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of the first 10 years of the ISSP AS USSR work

“If all the past were present, and the present existed along with the future, who would be able to distinguish, where are the causes and where are the consequences?”


July 7. A Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1855-r on founding of the Institute of Solid State Physics as part of the Department of General and Applied Physics AS USSR was signed.


February 7. The first researcher – V.I. Nikitenko – was employed to the ISSP.
February 15. A Decree of AS Presidium on founding of the ISSP and appointment of Yu.A. Osipyan, candidate of physico-mathematical scientists, as a Deputy Director of Research was signed.
March 1. Yu.A. Osipyan started his work.
May 11. The ISSP researchers, Yu.A. Osipyan and V.I. Nikitenko, made the first academic visit to Leningrad.
May. G.V. Kurdyumov’s and Yu.A. Osipyan’s paper “Solid State Physics (some results and prospects of researches)” was published in the journal “Herald of AS”; it reflected the program of the ISSP development.
June 12. The first senior researcher, candidate of engineering sciences V.Sh. Shekhtman was employed to the ISSP.
August 1. The first trainee researchers, L.P. Mezhov-Deglin and V.S.  Tsoi, were employed to the institute.
September 2. The Head of the library, N.V. Slesareva, started her work.
December. One had started to construct GLK of the ISSP in Chernogolovka.


February 1. The first ISSP research article – “The Theory of Paramagnetic Relaxation of F-centers” – written by V.Ya. Kravchenko and co-authors was received by the editors of the journal “Solid State Physics”.
February 22. The first reelections of the local trade union committee – G.I. Peresada, S.Z. Shmurak, and G.I. Maksimova – were held at the trade union meeting of the ISSP staff.
April. E.P. Volskii’s and L.P. Mezhov-Deglin’s researches received prizes in the contest of research works of the Institute for Physical Problems.
June 3. V.I. Nikitenko was appointed as an acting Academic Secretary.
June 12. The first meeting of the ISSP Academic Council was held.
October. The institute moved from Moscow to Chernogolovka to the Branch of the Institute of Chemical Physics.
November 4. Academician N.N. Semyonov’s visit to the ISSP.
November 24. The first meeting of the certifying board commission chaired by Yu.A. Osipyan was held.
December. The main works on the project of the ISSP buildings under the leadership of A.M. Shchusev were completed in GIPRONII.


June 11. The Laboratory of High Pressure Physics (LHPP), the Laboratory of Mechanical Properties of Ionic Crystals (LMPIC), and the Laboratory of Experimental Mineralogy and Petrography (LEMP) were founded at the ISSP.
E.G. Ponyatovskii, cand.phys.-math.sc.,was appointed as the Head of LHPP; E.M. Nadgornyi, cand.phys.-math.sc., was appointed as the Head of LMPIC; I.P. Ivanov, cand.geol.-min.sc., was appointed as the Head of LEMP.


December 12. AS Presidium approved the ISSP structure containing the Laboratory of Optical Properties (LOP), the Laboratory of High Pressure Physics, the Laboratory of Mechanical Properties, the Laboratory of Defect Structures Spectroscopy (LDSS), the Laboratory of Experimental Mineralogy and Petrography, the groups of electronic structure of metals (GESM) and X-ray structural analysis (GXSA) and the Department of Material Science (DMS).
V.L. Broude, dr.phys.-math.sc.,was appointed as the Head of LOP; Yu.A. Osipyan was appointed as the Head of LDSS; Ch.V. Kopetsky, cand.eng.sc.,was appointed as the Head of DMS; E.P. Volskii, cand.phys.-math.sc.,was appointed as the Head of GESM; V.Sh. Shekhtman, cand.eng.sc.,was appointed as the Head of GXSA.


January 9. Yu.A. Osipyan and E.M. Nadgornyi received the VDNH Gold Medals at the meeting of the Academic Council.
May 24. V.F. Gantmakher was the first who defended his doctoral thesis at the ISSP.
September 21. The results of the anniversary contest of research works devoted to the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution were summarized.
October 30. The anniversary meeting of the Academic Council was held.
December 21. Priority of discovery of the photoplastic effect in semiconductors made by Yu.A. Osipyan and I.B. Savchenko was set in the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries.
December 30. The certificates of occupancy for the main laboratory building and the power unit of the ISSP were signed.


February 2. O.A. Troitskii’s monograph “Radiation Effects of Changes in Strength and Plasticity in Zinc Single Crystals” was accepted for publication in the publishing house “Nauka”.
February. V.F. Gantmakher’s paper “Anomalous Penetration of Electromagnetic Field in a Metal and Radiofrequency Size Effects” was published in UFN journal.
March. Visiting sessions of AS Presidium chaired by M.V. Keldysh were held in Chernogolovka.
March. The first (and as yet the only) KVN competition between the ISSP and the BICP teams was held.
June 30. The certificate of occupancy for the general-purpose building was signed.
October 18. The Chief Engineering Service consisting of the Chief Engineering Department, the Chief Mechanical Department, the Glass and the Machine Workshop was organized at the ISSP.
November. Ch.V. Kopetsky received the State Prize.
December 23. The results of the contest of research works were summarized.


January 31. The following groups were organized at the ISSP: the group for structure and properties of metal single crystals headed by Ch.V. Kopetsky, Deputy Director; the group of composite materials under the leadership of A.V. Serebryakov, cand.eng.sc.; the group of electrophysical researches under the leadership of B.A. Dyachkov, cand.phys.-math.sc.; the group of metal forming under the leadership of A.N. Markov; the group for obtaining of high-pure substances under the leadership of R.K. Nikolaev; and the group of crystal growth under the leadership of M.P. Kulakov.
January 29. The meetings of the All-Union Seminar of February 1 “Theory of Dislocations Dynamic Properties” were held at the ISSP.
February 2. V.F. Gantmakher and co-authors received the certificate for the discovery “Electromagnetic Bursts in Conducting Medium”.
March 13. Academician G.V. Kurdyumov, managing director of the ISSP, was awarded the Honorary Title “Hero of Socialist Labour” by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet.
April 12. The ISSP staff took part in the All-Union communist subbotnik.
April 16. Cryogenic service was established at the ISSP.
June 15. V.F. Gantmakher received the medal and the diploma of Lenin Komsomol Prize Laureate.
July 4. Volume 111, part A of W. Mason’s “Physical Acoustics” “The Effect of Defects on Elastic Properties of Solids” was accepted for publication in the publishing house “Mir”. E.M. Nadgornyi was a translation editor, Ya.M. Soifer and E.Yu. Gutmanas translated the book.
August 1. The Laboratory of Experimental Mineralogy and Petrography was reorganized to the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy.
September 30. The certificate of occupancy for the first two blocks of the experimental-technological building was signed.
October. The Laboratory of Experimental Mineralogy singled out from the ISSP to the separate Institute of Experimental Mineralogy (IEM).
December 30. The certificate of occupancy for the last, the third block of the ETK was signed.


January 29. The group of metals melting under the leadership of Glebovskii, cand.eng.sc., was organized at the institute.
January. The film club “Kaleidoscop” started its meetings.
March 31. The meetings of the All-Union Seminar “The Effect of Point Defects on the Mechanical Properties of Alkali Halide Crystals” were held at the ISSP.
April 11. The ISSP staff took part in the All-Union communist subbotnik.
April. The ISSP stand at VDNH taken part in the exposition of 1969-1970 received the first degree Diploma. The ISSP members received one Gold, two Silver and nine Bronze VDNH medals.
June 5. The group of diffraction methods of research under the leadership of V.I. Nikitenko, cand.phys.-math.sc., was organized.
August. The Experimental-Technological Department headed by D.V. Ulyanov was organized.
December. The first film about the ISSP was shooted.


February 8. The group of computational mathematics under the leadership of Yu.L. Rodin, dr.phys.-math.sc., was organized.
April 17. The ISSP staff took part in the All-Union communist subbotnik.
April. Yu.A. Osipyan’s paper “Dislocations and Physical Properties of Solids” (overview of the works conducted at the ISSP) was published in the journal “Herald of AS”.
May. V.Sh. Shekhtman’s and V.A. Aristov’s paper “The Properties of Three-Dimensional Holograms” was published in UFN journal.
May. Academician L.A. Artsimovich visited the institute.
June. M.V. Keldysh, President of Academy of Sciences, visited the ISSP.
August. Yu.A. Osipyan, dr.phys.-math.sc., received the Order of the Red Banner of Labour, Ch.V. Kopetsky and V.Sh. Shekhtman, cand.eng.sc., received the Order of the Badge of Honour, E.G. Ponyatovskii, dr.phys.-math.sc., received the Medal "For Labour Valour" by a Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet.
October 14. The first trade-union conference of the ISSP was held.
December 26. The results of the contest of research works of the ISSP for 1971 were summarized.
December 28. The collected articles of the members of the ISSP and the Central Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy “Imperfections of crystal structure and martensite transformations” prepared for academician G.V. Kurdyumov’s seventieth birthday were accepted for publication in the publishing house “Nauka”.
December 31. The certificates of occupancy for the laboratory building of crystal growth were signed.


January. A helium liquefier with productivity of 40 l/h was launched at the ISSP. The results of the contest held by AULYCL Moscow city committee were summarized. V.A. Grazhulis, V.V. Aristov, S.Z. Shmurak and F.D. Senchukov were among the laureates
February. In connection with his seventieth birthday academician G.V. Kurdyumov received the Order of the October Revolution. E.L. Andronikashvili, academician from the Georgian SSR, visited the ISSP.
March 15. V.M. Fain’s monograph “Quantum Radiophysics”, vol. 1 “Photons and Nonlinear Medium” was accepted for publication in the publishing house “Sovetskoye radio”.
April 15. The ISSP staff took part in the All-Union communist subbotnik.
May. M. Botvinnik, grand master, was the guest of our institute and Chernogolovka.
September. J. Hirth’s and J. Lothe’s “Theory of Dislocations” was accepted for publication in the publishing house “Atomizdat”. Yu.A. Osipyan and E.M. Nadgornyi were translation editors; the book was translated by the group of the ISSP members.
October 19. The second trade-union conference of the ISSP was held.
November 28. Yu.A. Osipyan was elected a Corresponding Member of AS USSR.
December 29. The thousandth member of the ISSP was employed.