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8:00-9:50 Registration of conference participants | Mo-01 10:00 - 10:35 30+5 | Sergey Filippov The energy research Institute of Russian academy of science (ERI RAS) 117186, Nagornaya st., 31, k.2, Moscow, Russian Federation Fuel cells application perspective in Russian energetics and requirements for them | Mo-02 10:35 - 11:10 30+5 | Vladimir Matrenin NPO "Centrotech" Ltd. 624130, Dzerzhinskogo st., 2, Sverdlovsk region, Novouralsk, Russion Federation Fuel cells and power sources based on them | Mo-03 11:10 - 11:45 30+5 | Sergey Bredihin Institute of solid state physics of Russian academy of science (ISSP RAS) 142432, Academician Osipian st., 2, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russian Federation Planar solid oxide fuel cell stacks | Mo-04 11:45 - 12:10 20+5 | Alina Khabibullina Institute of solid state physics of Russian academy of science (ISSP RAS) 142432, Academician Osipian st., 2, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russian Federation Economical aspects of fuel cell application | Mo-05 12:10 - 12:35 20+5 | Ilya Burmistrov Institute of solid state physics of Russian academy of science (ISSP RAS) 142432, Academician Osipian st., 2, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russian Federation Ilya Burmistrov | Lunch | Mo-06 14:00 - 14:25 20+5 | Sergey Somov “InEnergy” group 115201, 2nd Kotlyakovsky Lane 18, Moscow, Russian Federation Tubular SOFC with built-in reformer for portative ECG | Mo-07 14:25 - 14:45 17+3 | Alexey Nikonov Russian academy of Science Ural Division “Institute of Electrophysics” 620016, Amundsen st., 106, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation Microtubular SOFC manufacturing via pressing and films co-sintering | Mo-08 14:50 - 15:10 17+3 | Anton Hrustov Russian academy of science Ural Division “Institute of high temperature Electrochemistry” 620137, Academicheskaya st., 20, Ekaterinburg. Russian federation Heat- and mass-transfer in tubular SOFC module | Mo-09 15:10 - 15:30 17+3 | Aleksandr Lipilin Russian academy of Science Ural Division “Institute of Electrophysics" 620016, Amundsen st., 106, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation SOFC mission: reality and future. «Energy of the future: innovative approaches and methods of their realization». | Coffee-break | Mo-10 15:50 - 16:15 20+5 | Eugene Astafyev Institute of chemical physics problems of Russian academy (ICP RAS) 142432,Academician Semenov prosp., 1, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russian Federation Measurement and analysis of electrochemical noise of chemical current sources and their components | Mo-11 16:15 - 16:35 17+3 | Nicolay Vershinin Institute of solid state physics of Russian academy of science (ISSP RAS) 142432, Academician Osipian st., 2, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russian Federation 5 kW DC/DC SOFC converter model development for low-resistance load | Mo-12 16:35 - 16:55 17+3 | Anton Kuzmin Russian academy of science Ural Division “Institute of high temperature Electrochemistry” 620137, Academicheskaya st., 20, Ekaterinburg. Russian federation Modification of aluminosilicate glass-ceramics materials properties for solid oxide fuel cells | Mo-13 16:55 - 17:15 17+3 | Alexey Vylkov Russian academy of science Ural Division “Institute of high temperature Electrochemistry” 620137, Academicheskaya st., 20, Ekaterinburg. Russian federation Automated systems for maintains of SOFC modules work: from test stand to autonomous power source |