Основные публикации лаборатории за 2002—2013 годы:
1. P. V. Dolganov, G. S. Ksyonz, V. E. Dmitrienko, and V. K. Dolganov, Description of optical properties of cholesteric photonic liquid crystals based on Maxwell equations and Kramers-Kronig relations, Phys. Rev. E 87, 032506 (2013).
2. П. В. Долганов, Г. С. Ксёнз, В. К. Долганов, Жидкокристаллические фотонные кристаллы: оптические свойства и их зависимость от поляризации света и температуры, ФТТ 55, 1017–1020 (2013).
1. P. V. Dolganov, V. M. Zhilin, V. K. Dolganov, and E. I. Kats, Field-induced transitions between multilayer phases of polar smectic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 86, 020701(R) (2012).
2. К. П. Мелетов, Фононный спектр и взаимодействие между нанотрубками в пучках одностенных углеродных нанотрубок при высоком давлении и температуре. ЖЭТФ, 2012, т. 142, вып. 6(12) стр. 1133-1141.
3. П. В. Долганов, В. М. Жилин, Е. И. Кац, Закономерности образования полярных смектических фаз при фрустрационном взаимодействии, ЖЭТФ 142, 1297-1308 (2012).
4. K. P. Meletov, D. V. Konarev, Raman study of the pressure-induced charge transfer transition in the neutral donor-acceptor complexes {Ni(nPr2dtc)2}(C60)2 and {Cu(nPr2dtc)2}(C60)2. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2012, vol. 20, pp. 336-340.
5. P. V. Dolganov, V. K. Dolganov, and P. Cluzeau, Structure of π- and 2π-walls in smectic films, Pis'ma v ZhETF 96, 347–351 (2012).
6. P. V. Dolganov, Landau Model of the Phase Transitions for Description of Commensurate Polar Smectic Structures, Ferroelectrics 431, 21–31 (2012).
7. K. P. Meletov, Intertubular interaction in bundled single-walled carbon nanotubes studied by Raman scattering at high pressure and temperature. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2012, vol. 20, pp. 419-423.
8. K. P. Meletov and G. A. Kourouklis, Pressure and temperature induced transformations in crystalline polymers of C60. JETP, 2012, vol. 115, pp. 707-723
9. K. P. Meletov, D. V. Konarev, Raman study of the pressure-induced phase transitions in the molecular donor-acceptor complex {Pt(dbdtc)2}C60. Chemical Physics Letters, 2012, vol. 553, pp. 21-25.
1. J.-C. Loudet, P. V. Dolganov, P. Patricio, H. Saadaoui, and P. Cluzeau, Undulation Instabilities in the Meniscus of Smectic Membranes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 117802 (2011).
2. P. V. Dolganov, V. M. Zhilin, V. K. Dolganov, and E. I. Kats, Manifold of polar smectic liquid crystals with spatial modulation of the order parameter, Phys. Rev. E 83, 061705 (2011).
3. K. P. Meletov, A. A. Maksimov, I. I. Tartakovskii, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, and G. A. Kourouklis, Temperature-induced transformations in hydrogenated and fluorinated single-wall carbon nanotubes studied by Raman scattering, ЖЭТФ 139(4), 1-8 (2011).
4. K. P. Meletov and G. A. Kourouklis, Raman study of the pressure and temperature induced transformations in crystalline polymers of C60, In: «Polymer Phase Behavior», ISBN 978-1-61324-336-7, Editor: Timothy P. Ehlers and James K. Wilhelm, chapter 2, pp. 1-46, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY, 2011.
5. П. В. Долганов, К. И. Белов, В. К. Долганов, Двухстадийная кристаллизация на поверхности смектических наноплёнок, Письма в ЖЭТФ 93, 813-817 (2011).
1. P. V. Dolganov, E. I. Kats, and P. Cluzeau, Stepwise transition of a topological defect from the smectic film to the boundary
of a dipolar inclusion, Phys. Rev. E 81, 031709 (2010).
2. P. V. Dolganov and V. M. Zhilin, Unwinding of the antiferroelectric helix in an electric field, Phys. Rev. E 81, 051704 (2010).
3. K. P. Meletov, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, G.A. Kourouklis, Y. Iwasa, S. Yamanaka, Temperature-induced decomposition of the two dimensional rhombohedral polymer of C60: Raman study of the intermediate state, Carbon 48, 2974-2979 (2010).
4. P. V. Dolganov, V. M. Zhilin, V. K. Dolganov, and E. I. Kats, Commensurate polar smectic structures with a two-component order parameter, Phys. Rev. E 82, 040701(R) (2010).
5. K. P. Meletov, A. V. Krestinin, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, and G. A. Kourouklis, Thermally induced softening of the radial breathing modes of bundled single-wall carbon
nanotubes. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 18, pp. 538-544 (2010).
6. K. P. Meletov, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, G. A. Kourouklis, Y. Iwasa, and S. Yamanaka, High temperature depolymerization of the 2D-R polymer of C60 studied by Raman
spectroscopy. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 18, pp. 396-400 (2010).
7. A. V. Bazhenov, I. O. Bashkin, K. P. Meletov, High-pressure hydrogenated carbon nanostructures. in "Fullerenes: The Hydrogenated Fullerenes", Springer, Dordrecht, NL in 2010, pp.225-250, editors: Franco Cataldo and Susana Iglesias-Groth, Springer book series "Carbon Materials Chemistry and Physics" edited by Franco Cataldo and Paolo Milani.
1. П. В. Долганов, В. М. Жилин, В. К. Долганов, Е. И. Кац, Образование и структура солитона
в антисегнетоэлектрическом жидком кристалле в электрическом поле, Письма в ЖЭТФ 89, 181–187 (2009).
2. K. P. Meletov, A. V. Krestinin, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, and G. A. Kourouklis, Temperature effects in the Raman spectra of bundled single-wall carbon nanotubes, Chemical Physics Letters 477, 336-339 (2009).
3. P. V. Dolganov, V. K. Dolganov and P. Cluzeau, Behavior of Inclusions with Different Value and Orientation of Topological Dipoles in Ferroelectric Smectic Films, ЖЭТФ 136, 197 (2009).
4. P. V. Dolganov, E. I. Kats, V. K. Dolganov, P. Cluzeau, Dimer structures formed in smectic films by inclusions with parallel and antiparallel topological dipole moments, Письма в ЖЭТФ 90(5), 424–428 (2009).
1. P. V. Dolganov, V. M. Zhilin, V. K. Dolganov, E. I. Kats, Ferrielectric smectic with layer-by-layer change of the two-component order parameter, Письма в ЖЭТФ 87, 301 (2008).
2. P. V. Dolganov, H. T. Nguyen, G. Joly, V. K. Dolganov and P. Cluzeau, Different mechanisms of nucleation and self-organization of droplets in ferroelectric smectic membranes, Eur. Phys. J. E 25, 31 (2008).
3. P. V. Dolganov, V. M. Zhilin, Field-induced structures and transitions in chiral antiferroelectric liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 77, 031703 (2008).
4. П. В. Долганов, В. М. Жилин, В. К. Долганов, Е. И. Кац, Раскрутка в электрическом поле сегнетоэлектрической спирали в тонких слоях смектика-С* при мягком и жестком поверхностном сцеплении молекул, ЖЭТФ 134, 614-620 (2008).
5. P. V. Dolganov and P. Cluzeau, Influence of chirality on director configuration and droplet interaction in ferroelectic free standing films, Phys. Rev. E 78, 021701 (2008).
6. K. P. Meletov, V. A. Davydov, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, K. S. Andrikopoulos and G. A. Kourouklis, Photo- and Pressure-Induced Transformations in the Linear Orthorhombic Polymer of C60. Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики 134 (2008), 4 (10), 726-739.
7. K. P. Meletov, I. O. Bashkin, V. V. Shestakov, A. V. Krestinin, V. A. Davydov, M. X. Pulikkathara, V. N. Khabashesku, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, and G. A. Kourouklis, Raman study of hydrogenated and fluorinated single-wall carbon nanotubes. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 16, (2008), 5-6, 322-329. Nanostructures 16 (2008), 5-6, 593-596.
8. Е. И. Демихов, К. П. Мелетов, А. А. Гиппиус, П. Г. Наумов, Гелиевый проточный криостат для ЭПР спектрометра, Приборы и Техника Эксперимента № 6, стр. 141–142 (2008).
1. P. V. Dolganov, H. T. Nguyen, E. I. Kats, V. K. Dolganov, and P. Cluzeau, Rearrangement of topological defects and anchoring on the inclusion boundary in ferroelectric smectic membranes, Phys. Rev. E 75, 031706 (2007).
2. P. V. Dolganov, H. T. Nguyen, G. Joly, V. K. Dolganov, and P. Cluzeau, Shape of nematic droplets in smectic membranes, Europhys. Lett. 78, 66001-p1-66001-p5 (2007).
3. А. В. Баженов, Т. Н. Фурсова, Н. Н. Колесников, Д. Н. Борисенко, А. В. Тимонина, А. Н. Туранов, В. Е. Баулин, П. В. Долганов, Ю. А. Осипьян, Электронные и колебательные спектры геля из одностенных углеродных нанотрубок в ионной жидкости, Известия РАН Серия Физическая, 71(5), 684-686 (2007).
4. П. В. Долганов, Х. Т. Нгуен, Ж. Джоли, Е. И. Кац, В. К. Долганов, Ф. Клузо, Стабильность свободно подвешенных жидкокристаллических плёнок, измерение энергии взаимодействия поверхностей плёнок, ЖЭТФ 132(3), 756-764 (2007).
5. П. В. Долганов, В. М. Масалов, Э. Н. Самаров, В. Е. Дмитриенко, В. К. Долганов, Г. А. Емельченко, Дисперсия света в плёнках фотонного кристалла опала, ФТТ 49, 1622-1625 (2007).
6. K. P. Meletov, A. A. Maksimov, I. I. Tartakovskii, I. O. Bashkin, V. V. Shestakov, A. V. Krestinin, Yu. M. Shulga, K. Andrikopoulos, Y. Arvanitidis, D. Christifilos,
G. A. Kourouklis, Raman Study of the High-Pressure Hydrogenated SWNT: in Search of Chemically Bonded and Adsorbed Molecular Hydrogen.
Chemical Physics Letters, 2007, vol. 433, pp. 335-339.
7. K. P. Meletov, G. A. Kourouklis, Electronic Spectra of the Crystalline Polymers of C60: Photoluminescence Study at High
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2007, vol.7, pp. 1427-1433.
8. K. P. Meletov, and G. A. Kourouklis, Pressure-induced transformations in the linear orthorhombic polymeric phase of C60.
Chemical Physics Letters, 2007, vol. 433, pp. 127 -131.
1. P. V. Dolganov, K. I. Belov, V. K. Dolganov, E. I. Demikhov, B. M. Bolotin, and E. I. Kats, Structures and orientational transitions in thin smectic films of tilted hexatic, ЖЭТФ 129, 700 (2006).
2. P. V. Dolganov and V. K. Dolganov, Director configuration and self-organization of inclusions in two-dimensional smectic membranes, Phys. Rev. E 73, 041706 (2006).
3. P. V. Dolganov, H. T. Nguyen, G. Joly, V. K. Dolganov, and P. Cluzeau, Ferroelectricity-induced effects in interaction and self-organization of inclusions in smectic membranes, Europhys. Lett. 76(2), (2006).
4. P. V. Dolganov, V. M. Masalov, E. N. Samarov, V. E. Dmitrienko, V. K. Dolganov, G. A. Emel'chenko, Photonic stop bands in opal films and crystalline liquids, SPIE Proceedings 6182, 61822B (2006).
5. K. P. Meletov, V. A. Davydov, A. V. Rakhmanina and G. A. Kourouklis, The stability of the linear orthorhombic polymer of C60: A high-pressure study. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2006, vol. 14, pp. 421-424.
6. K. P. Meletov, V. A. Davydov, A. V. Rakhmanina, V. Agafonov, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, K. Andrikopoulos, and G.A. Kourouklis, The influence of pressure on the photopolymerization rate of linear orthorhombic polymer of C60. Chemical Physics Letters, 2006, vol. 428, pp. 298-302.
1. F. Bougrioua, P. Cluzeau, P. Dolganov, G. Joly, H.T. Nguyen, and V. Dolganov. Light-Induced Layer by Layer Thickening in Photosensitive Liquid Crystal Membranes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 027802 (2005).
2. P. V. Dolganov, P. Cluzeau, G. Joly, V. K. Dolganov, and H.T. Nguyen. Interaction of surfaces in smectic membranes and their instability near thinning transitions. Phys. Rev. E 72, 031713 (2005).
3. В. К. Долганов, Структура и фазовые переходы в тонких жидкокристаллических пленках. УФН 175, 779-784, (2005).
4. E. I. Demikhov, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 543, 365-367 (2005).
5. K. P. Meletov, G. A. Kourouklis, High-pressure hydrogenated fullerenes: optical spectra and stability of C60H36 at high pressure. JETP, 2005, Vol. 127, pp. 860-876.
6. K. P. Meletov, and G. A. Kourouklis, Photoluminescence study of the planar polymers of C60 at high pressure. Chemical Physics Letters, 2005, vol. 403, pp. 338-342.
7. K. P. Meletov, V. A. Davydov, A. V. Rakhmanina, V. Agafonov and G. A. Kourouklis, High pressure photoinduced polymerization of the orthorhombic polymeric phase of
C60. Chemical Physics Letters, 2005, Vol.416, pp. 220-224. (2005).
1. P. V. Dolganov, B. M. Bolotin, and Atsuo Fukuda, 2π and π walls in antiferroelectric Smectic-C*A and Smectic-С free-standing films, Phys. Rev. E 70, 041708 (2004).
2. P. V. Dolganov, P. Cluzeau, V. K. Dolganov, C. Gors, and H. T. Nguyen, Anticlinic-Synclinic Transitions in Superthin Free-Standing Smectic Films, Письма в ЖЭТФ 80, 311 (2004) [JETP Lett. 80, 280 (2004)].
3. K. P. Meletov, Raman modes and stability at high pressure of the two-dimensional rhombohedral polymer of C60, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 12, pp. 300-304 (2004).
4. K. P. Meletov, Photoluminescence study of the two-dimensional tetragonal and rhombohedral polymers of C60 at high pressure, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 12, pp. 297-300 (2004).
1. P. V. Dolganov, V. M. Zhilin, V. K. Dolganov, E. I. Kats, Structures and phase transitions in polar smectic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 67, 041716 (2003).
2. П. В. Долганов и Б. М. Болотин, Ориентационные дефекты в свободно подвешенных смектических C плёнках, Письма в ЖЭТФ 77, 503 (2003).
3. P. Cluzeau, V. Bonnand, G. Goly, V. Dolganov, H. T. Nguyen, Self-organization of N* inclusions in SmC* free-standing films, Eur. Phys. J. E 10, 231 (2003).
4. P. V. Dolganov, E. I. Demikhov, V. K. Dolganov, B. M. Bolotin, K. Krohn, Collective behavior of light-induced droplets in smectic membranes, Eur. Phys. J. E 12, 593 (2003).
5. K. P. Meletov, G. A. Kourouklis, J. Arvanitidis, K. Prassides, and Y. Iwasa, Pressure-induced transformation and phonon modes of the two-dimensional rhombohedral polymer of C60: A Raman spectroscopic study. Phys. Rev. B, 2003, Vol. 68, p. 094103.
1. P. V. Dolganov, Y. Suzuki, A. Fukuda, Structural transitions in thin free-standing films of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal exhibiting the smectic-Cα* phase in bulk sample, Phys. Rev. E 65, 031702 (2002).
2. P. V. Dolganov, E.I. Demikhov, Y. Suzuki, and A. Fukuda, Temperature- and Field-Induced Transitions in Free-Standing Films of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal, ЖЭТФ 122, 840 (2002) [JETP 95, 728 (2002)].
3. P. V. Dolganov, V. M. Zhilin, V. E. Dmitrienko, and E. I. Kats, Polar Smectic Subphases: Phase Diagrams, Structures and X-ray Scattering, Письма в ЖЭТФ 76, 579 (2002), [JETP Lett. 76, 498 (2002)].
4. P. Cluzeau, G. Joly, H. T. Nguyen, V. K. Dolganov, Two-dimensional ordering of inclusions in smectic C phase, Письма в ЖЭТФ 75, 573 (2002), [JETP Lett. 75, 482 (2002)].
5. P. Cluzeau, G. Joly, H. T. Nguyen, V. K. Dolganov, Formation of two-dimensional crystal-like structures from inclusions in smectic C films, Письма в ЖЭТФ 76, 411 (2002), [JETP Lett. 76, 351 (2002)]
6. P. Cluzeau, G. Joly, H. T. Nguyen, C. Gors, V. K. Dolganov, Free-standing smectic films at high temperature, Liq. Cryst. 29, 505 (2002).
7. K. P. Meletov, S. Assimopoulos, G. A. Kourouklis, I. O. Bashkin, Phase transitions in hydrofullerene C60H36 studied by luminescence and Raman spectroscopy at pressure up to 12 GPa. Physics of the Solid State, 2002, Vol. 44, No 3, pp. 542-544.
8. K. P. Meletov, J. Arvanitidis, S. Assimopoulos, G. A. Kourouklis, Pressure-induced transformations in two-dimensional polymeric phases of C60. Physics of the Solid State, 2002, Vol. 44, No 4, pp. 601-604.
9. K. P. Meletov, J. Arvanitidis, M. P. Kulakov, N. N. Kolesnikov and G. A. Kourouklis, Raman spectra of MgB2 at high pressure and topologic electronic transition. JETP Letters 2002, Vol. 75, iss. 8, pp. 406-409.
10. K. P. Meletov, J. Arvanitidis, G. A. Kourouklis, Y. Iwaza, and K. Prassides, Structural stability of the rhombohedral 2D polymeric phase of C60 studied by Raman scattering at pressure up to 30 GPa. Chemical Physics Letters, 2002, Vol. 357, pp. 307-315.
11. S. Assimopoulos, I. Tsilika, K. P. Meletov, G. A. Kourouklis, I. Margiolaki, S. Margadonna, K. Prassides, T. J. S. Dennis, and H. Shinohara, Pressure responce of the higher fullerene C84 studied by Raman and X-ray scattering. High Pressure Research, 2002, Vol. 22, pp. 63-67.
12. I. Margiolaki, S. Margadonna, K. Prassides, S. Assimopoulos, I. Tsilika, K. P. Meletov, G. A. Kourouklis, T. J. S. Dennis, H. Shinohara, High pressure study of the C84 fullerene. Physica B, 2002, Vol. 318, pp. 372-377.
13. K. P. Meletov, J. Arvanitidis, S. Assimopoulos, G. A. Kourouklis, and B. Sundqvist, Pressure-induced transformations and optical properties of the 2D-tetragonal polymer of C60 at pressures up to 30 GPa. ЖЭТФ, 2002, Vol. 95, pp. 736-747.
14. G. A. Kourouklis, and K. P. Meletov, Polymeric fullerenes: Optical high pressure investigations. New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology Journal, 2002, Vol. 12, No. 5 pp. 303-314.
15. N. G. Spitsina, M. V. Motyakin, I. V. Bashkin, and K. P. Meletov, C60 fullerene and its molecular complexes under axial and shear deformation. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2002, vol. 14, pp. 11089-11092.