. Zhigachev, V.M. Vasyukov, Y.I. Golovin Morphology and mechanical properties of 3Y-TZP nanofiber mats Nanomaterials V. 10, № 13. P. 2097 2020

  20. A.O. Zhigachev, D.V. Zhigacheva, N.V. Lyskov Influence of yttria and ytterbia doping on phase stability and ionic conductivity of ScSZ solid electrolytes Mater. Res. Express V. 6, № 10. P. 105534 2020

  21. E.V. Tsipis, M.V. Patrakeev, P.V. Anikina, E.N. Naumovich, V.V. Kharton Redox behavior and ionic conductivity of Al-doped Sr3LaFe3O10?? Materials Letters Vol. 265. – P. 127425 2020

  22. A.A.Markov, S.S.Nikitin, I.A.Leonidov, M.V.Patrakeev Oxygen and Electron Transport in Ce0.1Sr0.9FeO3?? Solid State Ionics (344) 115131 2020

  23. 2019

    1. N.V. Demeneva, O.V. Kononenko, D.V. Matveev, V.V. Kharton, S.I. Bredihin Composition-gradient protective coatings for solid oxide fuel cell interconnectors Materials Letters vol. 240, pp. 201-204 2019

    2. V.A. Kolotygin, E.V. Tsipis, M.V. Patrakeev, J.C. Waerenborgh and V.V. Kharton Time degradation of electronic and ionic transport in perovskite-like La0.5Ca0.5FeO3-d Materials Letters vol. 239, pp. 167-171 2019

    3. PDFE.A. Agarkova, M A. Borik, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, V.V. Osiko, N.Yu. Tabachkova Structural, Mechanical, and Transport Properties of Scandia and Yttria Partially Stabilized Zirconia Crystals Inorganic Materials vol. 55, iss. 7, pp. 748-753 2019

      PDFЕ.А. Агаркова, М.А. Борик, А.В. Кулебякин, И.Е. Курицына, Е.Е. Ломонова, Ф.О. Милович, В.А. Мызина, В.В. Осико, Н.Ю. Табачкова Структура, механические и транспортные свойства кристаллов диоксида циркония частично стабилизированного оксидами скандия и иттрия Неорганические материалы том 55, №7, с. 793-798 2019

    4. PDFD.A. Agarkov, M.A. Borik, S.I. Bredikhin, I.N. Burmistrov, G.M. Eliseeva, V.A. Kolotygin, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, P.A. Ryabochkina, N.Yu. Tabachkova, T.V. Volkova Structure and transport properties of zirconia crystals codoped by scandia, ceria and yttria Journal of Materiomics vol. 5, pp. 273-279 2019

    5. PDFF.O. Milovich, M.A. Borik, N.Yu. Tabachkova, D.A. Agarkov, E.E. Lomonova, I.E. Kuritsyna, V.T. Bublik, V.A. Kolotygin, A.S. Chislov, A.V. Kulebyakin, V.A. Myzina, V.V. Osiko Phase stability and transport characteristics of (ZrO2)1-x(Sc2O3)x(СeO2)y AND (ZrO2)1-x-y-z(Sc2O3)x(СeO2)y(Y2O3)z solid solution crystals Journal of Alloys and Compounds vol. 191, pp. 445-451 2019

    6. PDFEkaterina A. Agarkova, Mikhail A. Borik, Tatiana V. Volkova, Alexey V. Kulebyakin, Irina E. Kuritsyna, Elena E. Lomonova, Filipp O. Milovich, Valentina A. Myzina, Polina A. Ryabochkina, Nataliya Yu. Tabachkova Ionic conductivity, phase composition, and local defect structure of ZrO2-Gd2O3 system solid solution crystals Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry vol. 23, iss. 9, pp. 2619-2626 2019

    7. PDFS.I. Bredikhin, D.A. Agarkov, E.A. Agarkova, I.N. Burmistrov, A.M. Cherkasov, V.E. Pukha, D.V. Yalovenko, N.V. Lyskov Aerosol Deposition as a Promising Technique to Fabricating a Thin-film Solid Electrolyte of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells ECS Transactions vol. 91, pp. 403-413 2019

    8. PDFG.M. Eliseeva, D.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, A.A. Gamova, I.V. Ionov, S.I. Rabotkin, V.A. Semenov, A.A. Solovyev, I.I. Tartakovskii, S.I. Bredikhin Raman spectra studies of inner “anode | electrolyte” interface on ESC and ASC SOFCs ECS Transactions vol. 91, pp. 457-469 2019

    9. PDFV.A. Kolotygin, A.I. Ivanov, N.B. Kostretsova, V.V. Kharton Perovskite-like(La0.75Ca0.25)0.95Cr1-xFexO3-d as potential electrode materials for symmetric solid oxide fuel cells Chemical Problems on review 2019

    10. PDFRadzig M., Koksharova O., Khmel I., Ivanov V., Yorov K., Kiwi J., Rtimi S., Tastekova, E., Aybush A., Nadtochenko V. Femtosecond spectroscopy of au hot-electron injection into tio 2 : Evidence for au/tio 2 plasmon photocatalysis by bactericidal au ions and related phenomena Nanomaterials 9(2), 217 2019

    11. PDFD.A. Agarkov, E.A. Agarkova, M.A. Borik, S.I. Bredikhin, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, P.A. Ryabochkina, N.Yu. Tabachkova, T.V. Volkova Comparison of Structural and Transport Properties of Zirconia Single-crystals Stabilized by Yttria and Gadolinia ECS Transactions vol. 91, pp. 1173-1183 2019

    12. PDFD.A. Agarkov, M.A. Borik, S.I. Bredikhin, I.N. Burmistrov, A.S. Chislov, G.M. Eliseeva, V.A. Kolotygin, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, N.Yu. Tabachkova Transport properties of single crystals of solid electrolytes based on ZrO2-Sc2O3 co-doped by scandia, yttria, ytterbia and ceria Chemical Problems no. 2(17), pp. 235-245, doi 10.32737/2221-8688-2019-2-235-245 2019

    13. PDFA.U. Sharafutdinov, Yu.S. Fedotov, S.I. Bredikhin Solid oxide fuel cell stack optimization using multi-physics numerical model Chemical Problems on review 2019

    14. PDFA.V. Samoilov, D.A. Agarkov, S.I. Bredikhin A Multifuel Processor for SOFC Power Plants Created to Operate in the Arctic Region ECS Transactions vol. 91, pp. 1641-1649 2019

    15. PDFXiaomei Zeng, Vasiliy Pelenovich, Alexei Ieshkin, Andrey Danilov, Alexander Tolstogouzov, Wenbin Zuo, Jha Ranjana, Neena Devi, Dejun Fu, Xiangheng Xiao Small Al cluster ion implantation into Si and 4H-SiC Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry accepted 2019

    16. PDFE.A. Agarkova, M.A. Borik, V.T. Bublik, T.V. Volkova, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, N.A. Larina, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, P.A. Ryabochkina & N.Yu. Tabachkova Effect of the Phase Composition and Local Crystal Structure on the Transport Properties of the ZrO2–Y2O3 and ZrO2–Gd2O3 Solid Solutions Russian Microelectronics vol. 48, pp. 523-530 2019

      PDFЕ.А. Агаркова, М.А. Борик, В.Т. Бублик, Т.В. Волкова, А.В. Кулебякин, И.Е. Курицина, Н.А. Ларина, Е.Е. Ломонова, Ф.О. Милович, В.А. Мызина, П.А. Рябочкина, Н.Ю. Табачкова Влияние фазового состава и локальной кристаллической структуры на транспортные свойства твердых растворов ZrO2—Y2O3 и ZrO2—Gd2O3 Известия высших учебных заведений. Материалы электронной техники Том 21, №3, с. 156-165 2018

    17. Назаров В.Д., Ерилин И.С., Назаров М.В., Смородова О.В. Использование твердооксидного топливного элемента для увеличения энергоэффективности электрофлотатора Градостроительство и архитектура №1. – С. 47-51 2019

    18. PDFA.V. Kulebyakin, D.A. Agarkov, M.A. Borik, G.M. Eliseeva, V.A. Kolotygin, I.E. Kuritsyna, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, V.V. Osiko, A.S. Chislov and N.Yu. Tabachkova Effect of Yb2O3 stabilizing impurity on the structure and properties of (ZrO2)0.9-x(Sc2O3)0.1(Yb2O3)x crystals Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1347, 012039, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1347/1/012039 2019

    19. A.O. Zhigachev, V.V. Rodaev, D.V. Zhigacheva The effect of titania doping on structure and mechanical properties of calcia-stabilized zirconia ceramic J. Mater. Res. Technol V. 8, № 6. P. 6086 2019

    20. A.O. Zhigachev, V.V. Rodaev, A.V. Umrikhin, Y.I. Golovin The effect of silica content on microstructure and mechanical properties of calcia-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystalline ceramic Ceram. Int. V. 45, № 1. P. 627 2019

    21. V.V. Rodaev, S.S. Razlivalova, A.I Tyurin, A.O. Zhigachev, Y.I. Golovin Microstructure and Phase Composition of yttria-stabilized zirconia nanofibers prepared by high-temperature calcination of electrospun zirconium acetylacetonate/yttrium nitrate/polyacrylonitrile fibers Fibers V. 7, № 10. P. 82 2019

    22. V.V. Rodaev, V.M. Vasyukov, A.O. Zhigachev, V.V. Korenkov, Y.I. Golovin Structure and mechanical properties of macroporous zirconia ceramic fabricated from baddeleyite using spherification technique Appl. Phys. A. V. 125, № 4. P. 234 2019

    23. V.V. Rodaev, S.S. Razlivalova, A.O. Zhigachev, V.M. Vasyukov, Y.I. Golovin Preparation of zirconia nanofibers by electrospinning and calcination with zirconium acetylacetonate as precursor Polymers V. 11, № 6. P. 1067 2019

    24. V.V. Korenkov, A.I. Tyurin, V.V. Rodaev, A.O. Zhigachev, A.V. Umrikhin, T.S. Pirozhkova, Y.I. Golovin Low-temperature degradation of composite ATZ ceramics reinforced by multi-wall carbon nanotubes Rossijskie nanotehnologii V. 14, № 5-6. P. 37-49 2019

      В.В. Коренков, А.И. Тюрин, В.В. Родаев, А.О. Жигачев, А.В. Умрихин, Т.С. Пирожкова, Ю.И. Головин Низкотемпературная деградация композитной ATZ-керамики, армированной многостенными углеродными нанотрубками Российские нанотехнологии Т. 14, № 5-6. С. 37 2019

    ... top


    1. PDFD.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, F.M. Tsybrov, I.I. Tartakovskii, V.V. Kharton and S.I. Bredikhin In-situ Raman spectroscopy analysis of the interface between ceria-containing SOFC anode and stabilized zirconia electrolyte Solid State Ionics Vol. 319C, pp. 125-129 2018

    2. PDFD.A.Agarkov, M.A.Borik, S.I.Bredikhin, A.V.Kulebyakin, I.E.Kuritsyna, E.E.Lomonova, F.O.Milovich, V.A.Myzina, V.V.Osiko, E.A.Agarkova, N.Yu.Tabachkova Structure and Transport Properties of Zirconia-Based Solid Solution Crystals Co-Doped with Scandium and Cerium Oxides Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 459-463 2018

      PDFД.А.Агарков, М.А.Борик, С.И.Бредихин, А.В.Кулебякин, И.Е.Курицына, Е.Е.Ломонова, Ф.О.Милович, В.А.Мызина, В.В.Осико, Е.А.Агаркова, Н.Ю.Tабачкова Структура с транспортные свойства кристаллов твердых растворов на основе диоксида циркония, солегированных оксидами скандия и церия Электрохимия Т. 54, № 6, с. 530-535 2018

    3. PDFI.E.Kuritsyna, S.I.Bredikhin, D.A.Agarkov, M.A.Borik, A.V.Kulebyakin, F.O.Milovich, E.E.Lomonova, V.A.Myzina, N.Yu.Tabachkova Electrotransport Characteristics of Ceramic and Single Crystal Materials with the (ZrO2)0.89(Sc2O3)0.10(Y2O3)0.01 Composition Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 481-485 2018

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    4. PDFС.И. Бредихин, Д.А. Агарков, А.С. Аронин, И.Н. Бурмистров, Д.В. Матвеев, Ф.М. Цыбров, В.В. Хартон Особенности переноса заряда в композиционном аноде ТОТЭ: электронно-микроскопические и "in-situ" исследования методом спектроскопии комбинационного рассеяния света Альтернативная энергетика и экология №4-6, с.70-81 2018

    5. PDFS.I. Bredikhin, D.A. Agarkov, A.S. Aronin, I.N. Burmistrov, D.V. Matveev, V.V. Kharton Ion Transfer in Ni-containing Composite Anodes of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: a Microstructural Study Materials letters Vol. 216, p. 193-195 2018

    6. Самойлов А.В., Кириллов В.А., Шигаров А.Б., Брайко А.С., Потемкин Д.И., Шойнхорова Т.Б., Снытников П.В., Усков С.И., Печенкин А.А., Беляев В.Д., Собянин В.А. Предриформинг аркитического дизельного топлива в синтез-газ Катализ в промышленности 2018. № 3. С. 41-47 2018

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    13. PDFA.I.Ivanov, V.A.Kolotygin, E.V.Tsipis, S.I.Bredikhin, V.V.Kharton Electrical Conductivity, Thermal Expansion and Electrochemical Properties of Perovskites PrBaFe2–xNixO5+d Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 533-540 2018

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    14. E.V. Tsipis, E.N. Naumovich, M.V. Patrakeev, V.V. Kharton Oxygen intercalation in Ruddlesden-Popper type Sr3LaFe3O10-d Materials Letters V.218, pp. 325-328 2018

    15. E.V. Tsipis, E.N. Naumovich, M.V. Patrakeev and V.V. Kharton Oxygen intercalation in Ruddlesden-Popper type Sr3LaFe3O10-d Materials Letters vol. 218, pp. 325-328 2018

    16. O.V. Merkulov, E.N. Naumovich, M.V. Patrakeev, A.A. Markov, E.V. Shalaeva, V.V. Kharton, E.V. Tsipis, J.C. Waerenborgh, I.A. Leonidov and V.L. Kozhevnikov Defect formation, ordering and transport in SrFe1–xSixO3–d (x = 0.05 – 0.20) Russian Journal of Electrochemistry vol. 22, pp. 727-737 2018

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    21. О. В. Смородова, С. В. Китаев, И. С. Ерилин К проблемам использования природного газа в качестве топлива для твердооксидных топливных элементов Norwegian Journal of Development of the International Science № 4-1. - С. 51-54 2018

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    23. И. С. Ерилин, О. В. Смородова Потенциал внутреннего риформинга метана для ТОТЭ Актуальные проблемы науки и техники-2018 Т. 2. - С. 143-145 2018

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    26. Байков И. Р., Смородова О.В., Китаев С.В., Ерилин И.С. Оптимизация режима деэмульсации в промысловой подготовке нефти Научно-технический журнал «Проблемы сбора, подготовки и транспорта нефти и нефтепродуктов» №. 5. – С. 57-68 2018

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    4. PDFI.N. Burmistrov, D.A. Agarkov, E.V. Korovkin, D.V. Yalovenko, S.I. Bredikhin Fabrication of membrane-electrode assemblies for solid oxide fuel cells by joint sintering of electrodes at high temperature Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 53, No. 8, pp. 873-879 2017

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    5. PDFD.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, F.M. Tsybrov, I.I. Tartakovskii, V.V. Kharton, S.I. Bredikhin In-situ Raman spectroscopy analysis of the interfaces between Ni-based SOFC anodes and stabilized zirconia electrolyte Solid State Ionics Vol. 302, pp. 133-137 2017

    6. Борик М.А., Бредихин С.И., Бублик В.Т., Кулебякин А.В., Курицына И.Е., Ломонова Е.Е., Милович Ф.О., Мызина В.А., Осико В.В., Серяков С.В., Табачкова Н.Ю. Изменение механизма проводимости в кристаллах на основе ZrO2 в зависимости от концентрации стабилизирующей примеси Y2O3 Письма в журнал технической физики Т. 43, вып. 6, 23-30 2017

    7. P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Shuravin, V.K. Dolganov, and A. Fukuda Orientational action of edge dislocations on the director field in antiferroelectric smectic-C*A films, Phys. Rev. E 95, 012711 2017

    8. П.В. Долганов Спектральные особенности люминесценции холестерического фотонного кристалла Письма в ЖЭТФ 105, 616-620 2017

    9. П.В. Долганов, Е.И. Кац, В.К. Долганов Коллапс островов в свободно подвешенных смектических наноплёнках Письма в ЖЭТФ 106(4), 214-219 2017

    10. П.В. Долганов, Н.С. Шуравин, В.К. Долганов, A. Fukuda Смектические острова в наноплёнках антисегнетоэлектрика ЖЭТФ 152(4), 834-839 2017

    11. S.A. Sergiienko, V.A. Kolotygin, N.D. Shcherban, S.M. Filonenko, D.O. Moskovskikh, A.A. Nepapushev, D.I. Arkhipov, O.B. Tursunov Structure and Transport Properties of the Spark Plasma Sintered Barium Cerate-Based Proton Conductor Ceramics International v. 43, p. 14905 2017

    12. PDFE.V. Korovkin Detection of defects binding free polarons in colored alkali halide crystals Physics of the Solid State 59(3), p. 490-494 2017

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    13. E.V. Tsipis, J.C. Waerenborgh and V.V. Kharton Grain-boundary states in solid oxide electrolyte ceramics processed using iron oxide sintering aids: a M?ssbauer spectroscopy study Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry vol. 21, pp. 2965-2974 2017

    14. V.V. Rodaev, A.O. Zhigachev, Y.I. Golovin Microstructure and phase composition of CaO doped zirconia nanofibers Ceram. Int. V. 43, № 1B. P. 1200 2017

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    1. V. Kveder, М. Khorosheva, M. Seibt Interplay of Ni and Au atoms with dislocations and vacancy defects generated by moving dislocations in Si Solid State Phenomena Vol. 242 pp 147-154 2016

    2. В.А. Колотыгин, А.И. Иванов, С.И. Бредихин, В.В. Хартон Электрофизические и термомеханические свойства перовскитов La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3-d (A=Ca, Sr, Ba) для анодов топливных элементов: влияние радиуса щелочноземельного катиона Электрохимия Т. 52, № 7, с. 697-703 2016

      PDFV.A. Kolotygin, A.I. Ivanov, S.I. Bredikhin, V.V. Kharton Electrophysical and Thermomechanical Properties of Perovskites La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3-d (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) Used as Fuel Cell Anodes: the Effect of Radius of Alkali-Earth Cation Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 622-627 2016

    3. В.А. Колотыгин, Е.В. Ципис, М.В. Патракеев, А.И. Иванов, В.В. Хартон Стабильность, смешанная проводимость и термомеханические свойства перовскитных материалов на основе La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3-d, La0.5Ba0.5Ti0.5Fe0.5O3-d и (La0.5А0.5)0.95Cr0.5Fe0.5O3-d (A = Ca, Ba) Электрохимия Т. 52, № 7, с. 704-717 2016

      PDFV.A. Kolotygin, E.V. Tsipis, M.V. Patrakeev, A.I. Ivanov, V.V. Kharton Stability, Mixed Conductivity, and Thermomechanical Properties of Perovskite Materials for Fuel Cell Electrodes Based on La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3-d, La0.5Ba0.5Ti0.5Fe0.5O3-d, and (La0.5А0.5)0.95Cr0.5Fe0. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 628-641 2016

    4. М.А.Борик, С.И.Бредихин, В.Т. Бублик, А.В.Кулебякин, И.Е.Курицына, Е.Е. Ломонова, Ф.О.Милович, В.А.Мызина, В.В. Осико, С.В.Серяков, Н.Ю.Табачкова Фазовый состав, кристаллическая структура и свойства кристаллов твердых растворов (ZrO2)1-X-Y(Sc2O3)X(Y2O3)Y (X= 0.035 – 0.11;Y=0 – 0.02), полученных направленной кристаллизацией расплава Электрохимия Т. 52, № 7, с. 733-740 2016

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    5. PDFD.A. Agarkov, M.A. Borik, S.I. Bredihin, V.T. Bublik, L.D. Iskhakova, A.V. Kulebyakin, I.E. Kuritsyna, E.E. Lomonova, F.O. Milovich, V.A. Myzina, S.V. Seryakov, N.Yu. Tabachkova Influence of the yttria dopant on the structure and properties of (ZrO2)0.91-x(Sc2O3)0.09(Y2O3)x (x=0-0.02) crystals Russian Microelectronics Vol. 45, No. 8-9, pp. 625-636 2016

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    6. PDFD.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, F.M. Tsybrov, I.I. Tartakovskii, V.V. Kharton, S.I. Bredikhin Kinetics of NiO reduction and morphological changes in composite anodes of solid oxide fuel cells: estimate using Raman scattering technique Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 600-605 2016

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    7. PDFI.N. Burmistrov, D.A. Agarkov, F.M. Tsybrov, S.I. Bredikhin Preparation of membrane-electrode assemblies of solid oxide fuel cells by co-sintering of electrodes Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 52, No. 7, pp. 669-677 2016

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    9. П.В. Долганов, Н.С. Шуравин, В.К. Долганов, Е.И. Кац Цепочечные структуры и кластеры из частиц со смешанным диполь-квадрупольным взаимодействием в смектических свободно подвешенных наноплёнках Письма в ЖЭТФ 104, 264-269 2016

    10. P.V. Dolganov, S.O. Gordeev, V.K. Dolganov, and A.Yu. Bobrovsky Photo- and thermo-induced variation of photonic properties of cholesteric liquid crystal containing azobenzene-based chiral dopant Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 633, 14-22 2016

    11. P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Shuravin, and A. Fukuda Two-dimensional hexagonal smectic structure formed by topological defects Phys. Rev. E 93, 032704-1-4 2016

    12. Taleb A.I., Timmer M.A.G., El-Shazly M.Y., Samoilov A., Kirillov V.A., Markides C.N. A Single-Reciprocating-Piston Two-Phase Thermofluidic Prime-Mover Energy 2016, V.104, P.250-265 2016

    13. Кириллов В.А., Шигаров А.Б., Самойлов А.В., Кузин Н.А., Киреенков В.В., Иванов Д.А. Разработка системы каталитического нагрева двигателей внешнего сгорания Теоретические основы химической технологии 2016. Т. 50. № 1. С. 1-47 2016

    14. N.V. Demeneva, D.V. Matveev, V.V. Kharton, S.I. Bredikhin Regularities of high-temperature oxidation of current collectors of solid oxide fuel cells due to diffusion processes in subsurface regions Russian Journal of Electrochemistry vol. 52, iss. 7, pp. 678-684 2016

    15. V.V. Rodaev, A.O. Zhigachev, V.V. Korenkov, Y.I. Golovin The influence of zirconia precursor/binding polymer mass ratio in the intermediate electrospun composite fibers on the phase transformation of final zirconia nanofibers Phys. Status Solidi A. V. 213, № 9. P. 2352 2016

    16. Inna Grusha, Micheil Menteshashivi and G.I. Japaridze Effective Hamiltonian for a half-filled asymmetric ionic Hubbard chain with alternating on-site interaction International Jour of Mod . Phys. B 30 1550260, DOI: 10.1142 / S0217979215502604 2016

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    1. PDFI.N. Burmistrov, D.A. Agarkov, I.I. Tartakovskii, V.V. Kharton, S.I. Bredikhin Performance Optimization of Cermet SOFC Anodes: An Evaluation of Nanostructured Ni ECS Transactions Vol. 68, Iss. 1, pp. 1265-1274 2015

    2. PDFN. Demeneva, D. Matveev, V. Kharton, and S. Bredikhin Interdiffusion and Charge Transport Across Surface-Modified Current Collectors in Planar SOFCs ECS Transactions Vol.68, iss.1, pp.1707-1713 2015

    3. P.V. Dolganov, V.K. Dolganov, A. Fukuda Surface 2pi-walls in polar free-standing smectic films Письма в ЖЭТФ 101, 851-856 2015

    4. PDFD.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, F.M. Tsybrov, I.I. Tartakovskii, V.V. Kharton, S.I. Bredikhin, V.V. Kveder Analysis of Interfacial Processes at the SOFC Electrodes by in-situ Raman Spectroscopy ECS Transactions Vol. 68, Iss. 1, pp. 2093-2103 2015

    5. M.A. Khorosheva, V.V. Kveder, M. Seibt On the nature of defects produced by motion of dislocations in silicon Phys. Status Solidi A 212, No. 8, 1695–1703 2015

    6. П.В. Долганов, В.К. Долганов Полярные жидкие кристаллы с многослойным упорядочением Письма в ЖЭТФ 101, 496-500 2015

    7. P.V. Dolganov Density of photonic states in cholesteric liquid crystals Phys. Rev. E 91, 042509 2015

    8. П.В. Долганов, Н.С. Шуравин, В.К. Долганов, Е.И. Кац Топологические дефекты в смектических островах в свободно подвешенных плёнках Письма в ЖЭТФ 101, 505-511 2015

    9. P.V. Dolganov and V.K. Dolganov Electric Field Induced Transitions in Polar Liquid Crystals with Frustrating Interlayer Interaction Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst 610, 35-43 2015

    10. П.В. Долганов, В.К. Долганов, Е.И. Кац Аномалии мениска микровключений в свободно подвешенных смектических плёнках Письма в ЖЭТФ 102, 269-274 2015

    11. A.A. Zhokhov, V.M. Masalov, N.S. Sukhinina, D.V. Matveev, P.V. Dolganov, V.K. Dolganov, G.A. Emelchenko Photonic crystal microspheres Optical Materials 49, 208-212 2015

    12. T. Tietze, P. Audehm, Y. Chen, G. Schutz, B.B. Straumal, S.G. Protasova, A.A. Mazilkin, P.B. Straumal, T. Prokscha, H. Luetkens, Z. Salman, A. Suter, B. Baretzky, K. Fink, W. Wenzel, D. Danilov, E. Go Interfacial dominated Ferromagnetism in nanograined ZnO: a mSR and DFT study Scientific Reports 2015
    13. А.А. Reddy, D.U. Tulyaganov, V.V. Kharton, J.M. F. Ferreira Development of bilayer glass-ceramic SOFC sealants via optimizing the chemical composition of glasses—a review Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 2015
    14. E.V. Shalaeva, M.V. Patrakeev, A.A. Markov, A.P. Tyutyunnik, A.M. Murzakaev, V.V. Kharton, E.V. Tsipis, J.C. Waerenborgh, I.A. Leonidov, IA Ion transport in dual-phase SrFe1-xТаxO3-? (x = 0.03 - 0.10): effects of redox cycling J. Solid State Electrochemisrty vol. 19, iss.3, pp. 841-849 2015

    15. D. Ramasamy, A.L. Shaula, A. Gomez-Herrero, V.V. Kharton, D.P Fagg Oxygen permeability of mixed-conducting Ce0.8Tb0.2O2-? membranes: effects of ceramic microstructure and sintering temperature J. Membrane Science vol. 475, pp. 414 - 424 2015

    16. Кириллов В.А., Киреенков В.В., Кузин Н.А., Самойлов А.В., Шигаров А.Б. Каталитический двигатель внешнего сгорания Теоретические основы химической технологии 2015, Т.49, №4, С.394 2015

    17. Kirillov V.A., Samoilov A.V., Shigarov A.B., Ivanov D.A., Zaletov D.V. Thermochemical heat recovery based on external heat engine Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia 2015, T.12, №3, C.3027-3039 2015

    18. A. O. Zhigachev, A. V. Umrikhin, Yu. I. Golovin The effect of calcia content on phase composition and mechanical properties of Ca-TZP prepared by high-energy milling of baddeleyite Ceram. Int. V. 41. P. 13804 2015

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    1. PDFA.I. Ivanov, D.A. Agarkov, I.N. Burmistrov, E.A. Kudrenko, S.I. Bredikhin amd V.V. Kharton Synthesis and Properties of Fuel Cell Anodes Based on (La0.5+xSr0.5-x)1-yMn0.5Ti0.5O3-d (x=0-0.25, y=0-0.03) Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 50, No. 8, 730-736 2014

      PDFА.И. Иванов, Д.А. Агарков, И.H. Бурмистров, E.А. Кудренко, С.И. Бредихин, В.В. Хартон Синтез и свойства анодов топливных элементов на основе (La0.5+xSr0.5)1-yMn0.5Ti0.5O3-d (x=0-0.25, y=0-0.03) Электрохимия том 50, №8, 814-820 2014

    2. I.Е. Kuritsyna, V.V. Sinitsyn, Y.S. Fedotov, S.I. Bredikhin, E.V. Tsipis, V.V. Kharton Stability and functional properties of Sr0.7Ce0.3MnO3-d as cathode material for solid oxide fuel cells Russian Journal of Electrochemistry V. 50, iss. 8, pp. 713-718 2014

      И.E. Курицына, В.В. Синицын, Ю.С. Федотов, С.И. Бредихин, E.В. Ципис, В.В. Хартон Стабильность и функциональные свойства Sr0.7Ce0.3Мn0.3 как катодного материала твердооксидных топливных элементв Электрохимия том 50, №8, 713-718 2014

    3. V.G. Artemov, I.E. Kuritsyna, S.P. Lebedev, G.A. Komandin, P.O. Kapralov, I.E. Spektor, V.V. Kharton, S.I. Bredikhin, A.A. Volkov Analysis of electric properties of ZrO2-Y2O3 single crystals using teraherz IR and impedance spectroscopy techniques Russian Journal of Electrochemistry V. 50, iss. 7, pp. 690-693 2014

    4. PDFO.V. Tiunova, O.Yu. Zadorozhnaya, Yu.K. Nepochatov, I.N. Burmistrov, I.E. Kuritsina and S.I. Bredikhin Ceramic Membranes Based on Scandium-Stabilized ZrO2 Obtained by Tape Casting Technique Russian Journal of Electrochemistry Vol. 50, No. 8, 719-724 2014

      PDFО.В. Тиунова, О.Ю. Задорожная, Ю.К. Непочатое, И.Н. Бурмистров, И.E. Курицына, С.И. Бредихин Керамические мембраны на основе скандий-стабилизированного ZrO2, полученные методом пленочного литья Электрохимия том 50, №8, 801-807 2014

    5. P.V. Dolganov and P. Cluzeau Manifold configurations of director field formed by topological defects in free and confined geometry of smectic films Phys. Rev. E 90, 062501 2014

    6. П.В. Долганов Трансформация структуры смектических жидких кристаллов, связанная с фрустрацией и с поверхностью сверхтонких плёнок Письма в ЖЭТФ 100(1), 64-75 2014

    7. П.В. Долганов, С.О. Гордеев, В.К. Долганов Температурная зависимость фотонной запрещенной зоны и параметра порядка холестерического фотонного кристалла Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики 145(6), 1010-2014 2014

    8. П.В. Долганов, В.М. Масалов, Н.С. Сухинина, В.К. Долганов, Г.А. Емельченко Инвертированный опал на основе полимерного наполнителя и трансформация его оптических характеристик Физика твердого тела 56(4), 717-721 2014

    9. P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov Step-by-step first order antiferroelectric-paraelectric transition induced by frustration and electric field Письма в ЖЭТФ 99(4), 218-222 2014

    10. V.M. Masalov, P.V. Dolganov, N.S. Sukhinina, V.K. Dolganov, and G.A. Emel’chenko Advances in Nano Research 2(1), 69-76 2014

    11. A.A. Yaremchenko, V.V. Kharton, V.A. Kolotygin, M.V. Patrakeev, E.V. Tsipis, J.C. Waerenborgh Mixed Conductivity, Thermochemical Expansion and Electrochemical Activity of Fe-Substituted (La,Sr)(Cr,Mg)O3-? for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes J. Power Sources 249 (2014) 483 2014

    12. N.E. Volkova, V.A. Kolotygin, L.Ya. Gavrilova, V.V. Kharton, V.A. Cherepanov Nonstoichiometry, Thermal Expansion and Oxygen Permeability of SmBaCo2-xCuxO6-d Solid State Ionics 260 (2014) 15 2014

    13. A.A. Reddy, D.U. Tulyaganov, G.C. Mather, M.J. Pascual, V.V. Kharton, S.I. Bredikhin, V.A. Kolotygin, J.M.F. Ferreira Effect of Srontium-to-Calcium Ratio on the Structure, Crystallization Behaviour and Functional Properties of Diopside-Based Glasses International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 (2014) 3552 2014

    14. A.A. Reddy, A. Goel, D.U. Tulyaganov, M. Sardo, L. Mafra, M.J. Pascual, V.V. Kharton, E.V. Tsipis, V.A. Kolotygin, J.M.F. Ferreira Thermal and Mechanical Stability of Lanthanide-Containing Glass-Ceramic Sealants for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (2014) 1834 2014

    15. S.Ya. Istomin, E.V. Antipov, Yu.S. Fedotov, S.I. Bredikhin, N.V. Lyskov, S. Shafeie, G. Svensson, Y. Liu, Z. Shen Crystal structure and high-temperature electrical conductivity of novel perovskite-related gallium and indium oxides Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry vol. 18, iss. 5, pp. 1415-1423 2014

    16. N.V. Demeneva, S.I. Bredikhin Oxide film formation and diffusion processes in near-surface layers of current collectors in solid oxide fuel cells Russian Journal of Electrochemistry vol. 50, iss. 8, pp. 725-729 2014

      Н.В. Деменева, С.И. Бредихин Формирование оксидных пленок и диффузионные процессы в приповерхностных слоях Электрохимия том. 50, №8, с. 808-813 2014

    17. Ю.С. Федотов, Д.Б. Смирнов, П.А. Воробьев, В.В. Хартон, С.И. Бредихин Макроскопическое моделирование процессов переноса в планарных твердооксидных топливных элементах: оценка критических факторов Международный научный журнал «Альтернативная энергетика и экология» №20(160), с.26-37 2014

    18. С.А. Шевченко, А.Н. Терещенко, А.А. Мазилкин Взаимодействие многозарядных примесей с дислокациями в монокристаллах германи Известия высших учебных заведений. Материалы электронной техники т.17, №3,с. 211-216 2014

    19. Артемов В.Г., Курицына И.Е., Лебедев С.П., Командин Г., Капралов П.О., Спектор И.Е., Хартон В.В., Бредихин С.И., Волков А.А. Анализ электрических свойств монокристаллов ZrO2-Y2O3 методами терагерцовой-ИК и импедансной спектроскопии Электрохимия т. 50, №7, сс. 690-693 2014

    20. A.U. Sharafutdinov, I.S. Burmistrov Tunneling density of states in quantum dots with anisotropic exchange Phys. Rev. B 92, 035439 2014

    21. D.S. Lyubshin, A.U. Sharafutdinov, I.S. Burmistrov Statistics of spin fluctuations in quantum dots with Ising exchange Phys. Rev. B 89, 201304(R) 2014

    22. I. Kuritsyna, V. Sinitsyn, A. Melnikov, Yu. Fedotov, E. Tsipis, A. Viskup, S. Bredikhin and V.Kharton Oxygen exchange, thermochemical expansion and cathodic behavior of perovskite-like Sr0.7Ce0.3MnO3-d Solid State Ionics vol. 262, pp. 349-353 2014

    23. G.N. Mazo, S.M. Kazakov, L.M. Kolchina, S.Ya. Istomin, E.V. Antipov, N.V. Lyskov, M.Z. Galin, L.S. Leonova, Yu.S. Fedotov, S.I. Bredikhin, Y. Liu, G. Svensson, Z. Shen Influence of structural arrangement of R2O2 slabs of layered cuprates on high-temperature properties important for application in IT-SOFC Solid State Ionics vol. 257, pp. 67-74 2014

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    1. P.V. Dolganov, G.S. Ksyonz, V.K. Dolganov Photonic Liquid Crystals: Optical Properties and Their Dependence on Light Polarization and Temperature Physics of the Solid State 55, 1101-1104 2013

    2. С.А. Шевченко, А.И. Колюбакин Исследование методом DLTS пластически деформированного германия n-типа после легирования медью Физика и Техника Полупроводников т. 47, №6, с. 838-844 2013

    3. V.Sedykh, V.Rusakov, V.Kveder, I. Zver’kova, V. Kulakov Fluctuations of structural transformations in La0.95Ba0.05Mn0.9857Fe0.02O3 under heat treatment Materials Letters 96, 82–84 (2013) 2013

    4. D. Abdelbarey, V. Kveder, W. Schroter, M. Seibt Platinum and gold diffusion monitor vacancy profiles induced into silicon wafers by aluminum alloying Phys. Status Solidi A 210, No. 4, 771–776 (2013) / DOI 10.1002/pssa.201300020 2013

    5. V.A. Gasparov, A.I. Rodigin, L. Drigo, A. Audouard, C.T. Lin, M. Zhang A. F. Wang, X.H. Chen, H.S. Jeevan, J. Maiwald and P. Gegenwart Upper critical magnetic field in K0.83Fe1.83Se2 and Eu0.5K0.5Fe2As2 single crystals Phys. Rev. B 87, 094508 (2013) 2013

    6. S. Arsenijevic, R. Gaal, D. L. Sun, C. T. Lin, V.A. Gasparov, L. Forro Effects of pressure on the transport properties of hole-doped Ba0.68K0.32Fe2As2 Phys. Rev. B (2013, в печати) 2013

    7. S.A. Shevchenko and A.I. Kolyubakin DLTS Study of Plastically Deformed Copper-Doped n-Type Germanium Semiconductors Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 849–855 2013

    8. P. V. Dolganov, G. S. Ksyonz, V. E. Dmitrienko, and V. K. Dolganov Description of optical properties of cholesteric photonic liquid crystals based on Maxwell equations and Kramers-Kronig relations Phys. Rev. E 87, 032506 2013

    9. P.V. Dolganov, V.K. Dolganov, P. Cluzeau The Effect of Spontaneous Polarization on Two-Dimensional Elasticity of Smectic Liquid Crystals ZhETF 166(6), 1043-1049 2013

    10. P.V. Dolganov and V.M. Zhilin Electric field induced transition from helical to planar smectic structure without helix unwinding Phys. Rev. E 87, 062505 2013

    11. PDFIlya Burmistrov, Dmitrii Agarkov, Sergey Bredikhin, Yurii Nepochatov, Olga Tiunova and Olga Zadorozhnaya Multilayered Electrolyte-Supported SOFC Based on NEVZ-Ceramics Membrane ECS Transactions Vol. 57, Iss. 1, 917-923 2013

    12. Y. Fedotov, S. Bredikhin Continuum modeling of solid oxide fuel cell electrodes: Introducing the minimum dissipation principle Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry vol. 17, iss. 7, pp. 2049-2054 2013

    13. V.V. Kharton and E.V. Tsipis Reference electrodes for solid-electrolyte devices “Handbook of Reference Electrodes”, Eds. G. Inzelt, A. Lewenstam and F. Scholz Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 243-278 2013

    14. N. E. Volkova, L. Ya. Gavrilova, V. A. Cherepanov, T. V. Aksenova, V.A. Kolotygin and V.V. Kharton Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of SmBaCo2-xFexO5+d Journal of Solid State Chemistry vol. 204, pp. 219-223 2013

    15. J.C. Waerenborgh, E.V. Tsipis, J.E. Auckett, C.D. Ling and V.V. Kharton Magnetic structure of Sr2Fe2O5 brownmillerite by single-crystal M?ssbauer spectroscopy Journal of Solid State Chemistry vol. 205, pp. 5-9 2013

    16. D.U. Tulyaganov, A.A. Reddy, V.V. Kharton and J.M.F. Ferreira Aluminosilicate-based sealants for SOFCs and other electrochemical applications ? A brief review Journal of Power Sources vol. 242, pp. 486-502 2013

    17. M.V. Patrakeev, A.A. Markov, E.V. Shalaeva, A.P. Tyutyunnik, E.V. Tsipis, J.C. Waerenborgh, V.V. Kharton, I.A. Leonidov and V.L. Kozhevnikov Phase separation-promoted ion conduction in SrFe0.67Та0.33O3-? ceramics Solid State Ionics vol. 244, pp. 17-22 2013

    18. A.A. Reddy, D.U. Tulyaganov, A. Goel, M. Sardo, P.V. Wiper, M.J. Pascual, V.V. Kharton, V.A. Kolotygin, E.V. Tsipis, L. Mafra and J.M.F. Ferreira Melilite glass–ceramic sealants for solid oxide fuel cells: effects of ZrO2 additions assessed by microscopy, diffraction and solid-state NMR Journal of Materials Chemistry A vol. 1, pp. 6471-6480 2013

    19. C.D. Ling, S. Schmid, P.E.R. Blanchard, V. Petricek, G.J. McIntyre, N. Sharma, A. Maljuk, A.A. Yaremchenko, V.V. Kharton, M. Gutmann and R.L. Withers A (3+3)-dimensional “hypercubic” oxide-ionic conductor: Type II Bi2O3–Nb2O5 Journal of the American Chemical Society vol. 135, pp. 6477-6484 2013

    20. A.A. Reddy, D.U. Tulyaganov, M.J. Pascual, V.V. Kharton, E.V. Tsipis, V.A. Kolotygin and J.M.F. Ferreira Diopside–Ba disilicate glass–ceramic sealants for SOFCs: enhanced adhesion and thermal stability by Sr for Ca substitution, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy International Journal of Hydrogen Energy vol. 38, pp. 3073-3086 2013

    21. A.L. Shaula, V.A. Kolotygin, E.N. Naumovich, Y.V. Pivak and V.V. Kharton Oxygen ionic transport in brownmillerite-type Ca2Fe2O5-? and calcium ferrite-based composite membranes Solid State Phenomena vol. 200, pp. 286-292 2013

    22. A.A. Reddy, D.U. Tulyaganov, M.J. Pascual, V.V. Kharton, E.V. Tsipis, V.A. Kolotygin and J.M.F. Ferreira SrO–containing diopside glass–ceramic sealants for solid oxide fuel cells: mechanical reliability and thermal shock resistance Fuel Cells V. 13, iss. 5, pp. 689-694 2013

    23. V.A. Kolotygin, E.V. Tsipis, M.F. Lu, Y.V. Pivak, S.N. Yarmolenko, S.I. Bredikhin and V.V. Kharton Functional properties of SOFC anode materials based on LaCrO3, La(Ti,Mn)O3 and Sr(Nb,Mn)O3 perovskites: a comparative analysis Solid State Ionics V. 251, pp. 28-33 2013

    24. M.T. Dunstan, A.F. Pavan, V.V. Kharton, M. Avdeev, J.A. Kimpton, V.A. Kolotygin, E.V. Tsipis and C.D. Ling Phase behavior and mixed ionic–electronic conductivity of Ba4Sb2O9 Solid State Ionics vol. 235, pp. 1-7 2013

    25. P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Kats Landau theory description of polar smectic structures Liquid Crystals Reviews 1(2), 127 2013

    26. Кириллов В.А., Шигаров А.Б., Кузин Н.А., Киреенков В.В., Амосов Ю.И., Самойлов А.В., Бурцев В.А. Теромохимическое преобразование топлив в вододородсодержащий газ за счет рекуперированного тепла двигателя внутреннего сгорания Теоретические основы химической технологии 2013, Т.47, №5, С.503 2013

    27. N. Demeneva, S. Bredikhin Improvement of oxidation resistance of crofer 22 APU with modified surface for solid oxide fuel cell interconnects ECS Transactions vol. 57, iss. 1, pp. 2195-2201 2013

    28. Inna Grusha and G.I. Japaridze Effective Hamiltonian for the half-filled spin-asymmetric ionic Hubbard chain with strong on-site repulsion "Low Dimensional Physics and Gauge Principles" (Eds.V.G.Gurzadyan, A.G.Sedrakyan), World Scientific pp. 146-157 , DOI:10.1142/9789814440349_0011 2013

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    1. S. Beringov, A. Shkulkov, Yu. Cherpak, M. Vlasiuk, T. Vlasenko, I. Buchovska, V. Kveder, M. Khorosheva Multicrystalline silicon production for solar cells applications by continuous induction melting in cold crucible Phys. Status Solidi C 10 №1, 2012 стр.24-27 2012

    2. Lu M.F., E.V. Tsipis, J.C. Waerenborgh, A.A. Yaremchenko, V.A. Kolotygin, S. Bredikhin Thermochemical, transport and anodic properties of perovskite-type (La0.75Sr0.25)0.95Cr1-xFexO3-I Journal of Power Sources 206 (2012) 59-69 2012

    3. Kavurucu Schubert Sena, Mihails Kusnezoff, Alexander Michaelis, Sergey I. Bredikhin Comparison of the performances of single cell solid oxide fuel cell stacks with Ni/8YSZ and Ni/10CGO anodes with H2S containing fuel Journal of Power Sources 2012
    4. PDFV.A. Kolotygin, E.V. Tsipis, A.I. Ivanov, Y.A. Fedotov, I.N. Burmistrov, D.A. Agarkov, V.V. Sinitsyn, S.I. Bredikhin, V.V. Kharton Electrical, electrochemical, and thermomechanical properties of perovskite-type (La1-xSrx)1-yMn0.5Ti0.5O3-d (x=0.15–0.75,y=0–0.05) Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 2335-2348 2012

    5. Шмурак С.З., В.В.Кедров, Н.В.Классен, О.А.Шахрай. Импульсная рентгенолюминесценция композитов из неорганических частиц и органических люминофоров Письма в ЖТФ 2012
    6. Шмурак С.З., В.В.Кедров, Н.В.Классен, О.А.Шахрай. Спектроскопия композитных сцинтилляторов ФТТ т.54, в.11, стр.112-121 2012

    7. Kedrov Victor V., Shmyt’ko Ivan M., Shmurak Semeon Z., Kudrenko Elena A., Klassen Nikolai V. Structural and morphological characteristics of yttrium and lutetium orthoborates synthesized in thin layers of borate oxide glasses. Journal of Materials Research Vol. 27, No. 16, Aug 28, P.2117-2121 2012

    8. Yershov A.E., V.V. Kedrov, N.V. Klassen, V.N. Kurlov, I.M. Shmytko, S.Z. Efficiency of direct converters of radiation to electric power Journal of nuclear measuring and information technologies No. 4, pp. 21 - 26. 2012

    9. Michael Seibt and Vitaly Kveder Gettering processes and the role of extended defects Chapter 4 in the book “Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications” Edited by Sergio Pizzini, Wiley (John Wiley & Sons Ltd), ISBN 9780470661116, published in 2012 2012

    10. Molodtsova Olga, Irina Aristova, Vitalii Kveder, Martin Knupfer, Clemens Laubschat and Victor Aristov Morphology and Properties of Hybrid Systems Comprising Gold Nanoparticles in CuPc Matrices Journal of Physical Science and Application 2 (6), 166-170 (2012). ISSN:2159-5348 2012

    11. Michael Seibt, Reda Khalil, Vitaly Kveder, Wolfgang Schr?ter Electronic states at dislocations and metal silicide precipitates in crystalline silicon and their role in solar cell materials Applied Physics A04/2012; 96(1):235-253 2012

    12. V.A. Gasparov and I. Bozovic Magnetic field and temperature dependence of complex conductance of ultrathin La1.65Sr0.45CuO4 / La2CuO4 films Phys. Rev. B 86, 094523 (2012) 2012

    13. P.V. Dolganov, V.K. Dolganov, P. Cluzeau Structure of p- and 2p-walls in smectic films Pis’ma v ZhETF 96, 347-351 317 2012

    14. P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, and E.I. Kats Field-induced transitions between multilayer phases of polar smectic liquid crystals Phys. Rev. E 86, 020701(R) 2012

    15. P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, E.I. Kats Laws of formation of polar smectic phases under frustration interaction JETP 115, 1140-1150 2012

    16. P.V. Dolganov Landau Model of the Phase Transitions for Description of Commensurate Polar Smectic Structures Ferroelectrics 431, 21-31 2012

    17. I.A. Karpov, E.D. Shoo New equipment for microwave electric field visualization Review of Scientific Instruments Vol. 83, Iss. 7, 074704 2012

    18. A.U. Sharafutdinov, D.S. Lyubshin, I.S. Burmistrov Spin fluctuations in quantum dots Phys. Rev. B 90, 195308 2012

    19. A.U. Sharafutdinov, I.S. Burmistrov Cotunneling current through a two-level quantum dot coupled to magnetic leads: the role of exchange interaction J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 155301 2012

    20. А.У. Шарафутдинов Динамическая спиновая восприимчивость в квантовых точках с анизотропным обменом В сб: Нанофизика и наноэлектроника: Труды XVI международного симпозиума, 12–16 марта 2012 г., Нижний Новгород. - Нижний Новгород: ИФМ РАН Том 1, с.175 2012

    21. А.У. Шарафутдинов Ток ко-туннелирования через квантовую точку с двумя уровнями В сб: Нанофизика и наноэлектроника: Труды XVI международного симпозиума, 12–16 марта 2012 г., Нижний Новгород. - Нижний Новгород: ИФМ РАН Том 1, с.176 2012

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    1. V.A.Kolotygin, E.V.Tsipis, A.L.Shaula, E.N.Naumovich , J.R.Frade, S.I.Bredikhin and V.V.Kharton Transport and electrode properties of perovskite-type (La0.75Sr0.25)0.95Mn0.5Cr0.5TixO3-d (x=0 - 0.5) J. Solid State Electrochem. Volume 15, Number 2, Pages 313-327 2011

    2. M.S.Kaluzhskikh, S.M.Kazakov, G.N.Mazo, S.Ya,Istomin, E.V.Antipov, A.A.Gippius, Yu.Fedotov, S.I.Bredikhin, Yi Liu, G.Svensson, Z.Shen High-temperature expansion and transport properties of the layered cuprates Ln2CuO4, Ln=Pr, Nd and Sm. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 184 (3), p.698 2011

    3. V.A. Gasparov, L. Drigo, A. Audouard, D.L. Sun, C.T. Lin, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield, F. Wolff-Fabris and J. Wosnitza Upper critical magnetic field in Ba0.68K0.32Fe2As2 and Ba(Fe0.93Co0.07)2As2 Pisma v ZhETF vol. 93, is. 11 (arXiv: 1104.5619) 2011

    4. V.A. Gasparov, F. Wolff-Fabris, D.L. Sun, C.T. Lin, J. Wosnitza Electron transport and anisotropy of the upper critical magnetic field in a Ba0.68K0.32Fe2As2 single crystals JETP Letters 93, 26 2011

    5. V.A. Gasparov Electron structure, transport and superconducting properties of ZrB12, ZrB2, YB6 and MgB2 p. 237-260, Chapter in book: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, Boron-Rich Solids: Sensors, Ultra High Temperature Ceramics, Thermoelectrics, Armor» p. 1-375 2011

    6. R.B.G. Kramer, V.S. Egorov, V.A. Gasparov, A.G.M. Jansen, and W. Joss Condon domain phase diagram for silver Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 2011, 37, No. 1, p. 50–55 2011

    7. H.В. Классен, В.В.Кедров, В.Н. Курлов, Д.О. Стрюков, С.З. Шмурак, И.М. Шмытько, О.А. Шахрай, В.Н. Курлов, Д.О. Стрюков Нанокристаллические сцинтилляторы и волоконный сапфир для контроля ионизирующих излучений Ядерные измерительно – информационные технологии т. 38, №4, 2011, 30-35. 2011

    8. H.В. Классен, В.В.Кедров, С.З. Шмурак, И.М. Шмытько, О.А. Шахрай, В.Н. Курлов, А.Е. Ершов, С.В. Кошелев Новые радиационно – прочные устройства для контроля ионизирующих излучений и прямого преобразования радиации в электроэнергию на основе наноструктурированных материалов Ядерные измерительно – информационные технологии т. 38, №4, 2011, 36 – 41 2011

    9. Классен Н.В., Кедров В.В., Шмурак С.З., Шмытько И.М., Шахрай О.А., Курлов В.Н., Ершов А.Е., Кошелев С.В., Новые радиационно – прочные устройства для контроля ионизирующих излучений и прямого преобразования радиации в электроэнергию на основе наноструктурированных материалов Журнал «Вопросы атомной науки и техники» серия «Техническая физика и автоматизация», вып. 66, 2011 год, С.132 – 139 2011

    10. Классен Н.В., Шахрай О.А., Кедров В.В., Курлов В.Н., Стрюков Д.О., Шмытько И.М., Шмурак С.З. Нанокристаллические сцинтилляторы и волоконный сапфир для радиационного контроля Журнал «Вопросы атомной науки и техники» серия «Техническая физика и автоматизация», выпуск 66. 2011 год. Стр. 39-50. 2011

    11. V.A. Gasparov Surface and electron structure of the 6H-SiC(0001)-(3x3) surface and ultrathin Ag films on Si(111) and Si(001) Low Temperature Physics 37, 856-865 (2011) 2011

    12. P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, and E.I. Kats Manifold of polar smectic liquid crystals with spatial modulation of the order parameter Phys. Rev. E 83, 061705 2011

    13. J.-C. Loudet, P.V. Dolganov, P. Patr?cio, H. Saadaoui, and P. Cluzeau Undulation Instabilities in the Meniscus of Smectic Membranes Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 117802 2011

    14. P.V. Dolganov, K.I. Belov, and V.K. Dolganov Two-stage crystallization on the surface of smectic nanofilms Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 93, 813-817 2011

    15. Mariana Malard, Inna Grusha, G. I. Japaridze and Henrik Johannesson Modulated Rashba interaction in a quantum wire: Spin and charge dynamics ” Phys. Rev. B 84 075466, ArXiv/1105.4545 2011

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    1. S. Shevchenko, A. Tereshchenko Dislocation states and deformation-induced point defects in plastically deformed germanium Solid State Phenomena 156-158, 289 2010

    2. М.А.Хорошева, В.И.Орлов, Н.В.Абросимов, В.В.Кведер Определение неравновесной концентрации вакансий в кристаллах кремния по измерению концентрации атомов никеля в узлах решетки ЖЭТФ 137(5), 879-885 2010

    3. V. Yu. Aristov, O. V. Molodtsova, C. Laubschat, V. M. Zhilin, I. M. Aristova, V. V. Kveder, M. Knupfer Properties of hybrid organic-inorganic systems: Au nanoparticles embedded into an organic CuPc matrix APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 97, 113103 2010

    4. D. Abdelbarey, V. Kveder, W. Schr?ter, M. Seibt Light-induced point defect reactions of residual iron in crystalline silicon after aluminum gettering JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 108, 043519 2010

    5. Natalya Ledukhovskaya, Elena Frolova, Gennady Strukov and Sergey Bredikhin Novel method of internal barrier layer formation for Cr diffusion to the surface of Crofer 22APU Interconnects Proceedings of 9th European Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Forum Chapter 12, pp.110-116 2010

    6. V.A. Gasparov Iron pages of VTSP JETP 111, p. 313–331 2010

    7. N. V. Klassen, O.A. Krivko, V. V. Kedrov, S.Z. Shmurak, A.P. Kiselev, I.M. Shmyt’ko, E.A. Kudrenko, A.V. Shekhtman, A.V. Bazhenov, T.N. Fursova Laser and Electric Arc Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Scintillators IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science , v. 57, No 3, June 2010, p. 1377 – 1381. 2010

    8. V.A.Gasparov Iron pages of HTSС ЖЭТФ 138, 353–372 (2010) 2010

    9. P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, and P. Cluzeau Stepwise transition of a topological defect from the smectic film to the boundary of a dipolar inclusion Phys. Rev. E 81, 031709 2010

    10. P.V. Dolganov and V.M. Zhilin Unwinding of the antiferroelectric helix in an electric field Phys. Rev. E 81, 051704 2010

    11. P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, and E.I. Kats Commensurate polar smectic structures with a two-component order parameter Phys. Rev. E 82, 040701(R) 2010

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    1. Бредихин И.С., Напольский Ф.С., Коровкин Е.В., Истомин С.Я., Антипов Е.В., Бредихин С.И. КАЛЬЦИЙСОДЕРЖАЩИЙ КАТОДНЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ ДЛЯ ТОТЭ Электрохимия 45, №4, 463-467 2009

    2. Michael Seibt , Reda Khalil, Vitaly Kveder , Wolfgang Schr?ter Electronic states at dislocations and metal silicide precipitates in crystalline silicon and their role in solar cell materials Applied Physics A 96, 235-253 (DOI 10.1007/s00339-008-5027-8) 2009

    3. D. Abdelbarey, V. Kveder, W. Schroeter, M. Seibt Aluminum gettering of iron in silicon as a problem of the ternary phase diagram APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 94, 061912 2009

    4. M. Seibt, D. Abdelbarey, V. Kveder, C. Rudolf, P. Saring, L. Stolze, O. Voss Interaction of metal impurities with extended defects in crystalline silicon and its implications for gettering techniques used in photovoltaics Materials Science and Engineering B 159-60, 264-268 (doi:10.1016/j.mseb.2008.12.044) 2009

    5. Burmistrov Ilya, Sergey Bredikhin Cathode overpotential investigation by means of “Built-in” potential electrode Ionics vol.15, N4, 465-468 2009

    6. Бредихин С.И., Жохов А.А., Фролова Е.А., Ледуховская Н.В., Курицына И.Е., Синицын В.В., Коровкин Е.В. Защитные покрытия на основе Mn-Co шпинели для токовых коллекторов ТОТЭ Электрохимия 45, №5, 555-561 2009

    7. Bredikhin Sergey, Koichi Hamamoto, Yoshinobu Fujishiro, Masanobu Awano Electrochemical reactors for NO decomposition. Basic aspects and a future Ionics vol.15. N 3, (1-18) 2009

    8. Burmistrov I., O. A. Drozhzhin, S. Ya. Istomin, V. V. Sinitsyn, E. V. Antipov, S. I. Bredikhin Sr0.75Y0.25Co0.5Mn0.5O3-y Perovskite Cathode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells J. Electrochem. Soc vol.156, N10, pp.B1212-1217 2009

    9. Ledukhovskaya Natalya, Elena Frolova, Gennady Strukov, Danila Matveev and Sergey Bredikhin Type of Current Collectors with Modified Near-Surface Layer ECS Transactions 25 (2) 1523-1528 2009

    10. Bredikhin Ivan, Sergey Bredikhin and Vitaly Kveder Optimization of the Charge Transfer Process in Composite Ni/YSZ Cermet Anodes ECS Transactions 25 (2) 1967-1974 2009

    11. Sinitsyn V., I. Kuritsyna, S. Khasanov, D. Matveev and S. Bredikhin Studies of Model SOFCs with Sr0.7Ce0.3MnO3 Cathode Material ECS Transactions 25 (2) 2335-2340 2009

    12. Burmistrov I. and S. Bredikhin Potential Distribution in SOFCs with LSM and SYCM Cathodes Investigated Using a Built-in Potential Electrode ECS Transactions 25 (2) 2793-2798 2009

    13. Ledukhovskaya N., E. Frolova, E. Korovkin, V. Sinitsyn and S. Bredikhin Oxidation Behavior and Electrical Conductivity Between Ln0.8Sr0.2MnO3 Cathode and Crofer 22 APU with Spinel Coatings ECS Transactions 25 (2) 2829-2836 2009

    14. S.A. Shevchenko, A.N. Tereshchenko Dislocation photoluminescence in plastically deformed germanium Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 4540 2009

    15. V.A.Gasparov, H.S. Jeevan, and P. Gegenwart Normal_State Electrical resistiity and Superconducting Magnetic Penetration Depth in Eu0.5K0.5Fe2As2 Polycrystals JETPLett. 89 (6), 294 2009

    16. V. Gasparov, E. Zhukova, A.Voronkov, B.Gorshunov, Qi Li Magnetic field, temperature and frequency dependence of complex conductance of ultra thin YBa2Cu3O7-x films Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150, 052058 2009

    17. V. Gasparov, I. Sheikin, F. Levy, J. Teyssier, G. Santi The de Haas – van Alphen effect study of the Fermi surface of ZrB12 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150, 052059 2009

    18. Классен Н.В., Кедров В.В., Курлов В.Н., Кривко О.А., Шмурак С.З., Шмытько И.М., Кудренко Е.А., Киселёв А.П., Кобелев Н.П., Шехтман А.В. Наносцинтилляторы для новых методик медицинской диагностики и терапии Биотехносфера. №3. С. 2-11. 2009

    19. N.V. Кlassen, V.V.Kedrov, Y.A. Ossipyan, S.Z. Shmurak I.M.Shmytko, O.A. Krivko, E.A. Kudrenko, V.N. Kurlov, N.P.Коbelev. A.P. Kiselev and S.I.Bozhko Nanoscintillators for Microscopic Diagnostics of Biological and Medical Objects and Medical Therapy IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOBIOSCIENCE vol.8, №1, pp. 20-32 2009

    20. P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats Formation and Structure of a Soliton in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal in an Electric Field Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 89, 181–187 2009

    21. P.V. Dolganov, V.K. Dolganov and P. Cluzeau Behavior of Inclusions with Different Value and Orientation of Topological Dipoles in Ferroelectric Smectic Films Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 136, 197 2009

    22. P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, and P. Cluzeau Dimer structures formed in smectic films by inclusions with parallel and antiparallel topological dipole moments Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 90(5), 424–428 2009

    23. G.V. Strukov, G.K. Strukova, E.D. Shoo An experimental setup for obtaining metallic multilayer coatings with layers of nanometer thickness Instruments and Experimental Techniques Vol. 52, Iss. 5, 727-730 2009

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    1. V. Kveder, V. Orlov, M. Khorosheva, M. Seibt Influence of the dislocation travel distance on the DLTS spectra of dislocations in Cz-Si Solid State Phenomena Vols.131-133, pp. 175-181 2008

    2. S. Shevchenko and A. Tereshchenko Dislocation photoluminescence in silicon and germanium Solid State Phenomena 131-133, 583 2008

    3. E.A. Steinman, A.N. Tereshchenko, N.V. Abrosimov The Unusual Temperature Shift of Dislocation Related D1/D2 PL Bands in Donor Doped Silicon Solid State Phenomena Vols.131-133 (2008) pp.607-612 2008

    4. A.N. Tereshchenko, E.A.Steinman Pecularities of dislocation related D1/D2 bands behavior under copper contamination in silicon Solid State Phenomena Vols.131-133 (2008) pp.213-218 2008

    5. Бредихин И.С., Напольский Ф.С., Коровкин Е.В., Истомин С.Я., Антипов Е.В., Бредихин С.И. Ca0.75Y0.25Co0.15Mn0.85O2.92 - Novel cathode material for SOFC Alternative Energy and ecology #10 c.107-111 2008

    6. Ivan Bredikhin, S.Bredikhin, A.Aronin, V.Sinitsyn, V.Kveder SOFC anode performance enhancement through nano-structured heterojunction formation Proceedings of the 8th EUROPEAN SOFC FORUM 2008
    7. I.N. Burmistrov, S.I. Bredikhin Cathode Overpotential Investigation by Means of "Built-in" Potential Electrode Proceedings of the 8th EUROPEAN SOFC FORUM A0309, (1–6) 2008

    8. И.Н.Бурмистров, О.А.Дрожжин, С.Я.Истомин, Е.В.Антипов, В.В.Синицын, С.И.Бредихин НОВЫЙ СЛОЖНЫЙ ОКСИД Sr0.75Y0.25Co0.5Mn0.5O3-y И КАТОДНЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ ТОТЭ НА ЕГО ОСНОВЕ Международный научный журнал альтернативной энергетики и экологии № 10, (107-111) 2008

    9. Курицына И.Е., Дрожжин О.А., Истомин С.Я., Антипов Е.В., Бредихин С.И., Синицын В.В. Новые катодные материалы Sr0.5Gd0.5Co1-xMnxO3-y (x=0.25, 0.50, 0.75) для твердооксидных топливных элементов Международный научный журнал альтернативной энергетики и экологии № 10, (102-106) 2008

    10. Sergey Bredikhin, A. Jokhov, E. Korovkin, V.Sinitsyn Protection of the SOFC Current Collectors by Spinel Layers Deposited by Electrostatic Spray Technique Proceedings of 8th European SOFC Forum A0908, (1–8) 2008

    11. Gasparov V.A., Sheikin I., Levy F., Teyssier J., Santi G. The de Haas - van Alphen Effect Study of the Fermi Surface of ZrB12 Phys. Rev. Letters 101, 097006 2008

    12. Kveder V., M.Kittler Dislocations in Silicon and D-band Luminescence for Infrared Light Emitters in “Advances in Light Emitting Materials" Materials Science Forum 590, 29-56 2008

    13. Ossipyan Yu.A., N.S. Sidorov, A.V. Palnichenko, O.M. Vyaselev, M.V. Kartsovnik, M. Opel, V.V. Avdonin, D.V. Shakhrai, N.V. Biktimirova, and A.A. Golyshev. Superconductivity of C60 Fullerite Intercalated With Ca by Means of Shock-Wave Pressure Technique Chem. Phys. Lett 457 2008

    14. Smirnova I. S., A. V. Bazhenov, T. N. Fursova, A. V. Dubovitskii, L. S. Uspenskaya and M. Yu. Maksimuk IR-active optical phonons in Pnma-1, Pnma-2 and R3c phases of LaMnO3+? Physica B: Condensed Matter 403 2008

    15. Steinman E.A., A.J. Kenyon, A.N. Tereshchenko Time-resolved measurements of dislocation-related photoluminescence bands in silicon Semicond. Sci. Technol 23, 025010 2008

    16. Баженов А.В, Фурсова Т.Н., Кедров В.В., Шмытько И.М., Классен Н.В. Спектры оптических фононов наночастиц фторида, оксифторида и оксида лютеция Известия РАН серия физическая, том72, (2008), №8, С.1194-1196 2008

    17. N.V. Klassen, V.V. Kedrov, V.N. Kurlov, Yu.A. Ossipyan, S.Z. Shmurak, I.M. Shmyt’ko, Advantages and Problems of Nanocrystalline Scintillators Trans. IEEE, Nuclear v. 55 (№3), pp. 1536 – 1541 2008

    18. Klassen N.V., Krivko O.A., Kedrov V.V., Shmurak S.Z., Shmyt’ko I.M., Strukova G.K., Nanoscintillators for microscopic diagnostics of biological and medical objects and medical therapy Proceedings of SPIE, Photonics West Conference 2008, “Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications” Vol. 6866, p.126, San Jose, USA 2008

    19. Кривко О.А., Классен Н.В., Кедров В.В., Шмытько И.М., Кудренко Е.А., Шмурак Использование нанокристаллических сцинтилляторов для in-vivo диагностики и уничтожения патогенных биоорганелл Альманах клинической медицины т. 17 (2), 2008, стр. 344 2008

    20. Классен Н.В., В.В. Кедров, В.Н. Курлов, Ю.А. Осипьян, И.М. Шмытько, С.З. Шмурак, С.И. Божко, О.А. Кривко, Е.А. Кудренко, Г.К. Струкова, Н.П. Кобелев, Применение нанотехнологий для повышение скорости и информативности медицинской диагностики Российский биотерапевтический журнал №1, 2008, стр. 29 2008

    21. P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin Field-induced structures and transitions in chiral antiferroelectric liquid crystals Phys. Rev. E 77, 031703 2008

    22. P.V. Dolganov, H.T. Nguyen, G. Joly, V.K. Dolganov and P. Cluzeau Different mechanisms of nucleation and self-organization of droplets in ferroelectric smectic membranes Eur. Phys. J. E 25, 31 2008

    23. P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats Unwinding in electric filed of ferroelectric helix in thin layers of Smectic-С* at soft and rigid anchoring of molecules Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 134, 614–620 2008

    24. P.V. Dolganov, and P. Cluzeau Influence of chirality on director configuration and droplet interaction in ferroelectic free standing films Phys. Rev. E 78, 021701 2008

    25. P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats Ferrielectric smectic with layer-by-layer change of the two-component order parameter Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 87, 301 2008

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    1. PDFIvan Bredikhin, Vitali Sinitsyn, Alexander Aronin, Irina Kuritsyna and Sergey Bredikhin Microstructural and Electrochemical Study of Charge Transport and Reaction Mechanisms in Ni/YSZ Anode ECS Transactions vol. 7, Number 1, pp. 1541-1546 2007

    2. Shikin, V.B., Nazin, S.S., Smirnova, I.S., Bredikhin, S.I. Bredikhin Structure of surface-active bubblets in electrolytes Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 43 (6), pp. 667-671 2007

    3. V.A. Gasparov and M. Riehl-Chudoba Electron and lattice structure of ultra thin Ag films on Si(111) and Si(001) Surface Science 601, 5403 2007

    4. V.A. Gasparov, I. Sheikin, F. Levy, J. Teyssier, G. Santi The de Haas - van Alphen Effect Study of the Fermi Surface of ZrB12 arXiv:0710.4628v1 2007

    5. V.A. Gasparov, I. Sheikin, Sh.Otani Electron transport and superconducting properties of ZrB12 and YB6 Physica C 460–462, 623 2007

    6. Фоменко Л. С., Лубенец С. В., Осипьян Ю. А., Орлов В. И., Сидоров Н. С., Изотов А. Н. О подвижности дислокаций в кристаллах фуллерита С60 Физика Твердого Тела Том 49, вып. 4, стр. 760-764 2007

    7. С.К. Брантов, В.И.Орлов, И.С.Терехова Хаpактеpистики поверхностного рельефа слоев кремния, выращиваемых на углеродных подложках, в зависимости от скорости перемещения подложки Материаловедение №2, стр. 35-39 2007

    8. S.A. Shevchenko and A.N. Tereshchenko Photoluminescence in germanium with a quasi-equilibrium dislocation structure Physics of the Solid State 49, No.1, 28-33 2007

    9. S.A. Shevchenko and A.N. Tereshchenko Peculiarities of dislocation photoluminescence in germanium with quasi-equilibrium dislocation structure Phys.stat.sol.(c) 4, 2898-2902 2007

    10. Э.А.Штейнман, А.Н.Терещенко, В.Я.Резник Структура и излучательные свойства дислокаций, возникающих при росте кислородных преципитатов в кремнии Поверхность. Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования №6 с.1-6 2007

    11. E.A. Steinman, A.N.Tereshchenko, V.Ya.Reznik, R.J.Falster The radiative properties of dislocations generated around oxygen precipitates in Si pss (a), 204, No.7, 2238 2007

    12. E.A. Steinman, A.N.Tereshchenko Influence of Cu contamination on dislocation related luminescence pss (c), No.8, 3095 2007

    13. О.В. Феклисова, А.Н. Терещенко, Э.А. Штейнман, Е.Б. Якимов Исследования электрических и оптических свойств кремния, содержащего кислородные преципитаты Повехность, Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования, №7, с.38-41 2007

    14. E.A.Shteinman, A.N.Tereshchenko, V.Ya.Reznik Structure and radiation properties of dislocations arising during oxygen precipitates growth in silicon J.of Surface Investigations. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 318-322 2007

    15. O. Voss, V.V. Kveder, M. Seibt Electrical properties of gold in dislocated silicon phys.stat.sol.(a) 204, 2185-2189 2007

    16. N.N.Kolesnikov, E.B.Borisenko, D.N.Borisenko, V.V.Kveder, R.B.James Recrystallization in ceramic material fabricated from Cd1-xZnxTe Proc. SPIE 6706, 67061B 2007

    17. N.N.Kolesnikov, E.B.Borisenko, D.N.Borisenko, V.V.Kveder, R.B.James Влияние отжига на структуру и эксплуатационные свойства Cd1-xZnxTe из нанопорошка Деформация и разрушение материалов 12, с. 38-42 2007

    18. Колесников Н. Н., Е. Б. Борисенко, Д. Н. Борисенко, В. В. Кведер, В. К. Гартман, Б. А. Гнесин Фазовый переход вюрцит-сфалерит при холодном прессовании нанокристаллических порошков CdTe и Cd1-xZnxTe Журнал функциональных материалов 1, 72-74 2007

    19. P.V. Dolganov, H.T. Nguyen, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov, and P. Cluzeau Rearrangement of topological defects and anchoring on the inclusion boundary in ferroelectric smectic membranes Phys. Rev. E 75, 031706 2007

    20. P.V. Dolganov, H.T. Nguyen, G. Joly, V.K. Dolganov, and P. Cluzeau Shape of nematic droplets in smectic membranes Europhys. Lett. 78, 66001-p1-66001-p5 2007

    21. A.V. Bazhenov, T.N. Fursova, N.N. Kolesnikov, D.N. Borisenko, A.V. Timonina, A.N. Turanov, V.E. Baulin, P.V. Dolganov and Yu.A. Osip’yan Electronic and vibrational spectra of a gel of single-wall carbon nanotubes in an ionic liquid Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 71, 660–662 2007

    22. P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Masalov, E.N. Samarov, V.E. Dmitrienko, V.K. Dolganov, and G.A. Emel’chenko Dispersion of Light in Opal Photonic Crystal Physics of the Solid State 49, 1700–1703 2007

    23. P.V. Dolganov, H.T. Nguyen, G. Joly, E.I. Kats, V.K. Dolganov and P. Cluzeau Stability of a Free-Standing Liquid-Crystal Film: The Measurement of the Interaction between the Film Surfaces Zh. Exp. Theor. Phys. 132, 756–764 2007

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    1. Sergey Bredikhin, Galina Abrosimova, Alexander Aronin and Masanobu Awano Electrochemical Cells with Multilayer Functional Electrodes Part I. Reduction-oxidation reactions in a NiO-YSZ electro-catalytic electrode Journal of Ionics Volume12 Number 1 (33-39) 2006

    2. Vitali Sinitsyn, Koichi Hamamoto, Yoshinobo Fujishiro, Sergey Bredikhin, Masanobu Awano Multilayered electrochemical cell for NO decomposition at moderate temperature Journal of Ionics Volume12 Number 3 (211-213) 2006

    3. V.V. Sinitsyn, I.N. Burmistrov, G.E. Abrosimova, L.A. Klinkova, S.I. Bredikhin Phase Transitions and Ionic Conductivity of BaBixO1.5x+1 (x?5) Oxides Journal of Ionics Volume12, Number 1 (69-71) 2006

    4. V.A. Gasparov, N.S. Sidorov, I.I. Zver'kova Two-gap superconductivity in ZrB12: Temperature dependence of critical magnetic fields in single crystals Phys. Rev. B 73, 094510 2006

    5. V.A. Gasparov and A. Suslov Electron Transport and Superconducting Properties of ZrB12, ZrB2 and MgB2 Conference Proceedings 850, 637-638 2006

    6. V.A. Gasparov Recent observation of anomalous superconducting behavior of ultrathin YBCO films and single crystals of cluster borides Physics of Low Temperatures 32, 1105 2006

    7. M. Seibt, A. Sattler, C. Rudolf, O.Vo?, V. Kveder, W. Schroeter Gettering in Silicon Photovoltaics: Current State and Future Perspectives phys. stat. sol. (a) 203, 696–713 2006

    8. Колесников Н. Н., Е. Б. Борисенко, Д. Н. Борисенко, В. В. Кведер, В. К. Гартман, А. В. Тимонина Керамические материалы из нанокристаллов Cd1-xZnxTe Deformation and Fracture of Materials 1, 394-397 2006

    9. P.V. Dolganov, K.I. Belov, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Demikhov, B.M. Bolotin, and E.I. Kats Structures and orientational transitions in thin smectic films of tilted hexatic Zh. Exp. Theor. Phys. 129, 700 2006

    10. P.V. Dolganov, H.T. Nguyen, G. Joly, V.K. Dolganov, and P. Cluzeau Ferroelectricity-induced effects in interaction and self-organization of inclusions in smectic membranes Europhys. Lett. 76(2), 250 2006

    11. P.V. Dolganov and V.K. Dolganov Director configuration and self-organization of inclusions in two-dimensional smectic membranes Phys. Rev. E 73, 041706 2006

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    1. Alexander Aronin, Galina Abrosimova, Sergei Bredikhin, Kazuyuki Matsuda, Kunihiro Maeda and Masanobu Awano Structure evolution of a NiO-YSZ Electro-catalytic Electrode Journal of the American Ceramic Society Volume 88, Issue 5, Page 1180-1185 2005

    2. V.A. Gasparov, G.E. Tsydynzhapov, I.E. Batov and Qi Li Temperature and Frequency Dependence of Complex Conductance of Ultrathin YBa2Cu3O7?xFilms: Observation of Vortex–Antivortex PairUnbinding Journal of Low Temperature Physics 139, 49 2005

    3. V.A. Gasparov, N.S. Sidorov, I.I. Zver’kova, S.S. Khassanov, and M.P. Kulakov Penetration Depth and Upper Critical Magnetic Field in ZrB12 and MgB2 JETP 128, 115 2005

    4. R.B.G. Kramer, V.S. Egorov, A. Gordon, N. Logoboy, W. Joss, and V.A. Gasparov Magnetic phase transition in silver Physica B 362, 50 2005

    5. R.B.G. Kramer, V.S. Egorov, V.A. Gasparov, A.G.M. Jansen, and W. Joss Direct observation of Condon domains in silver by Hall probes Physical Review Letters 95, 267209 2005

    6. Е.В.Коровкин. Спектр фотоионизации создаваемых пластической деформацией электронных состояний в диапазоне 1,2 - 2,1 eV в гамма-облученных кристаллах NaCl. ФТТ 47, 2, 233-235 2005

    7. M. Badylevich, V. Kveder, V. Orlov, Yu. Osipyan Influence of magnetic field on the unlocking stress for dislocation motion in Cz-Si depending on pre-annealing time Solid State Phenomena Vols. 108-109 pp. 163-168 2005

    8. S.K.Brantov, V.V.Kveder, N.N.Kuznetzov and V.I.Orlov Silicon Layers Grown On Siliconized Carbon Net: Producing And Properties Solid State Phenomena Vols. 108-109 pp. 503-508 2005

    9. E.A. Steinman, A.N. Tereshchenko, V.I. Orlov, and F. Kirscht Fine Structure of Dislocation Related PL Bands D1 and D2 in Silicon Solid State Phenomena Vols. 108-109 pp. 767-772 2005

    10. M. Badylevich, V. Kveder, V. Orlov, Yu. Osipyan Spin – resonant change of unlocking stress for dislocations in silicon Phys. Stat. Sol 2, No.6, pp. 1869-1872 2005

    11. S.A. Shevchenko and A. N. Izotov Dislocation photoluminescence in silicon crystals of various impurity contents Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 2, No. 6, 1827 2005

    12. V. Kveder, M. Badylevich, W.Schr?ter, M. Seibt, E. Steinman, A. Izotov Silicon light-emitting diodes based on dislocation-related luminescence Phys.St.Sol. (a) 202, No5, 901-910 2005

    13. Э.А. Штейнман Модификация центров дислокационной люминесценции в кремнии под влиянием кислорода ФТТ 47 в.1 , 9 2005

    14. E.A. Steinman, A.N. Tereshchenko, V.I. Vdovin, A.Misiuk DISLOCATION RELATED PL OF MULTI-STEP ANNEALED CZ-SI SAMPLES Solid State Phenomena v. 108-109, pp.773-778 2005

    15. E.A.Steinman of oxygen on the dislocation related centers in silicon Phys.St.Sol. (c) 2, No 6, 1837 2005

    16. E.A.Steinman Oxygen-Induced Modification of Dislocation Luminescence Centers in Silicon Physics of the solid state Vol.47, No 1 pp 5-8 2005

    17. V. Kveder, M. Badylevich, W.Schr?ter, M. Seibt, E. Steinman, A. Izotov Silicon light-emitting diodes based on dislocation-related luminescence phys. stat. sol. (a) 202, No. 5, 901–910 2005

    18. R. Khalil, V. Kveder, W. Schroter, M. Seibt Early stages of iron precipitation in silicon phys. stat. sol. (c) 2, 1802-1806 2005

    19. M.Seibt, V. Kveder, W.Schroter, O.Voss Structural and electrical properties of metal impurities at dislocations in silicon phys. stat. sol. (a) 202, No. 5, 911–920 2005

    20. O. Voss, V. V. Kveder, W. Schroter, M. Seibt Electrical Properties of Gold at Dislocations in Silicon phys. stat. sol. (c) 2, 1847-1852 2005

    21. Nonmonotonic Variation of the Electrical Conductivity of C60 Fullerene Crystals Dynamically Compressed to 300 kbar as Evidence of Anomalously Strong Reduction of the Energy Barrier of C60 Polymerizati 2005
    22. N.N.Kolesnikov, V.V.Kveder, E.B.Borisenko, D.N.Borisenko, B.A.Gnesin, R.B.James Structure and properties of CdTe ceramics produced through nanopowder compaction Journal of Crystal Growth 285, 339-344 2005

    23. F. Bougrioua, P. Cluzeau, P. Dolganov, G. Joly, H.T. Nguyen, and V. Dolganov Light-Induced Layer by Layer Thickening in Photosensitive Liquid Crystal Membranes Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 027802 2005

    24. V.K. Dolganov Structures and phase transitions in thin liquid-crystal films Physics - uspekhi 48, 743-747 2005

    25. P.V. Dolganov, P. Cluzeau, G. Joly, V.K. Dolganov, and H.T. Nguyen Interaction of surfaces in smectic membranes and their instability near thinning transitions Phys. Rev. E 72, 031713 2005

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    1. M.Awano, S.Bredikhin, A.Aronin, G.Abrosimova, S.Katayama, T.Hiramatsu NOx decomposition by electrochemical reactor with electrochemically assembled multi-layer electrode Solid State Ionics 175 (605-608) 2004

    2. S.Bredikhin, G.Abrosimova, A.Aronin, S.Katayama, M.Awano Pt-YSZ Cathode for Electrochemical Cells with Multi-layer functional Electrode. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 151, (12), 2004

    3. M.Awano,Y.Fujishiro,K.Hamamoto,S.Katayama,S.Bredikhin Advances in Nano-Structured Electrochemical Reactors for NOx Treatment in the Presence of Oxygen J. Appl. Ceram. Technl., Vol1, No.3, 65-74 2004

    4. M.Awano,Y.Fujishiro,K.Hamamoto,S.Katayama,S.Bredikhin Advances in Nano-Structured Electrochemical Reactors for NOx Treatment in the Presence of Oxygen J. Appl. Ceram. Technl., Vol1, No.3, 65-74 2004

    5. K. Hamamoto, T. Hiramatsu, O. Shiono, S. Katayama, Y. Fujishiro, S. Bredikhin and M. Awano - Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 112 1071 2004

    6. Hiramatsu, T., Bredikhin, S.I., Katayama, S., Shiono, O., Hamamoto, K., Fujishiro, Y., Awano, M. High selective deNO x electrochemical cell with self-assembled electro-catalytic electrode Journal of Electroceramics, 13 (1-3), pp. 865-870 2004

    7. V.A. Gasparov, M.P. Kulakov, N.S. Sidorov, I.I. Zver’kova, V.B. Filipov, A.B. Lyashenko, and Yu.B. Paderno On Electron Transport in ZrB12, ZrB2 and MgB2 in Normal State JETP Lett 80, 330 2004

    8. Е.В.Коровкин. Исследование спектра фотоионизации электронных состояний, создаваемых при пластической деформации в окрашенных кристаллах NaCl. ФТТ 46, 6, 1013 2004

    9. T.A.Lebedkina, E.V.Korovkin. Plastic-strain induced peaks in the spectrum of F-light-stimulated photoconductivity in colored NaCl crystals. Materials Science and Engineering A 387-389, 76-79 2004

    10. M. Badylevich, Yu. Iunin., V. Kveder, V. Orlov, Yu. Osipyan Influence Magnetic Field on the Critical Stress and Dislocation Mobility in Silicon Solid State Phenomena Vols. 95-96, pp. 433-438. 2004

    11. V. Orlov, Yu. Iunin, M. Badylevich, O. Lysytskiy Influence of Nitrogen on Dislocation Mobility in Czochralski Silicon. Solid State Phenomena Solid State Phenomena Vols. 95-96, pp. 465 – 470. 2004

    12. S. Kouteva-Arguirova, V. Orlov, W. Seifert, J. Reif, H. Richter Residual stress distribution and silicon phase transformation induced by Rockwell indentation at different temperatures, studied by means of micro-Raman spectroscopy Solid State Phenomena Vols. 95-96, pp. 513 – 518. 2004

    13. M. Acciarri, S. Binetti, O.V.Feklisova, E.A.Steinman and E.B.Yakimov Electrical and optical properties of dislocations generated under pure conditions Solid State Phenomena 95-96 p.453 2004

    14. V.Kveder, V.Badylevich, E.Steinman, A.Izotov, M.Seibt, W.Schr?ter Silicon light emitting diodes based on dislocation luminescemce Appl.Phys.Lett 84 (12) 2106 2004

    15. Э.А. Штейнман, В.И. Вдовин, А.Н.Изотов, Ю.Н Пархоменко, А.Ф.Борун Фотолюминесценция и структурные дефекты слоев кремния, имплантированных ионами железа ФТТ 46 в.1 26 2004

    16. В.С.Аврутин, Ю.А.Агафонов, А.Ф.Вяткин, В.И.Зиненко, Н.Ф.Изюмская, Д.В.Иржак, Д.В.Рощупкин, Э.А.Штейнман, В.И.Вдовин, Т.Г.Югова Низкотемпературная релаксация упругих напряжений в SiGe/Si- гетероструктурах, облученных ионами Ge+ ФТП том 38, вып.3 2004

    17. D.N.Borisenko, N.N.Kolesnikov, M.P.Kulakov, V.V.Kveder Kinetics of the Carbon Nanomaterials Oxidation International Journal of Nanoscience 3, 355-369 2004

    18. P.V. Dolganov, B. M. Bolotin, and Atsuo Fukuda 2p and p walls in antiferroelectric Smectic C*A and Smectic-C free-standing films Phys. Rev. E 70, 041708 2004

    19. P.V. Dolganov, P. Cluzeau, V.K. Dolganov, C. Gors, and H.T. Nguyen Anticlinic-Synclinic Transitions in Superthin Free-Standing Smectic Films Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 80, 311–315 2004

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    1. K.Matsuda, S.Bredikhin, K.Maeda, M. Optimization of an Electrochemical Cell for NO Decomposition by Compositional Control of the Electro-catalytic Electrode Solid State Ionics 156 (223-231) 2003

    2. K.Matsuda, S.Bredikhin, K.Maeda, M. Optimization of Composite Working Electrode for a New Family of Electrochemical Cell for NO Decomposition Journal of the American Ceramic Society 86, [7], 1155-1158, 2003

    3. Бадылевич М.В., Иунин Ю.Л., Кведер В.В., Орлов В.И., Осипьян Ю.А. Изменение подвижности индивидуальных дислокаций в кремнии стимулированное магнитным полем. ЖЭТФ ЖЭТФ том 124, вып. 3(9), стр. 664-669 2003

    4. V. Orlov, H. Richter, A. Fischer, J. Reif, T. Muller, R. Wahlich Mechanical properties of nitrogen-doped CZ silicon crystals Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 5, 403-407 2003

    5. S.A. Shevchenko and A. N. Izotov Dislocation-induced photoluminescence in silicon crystals of various impurity composition Physics of the Solid State 45, No. 2, 259-265 2003

    6. A.J. Kenyon, E.A. Steinman, C.W. Pitt, D.E. Hole, and V.I. Vdovin The Origin Of The 0.78 eV Luminescence Band In Dislocated Silicon J.Phys.: Condensed Matter v.15 No 39. p.S2843 2003

    7. P.I.Gaiduk, J.Lundsgaard Hansen, A.Nylandsted Larsen, E.Steinman in MBE-grown SiGe alloys implanted in situ with Ge+ ions Phys.Rev.B 67 235310 2003

    8. V.B.Efimov, A.N.Izotov, E.A.Steinman Preparation and study physical proper- ties of 1-D avd 2-D polymerised C60 monocrystals J. of fullerens, nanotubes and carbon nanostructures vol. 12 2003

    9. M.V.Badylevich, Yu.L.Iunin., V.V.Kveder, V.I.Orlov, Yu.A.Osipyan Effect of a Magnetic Field on the Starting Stress and Mobility of Individual Dislocations in Silicon JETP 97, 601-605 2003

    10. P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.K. Dolganov, E.I. Kats Structures and phase transitions in polar smectic liquid crystals Phys. Rev. E 67, 041716 2003

    11. P.V. Dolganov and B.M. Bolotin Orientational Defects in Freely Suspended Smectic C Films Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 77, 503 2003

    12. P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Demikhov, V.K. Dolganov, B.M. Bolotin, K. Krohn Collective behavior of light-induced droplets in smectic membranes Eur. Phys. J. E 12, 593 2003

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    1. S.Bredikhin, K.Matsuda, K.Maeda, M.Awano Novel low voltage electrochemical cell for NO decomposition Solid State Ionics 149, 327-333 2002

    2. S.Bredikhin, K.Maeda, M.Awano Low current density electrochemical cell for NO decomposition Solid State Ionics 152-153, 727-733 2002

    3. A.Aronin, G. Abrosimova, S.Bredikhin, K.Matsuda, K.Maeda, M Awano Aging of the NiO-YSZ Working Electrode of the Electrochemical Cell for NO Decomposition Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 110, [8], 722-726 2002

    4. S.Bredikhin, A.Aronin, G.Abrosimova, K.Matsuda and M.Awano Trends in New Millennium Solid State Ionics Proc.8th Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics, ed. by B.V.R.Chowdari, S.R.S.Prabaharan, M.Yahaya, I.A.Talib, World Scientific, p.461-468 2002

    5. Е.V.Korovkin, T.A.Lebedkina. Влияние пластической деформации на стимулированную F-светом ИК-фотопроводимость в окрашенных кристаллах NaCl. ФТТ т.44, вып.12, стр. 2155 2002

    6. Ю.Л. Иунин, В.И. Никитенко, В.И. Орлов, Д.В. Дьяченко-Деков, Б.В. Петухов, Н.В. Абросимов, С. Н. Россоленко, В. Шредер Динамика перегибов на дислокациях в монокристаллах SiGe ЖЭТФ 121, 129 2002

    7. A.P. Mel’nikov, Yu.A. Gurvich, S.A. Shevchenko, L.N. Shestakov and L. I. Men’shikov New mechanism of impurity conduction in lightly doped crystalline noncompensated silicon JETP Letters 75, No. 3, 155-158 2002

    8. V.S.Avrutin, N.F.Izyumskaya A.F.Vyatkin, V.I.Zinenko, Yu.A.Agafonov, D.V.Irzhak, D.V.Roshchupkin,E.A.Steinman, V.I.Vdovin, and T.G.Yugova Low-Temperature Strain relaxation in ion-irradiate Pseudomorphic SiGe/Si Structures Materials Science and Engineering B89 350-354 2002

    9. V.Kveder, W.Schroter, M.Seibt, A.Sattler Electrical Activity of Dislocations in Si Decorated by N Solid State Phenomena 82-84, 361-366 2002

    10. Wolfgang Schroter Vitaly Kveder, Henrik Hedemann Electrical Effects of Point Defect Clouds at Dislocations in Silicon Studied by Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy Solid State Phenomena 82-84, 213-218 2002

    11. M.Seibt, A.Doller, V.Kveder, A.Sattler, A.Zozime Platinum Silicide Precipitate Formation during Phosphorus Diffusion Gettering in Silicon Solid State Phenomena 82-84, 411-416 2002

    12. Yu.A. Osip’yan, V.E. Fortov, K.L.Kagan, VV. Kveder, V.I. Kulakov, A.N.Kur’yanchik, R.K.Nikolaev, V.I.Postnov, N.S.Sidorov Conductivity of C60 Fullerene Crystals under Dynamic Compression up to 200 kbar JETP Letters 75 (11), 563–565 2002

    13. Wolfgang Schroter ,Henrik Hedemann ,Vitaly Kveder and Frank Riedel Measurements of energy spectra of extended defects J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 13047–13059 2002

    14. P.V. Dolganov, Y. Suzuki, A. Fukuda Structural transitions in thin free-standing films of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal exhibiting the smectic-C?* phase in the bulk sample Phys. Rev. E 65, 031702 2002

    15. P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Zhilin, V.E. Dmitrienko, and E.I. Kats Polar Smectic Subphases: Phase Diagrams, Structures and X-ray Scattering Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 76, 579 2002

    16. P.V. Dolganov, E.I. Demikhov, Y. Suzuki, and A. Fukuda Temperature- and Field-Induced Transitions in Free-Standing Films of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Zh. Exp. Theor. Phys 122, 840–848 2002

    17. B.B. Straumal, N.F. Vershinin, A.A. Asrian, E. Rabkin and R. Kroeger Nanostructured vacuum arc deposited titanium coatings Mater.Phys.Mech. 5 (2002) 39-42 2002

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    1. V.Kveder, M.Kittler, W.Schroeter Temperature dependence of the recombination activity at contaminated dislocations in Si: A model describing the different EBIC contrast behaviour Phys.Rev.B 63, 115208 2001

    2. S.Bredikhin, K.Maeda, M.Awano NO decomposition by an electrochemical cell with mixed oxide working electrode Solid State Ionics 144, 1-9 2001

    3. S.Bredikhin, K.Maeda, M.Awano Electrochemical Cell with Two Layers Cathode for NO Decomposition. Journal of Ionics 7, N 1-2 2001

    4. S.Bredikhin, M.Awano, K.Maeda Peculiarity of NO decomposition by electrochemical cell with mixed oxide working electrode Journal of the Electrochemical Society 148 D133-D138 2001

    5. R.A.Dilanyan, S.S.Khasanov, S.I.Bredikhin, A.F.Gurov, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osip'yan, and A.I.Shalynin Phase Transitions and the Structure of the C60 Crystal Doped with Lithium by Electrodiffusion JETP 93, 1239 2001

    6. V.A. Gasparov, N.S. Sidorov, I.I. Zver'kova, M.P. Kulakov Electron transport in Diborides: Observation of superconductivity in ZrB2, JETP Lett 73, iss.10, 601 2001

    7. V.A. Gasparov, S.N. Ermolov, G.K. Strukova, N.S. Sidorov, S.S. Khassanov, H.-S. Wang, M. Schneider, E. Glaser, Wo. Richter Superconducting and anomalous electron transport properties and electronic structure of BaNbO3-x and Ba2Nb5Ox films Phys.Rev. B 63, 174512 2001

    8. В.В.Кведер, Э.А.Штейнман, Р.Н.Любовская, С.А.Омельченко, Ю.А.Осипьян Магнитные свойства кристаллов молекулярного комплекса фуллерена C60 с органическим донором 9,9'-транс-бис теллуроксантинил (BTX) Письма ЖЭТФ т.74, в.8,стр.422 2001

    9. С.В.Авдеев, А.В.Баженов, Р.А.Диланян, А.И.Иванов, А.Н.Изотов, А.В.Калмыков, В.В.Кведер, Е.В.Марков, В.П.Никитский, Р.К.Николаев, Ю.А.Осипьян, Г.И.Падалко, Н.С.Сидоров, Э.А.Штейнман Оптические измерения на монокристаллах С60 выращенных в условиях микрогравитации Поверхность №9, с73 2001

    10. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, R.N.Lyubovskaya, S.A.Omel’chenko, Yu.A.Osipyan Magnetic Properties of Crystals of the Molecular Complex between Fulleren C60 and an Organic Donor 9’9-trans-bis(telluraxanthenil) JETP Letters 74(8), 422-424 2001

    11. P.V. Dolganov, J.W. Goodby, A. Seed Optical reflectivity study of synclinic and anticlinic structures in thin freely suspended smectic films Eur. Phys. J. E 3, 7 2001

    12. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, M. Friesel, T. V. Ischenko, S. A. Polyakov, W. Gust Ionic nitriding of austenitic and ferritic steel with the aid of a high aperture Hall current accelerator Def. Diff. Forum 194-199 (2001) 1457–1462 2001

    13. A. Cantarero, C. Ferrer, A. Sбnchez, B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, E. Rabkin Recubrimientos decorativos de Ti, TiN y TiO2 sobre vidrio, depositados en vacъo mediante pulverizaciуn por arco elйctrico. (Vacuum arc deposited Ti, TiN and TiO2 decorative coatings on glass) Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerбm. Vidrio 40, No. (2001) 138–142 (in Spanish) 2001

    14. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, A. Cantarero Saez, M. Friesel, P. Zieba, W. Gust Vacuum arc deposition of protective layers on glass and polymer substrates Thin Solid Films 383, No 1-2 (2001) 224–226 2001

    15. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, S. A. Polyakov, P. V. Orlova, M. Friesel, W. Gust Ion cleaning and nitriding using a high aperture Hall current accelerator Progress in plasma processing of materials 2001, ed. P. Fauchais, Begell House, New York pp. 573–578 2001

    16. B. B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, E. Rabkin, R. Kroeger, R. Dimitriou, W. Gust Vacuum arc deposited nanostructured Ti-coatings Progress in plasma processing of materials 2001, ed. P. Fauchais, Begell House, New York 559–564 2001

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    1. S.Bredikhin, S.Scharner , M.Klinger, V.Kveder, B.Red'kin, W.Weppner Nonstoichiometry and electrocoloration due to injection of Li+ and O2- ions into lithium niobate crystals Journal of Applied Physics 88(10), 5687-5694 2000

    2. D.V.Dyachenko-Decov, Yu.L.Iunin, A.N.Izotov, V.V.Kveder, R.K.Nikolaev, V.I.Orlov, Yu.A.Ossipyan, N.S.Sidorov, E.A.Steinman Possible Polimerisation at Dislocations in C60 Crystals Phys.Stat.Sol.(b) 222, 111-119 2000

    3. V.Kveder, W.Schroeter, A.Sattler, M.Seibt Simulation of Al and phosphorus-diffusion gettering in Si Materials Science and Engineering B71, 175-181 2000

    4. S.Bredikhin, M.Awano, K.Maeda New family of the Electrochemical Cell for Decomposition of NOx from Exhaust Gas Solid State Ionics, Science and Technology p.715-720 2000

    5. S.Bredikhin Ionic photoconductivity: new physical phenomenon in superionic crystals Solid State Ionics 136-137, 387-389 2000

    6. S.Bredikhin, S.Scharner, M.Klingler,V.Kveder. B.Red'kin W. Weppner Peculiarity of O and Li electrodiffusion into lithium niobate single crystals Solid State Ionics 135, 737-742 2000

    7. E.A.Steinman , V.V.Kveder, D.V.Konarev, Wang Qin, and H.G.Grimmeiss Charge transfer state of novel molecular complex C26H18Te2 / C60 / CS2 detected in Single Crystals by photoluminescence and ESR Chem.Phys. Lett 2000
    8. E.A.Steinman, S.V.Avdeev, V.B.Efimov, A.I.Ivanov, A.N.Izotov, A.V.Kalmykov, V.V.Kveder, E.V.Markov, V.P.Nikitskii, R.K.Nikolaev, Yu.A.Ossipyan, G.I.Padalko, N.S.Sidorov, A.V.Baxhenov, R.A.Dilanyan, an Optical Characteristics of C60 Single Crystals Grown in Microgravity Conditions J.of Low Temp.Phys 2000
    9. Korovkin E.V. and Lebedkina T.A. Energy features of the polaron states in colored NaCl and KBr crystals Phys. Solid State 42, N8, p.1412-1416 2000

    10. S.Bredikhin, V.Kveder, A.Shalynin, R.Nikolaev Yu.Ossipyan Peculiarity of lithium electrodiffusion into fullerides single crustals. Journal of Ionics 6, N 5-6, p.187-195 2000

    11. S.Bredikhin Light Induced Phenomena in Superionic Crystals Journal of Ionics 6, N 5-6, p.78-85 2000

    12. V.A. Gasparov, M. Riehl-Chudoba, B. Schrцter and Wo. Richter Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on the 6H-SiC(0001)-(3Ч3) surface Europhys. Lett 51, 527 2000

    13. V.A. Gasparov, I.E. Batov, C. Kwon, and Qi Li Frequency and temperature dependence of complex conductance of ultrathin YBa2Cu3O7-x films: A study of vortex-antivortex pair unbinding Czechoslovak J.Phys 46 (Suppl. S3) (1996) 1401, Physica B 284-288 (2000) 1021. 2000

    14. A. Gauzzi, J. Le Cochec, L. Lamura, B.J. Jonsson, V.A. Gasparov, F.R. Ladan, B. Placais, P.A. Probst, D. Pavuna, J. Bok, Very high resolution measurement of the penetration depth of superconductors by a novel single-coil inductance technique Rev. Sci. Instr 71,2147 2000

    15. V.A. Gasparov, S.N. Ermolov, S.S. Khasanov, G.K. Strukova, L.V. Gasparov, H.-S. Wang, Qi Li, M. Schnider, Wo. Richter, E. Glaser, F. Schmidl, P. Seidel, B.L. Brandt Superconducting, surface and anomalous electron transport properties of BaNbO3-x films Physica B 284-288 1119 2000

    16. Е.V.Korovkin, T.A.Lebedkina. Исследование термоионизации инфракрасных электронных ловушек в окрашенных кристаллах КВr и NaCl. Вестник Тамбовского Университета, серия: Естественные и технические науки т.5, вып. 2-3, стр. 347-349 2000

    17. Е.V.Korovkin, T.A.Lebedkina. Энергетические особенности связанных поляронных состояний в окрашенных кристаллах NaCl и KBr. ФТТ вып.8, стр. 1412-1416 2000

    18. S.A. Shevchenko Influence of annealing on dislocation-related electrical conductivity of germanium Semiconductors 34, No. 5, 527-533 2000

    19. W.Schroeter, V.Kveder, M.Seibt, H.Ewe, H.Hedemann, F.Riedel, A.Sattler Atomic structure and electronic states of nickel and copper silicides in silicon Materials Science&Engineering B72, 80-86 2000

    20. M.Seibt, A.Doller, V.Kveder, A.Sattler, A.Zozime Phosphorus Diffusion Gettering of Platinum in Silicon: Formation of Near-Surface Precipitates Phys.Stat.Sol.(b) 222, 327-336 2000

    21. N. Vershinin, R. Dimitriou, M. Benmalek, B. Straumal, W. Gust, J. Vivas, J. Shulga Pre-treatment of large area strips with the aid of a high power Hall current accelerator Surf. Coat. Techn. 125 No. 1-3 (2000) 35–39 2000

    22. B. Straumal, W. Gust, N. Vershinin, R. Dimitriou, E. Rabkin Vacuum arc deposition of Ti coatings Surf. Coat. Techn. 125 No. 1-3 (2000) 157–160 2000

    23. A. Sбnchez Bolinches, C. Ferrer Gimйnez, M. Friesel, B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, F. Rustichelli Deposiciуn fнsica en vacio con arco elйctrico (DFVAE) de los recumbrimientos decorativos sobre las superficiaes planas y tridimensiobnales de vidrio y de acero (Vacuum arc deposition of decorative coa Ciencia y Technologнa de los Materiales, J. M. Gilemeny and F. Vivas (eds.), Universidad de Barcelona pp. 279–286 2000

    24. N. Vershinin, K. Filonov, B. Straumal, W. Gust, R. Dimitriou, A. Kovalev, J. Camacho Corrosion resistance of the vacuum arc deposited Ti, TiN, TiO2 coatings on large area glass substrates Surf. Coat. Techn. 125 No. 1-3 (2000) 223–228 2000

    25. N. Vershinin, K. Filonov, B. Straumal, W. Gust, I. Wiener, E. Rabkin, A. Kazakevich Corrosion behaviour of the protective and decorative TiN coatings on large area steel strips Surf. Coat. Techn. 125 No. 1-3 (2000) 229–232 2000

    26. N. Vershinin, B. Straumal, C. Ferrer Gimйnez, A. Sбnchez Bolinches, A. Cantarero Limpieza del vidrio por erosiуn iуnica, previa a la deposiciуn del recubrimiento decorativo. (Ionic sputtering of glass before deposition of decorative coatings) Bol. Soc. Esp. Cerбm. Vidrio 39, No. 5 (2000) 625–628 2000

    27. J. A. Vivas Hohl, J. L. Garcia, N. Vershinin, B. Straumal Functional gradient Materials (FGM) -New trends in Vacuum Arc Deposition Plasma Technology Tribological Applications, A. Rodrigo (ed.), CNEA Publishers, Buenos Aires, Argentina 9–19 2000

    28. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, V. N. Kurlov, V. Sursaeva, S. Protasova, N. E. Sluchanko, T. V. Ishenko, S. A. Tishin, P. Zieba, W. Gust Structure and properties of nanostructured Al– Si alloys Uzbek Journal of Physics 2, No. 1 (2000) 43–48 2000

    29. A. Kazakevich, O. Gribkova, B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, B. Baretzky, W. Gust, A. Sбnchez Bolinches Vacuum arc deposition and corrosion behaviour of patterned and coloured TiN/TiO2 coatings on glass EUROCORR 2000 Past success – future challenges, D. Harrop (ed.) , The Institute of Materials, London 376–394 2000

    30. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, S. A. Tishin, S. G. Khajutin, W. Gust Ionic treatment of the large-area substrates by Hall current accelerator Uzbek Journal of Physics 2, No. 1 (2000) 95–99 2000

    31. B. Straumal, O. Gribkova, A. Kazakevich, N. Vershinin, B. Baretzky, W. Gust Protective properties of the vacuum arc deposited decorative TiN and TiO2 coatings on stainless steel EUROCORR 2000 Past success – future challenges, D. Harrop (ed.) , The Institute of Materials, London 384–393 2000

    32. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, O. V. Gribkova, A. V. Kazakevich, A. Cantarero, J. Camacho, A. Sanchez Vacuum arc deposition of decorative and protective coatings on the large-area glass and steel substrates Uzbek Journal of Physics 2, No. 1 (2000) 100–106 2000

    33. J. A. Vivas Hohl, N. Vershinin, B. Straumal, A. Sбnchez Bolinches Acelerador de corriente de Hall para limpieza por erosiуn iуnica de las superficies de los substratos (Hall current accelerator for the ionic etching of the substrates) Anales Jornadas SAM’2000 R. Romero, M. L. Castro (eds.), Argentine Materials Society, Neuquen, Argentina 879-884 (in Spanish) 2000

    34. B. B. Straumal, N. F. Vershinin, S. A. Polyakov, M. Friesel, P. Fogarassy Preparation of large area substrates using high aperture Hall current accelerator Pulverizarea termic?, D. Bцhme et al. (eds.) 193–199 2000

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    1. M. Kittler, V.V. Kveder, W. Schroter Temperature dependence of the recombination activity at contaminated dislocations in Si: A model describing the different EBIC contrast behaviour Solid State Phenomena 69, 417-422 1999

    2. A.V. Bazhenov, S.I. Bredikhin, V.V. Kveder, Yu.A. Ossipyan, R.K. Nikolaev, T.N. Fursova, A.I.Shalynin Electronic properties of C60 single crystals doped with lithium by electrodiffusion JETP 89(5), 923-932 1999

    3. S.Bredikhin, M.Bogatirenko The influence of elastic stress fields on ionic transport through a superionic crystal electrode heterojunction . Physics of Solid State 41, V. 10, pp.1620-1625 1999

    4. L.K. Orlov, S.I. Ivin, D.V. Shengurov, E.A. Steinman Pecularities of photoluminescence of the single crystals and porous Er doped Si layers Journal of Technican Physics 25, 31 1999

    5. E.A.Steinman, V.V.Kveder, V.I.Vdovin, and H.G.Grimmeiss he origin and efficiency of dislocation luminescence in Si and its possible application in optoelectronics Solid State Phenomena vols.69-70, p.23 1999

    6. E.A.Steinman, V.I.Vdovin, T.G.Yugova, V.S.Avrutin, and N.F.Izyumskaya Dislocation structure and photoluminescence of partially relaxed SiGe layers on Si(001) substrates Semicond.Sci.Technol 14, N 6 pp582-586 1999

    7. Korovkin E.V., Nikolaev R.K Infared fotoconductivity of C60 fulleren monocrystals Phys. Solid State 41, N6, p.1113-1114 1999

    8. A. V. Boris, N. N. Kovaleva, and A. V. Bazhenov et al. Infrared studies of a La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 single crystal: Optical magnetoconductivity in a half-metallic ferromagnet Phys. Rev. B 59, R697 1999

    9. S.A.Shevchenko Electroconductivity of germanium with dislocation grids Zh.Eksp.Teor.Phys.( JETP) 115, N1, p.115 1999

    10. Е.В.Коровкин, Р.К.Николаев. ИК-фотопроводимость монокристаллов фуллерена С60. ФТТ т.41, вып.6, стр. 1113-1114, 1999

    11. M.N. Hong, A.V. Samant, V. Orlov, B. Farber, A.H. Heuer, P. Pirouz, C. Kisilowski Deformation - induced dislocations in 4H-SiC and GaN. MRS Symposium Proceeding MRS Symposium Proceeding V.572, 369-375 1999

    12. B.B.Straumal, W.Gust, N.F.Vershinin, V.G.Glebovsky, H.Brongersma, R.Faulkner Morphology of Mo particles and their incorporation into the growing film during vacuum arc deposition Nuclear Instr. & Methods in Physics Res. B in press 1999

    13. B.Straumal, N.Vershinin, V.Semenov, V.Sursaeva, W.Gust Vacuum arc deposited Mo layers: grain size and roughness Defect Diff. Forum in press 1999

    14. N. Vershinin, B. Straumal, K. Filonov, R. Dimitriou, W. Gust, M. Benmalek Hall current accelerator for the pre-treatment of large area glass sheets Thin Solid Films 172, 351 1999

    15. B. Straumal, N. Vershinin, K. Filonov Masked deposition of decorative coatings on large area glass and plastic sheets Thin Solid Films 351 (1999) 204 1999

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    1. A.N.Izotov, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipyan, E.A.Steinman, R.K.Nikolaev, N.S.Sidorov Features of the optical absorption of crystals of the fullerene C60 in the region of the orientational phase transition JETP 87(6), 1205-1213 1998

    2. A.V.Bazhenov, V.V.Kveder, A.A.Maksimov, I.I.Tartakovskii, R.A.Oganyan, Yu.A.Ossipyan, A.I.Shalynin Raman scattering of light and IR absorption in carbon nanotubes JETP 86(5), 1030-1034 1998

    3. V.V. Kveder, V.D. Negrii, E.A. Steinman, A.N. Izotov, Yu.A. Osipyan, R.K. Nikolaev Long-lived excited states and photoluminescence excitation spectra in single crystals of fullerene C60 JETP 86(2), 405-411 1998

    4. F.Salam, S.Bredikhin, P.Birke, W.Weppner Effect of thickness of the gas-sensitive layer on the response of solid state electrochemical CO2 sensors. Solid State Ionics 1998
    5. M. Riehl-Chudoba, Wo. Richter, and V.A. Gasparov STM Nanostructuring of a Si(111)/Ag-(?3x?3)R30o Surface J. Appl. Phys 83, N5 ,2500 1998

    6. B.Ya. Farber, V.I. Orlov, V.I. Nikitenko, A.H. Heuer Mechanisms of energy dissipation during displacement – sensitive indentation in Ge single crystals at elevated temperatures Philosophical Magazine A 78, 671 1998

    7. B. Ya. Farber, V.I. Orlov, A.H. Heuer Energy dissipation during high temperature displacement – sensitive indentation in cubic zirconia single crystals Phys. Stat. Sol (a), 166, 115 1998

    8. V. V.Kveder, V.Negrii, E.Steinman, A.Izotov, Yu.Ossipyan, and R. Nikolaev Долгоживущие возбужденные состояния и спектры возбуждения фотолюминесценци в монокристаллах фуллерена С60 JETP 86, 405 1998

    9. E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss Magnesium-Related Luminescence in Silicon Semicond. Sci.Technol 13 p.1-5 1998

    10. E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss Dislocation related luminescence properties of silicon Semicond. Sci.Technol 13 p.124-129 1998

    11. I.O.Bashkin, A.I.Izotov, A.P.Moravsky, V.D.Negrii, R.K.Nikolaev, Yu.A.Ossipyan, E.G.Ponyatovsky, and E.A.Steinman Photoluminescence of C60 crystals polymerized under high pressure Mol.Mat v.10, pp.119-124 1998

    12. B. B. Straumal, W. Gust, N. F. Vershinin, M. Friesel, M. Willander Vacuum arc deposition of Ni-Ti gradient coatings Surf. Coat. Techn. 316, 100-101 1998

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    1. V.D.Negrii, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Ossipyan, I.N.Kremenskaya, R.K.Nikolaev Transformations of PL spectra in C60 crystals under laser irradiation at low temperature Phys.Stat.Sol.(b) 199, 587-595 1997

    2. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, B.J.Narymbetov, L.P.Rozenberg, S.S.Khasanov, R.P.Shibaeva, A.V.Bazhenov, A.V.Gorbunov, M.Yu.Maksimuk, D.V.Konarev, R.N.Lubovskaya, and Yu.A.Osipyan Crystal Structure and Photoluminescence of Single Crystals of Fullerene - 9,9'-trans-bis(telluraxanthenyl) Molecular Complex C26H18Te2*C60*CS2 Chem.Physics 216, 407-415 1997

    3. M.Bogatirenko, S.Bredikhin Ionic photoconductivity of Superionic Crystals JETP (Zh.Eksp.Teor.Phys.) vol.112, #8, 698 1997

    4. V.G.Abramov, E.N.Rumanov, D.V.Strunin, S.A.Shevchenko Current fluctuations similar the critical opalescence Dokladi Academii Nauk 353, 177 1997

    5. A. V. Boris, N. N. Kovaleva, A. V. Bazhenov, A. V. Samoilov, N. -C.Yeh, R.P.Vasquez Infrared optical properties of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 epitaxial films J.Appl. Phys Vol. 81(1), pp. 5756-5758. 1997

    6. A. Boris, N. Kovaleva and T. Awano Color centers formation and electronic excitation processes in superionic crystals RbAg4I5 Solid State Ionics Vol. 93, pp. 303-308. 1997

    7. M. Schneider, V.A. Gasparov, W. Richter, M. Deckwerth, C. Russel XPS studies on oxynitride glasses in the system Si-Al-O-N Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 215, 201 1997

    8. G.K. Strukova, V.V. Kedrov, V.N. Zverev, S.S. Khasanov, I.M. Ovchinnikov, I.E. Batov, and V.A. Gasparov On Electric and Magnetic Properties of the Superconducting Barium-Niobium-Oxide Compounds Physica C 291, 207 1997

    9. Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Orlov, D. V. Dyachenko-Dekov, N.V. Abrosimov, S.N. Rossolenko, and W. Schr?der Ge Concentration Effect on the Dislocation Mobility in the Bulk SiGe Alloy Single Crystals Solid State Phenomena 57-58, pp. 419 424 1997

    10. N. V. Abrosimov, V. Alex, D. V. Dyachenko-Dekov, Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Nikitenko, V. I. Orlov, S. N. Rossolenko, W. Schr?der Dislocation and Kink Motion Study in the Bulk SiGe Alloy Single Crystals Materials Science and Engineering A234-236, pp. 735-738 1997

    11. Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Nikitenko, V. I. Orlov, B. V. Petukhov Anomalous Dislocation Kink Drift in Germanium Physical Review Letters 78, no. 16, pp. 3137-3140 1997

    12. Kveder, V.V., E.A. Steinman, B.Zh. Narymbetov, S.S. Khasanov, L.P. Rozenberg, R.P. Shibaeva, A.V. Bazhenov, A.V. Gorbunov, M.Yu. Maksimuk, D.V. Konarev, R.N. Lyubovskaya and Yu.A. Ossipyan Crystal structure and photoluminescence of single crystals of fullerene--9,9_'_-{\it trans}-bis (telluraxanthenyl) molecular complex: C26H18Te2\C60\CS2 CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume 216, No.~3,p.407, published March 20 1997

    13. Bashkin I.O., Izotov A.N., Moravsky A.P., Negrii V.D., Nikolaev R.K., Ossipian Yu.A., Ponyatovsky E.G., and Steinman E.A. Photoluminescence of solid C60 polymerized under high pressure Chem.Phys.Lett v272 p.32 1997

    14. E.A. Steinman Kveder, V.V., A.V. Bazhenov , R.N. Lyubovskaya Yu.A. Ossipyan, and H.G.Grimmeiss Photoluminescence of single crystals of fullerene--9,9_'_-{\it trans}-bis (telluraxanthenyl) molecular complex: C26H18Te2\C60\CS2 Proceedings of ECS v.4 pp.1200-1205 1997

    15. V.V.Kveder, A.I.Shalynin, E.A.Steinman, A.N.Izotov The Effect of Dislocation on the g-Tenzor of Holes in Dislocation Related 1D Energy Band in Si Solid State Phenomena 57-58, 299-304 1997

    16. B.B.Straumal, V.G.Glebovsky, N.F.Vershinin, V.G.Sursaeva, W.Gust Mo coatings produced with the aid of the vacuum arc deposition Plansee Sem. Proc. 14 (1997), in press. 1997

    17. B.B.Straumal, N.F.Vershinin, V.G.Sursaeva, W.Gust Vacuum arc deposition of Mo coatings Proc. of 5th European Conference on Advanced Materials, Processes and Applications EUROMAT in press 1997

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    1. E.A.Steinman, V.V.Kveder, H.G.Grimmeiss The Mechanisms and Application of Dislocation Related Radiation for Silicon Based Light Sources Solid State Phenomena 47-48 pp.217-222 1996

    2. Korovkin E.V. and Lebedkina T.A. - Fiz. Tverdogo. Tela. 38, no. 11, 3327 1996

    3. V.V.Kveder, A.I.Shalynin, E.A.Shteinman, and A.N.Izotov Influence of the splitting of dislocations on the g factor of holes in one-dimensional dislocation band JETP 83 (4), 829 1996

    4. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss Dislocation related Electroluminescence at Room Temperature in Plastically Deformed Silicon Solid State Phenomena 47-48 pp. 419-424 1996

    5. V.A. Gasparov and K.R. Nikolaev -situ Investigations of Electron Transport Properties of Si(111)-Pb(?3x?3)R30o Surface Phases and Ultrathin Films Physics Low Dimensional Struc 1/2 ,53 1996

    6. Е.V.Korovkin, T.A.Lebedkina. Thermal ionization of polaron states in KCl crystals. Sov. Phys. Solid State 38 (11), 1815-1817 1996

    7. O.V. Kononchuk, V.I. Orlov, O.V. Feklisova, E.B. Ykimov, N.A. Yarykin Formation of a deep – level spectrum in a plastically deformed silicon during the expansion of dislocation loops Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprov 30, (in Russian). 1996

    8. Yu.L. Iunin, V.I. Nikitenko, V.I. Orlov, N.V. Abrosimov, S.N. Rossolenko, W. Schr?der Investigation of the Dislocation Motion in the Bulk SiGe Crystals Solid State Phenomena 47-48, pp. 425 429 1996

    9. N.Vershinin, B.B.Straumal, W.Gust Vacuum arc deposition of Mo films J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 14, No. 6 (1996) 3252-3255 1996

    10. N. F. Vershinin, V. G. Glebovsky, B. B. Straumal, W. Gust, H. Brongersma Vacuum arc deposition as a complementary technology to laser processing Appl. Surf. Sci 437, 109-110 1996

    11. B.B.Straumal, N.F.Vershinin, W.Gust The magnetron sputter deposition of coatings on wires Mater. Sci. 1, 9 1 1996

    12. B.Straumal, N.Vershinin, V.Sursaeva, W.Gust Herstellung der Mo-Schichten mittels Vakuumlichtbogenabscheidung Verhandl. DPG 31, No. 6 1184 1996

    13. B.Straumal, N.Vershinin, V.Sursaeva, W.Gust Herstellung der Mo-Schichten mittels Vakuumlichtbogenabscheidung Verhandl. DPG 31, No. 6 (1996) 1184 1996

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    1. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss The investigation of relaxation in strained Si1-xGex /Si epilayers using photoluminescence J.Appl.Phys 78 (1), 446 1995

    2. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, S.A.Shevchenko, H.G.Grimmeiss Dislocation related electroluminescence at room temperature in plastically deformed silicon Phys.Rev. B 51(16), 10520-10526 1995

    3. V.Kveder, T.Sekiguchi, K.Sumino Electronic states associated with dislocations in p-type silicon studied by means of electric-dipole-spin-resonance and deep-level-transient-spectroscopy Phys.Rev. B 51(23), 16721-16727 1995

    4. N.Kovaleva, A.Boris, S.Bredikhin, T.Awano Photoinduced color centers cretion in superionic crystals RbAg4I5 Radiatiom Effects and Defacts in Solids vol.135, 457-460 1995

    5. S.I.Bredikhin, V.N.Bondarev, A.V.Boris, P.V.Pikhitsa and W.Weppner Electronic conductivity and current instability in superionic crystals Solid State Ionics vol.81, 19-28 1995

    6. V.Sedykh, G.K.Strukova, R.A.Dilanyan, I.S.Smirnova, S.A.Shevchenko, V.Sh.Shekhtman A study of the new compound Y4Ba3FeO11-y Applied Physics A 60, 255 1995

    7. S.A.Shevchenko and A.N.Izotov Structure of the photoluminescence spectra in the vicinity of the lines D1 and D2 in plastically deformed Si Phys.Stat.Sol.(a) 148, K1 1995

    8. V.A. Gasparov, V.V. Bondarev, and K.R. Nikolaev In-situ investigations of the electron transport properties of the surface phases Si(111) - In and Si(111) – Pb Physics Low Dimensional Struc 6, 45 1995

    9. V.A. Gasparov, I.E. Batov, Qi Li and C. Kwon Observation of Berezinskii Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in PrYBaCuO/YBaCuO/PrYBaCuO trilayers Phys. of Low - Dim. Str 6,12 1995

    10. Е.V.Korovkin, T.A.Lebedkina. Spectra of infrared photoconductuvity of polarons in KCl and KBr crystals. Sov. Phys. Solid State 37, 1945 1995

    11. O.V. Kononchuk, V.I. Orlov, O.V. Feklisova, E.B. Ykimov, N.A. Yarykin Increase of electrical activity of dislocations in Si during plastic deformation Mater. Sci. Forum, Ed. by M. Suezawa and H. Katagama – Yoshida, Trans Tech. Public., Switzerland v. 196-201, p.1183-1188 1995

    12. V. S. Bobrov, R. A. Dilanyan, L. S. Fomenko, Yu. L. Iunin, M. A. Lebedkin, S. V. Lubenets, V. I. Orlov, Yu. A. Ossipyan Mechanical Properties and Deformation of Fullerites J. of Superconductivity 8, N.1 pp. 1-3 1995

    13. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss Photoluminescence studies of relaxation processes in strained Si1-xGex/Si epilayers J.Appl.Phys 78 No1, 446 1995

    14. И.М.Шмытько.А.Н.Изотов.Э.А.Штейнман.Н.С.Афоникова Деформационно стимулированные фазовые переходы в монокристаллах кремния ЖЭТФ 61 в.11. стр.906-910 1995

    15. N.T.Bagraev, E.V.Vladimirskaya, V.E.Gasumyants, V.I.Kaidanov, V.V.Kveder, L.E.Klyachkin, A.M.Malyarenko, A.I.Shalynin Strong charge correlations in p+ quantum wells on the surface of n-type silicon Phys.Solid.State 37(10), 1655-1658 1995

    16. N.T.Bagraev, L.E.Klyachkin, A.M.Malyarenko, E.I.Chaikina, E.V.Vladimirskaya, V.E.Gasumyants, V.I.Kaidanov, V.V.Kveder, A.I.Shalynin Metal-insulator transition in strongly doped p+ quantum wells on a n-type silicon surface Semiconductors 29(12), 1112-1124 1995

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    1. S.Bredikhin, T.Hattori and M.Ishigame Schottky barriers in superionic crystals Phys.Rev. B vol.50, 2444-2449 1994

    2. S.Bredikhin, N.Kovaleva, T.Hattori and M.Ishigame Photoinduced phenomena in RbAg4I5 superionic crystals Solid State Ionics vol.74, 149-155 1994

    3. S.A.Shevchenko, Yu.A.Ossipyan T.R.Mchedlidze E.A.Steinman, R.A.Batto Defect states in Si containing dislocation nets Physica Status Solidi (a) v.146, 745 1994

    4. S.Bredikhin, T.Hattori and M.Ishigame Ambipolar diffusion in superionic crystals Solid State Ionics vol.67, 311 1994

    5. V.A. Gasparov, M.R. Mkrtchyan, M.A. Obolensky, A.V. Bondarenko Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Electromagnetic Penetration Depth of YBa2Cu3O7-x Crystals Physica C 231,197-206 1994

    6. V.A. Gasparov, G.K. Strukova, and S.S. Khassanov Superconductivity Above 20K in Barium-Niobium-Oxide Compounds JETP Letters 60, N.6 ,425 1994

    7. O.V. Kononchuk, V.I. Nikitenko, V.I. Orlov, B.Ya. Yakimov Effect of dislocation loop size on the deep level transient spectrum in Si Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 143, pp.k5-k7 1994

    8. V.S. Bobrov, R.A. Dilanyan, I.N. Kremenskaya, M.A. Lebyodkin, V.I. Nikitenko, M.A. Nudelman, V.I. Orlov, Yu.A. Ossipyan, L.S. Fomenko, S.V. Lubenets Plasticity of fullerite crystals Molecular crystals and technology V. 4, N.1-3, pp. 159-168 1994

    9. V.I. Orlov, V.I. Nikitenko, R.K. Nikolaev, I.N. Kremenskaya, Yu. A. Ossipyan Experimental Study of dislocations in fullerene C60 single crystals and the mechanisms of their plastic deformation JETP LETT v.59, N.10, pp. 704-708 1994

    10. Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Nikitenko, V. I. Orlov, and B.V. Petukhov Dislocation-Point Defect Interaction Influence on Kink Motion in Crystals with Deep Peierls Potential Relief. In: Strength of Materials, Fundamental Physical Aspects of the Strength of Crystalline Mat Proceedings of the 10th International Conference ICSMA-10, Sendai, Japan, August 21-26 pp. 101-104. 1994

    11. T.Sekiguchi, V.V.Kveder, K.Sumino Hydrogen effect on the optical activity of dislocations in silicon introduced at room temperature J. Appl. Phys 76(12), 7882-7888 1994

    12. T.R.Mchedlidze, V.V.Kveder, J.Jablonski, K.Sumino Electric-Dipole Spin Resonance Study on Extended Defects in Czochralski-Grown Silicon Developed by Thermal Treatment Phys.Rev.B 50(3), 1511 1994

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    1. V.A.Chesnakov, V.V.Kveder Formation and growth of lead dendrites in PbF2 during direct current flow JETP Lett 58, 210-214 1993

    2. P.Omling, V.Kveder, B.K.Meyer, K.Oettinger, U.Kaufmann, O.Kordina Optically detected magnetic-resonance observervation of spin-dependent interdefect electron transfer in GaP:(V,S) system Phys.Rev.B 47(19), 12527-12531 1993

    3. V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman Influence of Microwave Heating on Dislocation Photoluminescence in Plastically Deformed Germanium Phys.Stat.Sol.(a) 138, 625-630 1993

    4. V.A. Gasparov, V.A. Grazhulis, V.V. Bondarev, T.M. Bychkova, V.G. Lifshits, N.G. Galkin, N.I. Plusnin Electron transport in the Si(111)-Cr(?3x?3)R30o-Si surface phases and epitaxial films of CrSi and CrSi2 on Si(111) Surface Science 292,298 1993

    5. V.A. Gasparov, V.A. Grazhulis, V.V. Bondarev, T.M. Bichkova, V.G. Lifshits, B.K.Churusov Electrophysical properties of In surface phases on Si(111), Sol.St.Comm 88,51 1993

    6. V.A. Gasparov and R.Huguenin Electron - phonon, electron-electron and electron - surface scattering in metals from ballistic effects Advances in Physics 42, N.4 ,393-521 1993

    7. Е.V.Korovkin, T.A.Lebedkina. Infrared optical absorption by polarons in gamma-irradiated NaCl, KCl, and KBr crystals. Sov. Phys. Solid State 35 (3), 329-321 1993

    8. B. Ya. Farber, Yu. L. Iunin,V. I. Nikitenko, V. I. Orlov, H. Alexander, H. Gottschalk, P. Specht Barriers for the Kink Motion on Dislocation in Si Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 138, pp. 557-571 1993

    9. V. I. Nikitenko, Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Orlov Dislocation Dynamics in Ge Single Crystals under Conditions of Periodic Two-Level Intermittent Loading Stat. Sol. (a), 138, pp. 601-606 1993

    10. Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Nikitenko, V. I. Orlov, B.V. Petukhov Experimental Study of Anomalous Dislocation Kink Drift in Germanium Single Crystals Solid State Phenomena 32&33 pp. 333 338 1993

    11. V.S. Bobrov, R.A. Dilanyan, L.S. Fomenko, I.N Kremenskaya, M.A. Lebyodkin, S.V.Lubenets, V.I. Nikitenko, M.A. Nudelman, V.I. Orlov, Yu.A. Ossipyan Plasticity of fullerite crystals IWFAC-93. St. Petersburg p.38 1993

    12. V.S. Bobrov, R.A. Dilanyan, L.S. Fomenko, M.A. Lebyodkin, S.V. Lubenets, V.I. Orlov On the mechanical properties of C60 Fullerite crystals Solid State Phenomena Vol.35-36 pp. 519-526 1993

    13. V. I. Nikitenko, B. Ya. Farber, Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Orlov Interaction in Semiconductors and Kink Mobility Materials Science and Engineering A164, pp. 346-349 1993

    14. A.Bazhenov, V.Kveder, L.Krasilnikova, K.Rezchikov Far-Infrared Absorption on Dislocations in Plastically Deformed p-Si Phys.Stat.Sol.(a) 137, 321-326 1993

    15. V.V.Kveder Elictriv-Dipole Spin Resonance on Extended Defects in Silicon Solid State Phenomena 32-33, 279-290 1993

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    1. S.I.Bredikhin, A.A.Maksimov, I.I.Tartakovskii, B.C.H.Steele RS spectra in YBa2Cu3O(6+x) crystals with site-selective isotopic substitution of oxygen Physica C vol.196, no.1-2, 117 1992

    2. V.V. Kveder, T.R. Mchedlidze Anizotropy and Temperature Dependence of Electric-Dipole Spin Resonance on Dislocations in p-Si JETP(rus) 102,174-186 1992

    3. A.N.Izotov, A.I.Kolyubakin, S.A.Shevchenko, E.A.Steinman Photoluminescence and splitting of dislocations in germanium Phys.Stat.Sol.(a) 130, 193 1992

    4. L.A.Klinkova, N.V.Barkovskii, D.U.Batova, A.I.Kolyubakin, S.A.Shevchenko On the character of barrium cuprates conductivity Superconductivity: physics, chemistry, technics 5, 1262 1992

    5. Е.V.Korovkin, T.A.Lebedkina. Infrared studies of localized polarons in g-irradiated alkali halide cristals. ФТТ v.2, pp.859-861 1992

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    1. V.V.Kveder, P.Omling, H.G.Grimmeiss, Yu.A.Osipian Optically detected magnetic resonance of dislocations in silicon Phys.Rev.B 43(8),6569-6572 1991

    2. S.I.Bredikhin, G.A.Emel'chenko, V.Sh.Shechtman, A.A.Zhokhov, S.Carter, R.J.Chater, J.A.Kilner, B.C.H.Steele Anisotropy of oxygen self-diffusion in YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals Physica C vol.179, 286 1991

    3. V.V. Kveder, M.R. Mkrtchan, A.I. Shalynin Problem of microwave absorption in a high-temperature superconducting ceramic in a magnetic field Solid State Physics (Russian) 33(4),1226-1237 1991

    4. M.P.Kulakov, N.N.Kolesnikov, Yu.A.Ossipyan, S.A.Shevchenko Hall effect in single crystals Tl2Ba2CaCu2Ox Superconductivity: Physics, chemistry, technics 4, 957 1991

    5. V.A. Gasparov Fluctuation Paroconductivity and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in YBa2Cu3O7-x Single Crystal Films Physica C 178, 449-455. 1991

    6. V.A. Gasparov and A.P. Oganesyan Temperature Dependence of the Penetration Depth in Epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-x Thin Films Physica C 178, 445-448 1991

    7. Е.В.Коровкин, Т.А.Лебедкина. Kinetiks of infrared photoconductivity in gamma-irradiated NaCl crystals. Sov. Phys. Solid State 33, 67 1991

    8. Е.В.Коровкин, Т.А.Лебедкина. Spectrum of infrared photoconductivity in gamma-irradiated NaCl crystals Sov. Phys. Solid State 33,1400 1991

    9. Е.В.Коровкин, Т.А.Лебедкина. Infrared optical absorption in gamma-irradiated NaCl crystals. Sov. Phys. Solid State 33, 1595 1991

    10. Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Nikitenko V. I. Orlov and B. Ya. Farber The point-defect effect on the formation and motion processes of kinks at dislocations in silicon Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz V. 100, no. 6 (12), pp. 1951 1963 1991

    11. Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Nikitenko V. I. Orlov and B. Ya. Farber Gettering processes and dislocation mobility in silicon single crystals Elektronnaya tekhnika ser. 6, Materialy, no. 6 (260), pp. 19-25 1991

    12. B. Ya. Farber, Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Nikitenko and V. I. Orlov Dislocation Kink Dynamics and Gettering Processes in Semiconductors Proceedings of the 4th International Autumn Meeting, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, Ed. by M. Kittler and H. Richter, Solid State Phenomena 19&20, pp. 311-322 1991

    13. B. Ya. Farber, Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Nikitenko and V. I. Orlov Peierls Relief Controlled Dislocations Dynamics Proceedings of ICSMA’9, Haifa, Israel, Ed. by D.G. Brandon, R. Chain and A. Rosen, Freund publ., London vol. 1, pp. 195-202 1991

    14. Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Orlov, V. I. Nikitenko and B. Ya. Farber Experimental study of kinks formation and motion processes at dislocations in germanium single crystals Fiz. Tverd. Tela V. 33, no. 4, pp. 1262 1270 1991

    15. B. Ya. Farber, Yu. L. Iunin, V. I. Nikitenko, and V. I. Orlov Gettering Phenomena and Dislocation Kink Mobility. Polycristalline Semiconductors III, Ed. by J. H. Werner and H.P. Strunk, Springer-Verlag, Berlin etc. pp. 248-254 1991

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    1. M.Wattenbach, C.Kisielowski-Kemmerich, H.Alexander, V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian Electric-dipole spin resonance of dislocations in plastically deformed p-type silicon Phys.Stat.Sol. 158, K49-K53 1990

    2. V.A. Gasparov, V.A. Grazhulis, V.V. Bondarev, T.M. Bychkova, V.G. Lifshits, B.K. Churusov, N.G. Galkin, & N.I. Plusnin Electrophysical Properties of the Surface Phases of Cr and In on Si(111) Vacuum 41,1207 1990

    3. V.A. Gasparov, A.F. Dite, S.F. Kondakov, I.M. Ovchinnikov, N.M. Sorokin, S.S. Khasanov, V.G. Yaremenko In-situ Surface Investigations of the YBa2Cu3O7-x and Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O Epitaxial Films Vacuum 41, 989 1990

    4. V.A. Gasparov, A.F. Dite, S.F. Kondakov, N.M. Sorokin, S.S. Khasanov, V.G. Yaremenko Laser Ablation and Some Properties of the HTSC Oriented Films of the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O on (100) MgO Sov.Phys.-Superconductivity: Physics, Chemistry, Engineering (Russian) 3,408 1990

    5. V.A. Gasparov, A.F. Dite, I.M. Ovchinnikov, N.M. Sorokin, V.G. Yaremenko Spectrometer for Laser Sputtering and in-situ Surface Investigations of the High-Tc Thin Films Pribori i Technika Eksperimenta (Russian), 1, 217 1990

    6. V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin Investigation of one-dimensional defects in Si using the EDSR in Defect Control in Semicond., K.Sumino (ed.), Elsevier Sci.Publ. B.V. (North-Holland) p.1417-1422 1990

    7. V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin Relationship between a combined resonance in plastically deformed n-type silicon with a dislocation structure Solid State Physics (Russian) 32(8), 2224-2229 1990

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    1. V.V.Kveder, A.E.Koshelev, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin Temperature dependence of conduction by reconstructed dislocations in silicon and nonlinear effects Sov.Phys.JETP 68(1), 104-108 1989

    2. A.V.Boris, S.I.Bredikhin Photo EMF in RbAg4I5 solid electrolyte JETP Lett. 21, 342 1989

    3. V.A. Gasparov, A.F. Dite, I.M. Ovchinnikov, N.M. Sorokin, & V.G. Yaremenko Influence of the Substrate Temperature on the Epitaxial Growth of the YBa2Cu3O7-x Superconducting Films at Laser Ablation Sov. Phys.-Superconductivity: Physics, Chemistry, Engineering (Russian) 2,15 1989

    4. V.A. Gasparov, R. Huguenin, D. Pavuna, J. van der Maas Radio-Frequency Penetration Depth in HTSC Ceramic Samples Solid State Comm 69, 1147 1989

    5. V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin Conductivity along dislocations: temperature dependence and nonlinear effects. Combined resonance and structure peculiarities of plastically deformed silicon Solid State Phenom 6-7, 301-308 1989

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    1. D. Pavuna, W. Baer, H. Berger, H.J. Mathieu, A. Vogel, M. Schmidt, M. Affronte, V.A. Gasparov, & F.-K. Reinhart. Ion Beam Sputtering, Characterization and Properties of YBa2Cu3O7-x Thin Superconducting Films Physica C 152-153 , 1449 1988

    2. R.Stubi, P.-A.Probst, R.Huguenin and V.A.Gasparov Electron-phonon scattering in copper and silver from radio-frequency size effect measurements J. Phys. F: Metal Phys 18, N.11, 2429-2443 1988

    3. R. Stubi, P.A. Probst, R. Huguenin and V.A. Gasparov, Electron- Electron Scattering in Copper and Silver from Radio-Frequency Size Effect Measurements J. Phys. F: Metal Phys 18, 1211 1988

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    1. V.A. Gasparov and V.V. Bondarev Radio-Frequency Size Effect Investigations of the Surface Scattering Conduction Electrons in Tungsten Helv. Phys. Acta 60, 791 1987

    2. V.V. Bondarev and V.A. Gasparov, M.A. Lur'e and V.G. Peschanskii Influence of the Conduction Electron Surface Scattering on the Radio-Frequency Size Effect in Tungsten Surface: Physics, Chemistry and Engineering (Russian) 3, 28 1987

    3. V. Gasparov, M. Shmidt, D. Pavuna, W. Baer, H. Berger, D. Martin, J.van der Maas, S. Steinemann, R. Huguenin, & F.-K. Reinhart, Superconductivity and Aging Effects in YBaCuO Bulk and Thin Film Samples Helvetica Physica Acta 61, 201 1987

    4. J. van der Maas, V.A. Gasparov, & D. Pavuna Improved Low Contact Resistance in High-T Ceramic Y-Ba-Cu-O Superconductors Nature 328, 603 1987

    5. I.F. Voloshin, V.A. Gasparov, S.V. Kravchenko, and L.M. Fisher Investigation of the Electron-Electron Scattering in Tungsten Sov. Phys.-JETP 65, 419 1987

    6. Е.В.Коровкин, Т.А.Лебедкина. Two-stage photoconductivity of gamma-irradiated NaCl crystals at low temperature. Sov. Phys. Solid State 29, 1612 1987

    7. V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin Characteristics of microwave losses in a super-conducting ceramic subjected to a magnetic field JETP Lett.(Russian) 46(Suppl.), 176-179 1987

    8. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian Spin-dependent recombination and conductivity as a method for investigation of dislocations in semiconductors Izvesiya Acad. of Sci.USSR-Phys.Ser.(Russian) 51(4), 626-632 1987

    9. V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin Combined electron resonance in a one-dimensional dislocation band JETP (Russian) 93(4), 1470-1479 1987

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    1. Э.Г.Багдуев, Е.В.Коровкин, Г.И.Пересада, Е.Г.Понятовский, М.Ш.Шихсаидов. емновая нестабильность F-центров в обработанных давлением кристаллах KCl и KBr Sov. Phys. Solid State v.146, p.75- 1986

    2. A.V.Bazhenov, V.V.Kveder, L.L.Krasilnikova, A.I.Shalynin Light absorption due to deep dislocation states in silicon Solid State Physics (Russian) 28(1), 230-234 1986

    3. V.V.Kveder, V.Ya.Kravchenko, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, D.E.Khmelnizkii, A.I.Shalynin Combined resonance at dislocations in silicon JETP Lett. (Russian) 43(4), 202-205 1986

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    1. V.V. Bondarev and V.A. Gasparov Observation of Multichannel Specular Reflection of Electrons from Tungsten Surface Sov. Phys - JETP Lett., 41, 175 1985

    2. J.van der Maas, R. Huguenin and V.A. Gasparov, Electron-Electron Scattering in Tungsten J.Phys.F.: Metal Phys 15, L271 1985

    3. Yu.I. Golovin, T.P. Dyachek, V.I. Orlov, Yu.I. Tyalin Nonstationary electric field of rapid cleavage crack in LiF single crystals Fiz. Tverd. Tela v.27, N.4, pp.1110-1115 1985

    4. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, I.R.Sagdeev, A.I.Shalynin, M.N.Zolotukhin The effect of annealing and hydrogenation on the dislocation conduction in silicon Phys. Stat.Sol.(a) 87, 657-665 1985

    5. V.V.Kveder, R.Labusch Yu.A.Osipian Frequency dependence of the dislocation conduction in Ge and Si Phys.Stat. Sol.(a) 92, 293-302 1985

    6. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin Spin-dependent change in the RF photo conductivity of silicon crystals containing dislocations JETP (Russian) 88(1), 309-317 1985

    7. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian Interaction of hydrogen with dislocations in Si", p.395-398 in "Dislocations in Solids Dislocations in Solids p.395-398 1985

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    1. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin The exodiffusion of hydrogen in dislocated crystalline silicon Phys.Stat. Sol.(a) 84, 149-156 1984

    2. V.V.Aristov, M.N.Zolotukhin, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, I.I.Snighireva, I.I.Khodos Comparative ESR and DLTS investigations of the annealing process of broken dislocation bonds in silicon Fiz. Tverd. Tela (USSR) 26(5), 1412-1418 1984

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    1. V.A. Gasparov, J. Lebech and K. Saermark Point measurements of the electron-phonon scattering rate in silver J. Low Temp. Phys 50, N.3/4 , 379-389 1983

    2. Spin-dependent recombination at dislocation dangling bonds in Si Phys.Stat. Sol.(a) 1983
    3. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, I.R.Sagdeev, M.N.Zolotukhin The Effect of annealing on the dislocation dissociation in plastically deformed silicon Phys.Stat.Sol.(a) 76, 485-491 1983

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    1. Е.В.Коровкин. Инфракрасное гашение фотопластического эффекта в гамма-облученных кристаллах NaCl при комнатной температуре. Sov. Phys. Solid State v24 1982

    2. Е.В.Коровкин. Magnetic-field supression of the photoplastic effect in gamma-irradiated NaCl crystals. jetp. LEtt 35, 595-598 1982

    3. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, W.Schroter, G.Zoth On the energy spectrum of dislocations in silicon Phys.Stat. Sol.(a) 72,701-713 1982

    4. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, M.N.Zolotukhin Influence of hydrogen on dislocation donor and accepter states JETP (Russian) 82(6), 2068-2075 1982

    5. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin Spin-dependent recombination on dislocation dangling bonds in silicon JETP (Russian) 83(2), 699-714 1982

    6. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin Investigation of spin-dependent recombination at dislocations in silicon Fiz. & Tekh. Poluprovodn. 16(8), 1459-1461 1982

    7. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian Investigation of dislocations in silicon by the ESR method Fiz. & Tekh. Poluprovodn. 16(11), 1930-1933 1982

    8. Дьячков Б.А., Мешков В.Е., Вершинин Н.Ф. Конверсия отрицатель¬ных ионов водорода в быстрые атомы в стационарной плазменной мишени Письма в ЖЭТФ т.8, вып.20, с.1264-1267 1982

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    1. V.A.Gasparov, and S.A.Kozlov Observation of Hot Electrons in Molybdenum Sov. Phys.-JETP Letters 34, 115 1981

    2. E.V.Korovkin, E.M.Nadgornyi. Deformational spectroscopy investigation of color centers in alkali halides. Proceedings of the International Conference Proceedings of the International Conference Riga, May 18-23 1981

    3. Е.В.Коровкин, М.Ш.Шихсаидов. Фотопластическая память в кристаллах А2В6. ФТТ т.23, в.6, 1618-162(2)3, 1981

    4. Е.В.Коровкин. Изучение F-стимулированного фотопластического эффекта в гамма-облученных кристаллах NaCl. Sov. Phys. -Solid State v23, 1458 1981

    5. Е.В.Коровкин. Эффект последействия в гамма-облученных кристаллах NaCl при гелиевых температурах. Sov. Phys. -Solid State v23, 1493 1981

    6. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipyan Concerning the annealing of a dislocation EPR signal in silicon Phys. Status Solidi B 103(2), 519-528 1981

    7. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian Investigation of dislocations in silicon by the photo-EPR method JETP (Russian) 80(3), 1206-1216 1981

    8. V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, M.N.Zolotukhin Investigation of the dislocation spin system in silicon as model of one-dimensional spin chains JETP (Russian) 81(1), 299-307 1981

    9. Дьячнов Б.А., Вершинин Н.Ф., Мешков В.Е. Конверсия отрица¬тельных ионов водорода в быстрые атомы в стационарной плаз¬менной мишени Тезисы УШ Всесоюзн.конф.по электронным и атом¬ным столкновениям г.Ленинград,октябрь 1981 г.-Л.:ЛФТИ, 1982, с.104 1981

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    1980 - 1960

    1. V.A. Gasparov, J. Lebech, and K. Saermark A new method for point-by-point determination of the electron-phonon scattering rate in metals J. Low Temp. Phys 41, N.3/4 , 257-265 1980

    2. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina, Yu.A.Osipian The electronic instability in Si caused by dislocations Solid State Physics (Russian) 22(2), 513-522 1980

    3. V.A. Gasparov and A.A. Mitryaev Investigation of the Effect of Surface Scattering of Electrons on the Radio-Frequency Size Effect in Tungsten Sov. Phys. - JETP 50,588 1979

    4. M.A. Arutyunyan and V.A. Gasparov Mechanism of Electron Scattering in Molybdenum Sov. Phys. - JETP 49, 188 1979

    5. V.A. Gasparov, I.F. Voloshin, and L.M. Fisher On electron-electron scattering in molybdenum Solid State Comm 29, No.1 , 43-46 1979

    6. Е.В.Коровкин. Эффект последействия в гамма-облученных кристаллах NaCl и KCl. Sov. Phys. -Solid State v.21, N 6, p.1021-1023 1979

    7. Е.В.Коровкин, М.Ш.Шихсаидов. Высокотемпературная фотопамять в кристаллах ZnSe. Проблемы физики и технологии широкозонных полупроводников с.276-281 1979

    8. M.A. Arutyunyan, V.F. Gantmakher, and V.A. Gasparov Investigation of small sheets of the molybdenum Fermi surface Izvestiya Academy of Sciences of Armenia 13, 474 1978

    9. V.A. Grazhulis, V.V. Kveder, Yu.A.Osip'yan, Y.H.Lee, H.Kleinhenz, H. van Camp, C.P.Scholes, J.W.Corbett ENDOR of a dislocation center in a deformed silicon Phys. Lett. A 66A (5), 398-400 1978

    10. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina Investigation of energy spectrum and kinetic phenomena in dislocated Si crystals (1) Phys.Stat.Sol.(a) 43, 407-415 1977

    11. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina Investigation of energy spectrum and kinetic phenomena in dislocated Si crystals (2. Microwave Conductivity) Phys.Stat.Sol.(a) 44, 107-115 1977

    12. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina, Yu.A.Osipian Oscillations of conductance in silicon crystals with dislocations Solid State Physics 19(2), 585-588 1977

    13. V.A. Gasparov Anisotropy of the probability of electron- phonon scattering in silver Sov. Phys.- JETP 41, 1129 1976

    14. V.A. Gasparov Anisotropy of the probability of electron- phonon scattering in silver Sov. Phys.- JETP 41, 1129 1976

    15. V.A. Gasparov and M.H. Harutunian To the question on electron-electron scattering in metals, Solid State Comm 19, N.3 ,189-192 1976

    16. V.A. Gasparov, L.M. Fisher, and V.A. Yudin Propagation of dopplerons and characteristic features of silver Fermi surface Sov. Phys. - Sol. State 18, 1583 1976

    17. V.A. Gasparov and M.H. Harutunian Precision measurements of the Fermi surface of copper Phys. Stat. Sol 74b, N.2 ,K107-K110 1976

    18. Е.В.Коровкин, Я.М.Сойфер. Эхо-импульсная методика исследования пластической деформации материалов Проблемы прочности N 2, 112-114 1976

    19. Г.А.Ермаков, Е.В.Коровкин, Я.М.Сойфер. Кинетика фотопластического эффекта в окрашенных кристаллах NaCl. ФТТ 16,457 1976

    20. Г.А.Ермаков, Е.В.Коровкин, Я.М.Сойфер. Исследование фотопластического эффекта в гамма-облученных кристаллах NaCl. ФТТ т.16, в.6, 1756-176(0)1 1976

    21. Е.В.Коровкин, Я.М.Сойфер. Отрицательный фотопластический эффект в KCl:Ba. ФТТ т.18, в.-, 2457-2459 1976

    22. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina, Yu.A.Osipian The high frequency conductance of dislocations in silicon JETP Lett 24(3), 164-166 1976

    23. Г.А.Ермаков, Е.В.Коровкин, Ю.А.Осипьян, М.Ш.Шихсаидов. Влияние импульсного освещения на пластическую деформацию полупроводниковых соединений A2B6. ФТТ т.17, в.8, 2364-236(7)8 1975

    24. V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian Influence of spin state of dislocations on the conductivity of silicon crystals JETP Lett 21(12), 708-711 1975

    25. V.V. Boiko, V.F. Gantmakher, and V.A. Gasparov Temperature dependence of the probability for scattering of charge carriers in molybdenum and tungsten Sov. Phys. - JETP 38, 604 1974

    26. V.V.Kveder, B.Ya.Kotyuzhanskii, L.A.Prozorova Investigation of the beyond-threshold susceptibility in antiferromagnetuc MnCO3 and CsMnF3 in parametric excitation of spin waves JETP 19, 353 1974

    27. S.V.Broude, V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian Investigation of properties of the dislocational EPR spectra in silicon JETP Lett 39(4), 721-725 1974

    28. V.F. Gantmakher, and V.A. Gasparov Anisotropy of the probability of electron scattering by phonons on the Fermi surface of copper Sov. Phys.-JETP 37, 864 1973

    29. V.F. Gantmakher, V.A. Gasparov, G.I. Kulesko, V.N. Matveev Experimental investigation of electrons scattering by dislocations in copper Sov. Phys. - JETP 36, 925 1973

    30. Г.А.Ермаков, Е.В.Коровкин, Я.М.Сойфер. F-стимулированный фотопластический эффект в окрашенных кристаллах NaCl. ФТТ 15, 1276 1973

    31. Г.А.Ермаков, Е.В.Коровкин, Я.М.Сойфер. Влияние света на внутренее трение окрашенных кристаллов NaCl. Изв. АН СССР, серия физич., т.ХХХVII #11, 2404-2406 1973

    32. V.V.Kveder, B.Ya.Kotyuzhanski, L.A.Prozorova Parametric excitation of spin waves in antiferromagnetic MnCO3 JETP 36(6), 1165-1169 1973

    33. V.V. Boiko and V.A. Gasparov Radio-frequency size effect and the Fermi surface of tungsten Sov. Phys. - JETP 34, 1266 1972

    34. V.V. Boiko and V.A. Gasparov On some parameters of the Fermi surface in molybdenum Sov. Phys. - JETP 34, 1054 1972

    35. V.V. Boiko, V.A. Gasparov and I.G. Gverdsiteli Radio-frequency size effect in molybdenum Sov. Phys. - JETP Lett. 6, 212 1972

    36. V.V. Boiko and V.A. Gasparov Investigations of the mean free path of charge carriers in the molybdenum Metallophysica, Naukova Dumka, Kiev 37, p.11 1971

    37. Е.В.Коровкин, Я.М.Сойфер. Влияние дислокаций на затухание ультразвука в NaCl Sov. Phys. -Solid State p.3135 1971

    38. V.V. Boiko, V.A. Gasparov and I.G. Gverdsiteli Radio-frequency size effect investigations of molybdenum Fermi surface Sov.Phys. - JETP 29,267 1969

    39. V.V. Boiko, V.A. Gasparov and I.G. Gverdsiteli Radio-frequency size effect in molybdenum Sov. Phys. - JETP Lett 6,212 1967

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