www.issp.ac.ru ENG
  • Name

    Andrei Mazilkin

    Date of birth

    October 6, 1965

    Place of birth

    Zhigulyovsk, Samara District , Russia

    Marital S tatus

    Married since


    Institute of Solid State Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432, Chernogolovka, Moscow Distr. , Russia


    +7 (095) 993 – 27 – 55

    F ax

    +7 (096) 576 – 41 – 11

    E- mail


    Scientific background

    1983 – 1989 Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys ( Technical University ) in Materials Science and Metal Physics

    Degrees obtained

    1989 – Engineer in physical metallurgy 1998 – Ph. D. in Solid State Physics

    Professional background

    1989 – 1992 – research probationer 1992 – 1997 – junior research scientist 1997 – till now – research scientist at the Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences , Chernogolovka


    Russian (mother language) English (fluent) German (poor)

    Research interests

    Severe plastic deformation, sub-microcrystalline materials, phase transformations, b.c.c. metal single crystals

    1. Pronina, L.N., Mazilkin, A.A., Aristova, I.M., Features of Recovery in Rolled Tungsten Single Crystals of a Various Purity. Journal of Advanced Materials, 2000, v. 32, No 2, 48 – 52

    2. Замалин Е.Ю., Боднарь О.Б., Бдикин И.К., Мазилкин А.А., Аристова И.М., Диффузия азота и фазовые превращения в приповерхностной области ионно-легированного монокристаллического молибдена, Поверхность. Рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования, 2003, №5, 104 – 107.

    3. Мазилкин А.А., Пронина Л.Н., Аристова И.М., Закономерности пластической деформации монокристаллов ОЦК металлов, Материаловедение, 2003, №10, с.32 – 35

    4. Пронина Л.Н., Аристова И.М., Мазилкин А.А., Особенности процессов полигонизации в прокатанных (001)[110] монокристаллах вольфрама высокой чистоты, ФТТ, 2004, 46, 1018–1020.

    5. M.M. Myshlyaev , A.A. Mazilkin and M.M. Kamalov, Features of Microstructure and Phase State in an Al – Li Alloy after ECA Pressing and High Strain Rate Superplastic Flow, 2004, In: Nanomaterials by severe plastic deformation. Zehetbauer MJ, Valiev RZ, editors. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2004; 734–739.

    6. А.А. Мазилкин, М.М. Камалов, М.М. Мышляев, Структура и фазовый состав сплава Al - Mg - Li - Zr в условиях высокоскоростной сверхпластичности, ФТТ, 2004, 46, 1416–1421.

    7. B . B . Straumal , B . Baretzky , A . A . Mazilkin , F . Phillipp , O . A . Kogtenkova , M . N . Volkov , R . Z . Valiev , Formation of nanograined structure and decomposition of supersaturated solid solution during high pressure torsion of Al – Zn and Al – Mg alloys , Acta Materialia , 2004, 52, 4469–4478


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