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Head: Dr. of Sc. Alexander A.Levchenko

Tel: 2-46-86, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Main research directions:

  1. Physics of quantum crystals and liquids.
  2. Nonlinear waves and turbulence in the bulk and on the surface of liquids.
  3. Transport phenomena in condensed matter.
  4. Physics and engineering of defects in semiconductors.
  5. Domain structure and spin-dependent transport in perspective quasi-2D nanomagnets for components of functional magnetoelectronics.
  6. Quantum effects of spin and spin moment transfer in ferromagnetic and superconducting media and structures.
  7. Elementary events of magnetization reversal and nonlinear excitations in exchange-coupled nanocomposite magnetic structures.
  8. Studies of structures, phase transitions, and topological defects in ultrathin freely suspended films of smectic liquid crystals.
  9. Optical investigations of liquid-crystal photonic crystals.
  10. Spectroscopy of condensed matter under intense laser, deformation, and radiation exposure.