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© Song Ltd
Moscow and Chernogolovka

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NIK-2 (song 9316)

The setup “Nik-2” (song 9316) has been designed to manufacture heat- and corrosion-resistant long-dimensional conductors coated with silver, nickel/silver and other metals. These coatings are used in industries producing cables and incandescent lamps. The coatings are deposited by vacuum magnetron sputtering. The setup construction realizes some “know-how” and original engineering solutions protected by the Russian inventor’s certificate and FRG analog-patent
no. 43 33 825.

 The setup and techniques provide the following advantages over conventional methods

Ecologically pure production
Silver savings to 40%
Low energy consumption
Versatility of operation with metals
High efficiency
Excellent coating quality
Simplicity and low cost of exploration

Technical Specifications:

Power supply 3-phase alternating current at 380 V and 50Hz
Maximum electric power not more than 60 kW
Setup control computer control by one operator
Output capacity for conductor 40 kg per 8 hrs
Cold water consumption 550 -50 l/h, 20-22o C
Hot (80-90o C) water consumption 200 -50 l/h
Dried (4-6 bar) air consumption  0.2 m3/h
Setup overall dimensions 3300x5950x20450 mm
Setup weight 6000 kg