Following topics will be discussed during the conference:
- Anion conductors. Fabrication of gas tight anion conductor plates. Thin-film technologies.
- SOFC cathode materials. Synthesis and properties. New materials with mixed anion-electronic conductivity. Investigation of oxygen anion self-diffusion in materials with anion-electronic conductivity.
- SOFC anode materials. Structure of properties of composite anode. Sulfur-tolerant anodes.
- The mechanism of charge transfer and redox processes at the SOFC electrodes. Studying degradation mechanism and methods for improving operation time.
- Membrane-electrode assemblies. Multilayered electrodes' deposition routes. Paste preparation.
- SOFC design. Cell fabrication technologies and their performance.
- High temperature glues and sealants.
- Protective coatings. Deposition regimes optimization. Long-term stability tests.
- Construction modeling and fabrication of current collectors.
- Stack construction modeling including gas distribution, heat transfer and elastic stresses. Modeling of electrochemical processes.
- SOFC based power sources.
- Solid polimer electrolytes and membranes. New materials with high protonic conductivity.
- Charge transport processes in protonic-exchange membranes, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen crossover.
- Highly efficient catalysts for hydogen-air fuel cells. CO-tolerant catalysts, alcohol oxidation catalysts.
- Investigation techniques for the materials, separate fuel cells components and stacks. Impedance speactroscopy.
- Power sources based on fuel cells with protonic exhange memebrane.
- Fuel processors for synthesis gas production. Alcohol and hydrocarbons production.
- Hydrogen production routes and materials for hydrogen storage.
- Alcaline fuel cells and power sources based on them.
- Hybrid power sources.
- Economical estimations of effectiveness of application of power sources based on fuel cells and their price.