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Mesoscopic and strongly correlated electron systemsI.F. Schegolev Memorial Conference Low-Dimensional Metallic and Superconducting SystemsOctober 1116, 2009, Chernogolovka, Russia |
Morning Session:
Organic Metals and Superconductors I
Chair: E.Yagubskii
09.00 09.15 Conference opening.
09.15 09.50 Serguei Brazovski. Ferroelectricity in Organic and Polymeric Conductors.
09.50 10.25 Gunji Saito. Development of Organic Conductors and Superconductors.
10.25 11.00 Joachim Wosnitza. Electronic properties of quasi-two-dimensional organic superconductors.
11.00 11.20 Coffee break
Chair: S.Brazovskii
11.20 11.50 James Brooks. Review of recent NMR, Mossbauer, and magnetotransport investigations of magnetic and electronic ground states in organic conductors.
11.50 12.25 Kazushi Kanoda. Spin liquid in triangular-lattice organic Mott insulator.
12.25 13.00 Jaume Veciana. Electron tunneling studies across switchable and bistable surfaces made by self-assembling electroactive polychlorotriphenylmethyl radicals.
13.00 14.00 Lunch
Afternoon Session:
Magnetic Molecular Conductors
Chair: R.Shibaeva
14.00 14.35 Peter Day. Molecular organic-inorganic layer compounds as electronic functional materials.
14.35 15.10 Eugenio Coronado Miralles. Molecular design of Magnetic (super)conductors.
15.10 15.45 Masahiro Yamashita. Electrical Conductivities and Kondo Peak of Single-Molecule Quantum Magnets.
15.45 16.00 Coffee break
Novel Superconductors I
Chair: P.Muller
16.00 16.35 Hiroyoshi Nobukane. Parity violation in a chiral single domain Sr2 RuO4 : Implication of Majorana fermions.
16.35 17.10 Alexei Koshelev. Disorder-Induced Subgap States in Superconductors with Sign-Changing Order Parameter.
17.10 17.45 Yukio Tanaka. Topological edge states in superconducting systems.
17.45 18.15 James Valles. Experiments on a Cooper Pair Insulator.
19.00 Welcome party
Morning Session:
Digital and Quantum Josephson Circuits - I
Chair: A.Ustinov
09.00 09.35 Oleg Astafiev. Quantum optics with artificial quantum systems.
09.35 10.10 Dmitri Averin. Low-frequency noise and quantum measurements of superconducting flux qubits.
10.10 10.45 Miroslav Grajcar. Sisyphus cooling and pumping of linear oscillator by superconducting qubit.
10.45 11.05 Coffee break
Chair: D.Averin
11.05 11.35 Eugenii Ilichev. Losses in Coplanar Waveguide Resonators at Millikelvin temperatures.
11.35 12.10 Timothy Duty. Phase-flip transitions and amplification in a parametric oscillator based upon a SQUID-tunable microwave resonator.
12.10 12.45 Alexey Ustinov. Josephson junction as a tool to manipulate microscopic two-level systems
13.00-14.00 Lunch
Afternoon Session:
Digital and Quantum Josephson Circuits - II
Chair: O.Astafiev
14.00 14.35 Vasili Semenov. Reversible computing with nSQUID arrays
14.35 15.10 Marat Khabipov. Application of phase shifters in superconducting digital circuits
Superconducting Hybrid Structures - I
15.10 15.40 Jan Aarts. Domain walls and triplets in S/F structures.
15.40 16.15 Vladislav Korenivski. Spin Transport in Metallic and Superconducting Nano-devices.
16.15 16.30 Coffee break
Chair: V.Ryazanov
16.30 17.00 Anatoli Sidorenko. Double Re-Entrant Superconductivity in SF-Hybrids.
17.00 17.30 Tristan Cren. Ultimate Vortex Confinement Studied by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy.
17.30 18.05 Vitalii Vlasko-Vlasov. Combined domain structures and tunable electromagnetic response of superconducting/ferromagnetic hybrids.
19.00 Posters and Round table
Morning Session:
Superconducting Hybrid Structures II
Chair: A.Sidorenko
09.00 09.30 Mikhail Kupriyanov. Spin valve effects in superconductor/ferromagnetic devices.
09.30 10.05 Yakov Fominov. Effective spin-flip scattering in diffusive superconducting proximity systems with magnetic disorder.
10.05 10.40 Yuri Latyshev. Interlayer tunneling spectroscopy of charge density wave materials and graphite in pulsed magnetic fields
10.40 11.00 Coffee break
Chair: M.Kartsovnik
11.00 11.35 Mikhail Skvortsov. Proximity-induced superconductivity in graphene.
Novel Superconductors II
11.35 12.10 Stefano Gariglio. Mapping the phase diagram of the LaAlO3 /SrTiO3 interface using the electric field effect.
12.10 12.45 Gennadiy Logvenov. High-temperature interface superconductivity.
12.45-14.00 Lunch
Afternoon Session:
Organic Metals and Superconductors II
Chair: P.Day
14.00 14.35 Arzhang Ardavan. Fluctuating and unconventional superconductivity in organic molecular metals.
14.35 15.10 Patrick Batail. Charge Ordering in the Quarter-Filled Band Mott Insulators and High Pressure Metals d-(EDT-TTF-CONMe2 )2 X, X = Br and AsF6
15.10 15.45 Jean-Paul Pouget. Charge ordering in quasi-one dimensional organic conductors
15.45 16.10 Elena Laukhina. From molecular organic conductors to a new generation of flexible high sensitive strain sensors.
16.10 16.25 Coffee break
Chair: G.Saito
16.25 17.00 Keizo Murata. What is found in TTF-TCNQ, TSeF-TCNQ and HMTSeF-TCNQ under Extreme Pressure and in High Magnetic Field?
17.00 17.35 Akiko Kobayashi. Single-component Molecular Conductors [M(tmdt)2] : New p-d System with Strong Three- dimensionality (M =Ni, Pt, Au and Cu ; tmdt = trimethylenetetrathiafulvalenedithiolate)
17.35 18.10 Hayao Kobayashi. Possibilities of Pressure-induced Metallization of Molecular Crystals, TMTTeN and [Ni(ptdt)2 ] and Anomalous Phase Transitions of Molecular Conductors Based on Transition Metal Complex Molecules with Extended-TTF Ligands
Morning Session:
Generation and Detection of Terahertz Waves by Superconducting Structures - I
Chair: M.Gaifullin
09.00 09.35 Valery Koshelets. Superconducting Integrated Terahertz Spectrometer for Atmosphere Monitoring and Radio Astronomy
09.35 10.10 Vladimir Krasnov. Phonon lasing in stacked intrinsic Josephson junctions.
10.10 10.45 Gregory Goltsman. Superconducting NbN hot electron bolometer mixer, direct detector and single-photon counter.
11.00 Excursion to Moscow
Morning Session:
Organic Metals and Superconductors III
Chair: R.Lyubovskaya
09.00 09.35 Andras Janossy. Confinement of spin diffusion to single molecular layers in layered organic conductor crystals
09.35 10.00 Rustem Lyubovskii. Magnetic oscillations in the 2D network of compensated coupled orbits of the quasi-two-dimensional organic metals (BEDT-TTF)8[Hg4X12(C6H5Y)2], where X,Y=Cl, Br
Novel Superconductors III
10.00 10.30 Alexander Golubov. Odd-frequency pairing in superconducting heterostructures.
10.30 10.45 Coffee break
Chair: V.Krasnov
10.45 11.20 Alexander Kordyuk. Electrons in cuprates: view by ARPES.
11.20 11.55 Mark Kartsovnik. Probing the Fermi surface of an electron-doped cuprate superconductor by high field magnetotransport.
11.55 12.30 Paul Muller. Tuning superconductivity by carrier injection.
12.30 13.05 Nikolai Zhigadlo. Single crystals of FeAs-based superconductors: growth, structure and physical properties.
13.05-14.05 Lunch
Afternoon Session.
Chair: A.Kordyuk
14.05 14.40 Alexander Boris. Charge dynamics in multi-band FeAs-based superconductors.
14.40 15.10 Lev Vinnikov. Vortex Structure in Superconducting Iron Pnictide Single Crystals.
15.10 15.45 Ruslan Prozorov. Electromagnetic Response in Iron-based Pnictide Superconductors.
15.45 16.00 Coffee break
Chair: A.Koshelev
16.10 16.45 Makariy Tanatar. Anisotropy of the normal and superconducting states in iron arsenide Ba(Fe1-x Cox )2 As2
Generation and Detection of Terahertz Waves by Superconducting Structures - II
16.45 17.20 Marat Gaifullin. External synchronisation Josephson oscillations in intrinsic stack of junctions under microwave irradiation and c-axis magnetic field.
17.20 17.55 Ulrich Welp. Terahertz radiation from intrinsic Josephson junctions
19.00 Barbecue party
Morning Session:
Quantum Phase Transitions
Chair: M.Feigelman
09.00 09.30 Maoz Ovadia. The superconductor-insulator transition: is there a new insulating state?
09.30 10.05 Claude Chapelier. STM on highly disordered superconducting films.
10.05 10.40 Tatiana Baturina. Vortex-Charge duality in two-dimensions: Superconducting and Superinsulating transitions in ultrathin critically disordered TiN films
10.40 10.55 Coffee break
Chair: P.Batail
10.55 11.30 Mikhail Feigel'man. Pseudogapped superconductivity near mobility edge.
11.30 12.05 Vladimir Pudalov. Metal-Insulator Transition in 2D: recent progress.
Organic Metals and Superconductors IV
12.05 12.30 Vladimir Zverev. Crystal structure, T-P phase diagram and magnetotransport properties of new organic metal k-(BETS)2Mn(N(CN)2)3
12.30 12.50 Roman Morgunov. Charge Order-Disorder Phase Transition in a'-(BEDT-TTF)2IBr2 detected by EPR
12.50 13.10 Dmitrii Konarev. The design of ionic complexes of fullerenes manifesting high conductivity and magnetic interactions
13.10 Closing of the Conference.