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Head: Dr. Oleg M. Vyaselev

Tel: 2-83-74, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Main research directions:

  1. Electronic and magnetic structure in high-temperature, organic, and magnetic superconductors, as well as artificial metal oxide and multilayer superconducting systems. Studies of transport and spin phenomena in strongly correlated electron systems.
  2. Magnetic and vortex dynamics in superconductors and 2D Josephson arrays.
  3. Coherent and non-equilibrium phenomena in planar and quasi-1D nanostructures based on superconductors, normal metals, and ferromagnets. Studies of spintronic and magnetotransport phenomena in artificial nanostructures, as well as the effects of charge and spin imbalance.
  4. Perspective hybrid thin-film micro- and nanostructures for the next generations of electronics and spintronics.
  5. Components and circuits for superconducting digital and quantum coherent electronics. Implementation of quantum gates and quantum simulators based on superconducting qubits.