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11 декабря 2024 (среда), 14-00, в конф.зале

1. K.A.Gavrilicheva, O.I.Barkalov, and V.D.Sedykh
“La0.5Sr0.5FeO3–γ Ferrite Studied by Raman


2. Aksenov O.I., Bozhko S.I., Fuks A.A., Aronin A.S.
“Observation of zigzag domains in the surface layer of Fe-based microwires by magnetic force microscopy”

3. Aksenov O.I., Bozhko S.I., Fuks A.A., Aronin A.S.
“The effect of non-uniform quenching on the surface domain structure of amorphous Fe-based microwires”

4. Aksenov O.I., Bozhko S.I., Fuks A.A., Aronin A.S.
“Magnetic-Domain Structure of Iron-Based Microwires after Removal of the Glass Shell by Chipping and Chemical Etching”

(статьи в печать)