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Избранные публикации
- М.А.Хорошева, В.И.Орлов, Н.В.Абросимов, В.В.Кведер «Определение неравновесной концентрации вакансий в кристаллах кремния по измерению концентрации атомов никеля в узлах решетки» ЖЭТФ, 137(5), 879-885 (2010)
- V. Yu. Aristov, O. V. Molodtsova, C. Laubschat, V. M. Zhilin, I. M. Aristova, V. V. Kveder, M. Knupfer «Properties of hybrid organic-inorganic systems: Au nanoparticles embedded into an organic CuPc matrix» APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 97, 113103 (2010)
- D. Abdelbarey, V. Kveder, W. Schr?ter, M. Seibt «Light-induced point defect reactions of residual iron in crystalline silicon after aluminum gettering»JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 108, 043519 (2010)
- Michael Seibt , Reda Khalil, Vitaly Kveder , Wolfgang Schr?ter «Electronic states at dislocations and metal silicide precipitates in crystalline silicon and their role in solar cell materials» Applied Physics A , 96, 235-253 (DOI 10.1007/s00339-008-5027-8) (2009)
- D. Abdelbarey, V. Kveder, W. Schroeter, M. Seibt «Aluminum gettering of iron in silicon as a problem of the ternary phase diagram» APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 94, 061912 (2009)
- M. Seibt, D. Abdelbarey, V. Kveder, C. Rudolf, P. Saring, L. Stolze, O. Voss«Interaction of metal impurities with extended defects in crystalline silicon and its implications for gettering techniques used in photovoltaics» Materials Science and Engineering B, 159-60, 264-268 (doi:10.1016/j.mseb.2008.12.044) (2009)
- Bredikhin Ivan, Sergey Bredikhin and Vitaly Kveder «Optimization of the Charge Transfer Process in Composite Ni/YSZ Cermet Anodes» ECS Transactions, 25 (2) 1967-1974 (2009)
- V. Kveder, V. Orlov, M. Khorosheva, M. Seibt «Influence of the dislocation travel distance on the DLTS spectra of dislocations in Cz-Si» Solid State Phenomena, Vols.131-133, pp. 175-181 (2008)
- V.Kveder, M.Kittler «Dislocations in Silicon and D-band Luminescence for Infrared Light Emitters» "Advances in Light Emitting Materials" ed. H.Grimmeiss and Monemar, Trans Tech Publications Ltd, to be published (2008)
- Ivan Bredikhin, S.Bredikhin, A.Aronin, V.Sinitsyn, V.Kveder «SOFC anode performance enhancement through nano-structured heterojunction formation» Proceedings of the 8th EUROPEAN SOFC FORUM, to be published (2008)
- O. Voss, V.V. Kveder, M. Seibt «Electrical properties of gold in dislocated silicon» phys.stat.sol.(a), 204, 2185-2189 (2007)
- N.N.Kolesnikov, E.B.Borisenko, D.N.Borisenko, V.V.Kveder, R.B.James «Recrystallization in ceramic material fabricated from Cd1-xZnxTe» Proc. SPIE, 6706, 67061B (2007)
- N.N.Kolesnikov, E.B.Borisenko, D.N.Borisenko, V.V.Kveder, R.B.James «Влияние отжига на структуру и эксплуатационные свойства Cd1-xZnxTe из нанопорошка» Деформация и разрушение материалов, 12, с. 38-42 (2007)
- Колесников Н. Н., Е. Б. Борисенко, Д. Н. Борисенко, В. В. Кведер, В. К. Гартман, Б. А. Гнесин «Фазовый переход вюрцит-сфалерит при холодном прессовании нанокристаллических порошков CdTe и Cd1-xZnxTe» Журнал функциональных материалов, 1, 72-74 (2007)
- M. Seibt, A. Sattler, C. Rudolf, O.Vo?, V. Kveder, W. Schroeter «Gettering in Silicon Photovoltaics: Current State and Future Perspectives» phys. stat. sol. (a), 203, 696–713 (2006)
- Колесников Н. Н., Е. Б. Борисенко, Д. Н. Борисенко, В. В. Кведер, В. К. Гартман, А. В. Тимонина «Керамические материалы из нанокристаллов Cd1-xZnxTe» Deformation and Fracture of Materials, 1, 394-397 (2006)
- M. Badylevich, V. Kveder, V. Orlov, Yu. Osipyan «Influence of magnetic field on the unlocking stress for dislocation motion in Cz-Si depending on pre-annealing time» Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 108-109 pp. 163-168 (2005)
- S.K.Brantov, V.V.Kveder, N.N.Kuznetzov and V.I.Orlov «Silicon Layers Grown On Siliconized Carbon Net: Producing And Properties» Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 108-109 pp. 503-508 (2005)
- M. Badylevich, V. Kveder, V. Orlov, Yu. Osipyan «Spin – resonant change of unlocking stress for dislocations in silicon» Phys. Stat. Sol, 2, No.6, pp. 1869-1872 (2005)
- V. Kveder, M. Badylevich, W.Schr?ter, M. Seibt, E. Steinman, A. Izotov «Silicon light-emitting diodes based on dislocation-related luminescence» phys. stat. sol. (a), 202, No. 5, 901–910 (2005)
- R. Khalil, V. Kveder, W. Schroter, M. Seibt «Early stages of iron precipitation in silicon» phys. stat. sol. (c), 2, 1802-1806 (2005)
- M.Seibt, V. Kveder, W.Schroter, O.Voss «Structural and electrical properties of metal impurities at dislocations in silicon» phys. stat. sol. (a), 202, No. 5, 911–920 (2005)
- O. Voss, V. V. Kveder, W. Schroter, M. Seibt «Electrical Properties of Gold at Dislocations in Silicon» phys. stat. sol. (c), 2, 1847-1852 (2005)
- «Nonmonotonic Variation of the Electrical Conductivity of C60 Fullerene Crystals Dynamically Compressed to 300 kbar as Evidence of Anomalously Strong Reduction of the Energy Barrier of C60 Polymerizati» , (2005)
- N.N.Kolesnikov, V.V.Kveder, E.B.Borisenko, D.N.Borisenko, B.A.Gnesin, R.B.James «Structure and properties of CdTe ceramics produced through nanopowder compaction» Journal of Crystal Growth, 285, 339-344 (2005)
- M. Badylevich, Yu. Iunin., V. Kveder, V. Orlov, Yu. Osipyan «Influence Magnetic Field on the Critical Stress and Dislocation Mobility in Silicon» Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 95-96, pp. 433-438. (2004)
- V.Kveder, V.Badylevich, E.Steinman, A.Izotov, M.Seibt, W.Schr?ter «Silicon light emitting diodes based on dislocation luminescemce» Appl.Phys.Lett, 84 (12) 2106 (2004)
- D.N.Borisenko, N.N.Kolesnikov, M.P.Kulakov, V.V.Kveder «Kinetics of the Carbon Nanomaterials Oxidation» International Journal of Nanoscience, 3, 355-369 (2004)
- Бадылевич М.В., Иунин Ю.Л., Кведер В.В., Орлов В.И., Осипьян Ю.А. «Изменение подвижности индивидуальных дислокаций в кремнии стимулированное магнитным полем. ЖЭТФ» ЖЭТФ, том 124, вып. 3(9), стр. 664-669 (2003)
- M.V.Badylevich, Yu.L.Iunin., V.V.Kveder, V.I.Orlov, Yu.A.Osipyan «Effect of a Magnetic Field on the Starting Stress and Mobility of Individual Dislocations in Silicon» JETP, 97, 601-605 (2003)
- V.Kveder, W.Schroter, M.Seibt, A.Sattler «Electrical Activity of Dislocations in Si Decorated by N» Solid State Phenomena, 82-84, 361-366 (2002)
- Wolfgang Schroter Vitaly Kveder, Henrik Hedemann «Electrical Effects of Point Defect Clouds at Dislocations in Silicon Studied by Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy» Solid State Phenomena, 82-84, 213-218 (2002)
- M.Seibt, A.Doller, V.Kveder, A.Sattler, A.Zozime «Platinum Silicide Precipitate Formation during Phosphorus Diffusion Gettering in Silicon» Solid State Phenomena, 82-84, 411-416 (2002)
- Yu.A. Osip’yan, V.E. Fortov, K.L.Kagan, VV. Kveder, V.I. Kulakov, A.N.Kur’yanchik, R.K.Nikolaev, V.I.Postnov, N.S.Sidorov «Conductivity of C60 Fullerene Crystals under Dynamic Compression up to 200 kbar» JETP Letters, 75 (11), 563–565 (2002)
- Wolfgang Schroter ,Henrik Hedemann ,Vitaly Kveder and Frank Riedel «Measurements of energy spectra of extended defects» J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 14, 13047–13059 (2002)
- V.Kveder, M.Kittler, W.Schroeter «Temperature dependence of the recombination activity at contaminated dislocations in Si: A model describing the different EBIC contrast behaviour» Phys.Rev.B, 63, 115208 (2001)
- R.A.Dilanyan, S.S.Khasanov, S.I.Bredikhin, A.F.Gurov, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osip'yan, and A.I.Shalynin «Phase Transitions and the Structure of the C60 Crystal Doped with Lithium by Electrodiffusion» JETP, 93, 1239 (2001)
- В.В.Кведер, Э.А.Штейнман, Р.Н.Любовская, С.А.Омельченко, Ю.А.Осипьян «Магнитные свойства кристаллов молекулярного комплекса фуллерена C60 с органическим донором 9,9'-транс-бис теллуроксантинил (BTX)» Письма ЖЭТФ, т.74, в.8,стр.422 (2001)
- С.В.Авдеев, А.В.Баженов, Р.А.Диланян, А.И.Иванов, А.Н.Изотов, А.В.Калмыков, В.В.Кведер, Е.В.Марков, В.П.Никитский, Р.К.Николаев, Ю.А.Осипьян, Г.И.Падалко, Н.С.Сидоров, Э.А.Штейнман «Оптические измерения на монокристаллах С60 выращенных в условиях микрогравитации» Поверхность, №9, с73 (2001)
- V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, R.N.Lyubovskaya, S.A.Omel’chenko, Yu.A.Osipyan «Magnetic Properties of Crystals of the Molecular Complex between Fulleren C60 and an Organic Donor 9’9-trans-bis(telluraxanthenil)» JETP Letters, 74(8), 422-424 (2001)
- S.Bredikhin, S.Scharner , M.Klinger, V.Kveder, B.Red'kin, W.Weppner «Nonstoichiometry and electrocoloration due to injection of Li+ and O2- ions into lithium niobate crystals» Journal of Applied Physics, 88(10), 5687-5694 (2000)
- D.V.Dyachenko-Decov, Yu.L.Iunin, A.N.Izotov, V.V.Kveder, R.K.Nikolaev, V.I.Orlov, Yu.A.Ossipyan, N.S.Sidorov, E.A.Steinman «Possible Polimerisation at Dislocations in C60 Crystals» Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 222, 111-119 (2000)
- V.Kveder, W.Schroeter, A.Sattler, M.Seibt «Simulation of Al and phosphorus-diffusion gettering in Si» Materials Science and Engineering, B71, 175-181 (2000)
- S.Bredikhin, S.Scharner, M.Klingler,V.Kveder. B.Red'kin W. Weppner «Peculiarity of O and Li electrodiffusion into lithium niobate single crystals» Solid State Ionics, 135, 737-742 (2000)
- E.A.Steinman , V.V.Kveder, D.V.Konarev, Wang Qin, and H.G.Grimmeiss «Charge transfer state of novel molecular complex C26H18Te2 / C60 / CS2 detected in Single Crystals by photoluminescence and ESR» Chem.Phys. Lett, (2000)
- E.A.Steinman, S.V.Avdeev, V.B.Efimov, A.I.Ivanov, A.N.Izotov, A.V.Kalmykov, V.V.Kveder, E.V.Markov, V.P.Nikitskii, R.K.Nikolaev, Yu.A.Ossipyan, G.I.Padalko, N.S.Sidorov, A.V.Baxhenov, R.A.Dilanyan, an «Optical Characteristics of C60 Single Crystals Grown in Microgravity Conditions» J.of Low Temp.Phys, (2000)
- S.Bredikhin, V.Kveder, A.Shalynin, R.Nikolaev Yu.Ossipyan «Peculiarity of lithium electrodiffusion into fullerides single crustals.» Journal of Ionics, 6, N 5-6, p.187-195 (2000)
- W.Schroeter, V.Kveder, M.Seibt, H.Ewe, H.Hedemann, F.Riedel, A.Sattler «Atomic structure and electronic states of nickel and copper silicides in silicon» Materials Science&Engineering, B72, 80-86 (2000)
- M.Seibt, A.Doller, V.Kveder, A.Sattler, A.Zozime «Phosphorus Diffusion Gettering of Platinum in Silicon: Formation of Near-Surface Precipitates» Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 222, 327-336 (2000)
- M. Kittler, V.V. Kveder, W. Schroter «Temperature dependence of the recombination activity at contaminated dislocations in Si: A model describing the different EBIC contrast behaviour» Solid State Phenomena, 69, 417-422 (1999)
- A.V. Bazhenov, S.I. Bredikhin, V.V. Kveder, Yu.A. Ossipyan, R.K. Nikolaev, T.N. Fursova, A.I.Shalynin «Electronic properties of C60 single crystals doped with lithium by electrodiffusion» JETP, 89(5), 923-932 (1999)
- E.A.Steinman, V.V.Kveder, V.I.Vdovin, and H.G.Grimmeiss «he origin and efficiency of dislocation luminescence in Si and its possible application in optoelectronics» Solid State Phenomena, vols.69-70, p.23 (1999)
- A.N.Izotov, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipyan, E.A.Steinman, R.K.Nikolaev, N.S.Sidorov «Features of the optical absorption of crystals of the fullerene C60 in the region of the orientational phase transition» JETP, 87(6), 1205-1213 (1998)
- A.V.Bazhenov, V.V.Kveder, A.A.Maksimov, I.I.Tartakovskii, R.A.Oganyan, Yu.A.Ossipyan, A.I.Shalynin «Raman scattering of light and IR absorption in carbon nanotubes» JETP, 86(5), 1030-1034 (1998)
- V.V. Kveder, V.D. Negrii, E.A. Steinman, A.N. Izotov, Yu.A. Osipyan, R.K. Nikolaev «Long-lived excited states and photoluminescence excitation spectra in single crystals of fullerene C60» JETP, 86(2), 405-411 (1998)
- V. V.Kveder, V.Negrii, E.Steinman, A.Izotov, Yu.Ossipyan, and R. Nikolaev «Долгоживущие возбужденные состояния и спектры возбуждения фотолюминесценци в монокристаллах фуллерена С60» JETP, 86, 405 (1998)
- V.D.Negrii, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Ossipyan, I.N.Kremenskaya, R.K.Nikolaev «Transformations of PL spectra in C60 crystals under laser irradiation at low temperature» Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 199, 587-595 (1997)
- V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, B.J.Narymbetov, L.P.Rozenberg, S.S.Khasanov, R.P.Shibaeva, A.V.Bazhenov, A.V.Gorbunov, M.Yu.Maksimuk, D.V.Konarev, R.N.Lubovskaya, and Yu.A.Osipyan «Crystal Structure and Photoluminescence of Single Crystals of Fullerene - 9,9'-trans-bis(telluraxanthenyl) Molecular Complex C26H18Te2*C60*CS2» Chem.Physics, 216, 407-415 (1997)
- E.A. Steinman Kveder, V.V., A.V. Bazhenov , R.N. Lyubovskaya Yu.A. Ossipyan, and H.G.Grimmeiss «Photoluminescence of single crystals of fullerene--9,9_'_-{\it trans}-bis (telluraxanthenyl) molecular complex: C26H18Te2\C60\CS2» Proceedings of ECS, v.4 pp.1200-1205 (1997)
- V.V.Kveder, A.I.Shalynin, E.A.Steinman, A.N.Izotov «The Effect of Dislocation on the g-Tenzor of Holes in Dislocation Related 1D Energy Band in Si» Solid State Phenomena, 57-58, 299-304 (1997)
- E.A.Steinman, V.V.Kveder, H.G.Grimmeiss «The Mechanisms and Application of Dislocation Related Radiation for Silicon Based Light Sources» Solid State Phenomena, 47-48 pp.217-222 (1996)
- V.V.Kveder, A.I.Shalynin, E.A.Shteinman, and A.N.Izotov «Influence of the splitting of dislocations on the g factor of holes in one-dimensional dislocation band» JETP, 83 (4), 829 (1996)
- V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss «Dislocation related Electroluminescence at Room Temperature in Plastically Deformed Silicon» Solid State Phenomena, 47-48 pp. 419-424 (1996)
- V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss «The investigation of relaxation in strained Si1-xGex /Si epilayers using photoluminescence» J.Appl.Phys, 78 (1), 446 (1995)
- V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, S.A.Shevchenko, H.G.Grimmeiss «Dislocation related electroluminescence at room temperature in plastically deformed silicon» Phys.Rev. B, 51(16), 10520-10526 (1995)
- V.Kveder, T.Sekiguchi, K.Sumino «Electronic states associated with dislocations in p-type silicon studied by means of electric-dipole-spin-resonance and deep-level-transient-spectroscopy» Phys.Rev. B, 51(23), 16721-16727 (1995)
- V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman, H.G.Grimmeiss «Photoluminescence studies of relaxation processes in strained Si1-xGex/Si epilayers» J.Appl.Phys, 78 No1, 446 (1995)
- N.T.Bagraev, E.V.Vladimirskaya, V.E.Gasumyants, V.I.Kaidanov, V.V.Kveder, L.E.Klyachkin, A.M.Malyarenko, A.I.Shalynin «Strong charge correlations in p+ quantum wells on the surface of n-type silicon» Phys.Solid.State, 37(10), 1655-1658 (1995)
- N.T.Bagraev, L.E.Klyachkin, A.M.Malyarenko, E.I.Chaikina, E.V.Vladimirskaya, V.E.Gasumyants, V.I.Kaidanov, V.V.Kveder, A.I.Shalynin «Metal-insulator transition in strongly doped p+ quantum wells on a n-type silicon surface» Semiconductors, 29(12), 1112-1124 (1995)
- T.Sekiguchi, V.V.Kveder, K.Sumino «Hydrogen effect on the optical activity of dislocations in silicon introduced at room temperature» J. Appl. Phys, 76(12), 7882-7888 (1994)
- T.R.Mchedlidze, V.V.Kveder, J.Jablonski, K.Sumino «Electric-Dipole Spin Resonance Study on Extended Defects in Czochralski-Grown Silicon Developed by Thermal Treatment» Phys.Rev.B, 50(3), 1511 (1994)
- V.A.Chesnakov, V.V.Kveder «Formation and growth of lead dendrites in PbF2 during direct current flow» JETP Lett, 58, 210-214 (1993)
- P.Omling, V.Kveder, B.K.Meyer, K.Oettinger, U.Kaufmann, O.Kordina «Optically detected magnetic-resonance observervation of spin-dependent interdefect electron transfer in GaP:(V,S) system» Phys.Rev.B, 47(19), 12527-12531 (1993)
- V.V.Kveder, E.A.Steinman «Influence of Microwave Heating on Dislocation Photoluminescence in Plastically Deformed Germanium» Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 138, 625-630 (1993)
- A.Bazhenov, V.Kveder, L.Krasilnikova, K.Rezchikov «Far-Infrared Absorption on Dislocations in Plastically Deformed p-Si» Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 137, 321-326 (1993)
- V.V.Kveder «Elictriv-Dipole Spin Resonance on Extended Defects in Silicon» Solid State Phenomena, 32-33, 279-290 (1993)
- V.V. Kveder, T.R. Mchedlidze «Anizotropy and Temperature Dependence of Electric-Dipole Spin Resonance on Dislocations in p-Si» JETP(rus), 102,174-186 (1992)
- V.V.Kveder, P.Omling, H.G.Grimmeiss, Yu.A.Osipian «Optically detected magnetic resonance of dislocations in silicon» Phys.Rev.B, 43(8),6569-6572 (1991)
- V.V. Kveder, M.R. Mkrtchan, A.I. Shalynin «Problem of microwave absorption in a high-temperature superconducting ceramic in a magnetic field» Solid State Physics (Russian), 33(4),1226-1237 (1991)
- M.Wattenbach, C.Kisielowski-Kemmerich, H.Alexander, V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian «Electric-dipole spin resonance of dislocations in plastically deformed p-type silicon» Phys.Stat.Sol., 158, K49-K53 (1990)
- V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Investigation of one-dimensional defects in Si using the EDSR» in Defect Control in Semicond., K.Sumino (ed.), Elsevier Sci.Publ. B.V. (North-Holland), p.1417-1422 (1990)
- V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Relationship between a combined resonance in plastically deformed n-type silicon with a dislocation structure» Solid State Physics (Russian), 32(8), 2224-2229 (1990)
- V.V.Kveder, A.E.Koshelev, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Temperature dependence of conduction by reconstructed dislocations in silicon and nonlinear effects» Sov.Phys.JETP, 68(1), 104-108 (1989)
- V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Conductivity along dislocations: temperature dependence and nonlinear effects. Combined resonance and structure peculiarities of plastically deformed silicon» Solid State Phenom, 6-7, 301-308 (1989)
- V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Characteristics of microwave losses in a super-conducting ceramic subjected to a magnetic field» JETP Lett.(Russian), 46(Suppl.), 176-179 (1987)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Spin-dependent recombination and conductivity as a method for investigation of dislocations in semiconductors» Izvesiya Acad. of Sci.USSR-Phys.Ser.(Russian), 51(4), 626-632 (1987)
- V.V.Kveder, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Combined electron resonance in a one-dimensional dislocation band» JETP (Russian), 93(4), 1470-1479 (1987)
- A.V.Bazhenov, V.V.Kveder, L.L.Krasilnikova, A.I.Shalynin «Light absorption due to deep dislocation states in silicon» Solid State Physics (Russian), 28(1), 230-234 (1986)
- V.V.Kveder, V.Ya.Kravchenko, T.R.Mchedlidze, Yu.A.Osipian, D.E.Khmelnizkii, A.I.Shalynin «Combined resonance at dislocations in silicon» JETP Lett. (Russian), 43(4), 202-205 (1986)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, I.R.Sagdeev, A.I.Shalynin, M.N.Zolotukhin «The effect of annealing and hydrogenation on the dislocation conduction in silicon» Phys. Stat.Sol.(a), 87, 657-665 (1985)
- V.V.Kveder, R.Labusch Yu.A.Osipian «Frequency dependence of the dislocation conduction in Ge and Si» Phys.Stat. Sol.(a), 92, 293-302 (1985)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Spin-dependent change in the RF photo conductivity of silicon crystals containing dislocations» JETP (Russian), 88(1), 309-317 (1985)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Interaction of hydrogen with dislocations in Si", p.395-398 in "Dislocations in Solids» Dislocations in Solids, p.395-398 (1985)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «The exodiffusion of hydrogen in dislocated crystalline silicon» Phys.Stat. Sol.(a), 84, 149-156 (1984)
- V.V.Aristov, M.N.Zolotukhin, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, I.I.Snighireva, I.I.Khodos «Comparative ESR and DLTS investigations of the annealing process of broken dislocation bonds in silicon» Fiz. Tverd. Tela (USSR), 26(5), 1412-1418 (1984)
- «Spin-dependent recombination at dislocation dangling bonds in Si» Phys.Stat. Sol.(a), (1983)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, I.R.Sagdeev, M.N.Zolotukhin «The Effect of annealing on the dislocation dissociation in plastically deformed silicon» Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 76, 485-491 (1983)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, W.Schroter, G.Zoth «On the energy spectrum of dislocations in silicon» Phys.Stat. Sol.(a), 72,701-713 (1982)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, M.N.Zolotukhin «Influence of hydrogen on dislocation donor and accepter states» JETP (Russian), 82(6), 2068-2075 (1982)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Spin-dependent recombination on dislocation dangling bonds in silicon» JETP (Russian), 83(2), 699-714 (1982)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, A.I.Shalynin «Investigation of spin-dependent recombination at dislocations in silicon» Fiz. & Tekh. Poluprovodn., 16(8), 1459-1461 (1982)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Investigation of dislocations in silicon by the ESR method» Fiz. & Tekh. Poluprovodn., 16(11), 1930-1933 (1982)
- V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipyan «Concerning the annealing of a dislocation EPR signal in silicon» Phys. Status Solidi B, 103(2), 519-528 (1981)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Investigation of dislocations in silicon by the photo-EPR method» JETP (Russian), 80(3), 1206-1216 (1981)
- V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian, M.N.Zolotukhin «Investigation of the dislocation spin system in silicon as model of one-dimensional spin chains» JETP (Russian), 81(1), 299-307 (1981)
1980 - 1960
- V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina, Yu.A.Osipian «The electronic instability in Si caused by dislocations» Solid State Physics (Russian), 22(2), 513-522 (1980)
- V.A. Grazhulis, V.V. Kveder, Yu.A.Osip'yan, Y.H.Lee, H.Kleinhenz, H. van Camp, C.P.Scholes, J.W.Corbett «ENDOR of a dislocation center in a deformed silicon» Phys. Lett. A, 66A (5), 398-400 (1978)
- V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina «Investigation of energy spectrum and kinetic phenomena in dislocated Si crystals (1)» Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 43, 407-415 (1977)
- V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina «Investigation of energy spectrum and kinetic phenomena in dislocated Si crystals (2. Microwave Conductivity)» Phys.Stat.Sol.(a), 44, 107-115 (1977)
- V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina, Yu.A.Osipian «Oscillations of conductance in silicon crystals with dislocations» Solid State Physics, 19(2), 585-588 (1977)
- V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, V.Yu.Mukhina, Yu.A.Osipian «The high frequency conductance of dislocations in silicon» JETP Lett, 24(3), 164-166 (1976)
- V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Influence of spin state of dislocations on the conductivity of silicon crystals» JETP Lett, 21(12), 708-711 (1975)
- V.V.Kveder, B.Ya.Kotyuzhanskii, L.A.Prozorova «Investigation of the beyond-threshold susceptibility in antiferromagnetuc MnCO3 and CsMnF3 in parametric excitation of spin waves» JETP, 19, 353 (1974)
- S.V.Broude, V.A.Grazhulis, V.V.Kveder, Yu.A.Osipian «Investigation of properties of the dislocational EPR spectra in silicon» JETP Lett, 39(4), 721-725 (1974)
- V.V.Kveder, B.Ya.Kotyuzhanski, L.A.Prozorova «Parametric excitation of spin waves in antiferromagnetic MnCO3» JETP, 36(6), 1165-1169 (1973)