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Time of flight SIMS
Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometr xyz-table control
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  • LSDS Projects

    Project RFBR No. 19-38-90194
    Investigations of influence of anode supports microstructure on electrochemical characteristics of anode-supported SOFCs.

    In this work, a manufacturing technology was developed for production of a two-layer (current-collecting and functional layers) substrate for planar anode-supporting SOFCs: the relationship between the mechanical characteristics and the microstructure of the anode substrates depending on the type and concentration of the porous agent and the parameters of the suspension was studied. As a result, the optimal porosity in the collector layer, the optimal amount of organic components in the suspensions of the collector and functional layers were determined, a high-temperature processing was developed to avoid bending deformations in a two-layer structure.
    We studied the possibility of forming a thin gas-tight electrolyte layer on a sintered supporting substrate from an ablative, weakly agglomerated, and highly agglomerated 8YSZ powder made by screen printing technology. It was shown that a temperature of 1300°C is not enough for the formation of a dense structure due to the low initial density, which is due to the high concentration of solvent in the paste. Thus, a decision was to increase the annealing temperature up to 1600 °C. Electrochemical tests will be carried out after obtaining a gas-tight electrolyte layer at elevated temperatures.


    Agreement No. 14.610.21.007 (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)
    Development of scalable laboratory technology of planar SOFC fabrication and production concept of energy generation systems for various applications and structures including hybrids, with fabrication and testing of a small-scale experimental model of the energy generation system with 500 - 2000 W power output

    Period: 2014 - 2016

    Project leader: Prof. S.I. Bredikhin


    Contract No. 2015-NTL-1.11 ("Energy without Borders" Foundation)
    Development of scalable laboratory technology of planar SOFC fabrication and production concept of energy generation systems for various applications and structures including hybrids, with fabrication and testing of a small-scale experimental model of the energy generation system with 500 - 2000 W power output

    Period: 2015 - 2016

    Project leader: Prof. S.I. Bredikhin


    Project RFBR No. 13-03-12408
    Design and investigation of the electrochemical characteristics of thin film SOFCs

    Period: 2014 - 2016

    Project leader: Prof. S.I. Bredikhin


    Project RFBR No. 13-03-12409
    New types of SOFCs with direct hydrocarbon conversion in the single modules for use of natural gas and standard propane-butane fuels: scientific principles

    Period: 2014 - 2016

    Project leader: Dr. V.V. Kharton


    Project RFBR No. 14-29-04031
    Investigation of current-generating electrochemical reaction mechanisms and charge transfer processes in micro- and nano-structured solid oxide fuel cells composite electrodes

    Period: 2014 - 2016

    Project leader: Prof. V.V. Kveder


    Project RFBR No. 14-29-04042
    Development of novel technological fundamentals of the electrode and electrolyte materials with interstitial ion conduction mechanisms for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells

    Period: 2014 - 2016

    Project leader: Dr. E.V. Tsipis


    Agreement 14.B25.31.0018 with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
    Research projects implemented under the supervision of world-leading scientists at Russian institutions of higher learning, research organizations of the governmental academies of sciences and governmental research centers of the Russian Federation

    Period: 2013-2015

    Project leader: Dr. V.V.Kharton
