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High-temperature furnaces
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  • News of the LMET

    New setup
    A vacuum furnace was installed.


    New setup
    Assembling of a new setup for the electrochemical studies of SOFC anodes and other electrodes operating in reducing conditions has been started.


    New setup
    RLC-meter Agilent E4980A was installed and successfully tested at the setups for electrical measurements.


    New setup
    A polishing machine METKON designed for sample preparation for the electron microscopic analyses was installed and successfully tested.


    Scientific report
    V.A. Noskova made an oral report “Novel Electrode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Operating in Hydrocarbon-based Fuels” at the 10th Competition of Young Scientists’ Projects in framework of the 19th International Exhibition “Chemistry-2016”.


    Scientific report
    A.I. Ivanov made a presentation «Novel materials with mixed ionic-electronic conductivity for solid oxide fuel cell technologies» at the 2nd International Conference “Science of the Future”


    Scientific conference
    13th International Conference “Fundamental Problems of Solid State Ionics" was organized in IPCP RAS.
    Ivanov A.I. made a poster presentation "Oxygen Nonstoichiometry and Ion Transport Properties of Mixed-conducting Ce1-x-yLaxPryO2-?".
    Kuritsyna I.E. made a poster presentation “Change of Conductivity Mechanism in the Crystals based on ZrO2 depending on the Concentration of Stabilizing Impurities Y2O3”
    Kulebyakin A.V. made a poster presentation “Crystal Structure and Conductivity of (ZrO2)1-x-y(Sc2O3)x(Y2O3)y Solid Solutions Crystals (x=0.08-0.11, y=0.01-0.02) grown by Directional Crystallization of the Melt”
    Agarkov D.A. made a poster presentation: “Influence of Microstructure and Phase Composition on High-temperature Conductivity and Mechanical Strength of Zirconia-based Solid Electrolyte membranes”
    Demeneva N.V. made a poster presentation: “Optimization of Electrical Contact between Planar SOFC Cathodes and Metallic Interconnects”


    Scientific report
    A.I. Ivanov made a report at the laboratory seminar
    “Synthesis and physicochemical properties of mixed ionic-electronic conductors with perovskite- and fluorite-like structures for SOFC electrode systems”.


    Scientific report
    V.A. Noskova made a report at the 71th conference “Science Days at the NUST MISiS”:
    “Novel SOFC electrode materials operating with hydrocarbon fuels”.


    New setup
    An automatic setup for measurements of the steady-state oxygen permeability, oxygen ion transference numbers and faradaic efficiency in a wide range of oxygen partial pressures, developed by colleagues from ISSC UB RAS, was successfully installed and tested at LMET.


    Scientific report
    V.A. Kolotygin made a report at the Scientific Council of ISSP for application for a Researcher position:
    “Study of the transport, thermomechanical properties and catalytic activity of materials with mixed ionic-electronic conductivity for application in high- and intermediate-temperature technologies”


    New setup
    A new setup to study electrode polarization in oxidizing atmospheres was constructed and successfully tested for assessment of the SOFC cathode materials.


    New setup
    The potentiostat-galvanostat Autolab PGSTAT was successfully tested for studies of electrocatalytical processes in a new setup with chromatographic analysis of exhaust gas mixtures of SOFCs and other electrochemical cells.


    Scientific report
    V.A. Kolotygin made a report at the laboratory seminar dedicated to the articles submitted to the Russian Journal of Electrochemistry:
    “Stability, Mixed Conductivity, and Thermomechanical Properties of Perovskite Materials for Fuel Cell Electrodes Based on La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3–?, La0.5Ba0.5Ti0.5Fe0.5O3–?, and (La0.5À0.5)0.95Cr0.5Fe0.5O3–? (A = Ca, Ba)”
    “Electrophysical and Thermomechanical Properties of Perovskites La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3–? (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) Used as Fuel Cell Anodes: the Effect of Radius of Alkali-Earth Cation”


    A gas chromatograph system "Chromatec Crystal 5000.2" and a model reactor were installed and tested.


    Sealants test setup
    Components for setup for testing of high-temperature sealants under SOFC operation conditions were elaborated.


    Russian Conference with International Participation "Fuel Cells and Power Generation Sytems on their Base", was successfully organized
    at the ISSP RAS.
    Within the framework of Young Scientists' School, PhD student D.A. Agarkov made a report entitled "Experimental Setup for in situ
    Investigations of Processes at the SOFC Composite Electrodes Using Raman Spectroscopy Technique"
    Among others, the following presentations made at the conference can be mentioned:

    • V.A. Kolotygin: "Mixed Conductivity and Stability of Perovskite-Like (La0.5À0.5)0.95Fe0.5Cr0.5O3-d, La0.5A0.5Fe1-xTixO3-d è La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3-d (À = Ñà, Sr, Ba)" (oral presentation)

    • A.I. Ivanov: "Thermodynamic, Trandsport and Thermomechanical Properties of La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3-d (À = Ñà, Sr, Ba) Perovskites as SOFC Anodes: Effect of Alkali-Earth Cation Radius" (poster presentation)


    Thesis defence
    MSU student Kostretsova N.B. successfully defended her thesis entitled "Investigation of Thermal and Chemial Expansivity of Ceria-Based Solid Solutions".


    Thesis defence
    MSU student Eliseeva G.M. successfully defended her thesis titled as "Analysis of the Electrical Properties of Oxide-Based Ceramic Materials with Dominant Oxygen Ionic Conductivity"


    Bachelor thesis defence
    MSU student Zagitova A.A. successfully defended the Bachelor thesis "Physico-Chemical Properties of Mixed Conductors Based on La- and Pr-Doped Ceria"


    Nabertherm furnaces
    High-temperature furnaces Nabertherm were installed and tested


    PhD thesis defence
    V.A. Kolotygin successfully defended his PhD thesis "Perovskite-Like Oxide and Composite Anode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Functional Properties and Electrochemical Behavior in Contact with Gallate- and Silicate-Based Solid Electrolytes" and was awarded PhD degree in the area of Materials Science and Engineering


    Scientific report
    Ivanov A.I. made a report "Ceria-Based Mixed Conductors as Prospective Materials for Electrochemical Power Sources in the Future" on the International Materials Science Forum «Innovative materials and technologies» - IMTECH 2015


    New setup
    A new setup for the measurements of oxygen transference numbers in solid oxide materials was tested


    Optical microscope
    a high-temperature optical microscope "Misura" was successfully installed


    Evaluator C1000-HT
    A system for fuel cell testing "Evaluator Ñ1000-HT" was successfully installed and tested


    Setaram Setsys Evolution 16/18
    A TGA/DTA analyser "Setaram Setsys Evolution 16/18" was successfully installed.


    Conductivity measurements
    A setup for conductivity measurements in flowing gas mixtures was successfully constructed and tested


    Poster presentation
    Kuritsyna I.E. made a poster presentation « Conductivity of ZrO2-based solid electrolyte membranes for fuel cell applications: an overview» on the 1st International Scientific Conference «Science of the Future»


    Poster presentation
    Ivanov A.I. made a poster presentation «Ionic and electronic transport in fluorite-like Ce(La,Pr)O2-d» on the 1st International Scientific Conference «Science of the Future»


    Poster presentation
    MSU student Zagitova A.A. made a poster presentation "Mixed Conductivity of Fluorite-Like Solid Solutions Ce1-x-yLaxPryO2-d" on 12th International Meeting "Fundamental Problems of Solid State Ionics"


    Oral presentation
    PhD student Ivanov A.I. made an oral presentation "Functional Properties of (La1-xSrx)1-yTi0.5Mn0.5O3-d (x=0.15-0.75, y=0-0.05) as SOFC anodes" on the 10th International Conference «Physico-Chemical Problems of Renewable Energy"


    Oral presentation
    Kolotygin V.A. made an oral presentation "Oxygen Permeability of Ba1-xSrxFe1-yTiyO3-?- and BaTi0.5Fe0.5-zCezO3-d-Based Membranes with Perovskite-Like Structure" on the 10th International Conference «Physicochemical Problems of Renewable Energy"


    Thesis defence
    MSU student Zagitova A.A. successfully defended her thesis entitled "Synthesis and Properties of (Ce,La,Pr)O2-d as Protective Layers for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells"


    Conductivity and Seebeck coefficient
    A setup for conductivity and Seebeck coefficient measurements in a wide oxygen partial pressure range was successfully constructed


    A setup for high-temperature dilatometry LINSEIS L75V, including two parallel gas mixing systems, was successfully installed and tested.


    Scientific council approval
    PhD student Kuritsyna's I.E. thesis title "Electrochemical properties and Stability of Sr0.7Ce0.3MnO3-d-based Electrodes in Contact with Single Crystal and Ceramic Membranes of Stabilized ZrO2" was approved by the Scientific Council of ISSP RAS


    Laboratory seminar
    PhD student Kuritsyna I.E. made a report at the laboratory seminar "Electrochemical properties and Stability of Sr0.7Ce0.3MnO3-d-based Electrodes in Contact with Single Crystal and Ceramic Membranes of Stabilized ZrO2"


    UMNIK award
    PhD student Ivanov A.I. received the "U.M.N.I.K." award for the project "Synthesis and characterization of catalytically-active protective layers for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells"


    Scientific reports
    PhD student Ivanov A.I. made 2 reports titled as "Synthesis and characterization of catalytically-active protective layers for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells" and "Synthesis and functional properties of mixed ionic-electronic conductors with perovskite- and fluorite-like structures for utilization as SOFC electrodes"


    Scientific council approval
    PhD student Ivanov's A.I. thesis title "Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductors with Perovskite- and Fluorite-Like Structures for SOFC Electrodes" was approved by the Scientific Council of ISSP RAS


    Scientific report
    V.A. Kolotygin made a report at the Scientific Council of ISSP RAS "Physico-chemical and thermomechanical properties of LaCrO3-, La(Ti,Mn)O3- and Sr(Nb,Mn)O3-based perovskite-like oxides as SOFC anodes"


    Interlaboratory seminar
    V.A. Kolotygin made a report at the interlaboratory seminar "Analysis of physicochemical and thermomechanical properties of perovskite-like oxide materials as SOFC anodes"


    224 GLK rebuilt
    The laboratory room 224 GLK is now being rebuilt for installation of the thermal analysis and materials processing equipment.
